That was the last of my Tekno class!!! Yeay!! Walaupun last class for this sem, at least i won't be going thru the ordeals for the next one month plus... Thank God for that!!! :D
Dan's flying to Penang this weekend!!! Hehe.. no need to elaborate.
Aaa... nak balik.. lapaq gila... mlm kang datang balik... make up for the time that'll be lost on friday since i'm planning to go to pen to check on the car's alarm system. Chiao!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
Monday, September 27, 2004
Uhuhuk... i'd been sexually harrassed!!.. by a 7 year-old!! Hmm.. ok.. maybe sexually harrased is too harsh to describe it.. but whatever it was that had happened between me and that obese 7y.o kid really made me squirm in uncomfortable disgust. Yucks! Yucks.. dan yucks lagi... Bluekkkkkk!! :p
Ok.. i know its pretty normal for kids to behave rather awkwardly in the presence of adults unfaimiliar to them so as to attract attention. By all means, i have nothing against that since i was a child once and i do think that i'd done peculiar things to get noticed too, when i was a child.. (ok.. maybe i might still do so even now). But then, that doesnt mean standing half naked before me and model like you're superman. For god's sakes.. i can see that kid clearly even if he tried to hide behind something. He's huge enough to get noticed for heaven's sakes. (i know i'm being very mean but i can't help it. :p ) And then, after i showered, he tried to immitate my every movement and rubbed his body against mine at every chance he got. Eeeuuughhhh!!! I'm not very keen being rubbed on like that.. Kid or not. :p If it was one of my cousins tak kesah la. Ini...? Benciiii!! He may think he's being cute or whatever, but hell.. not to me. I ended up locking myself in my room until they gone out this morning. Call me rude... but i can't stand ill-behaving kids like that.
Don't get me wrong.. I love babies, i love toddlers.. i can tolerate kids.. but i hate attention-seeking budak megada2. :p
Long Trip Home
Last Thursday i decided to accept auntie's offer to go home with them. :D so, they picked me up at around noon and we started the journey back to KL from my new house. Uncle drove all the way.. I wanted to offer my self to drive... but since i'm not accustomed to drive a Merce.. hehe.. forget it la kan. Anyways.. we stopped by for lunch at taiping since they had to make room reservations at the hotel sri malaysia taiping. we had lunch there. The food wa ok la.. but the service is sooo damn slow! Serious slow nak mampus. Kalau masak sendiri, dah siap makan dah by the time they served the food. Teruk.
After taiping, we stopped by in ipoh, to visit one of aunty's cousin. Singgah kejap aje since it was laready late. When we're leaving, her cuz asked "siapa ni?" after i shook hands with her.. Pastu aunty looked at me and asked," Ha.. cakapla.. siapa ni?" Then she giggled..and said i'm her bakal menantu.. Heheheheh..... :D suker!
Still in ipoh, we dropped by at their ipoh house where maria (the housekeeper) had been waiting for us. After a light tea, we're on our way to kl again. Stopped by at Sg Buloh RnR for maghrib prayers and reached aunty' place at around 2040. Dan was already waiting for us, sitting comfortably on the sofa with his manuals on his lap. Kesian dia... despite having to study, he had to pick me up pulak. We had dinner and after lepaking for a while, he sent me home.
Mak Ngah buat kenuri sempena nak puasa last saturday.. so, i drove mama to her house late saturday morning. Tolong2 kejap, lunch.. pastu tolong2 lagi.. hehe.. for me it was mostly tolong tgk aje la kan... Adela sikit tolong kupas petai.. kuang3.. Lepas maghrib, baru la mula kerja keras... Lap pinggan, potong kuih, susun kuih, cedok lauk.. semua la... and in all that hassle, amcam2 la jadik. Cuz Zura tak habis2, for sure some misfortune mesti jadik kat dia. This time, kena gedebuk dengan buah tembikai.. cousin Irfan terlepas ke macam mana, landing baikkkk on her back. Heheh.. Pastu adik irfan, aryssa accidentally pushed a tray of glasses and cut her finger with a broken glass. Apa lagi.. meraung la.. yang makcik2 ni semua sibukla jadik nurse. Hehe.. Cik Lina yang memang nurse ni dok diam je, avoiding blood. Ada ka nurse takut darah? Isk... After struggling to put plaster on her small, fragile fingers, akhirnya berjaya la jugak kan plaster kan jari si kecik aryssa tu. Kesian dia, terisak2.. carpet and seluar mak dia habis kena tompok2 darah jari dia. After that mmg she was very careful with her finger... tak kasik kena apa2.. Heheh.. Cute. When everything dah relax sket.. lepak lak with cuz Awin... hehe.. found out about something.. hehe... :D
Later that night baru bawak mama balik dgn satu tupperware besar lauk pauk n kuih muih yang telah di pau... hehehe.
Next morning, bawak mama n fadzlee g klinik. Fadzlee tak baik2 demam dah 3 hari. Risdau gak, takut denggi ke kan.. tapi dr kata bukan. Dia suruh mandi selalu2 and minum 100 plus and coke.. and water. On the way back... jenuh la mama lecture dia pasal rajin mandi.. hehe... mmg my brother nih malas mandi.. sangat malas. Tapi malas2 pun, mandi la tiap2 hari.... kuang3.
At 1300, Dan picked me up to send me to Duta to catch my bus at 1530. Sedey gak... tapi what to do lorrr...
Yesterday's trip home was pretty fast la. At 1800 dah sampai kat Sg Perak. Gilo laju. And then, the driver tak bgtau stop berapa minit.. So i took my time la.. beli pau, beli buah.. When i was walking towards the bus, i saw that the bus was ready to make a move.. Shillaker! Tak check pun passenger dah cukup ke tak. Kureng betul la. Aritu Di kena tinggal.. pastu ada lagi org kena tinggal.. nih, nyaris2 nak tinggalkan orang jugak... Kena report la kat transnasional... asam boy.. asyik tinggalkan passenger je.. hangguk sungguh. They never learn do they? Bukan susah sangat nak check passenger. Mangkuk! :p
Uhuhuk... i'd been sexually harrassed!!.. by a 7 year-old!! Hmm.. ok.. maybe sexually harrased is too harsh to describe it.. but whatever it was that had happened between me and that obese 7y.o kid really made me squirm in uncomfortable disgust. Yucks! Yucks.. dan yucks lagi... Bluekkkkkk!! :p
Ok.. i know its pretty normal for kids to behave rather awkwardly in the presence of adults unfaimiliar to them so as to attract attention. By all means, i have nothing against that since i was a child once and i do think that i'd done peculiar things to get noticed too, when i was a child.. (ok.. maybe i might still do so even now). But then, that doesnt mean standing half naked before me and model like you're superman. For god's sakes.. i can see that kid clearly even if he tried to hide behind something. He's huge enough to get noticed for heaven's sakes. (i know i'm being very mean but i can't help it. :p ) And then, after i showered, he tried to immitate my every movement and rubbed his body against mine at every chance he got. Eeeuuughhhh!!! I'm not very keen being rubbed on like that.. Kid or not. :p If it was one of my cousins tak kesah la. Ini...? Benciiii!! He may think he's being cute or whatever, but hell.. not to me. I ended up locking myself in my room until they gone out this morning. Call me rude... but i can't stand ill-behaving kids like that.
