Hukhuk.. sedey.... Arini rancang nak gi umah ustaz kat bm.... saja... rasa rindu lak kat ustaz ngan mak tam. Pagi tadik tepon mama, tanya mak tam ade umah tak.. mak tam kata dia ada kat alor staq... tak tau balik bila... esok pun dia tak berapa nak free sgt sbb sibuk kemas rumah/basuh ayam/buat pulut untuk raya... hmm... sedey gak.. tapi takdela kecewa kan... Adela sebab tu yang tak dapat nak jumpe ustaz ngan mak tam tu. Maybe not seeing them today is the best thing for both me and azeno... kan? Works of God... kita merancang aje.. Dia yang menentukan.
So, harini, secara automatik, terbatal la rancangan takmo datang skul. Isk.. mengadap pc jugak aku harini. Masalahnye, mind dah mmg takde nak buat kerja dah... ingat nak gi bm, nak blk raya... skang ni rasa nak gi penang pun ada jugak.... sbb Dan ada kat png until 1830. Tapi, kalau difikir dgn otak yang tak mamai, tak bleh aa gi penang... nanti smpi sana nak dekat kol 4. Dia mesti nak tido jap sebelum flight malam ni. If i'm there, he wouldnt get enough rest... tak pepasal lak landing kena tail lagi macam haritu... Ish.. selisih malaikat 44.... jangan ler jadik lagi... especially when he flies with "Cpt Jinx". Takpela honey... i'll see you when i get back to KL okay? uhuk..uhukk....
Isyy..takleh jadik ni.... ptg nih nak balik umah laa... dpt gak packing2 bag apa yang patut.. Arghhh.. bosannya dok skullll...... :p
Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Cant seem to do my work... last week energetic sangat buat kerja... this week.. i dunno... festive mood kot. Mengada betul. Got the tix back to kl already.. friday mornin.. sekali ngan diyana. Comin back here on tuesday... straight to last cekak class.
Aiyarkk.. Dr bad baru msg kat msn... dia reply to my nick Hehe.. Dia kata takyah la pegi.. byk lagi tempat lain boleh pergi... Muahahaa.. maluk! Okela.. time to change my nick! :p
Nothin else to write.... dah terbayang2 main2 ngan athirah.. sakat dia sampai dia nangis.. ikat rambut dia tocang dua.. amek gamba dia... layan dia cakap jerman.. hehehe.. syoknye... And... what's more... Dan had just sent me his roster... looks like he'll be off on 1st and 2nd raya! Yeayyy... leh gi dating on 2nd raya since korban dah tak jadi buat masa 1st raya.. buat on 2nd raya instead. So, Sat night balik kg tlg2 nenek apa yg patut.... lepas tu balik kl balik sbb nak g kubur n korban kat kl... pastu balik kg blk... and somehow, nak persuade mama blk kl balik as soon as possible.. kalau bleh blk mlm tu jugak.. lagik best.. smpt aa gi dinner ke hape.. hehe.. melampau betul.. if not pun blk monday morning la... huhhu... dapat gak aaa kuar kejap... jadikla..
So okie... just in case that i dont blog before going back, may everyone have a blessed Aidil Adha.... Selamat Hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
Aiyarkk.. Dr bad baru msg kat msn... dia reply to my nick
Nothin else to write.... dah terbayang2 main2 ngan athirah.. sakat dia sampai dia nangis.. ikat rambut dia tocang dua.. amek gamba dia... layan dia cakap jerman.. hehehe.. syoknye... And... what's more... Dan had just sent me his roster... looks like he'll be off on 1st and 2nd raya! Yeayyy... leh gi dating on 2nd raya since korban dah tak jadi buat masa 1st raya.. buat on 2nd raya instead. So, Sat night balik kg tlg2 nenek apa yg patut.... lepas tu balik kl balik sbb nak g kubur n korban kat kl... pastu balik kg blk... and somehow, nak persuade mama blk kl balik as soon as possible.. kalau bleh blk mlm tu jugak.. lagik best.. smpt aa gi dinner ke hape.. hehe.. melampau betul.. if not pun blk monday morning la... huhhu... dapat gak aaa kuar kejap... jadikla..
