Esok balik! :D Went to p.btr bus stn this morning to get my tix for tmrw changed. From 1745 bus to 1220 bus. Hehe.. galak gile nak sampai as soon as possible.... due to some unforeseen circumstances lah kononnya. Hopefully Dan can pick me up tmrw so that we can spend some time together since he'll be off to Shenzhen for the next 2 weeks on Sunday. Sigh!~ Baru balik from Shenzhen, dah kena pergi lagi... Hmm.. Takpe.. look at the bright side... allowance byk.. hehe.
Pikir2... nanti camnela halnye bila dah kawen... baru dok sesama seminggu dua, he'll be off flying to shenzhen or chengkering or hong kong for at least 4 days... max 2 weeks... Itu kalau he's on 727.. kalau nanti dia kena gih MD11... he's bound to stay in hk for 2 mths.. and then balik 2 weeks or so... Well... memang la.. home is where he is... if he moves to hk... i'll move too la.. tapi nanti sapa nak jaga our parents here? Mama? Aunty and uncle.... hmm... Kalau pk mmg tak best.. so tak payah pk la... Tiba masa sok.. we'll figure things out. Skang ni... doa2 dia dpt command on 737(and i complete my masters a.s.a.p)... Boleh selalu kat KL ... okey la tu.
Ada kawan kita nak ada kereta!! :D Kereta Atos katanya... Arini dia balik nak setelkan agreement.. kalau nasib baik, boleh dapat keta lusa ke tulat ke... hehe.. Boleh balik pbtr ngan dia naik keta yg masih bau kedai... Hmm... syoknye... :) Mesti kawan kita tu excited. Kita pun excited gak sbb buleh tompang keta baru dia! :)
Sem nih kena jadik tutor Tekno.. and micro-c lab asst. Hehe.. smlm satria masuk class tekno... end of class dia kata "Garangnye hang... mesti bebudak tu kata hang garang..." Hehe... Nak buat camne...
Sebenarnye orang yang garang ni bukanla sebab dia bagus ke hape ke... tapi dia garang sbb dia nak cover kelemahan dia.... ye ke? Rasanya macam tu la kot.. ntah apa kelemahan yang drive empunya diri nih jadik garang masa tutorial tekno... empunya diri pun tak tau... hahah.. masa lab micro-c.. tadek lak garang2... siap bgelak ketawa lagik dlm lab... Nasib baik tak kena marah ngan En. N. wahahaha...
Tapi sebenarnye.... garang tu jadik sbb takmo tgk adik2 junior tu main2 kot... sbb geram kalau tgk diorg main2 masa tutorial... kalau score takpe gak.. Nih bagik kuiz dah bcelaru... Kuiz smlm, sorang je dpt full mark... Yang lain kebykannya below average... Yang dapat kosong pun ada gak.. more than 5 ppl kot... Bila tanye dlm kelas paham ke dak... sume angguk... Agaknye... diorg takut nak tanya sbb tutor garang kot? Ke? Hmm.. okla.. minggu depan takmo garang sgt...
Tapi bila dipikirkan balik... kalau tak buat muka garang.. kang ada jek adik2 nih yang mengada lebih.. Like semlm... adela student nih... org tgh bagik kuiz, dia dahla dtg lmbt.. bagik salam pastu dok tersengih2 macam kerang kat pintu. Tunggu org paling muka kat dia br terhegeh2 nak masuk... apa hal? Pegi la duduk buat kuiz... takkan nak kena berjemput pulak kan? Nak sekeh.. dia lagik tinggi.. isk...
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Friday, July 16, 2004
Typed in a posting yesterday... too bad it couldnt be published because the server was too damn slow! Mende ntah... kononnya, restricting everyone from using p2p-wares will make the connection faster.. Hah!.. Looks like that doesnt work! :p
I had a weird dream this morning. I was in the US with my honey to visit one of his relatives (i dont think he has any there though)... and it turned out that the place is crowded by lepaking malaysians. Hmm... what message can that dream convey huh?