Don't get me wrong.. I love babies, i love toddlers.. i can tolerate kids.. but i hate attention-seeking budak megada2. :p
Long Trip Home
Last Thursday i decided to accept auntie's offer to go home with them. :D so, they picked me up at around noon and we started the journey back to KL from my new house. Uncle drove all the way.. I wanted to offer my self to drive... but since i'm not accustomed to drive a Merce.. hehe.. forget it la kan. Anyways.. we stopped by for lunch at taiping since they had to make room reservations at the hotel sri malaysia taiping. we had lunch there. The food wa ok la.. but the service is sooo damn slow! Serious slow nak mampus. Kalau masak sendiri, dah siap makan dah by the time they served the food. Teruk.
After taiping, we stopped by in ipoh, to visit one of aunty's cousin. Singgah kejap aje since it was laready late. When we're leaving, her cuz asked "siapa ni?" after i shook hands with her.. Pastu aunty looked at me and asked," Ha.. cakapla.. siapa ni?" Then she giggled..and said i'm her bakal menantu.. Heheheheh..... :D suker!
Still in ipoh, we dropped by at their ipoh house where maria (the housekeeper) had been waiting for us. After a light tea, we're on our way to kl again. Stopped by at Sg Buloh RnR for maghrib prayers and reached aunty' place at around 2040. Dan was already waiting for us, sitting comfortably on the sofa with his manuals on his lap. Kesian dia... despite having to study, he had to pick me up pulak. We had dinner and after lepaking for a while, he sent me home.
Mak Ngah buat kenuri sempena nak puasa last saturday.. so, i drove mama to her house late saturday morning. Tolong2 kejap, lunch.. pastu tolong2 lagi.. hehe.. for me it was mostly tolong tgk aje la kan... Adela sikit tolong kupas petai.. kuang3.. Lepas maghrib, baru la mula kerja keras... Lap pinggan, potong kuih, susun kuih, cedok lauk.. semua la... and in all that hassle, amcam2 la jadik. Cuz Zura tak habis2, for sure some misfortune mesti jadik kat dia. This time, kena gedebuk dengan buah tembikai.. cousin Irfan terlepas ke macam mana, landing baikkkk on her back. Heheh.. Pastu adik irfan, aryssa accidentally pushed a tray of glasses and cut her finger with a broken glass. Apa lagi.. meraung la.. yang makcik2 ni semua sibukla jadik nurse. Hehe.. Cik Lina yang memang nurse ni dok diam je, avoiding blood. Ada ka nurse takut darah? Isk... After struggling to put plaster on her small, fragile fingers, akhirnya berjaya la jugak kan plaster kan jari si kecik aryssa tu. Kesian dia, terisak2.. carpet and seluar mak dia habis kena tompok2 darah jari dia. After that mmg she was very careful with her finger... tak kasik kena apa2.. Heheh.. Cute. When everything dah relax sket.. lepak lak with cuz Awin... hehe.. found out about something.. hehe... :D
Later that night baru bawak mama balik dgn satu tupperware besar lauk pauk n kuih muih yang telah di pau... hehehe.
Next morning, bawak mama n fadzlee g klinik. Fadzlee tak baik2 demam dah 3 hari. Risdau gak, takut denggi ke kan.. tapi dr kata bukan. Dia suruh mandi selalu2 and minum 100 plus and coke.. and water. On the way back... jenuh la mama lecture dia pasal rajin mandi.. hehe... mmg my brother nih malas mandi.. sangat malas. Tapi malas2 pun, mandi la tiap2 hari.... kuang3.
At 1300, Dan picked me up to send me to Duta to catch my bus at 1530. Sedey gak... tapi what to do lorrr...
Yesterday's trip home was pretty fast la. At 1800 dah sampai kat Sg Perak. Gilo laju. And then, the driver tak bgtau stop berapa minit.. So i took my time la.. beli pau, beli buah.. When i was walking towards the bus, i saw that the bus was ready to make a move.. Shillaker! Tak check pun passenger dah cukup ke tak. Kureng betul la. Aritu Di kena tinggal.. pastu ada lagi org kena tinggal.. nih, nyaris2 nak tinggalkan orang jugak... Kena report la kat transnasional... asam boy.. asyik tinggalkan passenger je.. hangguk sungguh. They never learn do they? Bukan susah sangat nak check passenger. Mangkuk! :p
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
Monday blues + post-balik syndrom = serious emotional breakdown. Waaaarrgghhhh.... sedeynya. :( No one's in school today. Azno bantai lepak kat umah sambil melelapkan mata lepas pingu tadik, Diyana dah ckp dia nak cuti lama sket, Tini tak nampak kelibat, Azanie dah lama tak nmpk kat school.. huhu.. bosannye.. Feel so empty. Ni yg malas balik nih. Huhu....
Huhu.. dlm keadaan camni.. rasa macam nak kecik ati pulak dgn si dia. Hmm.. patut ke kecik ati? Sebenarnya macam tak patut.. sbb betui la apa dia ckp pun.. tapi.. isk.. tak best betul la. Kalau kecik ati pun, bukan dia tau apesal kecik ati.. buang tenaga jek. :p Dahla.. baik tenaga utk berkecik hati tu disalurkan utk buat programming nih... Huhuhu.... (nak pegi buat programming dgn linangan air mata - heh.. buat cite sedey sket)
I went to the library last friday and apart of the other non-fictional books that i'd borrowed, i reborrowed a very compelling novel ,"Memoirs of a Geisha" by arthur golden. I dunno... its my 2nd time reading the book, but i'm still hooked on it like it was my first time. It feels as if everything was real, when it was only fiction. Hissyy.. memang best la. I'd always wanted to add that book to my collection, tapi belum lagi. Nak carik yg hard cover kalau ada. Collector's item. (**Heheh.. Hint: this book will make a nice bday present you know.. :) may 27th!)
I was browsing google on the title and found out that they're coming out with a movie version of the book!! Spielberg used to want to make this film in 2001/2002 but that obviously didnt happen.. I dunno why. Now Rob Marshall will direct the movie. Casts include Zhang ZiYi who'll play Sayuri, Michelle Yeoh (Mameha), Ken Watanabe (Chairman) and Gong Li(the be-atch Hatsumomo). The news is that it'll be released during fall 2005(question: when is fall?)..Hmm.. Can't wait!!!!! This is certainly a movie i wouldn't miss! Hopefully it'll be as compelling as the book is. Please god, let not the movie be a disaster!
My Analysis
Ahahaa.. nak comment on the birth month analysis jugakla...
Keras hati & degil.. kadang2 la.. ikut keadaan.
Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.... pun ikut perkara. ahaha..
Pemikiran yang tajam... ni masa zaman dulu, sebelum minda di-corruptkan isk...
Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal... ni pun masa muda2 dulu.. skang takde dah...kot..
Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain ... Hehe.. tak jugak.. menarik perhatian org yg nak ditarik perhatian je.. wahaha... tp tak tertarik gak kengkadang.. isy.. :p
Perasaan yang amat mendalam... terhadap apa? isk.. tak paham.
Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal...muahahah.. nih tak kena nih...
Tidak perlu dimotivasikan... nih pun tak kena sangat..
Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain... muehehe... Mudah dipujuk... senang gak la kot.. provided bagi prezzies/choccies/candies/teddies... :D
Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri)...Sgt tak relevan
Suka berangan... hehe.. favorite past time. Lols. tapi berangan ni cam impian apa.. boleh jadik kenyataan tau. In fact ada je angan2 yg dah jadik kenyataan.. except angan2 nak date dgn prince william, nak kawen ngan yusry kru.. hehe.. just to name a few yg tak jadik la kan...
Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu... hmm... jarang kot.. Masa hati tgh gelap tu.. tak nampak aa.. wahahaha.
Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.. leher slalu lenguh jek.. takla penyakit pun..
Daya khayalan yang tinggi... heheh... khayalan yg tinggi membolehkan angan2 seperti di atas tadi!
Pandai berdebat... tak pandai ma.. tak pernah masuk pertandingan pun.
Fizikal yang baik... so far so good.
Kelemahan sistem pernafasan... ada la sikit. slalu kena selsema. org kata resdung? ye kot? resdung tu sinusitis ke ha?
Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.. sastera.. tak berapa, muzik.. ok laa.. melancong.. suka!melencong pun suka jugak.. esp kalau ngan azno.. ade je harapan melencong.. isk..
Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah... hehe.. nih kalau tanya mama mesti dia stuju 200%
Tidak boleh duduk diam... adakah ini yg menyebabkan insiden "lu pandai goyang aaa!" muahahaa.... nasib baik dr. A tak ckp mende yg sama.. isk. aku maluk!
Tidak punya ramai anak...ini belum tau lagik..
Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi...rajin?muahaha.... apa? rajin???? MUAHAHAHAA...
Agak boros... hmm.. ye ke? hehe... boros at calculated risk la kot... kuang3.. ada ke camtu?? Perkara ni menambahkan bahayanya bila berdua ngan azno jenjln naik keta... kalau siam tu nak masuk takyah passport, rasanya dah dua, tiga trip dah masuk siam... :p
Monday blues + post-balik syndrom = serious emotional breakdown. Waaaarrgghhhh.... sedeynya. :( No one's in school today. Azno bantai lepak kat umah sambil melelapkan mata lepas pingu tadik, Diyana dah ckp dia nak cuti lama sket, Tini tak nampak kelibat, Azanie dah lama tak nmpk kat school.. huhu.. bosannye.. Feel so empty. Ni yg malas balik nih. Huhu....
Huhu.. dlm keadaan camni.. rasa macam nak kecik ati pulak dgn si dia. Hmm.. patut ke kecik ati? Sebenarnya macam tak patut.. sbb betui la apa dia ckp pun.. tapi.. isk.. tak best betul la. Kalau kecik ati pun, bukan dia tau apesal kecik ati.. buang tenaga jek. :p Dahla.. baik tenaga utk berkecik hati tu disalurkan utk buat programming nih... Huhuhu.... (nak pegi buat programming dgn linangan air mata - heh.. buat cite sedey sket)
I went to the library last friday and apart of the other non-fictional books that i'd borrowed, i reborrowed a very compelling novel ,"Memoirs of a Geisha" by arthur golden. I dunno... its my 2nd time reading the book, but i'm still hooked on it like it was my first time. It feels as if everything was real, when it was only fiction. Hissyy.. memang best la. I'd always wanted to add that book to my collection, tapi belum lagi. Nak carik yg hard cover kalau ada. Collector's item. (**Heheh.. Hint: this book will make a nice bday present you know.. :) may 27th!)
I was browsing google on the title and found out that they're coming out with a movie version of the book!! Spielberg used to want to make this film in 2001/2002 but that obviously didnt happen.. I dunno why. Now Rob Marshall will direct the movie. Casts include Zhang ZiYi who'll play Sayuri, Michelle Yeoh (Mameha), Ken Watanabe (Chairman) and Gong Li(the be-atch Hatsumomo). The news is that it'll be released during fall 2005(question: when is fall?)..Hmm.. Can't wait!!!!! This is certainly a movie i wouldn't miss! Hopefully it'll be as compelling as the book is. Please god, let not the movie be a disaster!
My Analysis
Ahahaa.. nak comment on the birth month analysis jugakla...
Keras hati & degil.. kadang2 la.. ikut keadaan.
Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi.... pun ikut perkara. ahaha..
Pemikiran yang tajam... ni masa zaman dulu, sebelum minda di-corruptkan isk...
Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal... ni pun masa muda2 dulu.. skang takde dah...kot..
Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain ... Hehe.. tak jugak.. menarik perhatian org yg nak ditarik perhatian je.. wahaha... tp tak tertarik gak kengkadang.. isy.. :p
Perasaan yang amat mendalam... terhadap apa? isk.. tak paham.
Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal...muahahah.. nih tak kena nih...
Tidak perlu dimotivasikan... nih pun tak kena sangat..
Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain... muehehe... Mudah dipujuk... senang gak la kot.. provided bagi prezzies/choccies/candies/teddies... :D
Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri)...Sgt tak relevan
Suka berangan... hehe.. favorite past time. Lols. tapi berangan ni cam impian apa.. boleh jadik kenyataan tau. In fact ada je angan2 yg dah jadik kenyataan.. except angan2 nak date dgn prince william, nak kawen ngan yusry kru.. hehe.. just to name a few yg tak jadik la kan...
Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu... hmm... jarang kot.. Masa hati tgh gelap tu.. tak nampak aa.. wahahaha.
Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit.. leher slalu lenguh jek.. takla penyakit pun..
Daya khayalan yang tinggi... heheh... khayalan yg tinggi membolehkan angan2 seperti di atas tadi!
Pandai berdebat... tak pandai ma.. tak pernah masuk pertandingan pun.
Fizikal yang baik... so far so good.
Kelemahan sistem pernafasan... ada la sikit. slalu kena selsema. org kata resdung? ye kot? resdung tu sinusitis ke ha?
Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong.. sastera.. tak berapa, muzik.. ok laa.. melancong.. suka!melencong pun suka jugak.. esp kalau ngan azno.. ade je harapan melencong.. isk..
Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah... hehe.. nih kalau tanya mama mesti dia stuju 200%
Tidak boleh duduk diam... adakah ini yg menyebabkan insiden "lu pandai goyang aaa!" muahahaa.... nasib baik dr. A tak ckp mende yg sama.. isk. aku maluk!
Tidak punya ramai anak...ini belum tau lagik..
Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi...rajin?muahaha.... apa? rajin???? MUAHAHAHAA...