So okie... just in case that i dont blog before going back, may everyone have a blessed Aidil Adha.... Selamat Hari raya, maaf zahir batin.
Monday, January 26, 2004
Just got back from metting Dr K... Thank God he is such a supportive co-supervisor. He kept saying, "Dont worry.. saya mesti tolong awak punya. Saya nak bagi awak grad cepat. Projek ni can work..." Isk... bestla Dr ni... i need positive minded people like him to get me going... yah!yah! Chai yuk! Chai yuk!!
Yesterday, went to meet Dan in Penang in the afternoon, after going to the Cekak Seminar in the morning... We had the new XXL pizza. Hmm.. the taste of it is rather peculiar.. yet interesting... but, we both think that that was the 1st and the last XXL pizza we'd ever buy. We prefer the super supreme with everything on top... Hahaa.. there goes my diet. :p Dahla the combo came with Chicken Spaghetti Alfredo which was pretty good... Hmm.. sangatla diet nya.
Saturday, Nura's reception. It was a lovely occasion la, with so many people coming which seemed endless... (sampai 5pm pun org tak habis dtg lg). Some of our old mates came as well. But the best part of the day came later in the afternoon.. when preparing to get dirty and wash the dishes/pots and all.... Water War!!! I remember being dragged out of the house towards the backyard where water was contained for dishwashing and later i was wet all over because everyone poured water on me... all sorts of water.. dishwater la.. freshwater la.. even the iced orange drink from the kenduri.. gile sejuk.... Brrr.... everyone involved directly with the kenduri got splashed with water... memang fun gile nak mampus2.... too bad i dont have an underwater casing for the camera... kalau tak, boleh amek gambar... isk.. rugi. :p
Later that night, jadik mak andam la pulak for Nura.... ada ceremony kecik that night.. then makan2... (like ice cream, and chocs and pulut kuning... diet sungguh! :p) later at around 2300, aznor, azanie and nabil came to pick me up.. Tlg kak su kemas2 sikit, and then get home, terus tido.. really exhausted. The day before dah la stayed up late sbb inaikan Nura.. and i couldnt get much sleep... so, memang tak sedar dunia dah.. muekeke... kol 5.30 baru nak solat Isyak... bagus tak??
Mama, Fadzlee and Iza came on Friday.... stayed at Safira Country Club (accomodation paid by Uncle Ahmad.. tima kasih uncle!!) ... they all went back on Saturday after attending the reception. Sedih gak sbb i couldnt spend more time with them coz i had work to do at Nura's place kan... dah janji ngan parents Nura nak help out... kesian mama tak dpt jenjalan ke penang. Nvm, next time, during my convocation, we'll stay in penang longer.... (agak2nya, by that time i'll be married dah kot??? hehehe.. boleh tak ma??).
Alamakkk!! lupa.. i promised Dr K that i'd send him all the libraries of the codes!.. isk.. better do so now... Will update again when i have time. Chiao!!
Yesterday, went to meet Dan in Penang in the afternoon, after going to the Cekak Seminar in the morning... We had the new XXL pizza. Hmm.. the taste of it is rather peculiar.. yet interesting... but, we both think that that was the 1st and the last XXL pizza we'd ever buy. We prefer the super supreme with everything on top... Hahaa.. there goes my diet. :p Dahla the combo came with Chicken Spaghetti Alfredo which was pretty good... Hmm.. sangatla diet nya.