The Long Wait
Yeah-ha... another soap that i became hooked on to.. thanks to akak la nih. :p This time, its not spanish... its a filipino soap entitled Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay-The Long Wait. Hahaha.... As always.. girls get hooked on to a tv series just because the actor(s) look so daym good! Haha.. So are the actors in this serie... There's the cute-niceguy Yuri Orbida and the very macho-hunky-heartthrob, Anilov.... Story line is ok.. I didnt watch it from the 1st episode though. Its about this Argos siblings, what happened to them after their drug-lord daddy was killed... The funny thing is... its such a small world for them coz everyone knows everyone (rather typical in any soap) and ironically, no one know's who the bad person is when everyone actually knows each other! Kiranya the bad person pandai sorok identity gila nak mampus la kan.. haha. Anyways.. i think i'm gonna miss today's evening episode.. coz i wanna go get a brooch from avon and get some stuffs from the nite market tonite. No worries... astro always shows recap. (Oh.. note to astro:too much of a good thing is really, really, BAD! get it? hint:the same movie/programme recap for a month? and the mth after.. and the next.. ?Puh-leeze!)
Short But Feels Damn Long Wait
Hehe.. always happens when i'm counting days for my next date with my loverboy. ;) Dan's in Chengkering now.. and he'll be there for the next 6 days... 6 really looongggg days that is! Hmm.. and i only have his pics, smses, and a t-shirt (yes.. T-shirt!) to help me tone down the intensity of this "missing him so much" feeling. Haha... yeah... i know that sounds so love-sick-puppyish... but heck... you'll know what its like when you're in love... haha.. And i bet you'll have at least one of your other half's belongings in your keeping as well... :p
Still counting the days... the hours... the minutes.. and the seconds..... *yawn!~* Hmm.. makes me sleepy when i do that.
Signing off. Live Long and Prosper.
Typed in a posting yesterday... too bad it couldnt be published because the server was too damn slow! Mende ntah... kononnya, restricting everyone from using p2p-wares will make the connection faster.. Hah!.. Looks like that doesnt work! :p
I had a weird dream this morning. I was in the US with my honey to visit one of his relatives (i dont think he has any there though)... and it turned out that the place is crowded by lepaking malaysians. Hmm... what message can that dream convey huh?
The Long Wait
Yeah-ha... another soap that i became hooked on to.. thanks to akak la nih. :p This time, its not spanish... its a filipino soap entitled Kay Tagal Kang Hinintay-The Long Wait. Hahaha.... As always.. girls get hooked on to a tv series just because the actor(s) look so daym good! Haha.. So are the actors in this serie... There's the cute-niceguy Yuri Orbida and the very macho-hunky-heartthrob, Anilov.... Story line is ok.. I didnt watch it from the 1st episode though. Its about this Argos siblings, what happened to them after their drug-lord daddy was killed... The funny thing is... its such a small world for them coz everyone knows everyone (rather typical in any soap) and ironically, no one know's who the bad person is when everyone actually knows each other! Kiranya the bad person pandai sorok identity gila nak mampus la kan.. haha. Anyways.. i think i'm gonna miss today's evening episode.. coz i wanna go get a brooch from avon and get some stuffs from the nite market tonite. No worries... astro always shows recap. (Oh.. note to astro:too much of a good thing is really, really, BAD! get it? hint:the same movie/programme recap for a month? and the mth after.. and the next.. ?Puh-leeze!)
Short But Feels Damn Long Wait
Hehe.. always happens when i'm counting days for my next date with my loverboy. ;) Dan's in Chengkering now.. and he'll be there for the next 6 days... 6 really looongggg days that is! Hmm.. and i only have his pics, smses, and a t-shirt (yes.. T-shirt!) to help me tone down the intensity of this "missing him so much" feeling. Haha... yeah... i know that sounds so love-sick-puppyish... but heck... you'll know what its like when you're in love... haha.. And i bet you'll have at least one of your other half's belongings in your keeping as well... :p
Still counting the days... the hours... the minutes.. and the seconds..... *yawn!~* Hmm.. makes me sleepy when i do that.