Agak boros... hmm.. ye ke? hehe... boros at calculated risk la kot... kuang3.. ada ke camtu?? Perkara ni menambahkan bahayanya bila berdua ngan azno jenjln naik keta... kalau siam tu nak masuk takyah passport, rasanya dah dua, tiga trip dah masuk siam... :p
Friday, September 17, 2004
Birth Month and Personalities
.:: Nura, Diyana ::.
Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik. Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik. Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan. Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur. Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam. Pandai mengambil hati orang lain. Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang. Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi. Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri. Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema. Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya. Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak. Suka duduk di rumah. Setia pada segala-galanya. Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial. Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi
.:: Dan, Baba ::.
Sangat aktif dan dinamik. Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal. Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri. Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat. Suka diberi perhatian. Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ). Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang. Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut. Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah. Emosi cepat terusik. Cuba kawal perasaan. Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam. Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan. Kuat daya ingatan. Gerak hati yang sangat kuat. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain. Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada. Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
.:: Me, Mama, Uncle, Eza ::.
Keras hati & degil. Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi. Pemikiran yang tajam. Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal. Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain . Perasaan yang amat mendalam. Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal. Tidak perlu dimotivasikan. Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain. Mudah dipujuk. Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri). Suka berangan. Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu. Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit. Daya khayalan yang tinggi. Permikiran yang tajam. Pandai berdebat. Fizikal yang baik. Kelemahan sistem pernafasan. Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong. Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah. Tidak boleh duduk diam. Tidak punya ramai anak. Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi. Agak boros.
.:: Fadzlee, Ja ::.
Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan. Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik. Berperangai lemah lembut. Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood. Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala. Bersikap sensitif. Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir). Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera. Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh. Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik. Cepat marah & cepat sejuk. Suka bercakap & berdebat. Suka buat lawak & bergurau. Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan. Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan. Orang yang sangat tertib. Pandai mempamerkan sikap. Mudah kecil hati. Mudah kena selsema. Suka berkemas. Cepat rasa bosan. Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet. Kurang mempamerkan perasaan. Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati. Suka pada barang yang berjenama. Mudah menjadi eksekutif. Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal. Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.
.:: Aima ::.
Suka berlawak. Mudah tertawan padanya. Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain. Berani dan tidak tahu takut. Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan. Pandai memujuk orang lain. Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego. Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi. Dahagakan pujian. Semangat juang yang luar biasa. Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk. Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan. Sangat cemburu. Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti. Cepat berfikir. Fikiran yang berdikari. Suka memimpin & dipimpin. Sifat suka berangan. Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat. Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk. Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit. Belajar untuk bertenang. Sikap kelam kabut. Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang. Suka mencari kawan
.:: K.DILLA ::.
Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur. Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur. Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik. Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap. Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati. Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur. Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna. Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui. Orang yang banyak berfikir. Daya pentaakulan yang baik. Otak bijak & mudah belajar. Suka mencari maklumat. Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri. Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia. Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong. Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya. Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan. Terlalu memilih pasangan. Sukakan benda yang luas. Bersistematik.
.:: Azeno ::.
Suka berbual. Suka orang yang sayang padanya. Suka ambil jln tengah. Sangat menawan & sopan santun. Kecantikan luar & dalam. Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura. Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan. Sentiasa berkawan. Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama. Cepat marah. Macam pentingkan diri sendiri. Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta. Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri. Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain. Emosi yang mudah terusik. Suka berangan & pandai bercakap. Emosi yang kelam kabut. Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan). Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni. Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut. Romantik dalam percintaan. Mudah terusik hati & cemburu. Ambil berat tentang orang lain. Suka kegiatan luar. Orang yang adil. Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran. Mudah patah semangat
.:: Aiza, Aliza ::.
Banyak idea dalam perkara. Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya. Berfikiran kehadapan. Berfikiran unik dan bijak. Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa. Pemikiran yang tajam. Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi. Sesuai jadi seorang doktor. Cermat dan teliti. Personaliti yang dinamik. Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia. Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra. Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran. Terlalu degil dan keras hati. Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya. Tak suka marah kecuali digugat. Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain. Pandai muhasabah diri. Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain. Otak yang sangat tajam. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri. Tidak hargai pujian. Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu. Cuba sampai berjaya. Badan yang sasa. Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik. Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang. Suka duduk d irumah. Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi. Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia. Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi. Bercita-cita tinggi. Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
.:: Nurul, Azanie, Aunty ::.
Sangat setia dan pemurah. Bersifat patriotik. Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan. Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa. Bercita-cita tinggi. Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi. Seronok bila didampingi. Suka bercampur dengan orang. Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai. Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur. Tidak pandai berpura-pura. Cepat marah. Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah. Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi. Benci pada kongkongan. Suka berlawak. Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik
Bercita-cita tinggi dan orangnya serius, suka mendidik dan dididik. Sangat mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik. Rajin dan setiap yang dibuat nampak keuntungan. Suka pada kecantikan, kekemasan dan teratur. Bersifat sensitif dan berfikiran mendalam. Pandai mengambil hati orang lain. Pendiam kecuali telah dirangsang. Agak pemalu dan mempunyai daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi. Mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri. Badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema. Bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai memperlihatkannya. Cukup sayang pada kanak-kanak. Suka duduk di rumah. Setia pada segala-galanya. Perlu belajar kemahiran bersosial. Sifat cemburu yang sangat tinggi
Sangat aktif dan dinamik. Cepat bertindak membuat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal. Sangat menarik dan pandai menjaga diri. Punya daya mental yang sangat kuat. Suka diberi perhatian. Sangat diplomatik (pandai memujuk ). Berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah orang. Sangat berani dan tiada perasaan takut. Suka perkara yang mencabar, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah. Emosi cepat terusik. Cuba kawal perasaan. Kecenderungan bersifat pendendam. Agresif dan kelam kabut dalam membuat keputusan. Kuat daya ingatan. Gerak hati yang sangat kuat. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan orang lain. Berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada. Sangat cemburu dan terlalu cemburu
Keras hati & degil. Kuat semangat & bermotivasi tinggi. Pemikiran yang tajam. Mudah marah apabila tidak dikawal. Pandai menarik hati & perhatian orang lain . Perasaan yang amat mendalam. Cantik dari segi mental & fizikal. Tidak perlu dimotivasikan. Tetap pendirian, tetapi mudah dipengaruhi oleh orang lain. Mudah dipujuk. Bersikap sistematik (otak kiri). Suka berangan. Kuat daya firasat memahami apa yang terlintas di hati orang lain tanpa diberitahu. Bahagian telinga & leher mudah diserang penyakit. Daya khayalan yang tinggi. Permikiran yang tajam. Pandai berdebat. Fizikal yang baik. Kelemahan sistem pernafasan. Suka sastera, seni & muzik serta melancong. Tidak berapa suka duduk di rumah. Tidak boleh duduk diam. Tidak punya ramai anak. Rajin dan bersemangat tinggi. Agak boros.