Saturday, Nura's reception. It was a lovely occasion la, with so many people coming which seemed endless... (sampai 5pm pun org tak habis dtg lg). Some of our old mates came as well. But the best part of the day came later in the afternoon.. when preparing to get dirty and wash the dishes/pots and all.... Water War!!! I remember being dragged out of the house towards the backyard where water was contained for dishwashing and later i was wet all over because everyone poured water on me... all sorts of water.. dishwater la.. freshwater la.. even the iced orange drink from the kenduri.. gile sejuk.... Brrr.... everyone involved directly with the kenduri got splashed with water... memang fun gile nak mampus2.... too bad i dont have an underwater casing for the camera... kalau tak, boleh amek gambar... isk.. rugi. :p
Later that night, jadik mak andam la pulak for Nura.... ada ceremony kecik that night.. then makan2... (like ice cream, and chocs and pulut kuning... diet sungguh! :p) later at around 2300, aznor, azanie and nabil came to pick me up.. Tlg kak su kemas2 sikit, and then get home, terus tido.. really exhausted. The day before dah la stayed up late sbb inaikan Nura.. and i couldnt get much sleep... so, memang tak sedar dunia dah.. muekeke... kol 5.30 baru nak solat Isyak... bagus tak??
Mama, Fadzlee and Iza came on Friday.... stayed at Safira Country Club (accomodation paid by Uncle Ahmad.. tima kasih uncle!!) ... they all went back on Saturday after attending the reception. Sedih gak sbb i couldnt spend more time with them coz i had work to do at Nura's place kan... dah janji ngan parents Nura nak help out... kesian mama tak dpt jenjalan ke penang. Nvm, next time, during my convocation, we'll stay in penang longer.... (agak2nya, by that time i'll be married dah kot??? hehehe.. boleh tak ma??).
Alamakkk!! lupa.. i promised Dr K that i'd send him all the libraries of the codes!.. isk.. better do so now... Will update again when i have time. Chiao!!
Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Going off to Butterworth today... hehe.. yet another 'ronggeng' day for me. Isk.. ronggeng je kejenya..bila nak abes master camnih? Anyway... i'm in currently in school, thought that i could see Dr K before i go.. turns out that he's not in yet. Daymmmm... penat g skul... hehe... luckily i didnt hafta walk this morning. Asked for a lift to sch frm akak.
The new capal is ready.. gonna get it today from 'Pakcik' Saad. He's coming down to Bworth so we're gonna get it there instead of having to go all the way to S.P. Soon after that, gonna meet fella blogga, bazlit at megamall... thanks to satria and alqas for initiating the idea. Might catch the movie Cheaper by The Dozen.. heard that its downright hillarious. Hmm.. that's gonna be fun... Oh yeah... Today is the start of my 3rd phase of atkins.. which means i can take carbs.... like less than 20 gms of it everyday... How much food accounts for less than 20g of carbs huh? gee whiz... even an apple is has carb content of around 19g. :p Hmm.. one thing i'm sure of.. i'm gonna get those red bean buns u'd been craving since the 1st day of diet.... emmm.. yumm... oh... and errmmm maybe a brownie if anyone suggests to go to secret recipe????? heheh.. doubt it la kan.. satria is still in induction, alqas in fruits' diet... arghhh... Me??? I'm gonna take it easy on this diet already... and continue induction when i come back from raya hols. :) Sweet.
Might be going to Nura's tonite or tmrw morning.. not so sure yet. Stay there til kenduri.. and will come back home on Saturday insyaAllah.. since cekak has a forum in the mornin.. whose panels are quite interesting.. and after the forum i'm going off to png to meetthe love of my life. :D
ok... gtg now.. nak blk umah ikut diyana.... makan kuih raya at aznor's. nyam...
The new capal is ready.. gonna get it today from 'Pakcik' Saad. He's coming down to Bworth so we're gonna get it there instead of having to go all the way to S.P. Soon after that, gonna meet fella blogga, bazlit at megamall... thanks to satria and alqas for initiating the idea. Might catch the movie Cheaper by The Dozen.. heard that its downright hillarious. Hmm.. that's gonna be fun... Oh yeah... Today is the start of my 3rd phase of atkins.. which means i can take carbs.... like less than 20 gms of it everyday... How much food accounts for less than 20g of carbs huh? gee whiz... even an apple is has carb content of around 19g. :p Hmm.. one thing i'm sure of.. i'm gonna get those red bean buns u'd been craving since the 1st day of diet.... emmm.. yumm... oh... and errmmm maybe a brownie if anyone suggests to go to secret recipe????? heheh.. doubt it la kan.. satria is still in induction, alqas in fruits' diet... arghhh... Me??? I'm gonna take it easy on this diet already... and continue induction when i come back from raya hols. :) Sweet.