Signing off. Live Long and Prosper.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
The car wouldnt start today... the battery went kah-put. :p Hmm... the new Takira battery cost me like rm 135. The last time i accompanied my friends to buy a car battery was last year and it cost only rm110.I think i got suckered. Darn!
Someone once said.. diet comes from the word "die" with the letter "t" added at the end.. Haha. I am in a mumbo-jumbo mood of dieting right now. I tell myself that i'm on low-carb diet.. and yet i still consume as much carb as i consumed when i'm not on diet. Ok.. maybe not as much... but i tend to binge on "comfort food" when the need arises. Hmm... luckily the scale was very nice to me today (thanks to azeno for the weight scale)... The needle didnt budge from the last time i weighed myself.. like 2 weeks ago or so. If it did budge, it budged to the left. Phew!~ Hehe.. I guess make believe works here. Like placebos. I tell myself that i'm on low carb diet... and my brain believes that... and i lose(maintain) weight! Amazing! (Haha.. this is one helluva make-beleive ... wish it would be THAT easy.)
1 Week
One week has 7 days. A week from now will be Thursday... a much awaited Thursday :)
A week from now, i'm going back to KL (again!)
A week from now, i'm gonna see Mama and Athirah
A week from now, Dan will be back from Chengkering
A week from now plus one day, I'll get to visit Dad's grave.
A week from now plus one day, i have a dermatologist appointment
A week from now plus three days, Shikin is getting married!!!!!!
Ironically, I dont even know if i'll live long enough to even see a week from now.
More on Java
Dr K just left after oogling on my pc, trying to run the J2ME thingies that i'd been trying in vain for the past couple of days. Hmm... seems to be working when he was running it.. except for some minor probs which we (its more he than we actually. I cant identify an error even with a magnifying glass!) couldnt identify yet.. but i think everything's gonna be just fine. :) Hmm.. only positivity will make life a less stressful journey. Sigh!~
Kay Tagal
Haha.. how many times had i reminded myself NOT to attempt to watch any telenovelas?? DOZENS. I succumbed. I'm now hooked to this filipino telenovela "Kay Tagal Hinintay" or sth like that... amende ntah the title.. Isk.. The boys in there are oh-so-hunky! Wahahaha... The language pun macam ala-ala bunyik melayu jugak. Hmm... its gonna start in 15 mins.. i need to go back.. but cant go back yet coz i'm waiting for an email from Dr K. he said he's sending me an email as soon as he gets to the office. Darn... but then again.. susah nak dapat supervisor yang kind-hearted mcm Dr K and Dr Os... kan?kan?kan?... :)
The car wouldnt start today... the battery went kah-put. :p Hmm... the new Takira battery cost me like rm 135. The last time i accompanied my friends to buy a car battery was last year and it cost only rm110.I think i got suckered. Darn!
Someone once said.. diet comes from the word "die" with the letter "t" added at the end.. Haha. I am in a mumbo-jumbo mood of dieting right now. I tell myself that i'm on low-carb diet.. and yet i still consume as much carb as i consumed when i'm not on diet. Ok.. maybe not as much... but i tend to binge on "comfort food" when the need arises. Hmm... luckily the scale was very nice to me today (thanks to azeno for the weight scale)... The needle didnt budge from the last time i weighed myself.. like 2 weeks ago or so. If it did budge, it budged to the left. Phew!~ Hehe.. I guess make believe works here. Like placebos. I tell myself that i'm on low carb diet... and my brain believes that... and i lose(maintain) weight! Amazing! (Haha.. this is one helluva make-beleive ... wish it would be THAT easy.)
1 Week
One week has 7 days. A week from now will be Thursday... a much awaited Thursday :)
A week from now, i'm going back to KL (again!)
A week from now, i'm gonna see Mama and Athirah
A week from now, Dan will be back from Chengkering
A week from now plus one day, I'll get to visit Dad's grave.
A week from now plus one day, i have a dermatologist appointment
A week from now plus three days, Shikin is getting married!!!!!!