Berfikiran jauh & berwawasan. Mudah ditawan kerana sikap baik. Berperangai lemah lembut. Mudah berubah sikap, perangai, idea dan mood. Idea yang terlalu banyak di kepala. Bersikap sensitif. Mempunyai pemikiran yang aktif (sentiasa berfikir). Sukar melakukan sesuatu dengan segera. Bersikap suka menangguh-nangguh. Bersikap terlalu memilih & mahukan yang terbaik. Cepat marah & cepat sejuk. Suka bercakap & berdebat. Suka buat lawak & bergurau. Otaknya cerdas berangan-angan. Mudah berkawan & pandai berkawan. Orang yang sangat tertib. Pandai mempamerkan sikap. Mudah kecil hati. Mudah kena selsema. Suka berkemas. Cepat rasa bosan. Sikap terlalu memilih & cerewet. Kurang mempamerkan perasaan. Lambat untuk sembuh apabila terluka hati. Suka pada barang yang berjenama. Mudah menjadi eksekutif. Kedegilan yang tidak terkawal. Sesiapa yang memuji, dianggap musuh. Siapa yang menegur dianggap kawan.
Suka berlawak. Mudah tertawan padanya. Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain. Berani dan tidak tahu takut. Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan. Pandai memujuk orang lain. Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego. Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi. Dahagakan pujian. Semangat juang yang luar biasa. Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk. Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan. Sangat cemburu. Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti. Cepat berfikir. Fikiran yang berdikari. Suka memimpin & dipimpin. Sifat suka berangan. Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat. Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk. Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit. Belajar untuk bertenang. Sikap kelam kabut. Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang. Suka mencari kawan
Sangat bersopan santun & bertolak ansur. Sangat cermat, teliti & teratur. Suka menegur kesilapan orang lain & mengkritik. Pendiam tapi pandai bercakap. Sikap sangat cool, sangat baik & mudah simpati. Sangat perihatin & terperinci, amanah, setia & jujur. Kerja yang dilakukan sangat sempurna. Sangat sensitif yang tidak diketahui. Orang yang banyak berfikir. Daya pentaakulan yang baik. Otak bijak & mudah belajar. Suka mencari maklumat. Kawal diri dari terlalu mengkritik. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri. Mudah memahami orang lain kerana banyak menyimpan rahsia. Suka sukan, hiburan & melancong. Kurang menunjukkan perasaannya. Terluka hatinya sangat lama disimpan. Terlalu memilih pasangan. Sukakan benda yang luas. Bersistematik.
Suka berbual. Suka orang yang sayang padanya. Suka ambil jln tengah. Sangat menawan & sopan santun. Kecantikan luar & dalam. Tidak pandai berbohong & berpura-pura. Mudah rasa simpati, baik dan mementingkan kawan. Sentiasa berkawan. Hatinya mudah terusik tetapi merajuknya tak lama. Cepat marah. Macam pentingkan diri sendiri. Tidak menolong orang kecuali diminta. Suka melihat dari perspektifnya sendiri. Tidak suka terima pandangan orang lain. Emosi yang mudah terusik. Suka berangan & pandai bercakap. Emosi yang kelam kabut. Daya firasat yang sangat kuat (terutamanya perempuan). Suka melancong, bidang sastera & seni. Pengasih, penyayang & lemah lembut. Romantik dalam percintaan. Mudah terusik hati & cemburu. Ambil berat tentang orang lain. Suka kegiatan luar. Orang yang adil. Boros & mudah dipengaruhi persekitaran. Mudah patah semangat
Banyak idea dalam perkara. Sukar untuk dimengertikan atau difahami sikapnya. Berfikiran kehadapan. Berfikiran unik dan bijak. Penuh dengan idea-idea baru yang luarbiasa. Pemikiran yang tajam. Daya firasat yang sangat halus dan tinggi. Sesuai jadi seorang doktor. Cermat dan teliti. Personaliti yang dinamik. Sifat yang berahsia, pandai mencungkil dan mencari rahsia. Banyak berfikir, kurang bercakap tetapi mesra. Berani, pemurah setia dan banyak kesabaran. Terlalu degil dan keras hati. Apabila berkehendak sesuatu, akan diusahakan sehingga berjaya. Tak suka marah kecuali digugat. Mudah ambil berat terhadap orang lain. Pandai muhasabah diri. Cara berfikir yang lain dari orang lain. Otak yang sangat tajam. Pandai mendorong diri sendiri. Tidak hargai pujian. Kekuatan semangat dan daya juang yang sangat tinggi apabila berkehendak sesuatu. Cuba sampai berjaya. Badan yang sasa. Kasih sayang dan emosi yang sangat mendalam dan romantik. Tidak pasti dengan hubungan kasih sayang. Suka duduk d irumah. Sangat rajin dan berkemampuan tinggi. Amanah, jujur, setia dan pandai berahsia. Tidak berapa berjaya dalam mengawal emosi. Bercita-cita tinggi. Perangai tidak dapat diramal dan mudah berubah-ubah
Sangat setia dan pemurah. Bersifat patriotik. Sangat aktif dalam permainan dan pergaulan. Sikap kurang sabar dan tergesa-gesa. Bercita-cita tinggi. Suka menjadi orang yang berpengaruh dalam organisasi. Seronok bila didampingi. Suka bercampur dengan orang. Suka dipuji, diberi perhatian dan dibelai. Sangat jujur, amanah dan bertolak ansur. Tidak pandai berpura-pura. Cepat marah. Perangai yang mudah berubah-ubah. Tidak ego walaupun harga dirinya sangat tinggi. Benci pada kongkongan. Suka berlawak. Pandai buat lawak dan berfikiran logik
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Babies and mommies
Aima messaged me last nite. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy yesterday!!!! A very healthy baby i should think... 3.9 kgs! :D Congrats Aima!! Seronoknya, dah ada sepasang. :) Gradually, all my friends are becoming wives and mommies... started with azian, kak dilla, kak ita, aima, alang, nura, shikin, gbum... dan berapa ramai lagi lah yang tak tertulis kat sinih... Aima, k. dilla, alang, gbum n azian are mommies, nura's a mommy to be... yang lain.. tak tau cerita. Hmmm.. macam seronok je ada baby ni kan. Sometimes kan, i feel like i dont wanna have babies within the first year of my marriage(when i get married la kan). I feel as if the baby will limit the time i'm gonna spend with my dearie hubby. Dahla tu, during pregnancy and after birth, you'll experience a lot of physical change.. that's really scary!I've always thought that we (hubby and i) should enjoy our first year as a couple.. a total honeymoon year... and after that, maybe we can discuss about having a baby... hehe.. that's the plan la kan.. apa yang nak jadi tak tau la.. Lolss.. Tapi tu la... When hanging out/ listening to news about friends having babies, i kinda get overwhelmed by the idea of having my own... Macam best je.. Haha.. Hmm..one day... i shall have not one, but maybe two or three of my own!!!! :D Kan sayang? kan? kan?? ;)
Growing up as a fat kid from a regular family, living in the outskirts of KL and attending one of the best schools at the heart of town where most of my friends originated from a well-to-do family, i've always had a stereotype kin of idea about happiness. I've always felt that if someone is beautiful enough or wealthy enough, or smart enough.... if she's a head turner, have got eyes following her every move, have money to spend, walks the walk, talks the talk.. yadda.. yadda... she'll be a happy person.