Might be going to Nura's tonite or tmrw morning.. not so sure yet. Stay there til kenduri.. and will come back home on Saturday insyaAllah.. since cekak has a forum in the mornin.. whose panels are quite interesting.. and after the forum i'm going off to png to meetthe love of my life. :D
ok... gtg now.. nak blk umah ikut diyana.... makan kuih raya at aznor's. nyam...
Monday, January 19, 2004
Adeyyy... my heart is kinda racing. In this condition, i cant really think straight. Dr K came by this morning to look at the demo. Turned out that there were some problems with the demo. An incompatible class change error occured while running the program both in bluej and sun's ide... isk... y laaa???? Still cant figure out what the problem is and still continuing on my client side programme. Dr K was rushing me to complete everything as soon as possible... so.. oh boy... need to take a deep breath. Dahla last nite pun Dan's mom called and ask me to do the same thing - to finish my masters soon.. hehe.. tak sabar nak bermenantu la tu... She sounded kinda excited talking to me about Azrin's (Dan's friend) wedding... hehe.. relax aunty... i pun dah tak sabar nak bermertua.. muakakaaa... :p Ish... kena cepat complete masters.. gatai buat research sapa suruh?? :((
Yesterday, the nation was shocked and raged by the murder of a ten yr old girl who was raped and sodomized by 3 men. What the hell is wrong with those 3 low lifes?? I mean... c'mom man.. they cant be turned on by the sight of a girl whose womanly physical hasnt yet developed, can they? Unless of course if they watched porn or sth... For god's sakes.. go get laid with a hooker la. Banyak bersepah..bukan mahal sgt pun. If they cant afford a hooker and they still need to satisfy their lust, well.. go masturbate. At least it doesnt hurt anyone else does it? More and more people are getting less and less rational. They put their god-given brain in their asses. Fuckin assholes. Mati lagi baik. And... not forgetting those people who blames skimpily-clad gals on the rising numbers of rape. Gimme a break! I'm not saying that girls should dress up skimpily... its up to them if they want to... Tapi... c'monla... we had rape cases involving a tudung-wearing girl before.. now tell me... how provoking was her dressing?.. she was covered from head to toe and yet she still get raped. I read this somewhere before "Lelaki kalau baik, perempuan jalan telanjang pun dia tak buat apa2... tapi kalau dah jantan tu... perempuan menyorok dalam almari pun dia carik." So please, you straight guys out there, take care of your girlfriends/ sisters/mother/colleagues... and girls... beware... Sex maniacs are lurking all around us. Dont be afraid to kick them at their crotch if they ever come your way... and remember to kick hard.
May there be peace on mankind.
Yesterday, the nation was shocked and raged by the murder of a ten yr old girl who was raped and sodomized by 3 men. What the hell is wrong with those 3 low lifes?? I mean... c'mom man.. they cant be turned on by the sight of a girl whose womanly physical hasnt yet developed, can they? Unless of course if they watched porn or sth... For god's sakes.. go get laid with a hooker la. Banyak bersepah..bukan mahal sgt pun. If they cant afford a hooker and they still need to satisfy their lust, well.. go masturbate. At least it doesnt hurt anyone else does it? More and more people are getting less and less rational. They put their god-given brain in their asses. Fuckin assholes. Mati lagi baik. And... not forgetting those people who blames skimpily-clad gals on the rising numbers of rape. Gimme a break! I'm not saying that girls should dress up skimpily... its up to them if they want to... Tapi... c'monla... we had rape cases involving a tudung-wearing girl before.. now tell me... how provoking was her dressing?.. she was covered from head to toe and yet she still get raped. I read this somewhere before "Lelaki kalau baik, perempuan jalan telanjang pun dia tak buat apa2... tapi kalau dah jantan tu... perempuan menyorok dalam almari pun dia carik." So please, you straight guys out there, take care of your girlfriends/ sisters/mother/colleagues... and girls... beware... Sex maniacs are lurking all around us. Dont be afraid to kick them at their crotch if they ever come your way... and remember to kick hard.