Ironically, I dont even know if i'll live long enough to even see a week from now.
More on Java
Dr K just left after oogling on my pc, trying to run the J2ME thingies that i'd been trying in vain for the past couple of days. Hmm... seems to be working when he was running it.. except for some minor probs which we (its more he than we actually. I cant identify an error even with a magnifying glass!) couldnt identify yet.. but i think everything's gonna be just fine. :) Hmm.. only positivity will make life a less stressful journey. Sigh!~
Kay Tagal
Haha.. how many times had i reminded myself NOT to attempt to watch any telenovelas?? DOZENS. I succumbed. I'm now hooked to this filipino telenovela "Kay Tagal Hinintay" or sth like that... amende ntah the title.. Isk.. The boys in there are oh-so-hunky! Wahahaha... The language pun macam ala-ala bunyik melayu jugak. Hmm... its gonna start in 15 mins.. i need to go back.. but cant go back yet coz i'm waiting for an email from Dr K. he said he's sending me an email as soon as he gets to the office. Darn... but then again.. susah nak dapat supervisor yang kind-hearted mcm Dr K and Dr Os... kan?kan?kan?... :)
Friday, July 09, 2004
Alaaa.. Dr K cancelled our apptmt today pulak. He has a meeting after solat jumaat and he rescheduled the apptmt to tuesday. Boleh la labu... as long as this java thingy works!
Going back to KL tonite!!! Yeayy.. it's like i havent gone home for a month now. Dan will be around, my mom will be around too for sure, aunty and uncle wont be around coz they went to Padang this morning. They're coming back on Sunday though.. so might go and pick them up or sth.Too bad i can only have the weekend home. Cant go back monday afternoon as i always do coz i've lab at 1400.. hampehs betul. Tak pegi takleh lakk.. amanah.. Iskk..
Dan's feeling rather low rite now... and i cant do much abt that. Makes me feel bad. :( He's stressing out abt his job, the hse.... everything. Isk.. Its like everything falls apart for him at once, and i'm so sorry for him. The thing is, i believe that he'll go through all of that just fine. He always does. I know.. but at the time being, he just shuts himself down from all the positive thoughts.. So its difficult to convince him everything's gonna be just fine. Well.. even if things are gonna take time, at least having a positive attitude towards handling problems would definitely help, rite? Ok.. maybe it's easier said than done... but it doesnt mean that it's impossible. Hmm... I want to tell him so many things.. but i dont know how... Makes me sad + worried that he's feeling so down like that. Hmmm.. entahla..
Alamak.. stomach discomfort... Heheh.. tersilap recipe masak today. I wanted to cook spicy chicken salad, turned out to be turmeric chicken salad. LOLS... tersalah masuk... i thot it was curry powder... rupanya kunyit! Kuang3... bengong betul. :p Hehehe...
Okie... i dunno what to babble anymore... better continue with techno preps (boooriinggg...). Yawn!~
Alaaa.. Dr K cancelled our apptmt today pulak. He has a meeting after solat jumaat and he rescheduled the apptmt to tuesday. Boleh la labu... as long as this java thingy works!
Going back to KL tonite!!! Yeayy.. it's like i havent gone home for a month now. Dan will be around, my mom will be around too for sure, aunty and uncle wont be around coz they went to Padang this morning. They're coming back on Sunday though.. so might go and pick them up or sth.Too bad i can only have the weekend home. Cant go back monday afternoon as i always do coz i've lab at 1400.. hampehs betul. Tak pegi takleh lakk.. amanah.. Iskk..
Dan's feeling rather low rite now... and i cant do much abt that. Makes me feel bad. :( He's stressing out abt his job, the hse.... everything. Isk.. Its like everything falls apart for him at once, and i'm so sorry for him. The thing is, i believe that he'll go through all of that just fine. He always does. I know.. but at the time being, he just shuts himself down from all the positive thoughts.. So its difficult to convince him everything's gonna be just fine. Well.. even if things are gonna take time, at least having a positive attitude towards handling problems would definitely help, rite? Ok.. maybe it's easier said than done... but it doesnt mean that it's impossible. Hmm... I want to tell him so many things.. but i dont know how... Makes me sad + worried that he's feeling so down like that. Hmmm.. entahla..