I've come to know pretty girls, girls who've got men drooling over them... and rich kids with a big fat wallet full of cash... and sadly, they're not as happy as i thought they oughtta be.
That really changed my perception of happy people. I may not be as beautiful as my pretty friends or as posh as my rich buddies... but i'm happy and contented with what life has to offer me. Well.. of course, there are times when i get really upset with the way things goes.. but hey.. its not a perfect life. Its those upsetting moments that adds spice to your life. If life is too perfect, and everything goes the way tou want it to... well... it'll just be a boring, mundane, non challenging life.
So... happiness is not really related to what you are. It relates more on how you view your life, how you enjoy and cherish the things around you, how you appreciate the ones who loves and cares for you and how you love yourself.
Alhamdulillah, You've bestowed upon me such a beautiful life, with parents, lover, friends and family who loves and cares for me and accepts me just the way i am.
Yesterday's posting
Below was supposed to be added to my posting for yesterday..
Dr K
Just got back from Dr K's office. When was the last time i saw him huh??? hmm.. So we talked...
Dr K: What's the problem??
Me : I tried to ....... but.... so....
Dr K: So what's the problem?
Me : I dunno how to connect them all. :(
Dr K:Ok..try this.....
Me : Ok. How do i start writing?
Dr K: Hmm.. i've forgotten what your project is about. You don't come to see me often enough. You come one day, and gets MIA for 2-3 months... so i'm not updated with what you're doing.
Me : :( I know. I dont know what to report if i see you too often.. heheh.
Dr K: Just come by la. Borak2 pun takpe.
Me : Ooo...ok
Dr K: Bila nak habis ni?
Me : Dunno. Soon i hope. Bakal mertua dah pressure suruh habis cepat.
Dr K: Tu la, awak lambat sangat.
Me : I know.
Dr K: Bila kawen?
Me : Mak kata selagi tak habis takleh kawen. :(
Dr K: Heheh.. merana laa lelaki tu...
Me : Saya pun merana gak... :p
Me at hangar
Aznor couldnt stop laughing when she saw this pic. She said its soo not me. Standing there so straight and still... Lols.. hampehs azeno! Anyways... this was me at the hangar with a very innocent-looking pose. :p Had to edit the pic a little to hide the company name on the aircraft. hehe.. I dont want people to get into trouble. Oh.. and i really hate the way the blouse made me look. I mean, i love the blouse, i think its comfy and sweet.. but it makes me look like i'm pregnant! Sheessshhhh.. :p

Aima messaged me last nite. She gave birth to a healthy baby boy yesterday!!!! A very healthy baby i should think... 3.9 kgs! :D Congrats Aima!! Seronoknya, dah ada sepasang. :) Gradually, all my friends are becoming wives and mommies... started with azian, kak dilla, kak ita, aima, alang, nura, shikin, gbum... dan berapa ramai lagi lah yang tak tertulis kat sinih... Aima, k. dilla, alang, gbum n azian are mommies, nura's a mommy to be... yang lain.. tak tau cerita. Hmmm.. macam seronok je ada baby ni kan. Sometimes kan, i feel like i dont wanna have babies within the first year of my marriage(when i get married la kan). I feel as if the baby will limit the time i'm gonna spend with my dearie hubby. Dahla tu, during pregnancy and after birth, you'll experience a lot of physical change.. that's really scary!I've always thought that we (hubby and i) should enjoy our first year as a couple.. a total honeymoon year... and after that, maybe we can discuss about having a baby... hehe.. that's the plan la kan.. apa yang nak jadi tak tau la.. Lolss.. Tapi tu la... When hanging out/ listening to news about friends having babies, i kinda get overwhelmed by the idea of having my own... Macam best je.. Haha.. Hmm..one day... i shall have not one, but maybe two or three of my own!!!! :D Kan sayang? kan? kan?? ;)
Growing up as a fat kid from a regular family, living in the outskirts of KL and attending one of the best schools at the heart of town where most of my friends originated from a well-to-do family, i've always had a stereotype kin of idea about happiness. I've always felt that if someone is beautiful enough or wealthy enough, or smart enough.... if she's a head turner, have got eyes following her every move, have money to spend, walks the walk, talks the talk.. yadda.. yadda... she'll be a happy person.
I've come to know pretty girls, girls who've got men drooling over them... and rich kids with a big fat wallet full of cash... and sadly, they're not as happy as i thought they oughtta be.
That really changed my perception of happy people. I may not be as beautiful as my pretty friends or as posh as my rich buddies... but i'm happy and contented with what life has to offer me. Well.. of course, there are times when i get really upset with the way things goes.. but hey.. its not a perfect life. Its those upsetting moments that adds spice to your life. If life is too perfect, and everything goes the way tou want it to... well... it'll just be a boring, mundane, non challenging life.
So... happiness is not really related to what you are. It relates more on how you view your life, how you enjoy and cherish the things around you, how you appreciate the ones who loves and cares for you and how you love yourself.
Alhamdulillah, You've bestowed upon me such a beautiful life, with parents, lover, friends and family who loves and cares for me and accepts me just the way i am.
Yesterday's posting
Below was supposed to be added to my posting for yesterday..
Dr K
Just got back from Dr K's office. When was the last time i saw him huh??? hmm.. So we talked...
Dr K: What's the problem??
Me : I tried to ....... but.... so....
Dr K: So what's the problem?
Me : I dunno how to connect them all. :(
Dr K:Ok..try this.....
Me : Ok. How do i start writing?
Dr K: Hmm.. i've forgotten what your project is about. You don't come to see me often enough. You come one day, and gets MIA for 2-3 months... so i'm not updated with what you're doing.
Me : :( I know. I dont know what to report if i see you too often.. heheh.
Dr K: Just come by la. Borak2 pun takpe.
Me : Ooo...ok
Dr K: Bila nak habis ni?
Me : Dunno. Soon i hope. Bakal mertua dah pressure suruh habis cepat.
Dr K: Tu la, awak lambat sangat.
Me : I know.
Dr K: Bila kawen?
Me : Mak kata selagi tak habis takleh kawen. :(
Dr K: Heheh.. merana laa lelaki tu...
Me : Saya pun merana gak... :p
Me at hangar
Aznor couldnt stop laughing when she saw this pic. She said its soo not me. Standing there so straight and still... Lols.. hampehs azeno! Anyways... this was me at the hangar with a very innocent-looking pose. :p Had to edit the pic a little to hide the company name on the aircraft. hehe.. I dont want people to get into trouble. Oh.. and i really hate the way the blouse made me look. I mean, i love the blouse, i think its comfy and sweet.. but it makes me look like i'm pregnant! Sheessshhhh.. :p
Wednesday, September 15, 2004
Ahahhaa... impressive l blogger. :) Although it doesnt load as quick as lighntning, it still loads in a day.. within an hour.. hehehe... ok la tu...
There was this song which we used to sing in lower secondary, when there's extra time during the weekly monday assembly. I saw the lyrics in a just-for-kids website and still find it hillarious. hahaha.... I'll share it with you :
On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.
It rolled down the garden, and under a bush,
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!