May there be peace on mankind.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Boo-hoo-hoo... nyampah betul.. my darn pc is starting to give me ahelluva problem... no.. actually its the mouse.. or its connection. I thot my old mouse didnt work.. so i switched to thenew optical mouse... takleh jugak.. then it must be my connection la tu kan.. sth wrong with the cpu... ntah amende la yg corrupted.... arghhh.. daymmm... dahla pzam tadek.. kalau ade leh gak dia tlg tgk2kan. :p
Lately nih rasa so much like a housewife ok.. Heheh.. semenjak dua menjak on Atkin's ni... mana taknya, every morning i'd hafta wake up early to prepare my meals... once or twice a week, i'd hafta go to the market to get fresh food items. At night, prepare for the next day's meal... hish.. reall training nih... Hehehee..... Btw.. Dan is starting to ask around abt places to go for Kursus Kawin... ;) Yeayyy!! He's probably going for the one in Bangsar.. the one which his bro advised him to go... tapi..bila tu tk tau la kan.. :p
Nothing much to post actually... just a little sth for my hsemate and more than a friend buddy, PUAN Nura.. whose birthday was yesterday... Heheh.. not taht i forgot abt it yesterday... i remembered.. tapi... consumed with all the things i had to do... it kinda slipped off my mind.. hehe... sorry ek??? Cian dia... Pepon, WISHING YOU A GREAT YEAR AHEAD PUAN! :D and also to Diyana... hikhik... sowee ahh.. lufer maaa ... HAPPY BELATED BURFDAY DIYANAAAA.... Wishing the both of you a neverending happiness!! :D

Lately nih rasa so much like a housewife ok.. Heheh.. semenjak dua menjak on Atkin's ni... mana taknya, every morning i'd hafta wake up early to prepare my meals... once or twice a week, i'd hafta go to the market to get fresh food items. At night, prepare for the next day's meal... hish.. reall training nih... Hehehee..... Btw.. Dan is starting to ask around abt places to go for Kursus Kawin... ;) Yeayyy!! He's probably going for the one in Bangsar.. the one which his bro advised him to go... tapi..bila tu tk tau la kan.. :p
Nothing much to post actually... just a little sth for my hsemate and more than a friend buddy, PUAN Nura.. whose birthday was yesterday... Heheh.. not taht i forgot abt it yesterday... i remembered.. tapi... consumed with all the things i had to do... it kinda slipped off my mind.. hehe... sorry ek??? Cian dia... Pepon, WISHING YOU A GREAT YEAR AHEAD PUAN! :D and also to Diyana... hikhik... sowee ahh.. lufer maaa ... HAPPY BELATED BURFDAY DIYANAAAA.... Wishing the both of you a neverending happiness!! :D
Monday, January 12, 2004
Hmm.. still in KL.. got some time to post a thing or two. My bus to ipoh will be in 3 hrs or so. Daymmmm... hate having to go back. But then again, i'd still have to if i'd wanna get my research over and done with by june!! Yep.. gonna start the engines rolling again tmrw!!
Had really broken my diet yesterday. We had lunch with Dan's parents at the Colliseum and i had Blac Pepper chicken for my entree... later after that, Dan's mom ordered goreng pisang with ice cream for everyone to share... So.. makan la jugak since she insisted that i tried it. Hehehe.. not that i didnt want to try it in the first place la kan... Dahla Dan was telling everyone that i'm on a diet! Malu!!! But the goreng pisang and ice cream was really superb! Didnt regret having that.. and next time, when i dine at the Colliseum, i'll make sure i'm not on diet.. so i can savour all the nice, sweet things of carb and sugar loaded yummies....