Alamak.. stomach discomfort... Heheh.. tersilap recipe masak today. I wanted to cook spicy chicken salad, turned out to be turmeric chicken salad. LOLS... tersalah masuk... i thot it was curry powder... rupanya kunyit! Kuang3... bengong betul. :p Hehehe...
Okie... i dunno what to babble anymore... better continue with techno preps (boooriinggg...). Yawn!~
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
It's a SONY
Just got back from an interview at Sony Prai. They called me last friday to attend for an interview today at 0900... so i had to wake up at 0600 and i went out of the hse at 0715.. Now i'm soo damn sleepy coz i slept at 0100 last nite.. *yawn!~*
I can say that the interview went quite well... except for the test past la.. There was this test; an iq test and a technical test...which i think i flunked. :p Lupa la all the basics.. nasib baik ingat symbols. The interviewers were cool, not meam at all. One of them was a super senior from USM... and i think they liked me. Too bad that i can only consider to start working in Oct.. and they need ppl urgently. :( I cant start working a.s.a.p coz i have tutoring to do under the pasca scheme. Daymmm.... tapi entahla.. yesterday i was feeling like it's gonna b great if i get the job.. but today i just feel like.. its gonna b great both ways, if i get the job or not.. and that's a good feeling.
Petang ni ada tutorial pulok.. Aiyooo... havent prepared yet. I think i'm gonna nap now, in my cubicle. Pathetic... but well... it had to be done. Lols..
Oh... and i'm not feeling so great rite now.Not because of the interview.. but because i feel bad. :( I was supposed to inform aunty that Dan's coming home today instead of yesterday.... and i forgot(yeah.. me and my forgetfulness!)... So she was waiting for him the whole day yesterday.. and she only knew abt it last nite when she called me.... Uhuhuhu.. feel so bad.. but what to do? dah jadik dah pun. :p
Ok.. nap time. Til next time.. which i dunno when. Difficult to blog la nowadays.. Time constraint... and teh fact that i'm getting bored of my layout.. Nak tukar takes too much time.. Hmm.. nanti la ek. Chiao! Live long and prosper!
Just got back from an interview at Sony Prai. They called me last friday to attend for an interview today at 0900... so i had to wake up at 0600 and i went out of the hse at 0715.. Now i'm soo damn sleepy coz i slept at 0100 last nite.. *yawn!~*
I can say that the interview went quite well... except for the test past la.. There was this test; an iq test and a technical test...which i think i flunked. :p Lupa la all the basics.. nasib baik ingat symbols. The interviewers were cool, not meam at all. One of them was a super senior from USM... and i think they liked me. Too bad that i can only consider to start working in Oct.. and they need ppl urgently. :( I cant start working a.s.a.p coz i have tutoring to do under the pasca scheme. Daymmm.... tapi entahla.. yesterday i was feeling like it's gonna b great if i get the job.. but today i just feel like.. its gonna b great both ways, if i get the job or not.. and that's a good feeling.
Petang ni ada tutorial pulok.. Aiyooo... havent prepared yet. I think i'm gonna nap now, in my cubicle. Pathetic... but well... it had to be done. Lols..
Oh... and i'm not feeling so great rite now.Not because of the interview.. but because i feel bad. :( I was supposed to inform aunty that Dan's coming home today instead of yesterday.... and i forgot(yeah.. me and my forgetfulness!)... So she was waiting for him the whole day yesterday.. and she only knew abt it last nite when she called me.... Uhuhuhu.. feel so bad.. but what to do? dah jadik dah pun. :p
Ok.. nap time. Til next time.. which i dunno when. Difficult to blog la nowadays.. Time constraint... and teh fact that i'm getting bored of my layout.. Nak tukar takes too much time.. Hmm.. nanti la ek. Chiao! Live long and prosper!
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