The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,
And then the next summer it grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered, all covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs, all covered with sauce.
So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
Hold onto your meatball, 'cause someone might sneeze.
Lolss... Funny huh? Kalau betul ada tree that grow meatballss.. boy.. won't i be happy. Senang, just boil some spaghetti al dente, pick some meatballs... and.. Voila! Spaghetti and meatballs. :D Yummmm...
Fat and Purple
Bet you can guess who i'm talkin about. Hehe.. Yep.. its Barney the purple dinosour that everybody can't get enough of (Yeah right!!!) Just imagine, i've never watched any of Barney's shows and yet i can't get his songs outta my head!!"Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination..When he’s tall he’s what we call a dinosaur sensation!" Goshhhh.... nih almas la nih. She just have to watch Barney everyday... and Dan can never stop talking about her and her "obsession" on Barney... and he had the Barney songs playing on his head all the time.. and now i keep hearing the song on my mind... coz he kept singing it to me!!! Warrghhh...
With You
Specially dedicated to my dearest love... I miss you lots!! (Dreading all the time i had to spend alone without you!)
You speak and it's like a song
And just like that all my walls come down
It's like a private joke just meant for us to know
I relate to you naturally
Everybody else just fades away
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Just knowing you found me
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you
With you
There was this song which we used to sing in lower secondary, when there's extra time during the weekly monday assembly. I saw the lyrics in a just-for-kids website and still find it hillarious. hahaha.... I'll share it with you :
On top of Spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
It rolled off the table, and onto the floor,
And then my poor meatball rolled out of the door.
It rolled down the garden, and under a bush,
And then my poor meatball was nothing but mush!
The mush was as tasty, as tasty could be,
And then the next summer it grew into a tree.
The tree was all covered, all covered with moss,
And on it grew meatballs, all covered with sauce.
So if you have spaghetti, all covered with cheese,
Hold onto your meatball, 'cause someone might sneeze.
Lolss... Funny huh? Kalau betul ada tree that grow meatballss.. boy.. won't i be happy. Senang, just boil some spaghetti al dente, pick some meatballs... and.. Voila! Spaghetti and meatballs. :D Yummmm...
Fat and Purple
Bet you can guess who i'm talkin about. Hehe.. Yep.. its Barney the purple dinosour that everybody can't get enough of (Yeah right!!!) Just imagine, i've never watched any of Barney's shows and yet i can't get his songs outta my head!!
With You
Specially dedicated to my dearest love... I miss you lots!! (Dreading all the time i had to spend alone without you!)
And just like that all my walls come down
It's like a private joke just meant for us to know
I relate to you naturally
Everybody else just fades away
Sometimes it's hard to breathe
Just knowing you found me
I can let my hair down
I can say anything crazy
I know you'll catch me right before I hit the ground
With nothing but a T-shirt on
I never felt so beautiful
Baby as I do now
Now that I'm with you
With you
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Wowww... blogger is soo unexpectedly quick to download today... wow!
Aiseyyy... there errors on page la.. Can't connect to any of the links... Nantila.. i'll troubleshoot and repair it... but if there're any kind-hearted html-whiz who'd like to help me with the repairing, i'd be very, very grateful. :)
Poor toe
This is my toe after 2 days of the laser surgery :

Masters dan kawen
These two doesnt go together.... nope... certainly not for me... Hisyyy.... kenape la buat research?????????
Aiseyyy... there errors on page la.. Can't connect to any of the links... Nantila.. i'll troubleshoot and repair it... but if there're any kind-hearted html-whiz who'd like to help me with the repairing, i'd be very, very grateful. :)
Poor toe
This is my toe after 2 days of the laser surgery :
Masters dan kawen
These two doesnt go together.... nope... certainly not for me... Hisyyy.... kenape la buat research?????????
Monday, September 13, 2004
At last!!! This posting page actually downloads! Can't beleive my eyesss!!
I got lasered!!! NO... i don't mean the bad-mouthing laser kinda thing. I went to my dermatologist for my monthly appoinment and i showed him this bulging skin on one of my toes which was painful when pressed. The dr said that it was some kind of wart. He suggested that i get a laser removal surgery to get it treated as the wart can spread on to other areas if left untreateded. He said i can get it done that day or any other day if i'm not ready to do it yet... Had a few minutes to think with the dr profusely telling me to get the laser thingy over and done with.... so i went with the idea. Hmm dahla before that got a jab for hair thingy... Hari yang menyakitkan!!
So i went out of the consultation room and told my mom abt the whole thing. (i went with my mom and athirah instead of aunty because she didn't have an appoinment for that day.) My mom said... "hmm.. tak sakit ke?" And all i could reply was.. "ntah.."
A couple of minutes later, i was called into the laser treatment room by a nurse. She asked me to lie on the bed/stretcher thing in the room. I was getting more nervous... y the hell did i agree on such thing?? Then the dr came in... alahh.. just get it over and doen with la kan. He sprayed something really cold onto my toe to numb it before he injected the toe with anesthetics ( i think it was my toe.. but it felt like he was jabbing the wart with something. Gila sakit. :p Terjerit la kejap kan... haha... siots. Nways.. after he was done.. the dr said "Ok.. that was the worst part. After this, you wouldnt feel a thing. Good girl." Dlm hati dah menyumpah.. hangguk hang good girl.. sakit ngong! Tapi mmg dia dah ckp dah, akan sakit. Heheh...
Then, i had to wait for the anesthetics to numb my toe while the nurses tried to get some super glue stains off my nails. (yep.. masa tu jugakla nak tergam tangan dgn gam gajah.) The had to scrape the thing off my nails.(Note to frens: BEWARE when using super glue... if it sticks to the skin, it can easily be washed out when you sweat... but if it gets on your nails... hehe.. good luck buddy!) Pastu, the nurse cucuk2 the wart spot and asked if i felt anything... Hmm... macam confuse.. rasa ke tak rasa ek... and then she took a scalpel-like knife and begin to scrape off the top layer. Didnt feel a thang!!! Then the dr came in and fired some laser shots and burn all the dead skin off...... After the treatment, the dr happily left and i was still lying down, still kinda confused.. Lolsss... kejapnya!! Pastuh, the nurse called me and said "tgk ni.. berlubang tau.. Pas ni, tukar plaster, letak krim ni.. blaa...bla... Nanti 2-3 hari tumbuh la balik daging tu..." I peeped at the toe... Huwaaaa!!! lubangnyeeeee!!!! Uhuhuhuuukkk sedey la pulok.... Jari ada loban... huhuhu.... :p
So.. today.. after 3 days of the laser thingy, dah baik sikit dah... but the skin layer belum tumbuh lagi.. so if i peel open the plaster, nampak la the fleshh.. hehe.. Nanti upload gamba.. Lols... Lega..... dah get rid of the wart.. Phew!~
The laser thingy la kiranya yang paling happening last weekend.. Haha.. yang lain2 tu, biasa... balik KL, jumpe mama, athirah (skang dah pandai nyanyi twinkle2 little star, are you sleeping) hahah.... Jumpe Dan, aunty and uncle... ohh.. Tapi aunty tak berapa sihat. She now has to be jabbed with insulin everyday. Blood sugar dia very high la lately. Hmm.. risau gak... Mama pun dah lama tak buat checkup.. nak kena suruh jugak mama buat checkup nanti.