Later, went to the Berjaya Times Sq. and i had some orange and peach sundae, curly fries and a taste of the vanilla coke.. hehe.. not that i havent tasted it before. Dear God... ignorance IS bliss.... ignoring that everything i ate was sugar packed... hahahah...
Had dinner at Secret Recipe coz i wanted the Cordon Bleu. Dan ordered a tasty looking brownie.... and i just had to ask for some... Luckily he was pretty strict on me and reminded me that i was on a diet... so he only fed me alike two spoons of it... nd later lectured me that even if the diet helped me lose a little weight, its impairing my judgement a little, from the way he sees it.
Hmmm.. :(
Ok..better go iron my clothes. Will be back online tmrw... if the connection is good back in campus la... Everyone in campus.. keep missing me... coz i'll only be back tmrw... Hehehe...
Had really broken my diet yesterday. We had lunch with Dan's parents at the Colliseum and i had Blac Pepper chicken for my entree... later after that, Dan's mom ordered goreng pisang with ice cream for everyone to share... So.. makan la jugak since she insisted that i tried it. Hehehe.. not that i didnt want to try it in the first place la kan... Dahla Dan was telling everyone that i'm on a diet! Malu!!! But the goreng pisang and ice cream was really superb! Didnt regret having that.. and next time, when i dine at the Colliseum, i'll make sure i'm not on diet.. so i can savour all the nice, sweet things of carb and sugar loaded yummies....
Later, went to the Berjaya Times Sq. and i had some orange and peach sundae, curly fries and a taste of the vanilla coke.. hehe.. not that i havent tasted it before. Dear God... ignorance IS bliss.... ignoring that everything i ate was sugar packed... hahahah...
Had dinner at Secret Recipe coz i wanted the Cordon Bleu. Dan ordered a tasty looking brownie.... and i just had to ask for some... Luckily he was pretty strict on me and reminded me that i was on a diet... so he only fed me alike two spoons of it... nd later lectured me that even if the diet helped me lose a little weight, its impairing my judgement a little, from the way he sees it.
Hmmm.. :(
Ok..better go iron my clothes. Will be back online tmrw... if the connection is good back in campus la... Everyone in campus.. keep missing me... coz i'll only be back tmrw... Hehehe...
Friday, January 09, 2004
Yeayyy!! Its already friday and i'm going hone in 3 hours!! Seronotnyeee!! Gonna go home to meet Dan. He'll be on his flight home later this afternoon. :D Most probably going off to Genting tomorrow. Bestnya! bestnya! rasa nak guling-guling!!! Wakakakaaa...
Another thing that adds up to this cheery feeling is that the congested air of uncertainty had been cleared. Aaaahhhh.... what a blessing to breath in the sweet, clear, fresh air of friendship. :)
Next reason to be on top of the world : I lost a kg or 2 in a week on atkin's!! And it wasnt a really strict diet routine that i followed anyway. My first day i had a few bites of banana split, the next day i had 3 tabs of smint's, the 3rd i had some helpings of kuih raya....hehe.. and i still lost weight! Yeay for myself!!!!! Hmm.... gonna treat myself with a few spoons of McD's Orange n Peach sundae. But then again, my cravings for sugary foods/ carb-loaded food had lessen. During my forst two three days, hmmm... i feel like gobbling down all the sweet stuffs i see!! Now its not as bad. My one and only crave right now is for kuih tart nenas... ermm... yumm....
Okie.. gotta go off for lab... got 25++ reports to go through.... but i dont care... yang penting... kol 4 nak balik!!! Dan honey.. here i comeeee!!!!!! :D Bubbye all... hope you guys will have a great weekend as i will!