Oh..oh... lupa lak... I got to go the aircraft's hangar!!! Hahahaa.. jangan jealous!! Most pilots pun tak pernah masuk hangar tau.. Lols... Thanks so much to everyone who were involved for sneaking me in. Heheh... Dapat la naik kapal terbang rosak. :) Hehehe.. pastu duduk inside the cockpit, at the right-hand seat... tempat F.O... hehe.. takleh la duduk left seat kan.. lawan tokey plak.. Lols. Tapi sgt best la... nanti la... kalau server tak lembab, akan diupload la gamba tu.. tapi gelap sket la gamba dlm cockpit.. kapalterbang rosak kan... Tapi.. comelnya kapalterbang... Hahahaaa..... dan comelnya org yg bawak kapalterbang... :D
Hadeyyy.. habis cite kay tagal ni nak continue diet + aerobics la... isk.. Kay tagal nih mmg menganggu hidup la.. haha.. kalau tak tgk rasa cam tak lengkap lak hari tu.. sangat hampeh! Balik aritu dah la pulun memacam.. semalam aje, before balik pbtr, g klcc.... makan carbonara (which was xtra banyak.. tak tau la org tu salah buat kot...)... pastu doughnuts-boston creme and doeble choc.... pastu mkn cookie plak... double choc with pecan... and sof cookie... hadeyyy.... sedapnyeeee........ Ni la bahaya dieting with time limit. As soon as you're off the dieting period, you retaliate and begin to eat all sorts of stuffs.. i mean I.. hehe.... hishh.. yo-yo sungguh! :p Sudahla... lepas ni make dieting a lifestyle.. hehe.. zone diet!!! go!Go!
I got lasered!!! NO... i don't mean the bad-mouthing laser kinda thing. I went to my dermatologist for my monthly appoinment and i showed him this bulging skin on one of my toes which was painful when pressed. The dr said that it was some kind of wart. He suggested that i get a laser removal surgery to get it treated as the wart can spread on to other areas if left untreateded. He said i can get it done that day or any other day if i'm not ready to do it yet... Had a few minutes to think with the dr profusely telling me to get the laser thingy over and done with.... so i went with the idea. Hmm dahla before that got a jab for hair thingy... Hari yang menyakitkan!!
So i went out of the consultation room and told my mom abt the whole thing. (i went with my mom and athirah instead of aunty because she didn't have an appoinment for that day.) My mom said... "hmm.. tak sakit ke?" And all i could reply was.. "ntah.."
A couple of minutes later, i was called into the laser treatment room by a nurse. She asked me to lie on the bed/stretcher thing in the room. I was getting more nervous... y the hell did i agree on such thing?? Then the dr came in... alahh.. just get it over and doen with la kan. He sprayed something really cold onto my toe to numb it before he injected the toe with anesthetics ( i think it was my toe.. but it felt like he was jabbing the wart with something. Gila sakit. :p Terjerit la kejap kan... haha... siots. Nways.. after he was done.. the dr said "Ok.. that was the worst part. After this, you wouldnt feel a thing. Good girl." Dlm hati dah menyumpah.. hangguk hang good girl.. sakit ngong! Tapi mmg dia dah ckp dah, akan sakit. Heheh...
Then, i had to wait for the anesthetics to numb my toe while the nurses tried to get some super glue stains off my nails. (yep.. masa tu jugakla nak tergam tangan dgn gam gajah.) The had to scrape the thing off my nails.(Note to frens: BEWARE when using super glue... if it sticks to the skin, it can easily be washed out when you sweat... but if it gets on your nails... hehe.. good luck buddy!) Pastu, the nurse cucuk2 the wart spot and asked if i felt anything... Hmm... macam confuse.. rasa ke tak rasa ek... and then she took a scalpel-like knife and begin to scrape off the top layer. Didnt feel a thang!!! Then the dr came in and fired some laser shots and burn all the dead skin off...... After the treatment, the dr happily left and i was still lying down, still kinda confused.. Lolsss... kejapnya!! Pastuh, the nurse called me and said "tgk ni.. berlubang tau.. Pas ni, tukar plaster, letak krim ni.. blaa...bla... Nanti 2-3 hari tumbuh la balik daging tu..." I peeped at the toe... Huwaaaa!!! lubangnyeeeee!!!! Uhuhuhuuukkk sedey la pulok.... Jari ada loban... huhuhu.... :p
So.. today.. after 3 days of the laser thingy, dah baik sikit dah... but the skin layer belum tumbuh lagi.. so if i peel open the plaster, nampak la the fleshh.. hehe.. Nanti upload gamba.. Lols... Lega..... dah get rid of the wart.. Phew!~
The laser thingy la kiranya yang paling happening last weekend.. Haha.. yang lain2 tu, biasa... balik KL, jumpe mama, athirah (skang dah pandai nyanyi twinkle2 little star, are you sleeping) hahah.... Jumpe Dan, aunty and uncle... ohh.. Tapi aunty tak berapa sihat. She now has to be jabbed with insulin everyday. Blood sugar dia very high la lately. Hmm.. risau gak... Mama pun dah lama tak buat checkup.. nak kena suruh jugak mama buat checkup nanti.
Oh..oh... lupa lak... I got to go the aircraft's hangar!!! Hahahaa.. jangan jealous!! Most pilots pun tak pernah masuk hangar tau.. Lols... Thanks so much to everyone who were involved for sneaking me in. Heheh... Dapat la naik kapal terbang rosak. :) Hehehe.. pastu duduk inside the cockpit, at the right-hand seat... tempat F.O... hehe.. takleh la duduk left seat kan.. lawan tokey plak.. Lols. Tapi sgt best la... nanti la... kalau server tak lembab, akan diupload la gamba tu.. tapi gelap sket la gamba dlm cockpit.. kapalterbang rosak kan... Tapi.. comelnya kapalterbang... Hahahaaa..... dan comelnya org yg bawak kapalterbang... :D
Hadeyyy.. habis cite kay tagal ni nak continue diet + aerobics la... isk.. Kay tagal nih mmg menganggu hidup la.. haha.. kalau tak tgk rasa cam tak lengkap lak hari tu.. sangat hampeh! Balik aritu dah la pulun memacam.. semalam aje, before balik pbtr, g klcc.... makan carbonara (which was xtra banyak.. tak tau la org tu salah buat kot...)... pastu doughnuts-boston creme and doeble choc.... pastu mkn cookie plak... double choc with pecan... and sof cookie... hadeyyy.... sedapnyeeee........ Ni la bahaya dieting with time limit. As soon as you're off the dieting period, you retaliate and begin to eat all sorts of stuffs.. i mean I.. hehe.... hishh.. yo-yo sungguh! :p Sudahla... lepas ni make dieting a lifestyle.. hehe.. zone diet!!! go!Go!
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