Another thing that adds up to this cheery feeling is that the congested air of uncertainty had been cleared. Aaaahhhh.... what a blessing to breath in the sweet, clear, fresh air of friendship. :)
Next reason to be on top of the world : I lost a kg or 2 in a week on atkin's!! And it wasnt a really strict diet routine that i followed anyway. My first day i had a few bites of banana split, the next day i had 3 tabs of smint's, the 3rd i had some helpings of kuih raya....hehe.. and i still lost weight! Yeay for myself!!!!! Hmm.... gonna treat myself with a few spoons of McD's Orange n Peach sundae. But then again, my cravings for sugary foods/ carb-loaded food had lessen. During my forst two three days, hmmm... i feel like gobbling down all the sweet stuffs i see!! Now its not as bad. My one and only crave right now is for kuih tart nenas... ermm... yumm....
Okie.. gotta go off for lab... got 25++ reports to go through.... but i dont care... yang penting... kol 4 nak balik!!! Dan honey.. here i comeeee!!!!!! :D Bubbye all... hope you guys will have a great weekend as i will!
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
The alarm went off at 0645 this morning. Switched it off, contemplating on whether to have my morning jog... and decided not to since i'm still rather lethargic from yesterday's whole-day workout (well.. sth like that). So, reset the alarm to 0715 to gimme some more time to sleep before i wake up to prepare for the day. As i was just about to doze off, the phone beeped. An incoming msg. It read "Mak saya dah mengikut abang saya slps 2nd attack malam tadi. Minta sedekahkan al fatihah untuknya." I was awestricken. read the msg again... Innalillahi wa innailaihi rajioon... My hsemate, kak Lina must be very strong to face all this by herself. last Thursday, he brother passed away and her mother was admitted into the ICU on the very same day.. probably due to shock. Last night, it was her mother's turn. It came as a shock to me too since i'd only seen her on Wed, 31st Dec and she didnt look like she was sick or anything. But there it is. Death comes without warning. We human just have to prepare ourselves when it comes to take us.
In the duration of less than a month, i've heard of 3 passings already. And sometimes it makes me wonder if i have enough time to accomplish all the things i want to do with my life. Makes me wonder if i'll be remembered after my death... how people will remember me... snob/bad/bitch or loyal/kindhearted/warm.... I dont know... will i even be the lucky few who's blessed with an eased passing? I pray that i would be.
Hmm.. entahla. Harap-harap keinsafan dalam mengingati mati tak pudar.Btw, marilah sama2 kita menghadiahkan al-fatihah buat muslimin muslimat di serata dunia yang dah pergi meninggalkan kita. May they rest in peace.
In the duration of less than a month, i've heard of 3 passings already. And sometimes it makes me wonder if i have enough time to accomplish all the things i want to do with my life. Makes me wonder if i'll be remembered after my death... how people will remember me... snob/bad/bitch or loyal/kindhearted/warm.... I dont know... will i even be the lucky few who's blessed with an eased passing? I pray that i would be.
Hmm.. entahla. Harap-harap keinsafan dalam mengingati mati tak pudar.Btw, marilah sama2 kita menghadiahkan al-fatihah buat muslimin muslimat di serata dunia yang dah pergi meninggalkan kita. May they rest in peace.
Friday, January 02, 2004
What a way to end the week with... feeling all lousy and crappy and god-knows-what shit. Hate it when this happens. Something must have triggered this jumbled up feelings. Suddenly anxious with everything... especially my research. I have to complete my client side module by the end of this coming weekend... by hook or by crook...
Feeling kinda sad and dissappointed too... Dan havent confirmed his coming back on the 9th so our plans arent confirmed either. Great huh?
And how come everyone in the micro lab seems to be rather cynical towards me today? Could it be just me??..Arghh.. crap..
Feeling kinda sad and dissappointed too... Dan havent confirmed his coming back on the 9th so our plans arent confirmed either. Great huh?
And how come everyone in the micro lab seems to be rather cynical towards me today? Could it be just me??..Arghh.. crap..
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