Thursday, March 31, 2005


The best thing about losing weight is you are noticed by people..
The worst thing about gaining weight is you are MORE noticed by MORE people...

Another day.. another acknowledgement of my full, FAT, figure. :p

Uwaaaaa.... Azeno.. pinjam beskal.. nekad aa nak cycle g skul. ;( Tsk! Tsk!
..Leaving on a jet plane...

All my bags are packed I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye
But the dawn is breakin' it's early morn
The taxi's waitin' he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I tell you now, they don't mean a thing
Every place I go, I'll think of you
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time let me kiss you
Close your eyes I'll be on my way
Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times, I won't have to say

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go
Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane
Don't know when I'll be back again
Oh babe, I hate to go

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Tadi gih library kejap.. hantar buku dah lepas due date. Kena la rm1.30.. tapi.. tu takpe lagi. Kat entrance tu, seperti biasa ada pakcik guard jaga. Kebetulan arini pakcik guard misai yg baik tu jaga. Tetiba dia panggil..
Pkck Guard: Adik nih blaja kat sinih ke?
Me : Lorr... iye la pakcik (ekelee.. pakcik ni buat2 tak kenal plak!)
Pkck Guard: Thn berapa?
Me : Sy buat master. (pkck nih dah boring ke tgk muka aku kt USM ni?)
Pkck Guard: Dr undergrad dulu dah ada kt sini ke?
Me : Iye la pkck.
Pkck Guard: Patutlaa... macam kenal.. tp macam tak kenal...
Me : Lorrr... ada ka..
Pkck Guard: Tapi dulu rasa cam kurus sikit kan???
Me : Hehe.. dulu la pkck.. lepas raya tidak lagi. :p (HUhuhuhu!!! Uwaaa!!)
Pkck Guard: Lorr.. takleh la camtuh.. kena la menten!

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Kegemukan yg very noticeable!!!! Tuh la... diet buddies sumer dah kuar bekerja.. tinggal la terkontang kanting kat sini berdayet snirik2.. ni la jadiknye... Diet buddies nurul n azanie... I need you guys!! Huhu.. marila berdayet bersama2!!! Uwaaaa!!!!

Berkenduri di Ipoh

Haa.. smlm upload gamba masa kenduri abg Ngah kt umah azno kat ipoh... Today br nak citer sket2 kenduri tu from my point of view. :)

Hari jumaat, me n tini gerak ke ipoh.. lewat jugak.. dlm kol 6.15. Sampai ipoh around 8.00... orang tgh sibuk siapkan meja buffet.. sbb mlm tu ada kenduri doa slamat sikit. Seb baik si azeno btau.. kalau tak.. selambe pakai jeans je la berdoa slamat. Tak sesswaiii!Hehe.. nothing much la haritu... doa2 sket, makan, pastu settlekan mende2 last minute... masukkan telur dalam bakul seramik, cucuk bunga manggar.. that sort of things. By 12.30.. masuk blk azeno.. tdo awal sket la konon, so tht esok mata tak sembab.. konon la kan. Bila dah masuk bilik.. tutup je pintu bili... mulut masing2 pun mula tot-tet-tot-tet tak berenti... Hahaha... Last2 masing2 tdo bergelimpangan.. ntah kol bape ntah.

Pagi.. bgn seawal mungkin... kol bape ntah.. 8 kot? Siap2 mandi, sarapan, masuk2 kan telur dalam basket cantik.. pastu siap.. 11.30.. dah ready ngan tini kat luar.. kat kemah kecik, tmpt kawan2 ayah azeno dikumpulkan (hmm.. punah harapan nak menjamu mata.. wakakaka!) 12.30 smpi lebey kurang 3.30 kot bertugas.. pastu, bila org agak2 dah takde.. katerer tu kemaskan meja.. kitorg pun habis tugas la. :) Penat tak mana sangat.. best mmg best la.

Ptg.. makan ramai2 ngan tini, azno, mak uda azno sambil borak2... Mlm, makan lewat.. sbb petang br je makan. So.. kitorg la yg last dok kt dining table mlm tu, mkn sambil menghadap ayam golek dr meja pengantin siang tadi. Pas mkn.. lepak je kat dining table tu bergebang samapi pagi.. masih mengadap ayam golek. Abg Long lak.. everytime lalu kat situh mesti suh abeskan ayam tu.. bila dia lalu lagi, ayam tu masih byk tu.. dia tanya nape tak abeskan ayam.. Hehe.. muak la abg long, asyik mkn ayam.. lg pun perut dah sengkak. :p

Mlm.. lagi skali.. sesi tdo bergelimpangan. Masa sedar2 pagi tu.. tinggal aku je sensorang tdo atas katil. Rasanya mlm tadik semua tdo atas katil... ganas sgt ke aku tdo tolak sume org turun bawah. Rupanya azno dah amek port atas carpet.. tini atas sejadah.. Wallaweyy... siap pakai telekung tu! Kuakuakuaaaa...

Pagi.. bersarapan ramai2 sekali dgn pengantin baru.. makan roti canai besar. Perhh... (Azanie n ruza: Aku bfast ngan abg long!!! =D ) Pastu lepak2 tgk tv, baca suratkabar... t/hari sume org kuar.. g kenduri kecik belah perempuan kt ayer tawar. Kitorg tinggal.. sbb masing2 ngantuk.. Layan lena smpi kol 3 lebey.. solat pastu g mkn.. Hehe.. azno bwk kitorg gi hi-tea kt Casuarina. Hehe.. time kaseh pkck!! =) Makan besar lagi.. malah punggung pun tak melebar??? Blk hi-tea.. pergi Jln Kuala.. tgk2 brg kawen2. Hmm.. cantik.. tp mende yg aku carik mahal dr pbtr.. baik beli kt pbtr je. Camne pun.. beli gak riben2 utk buat bunga pahar. Kawan2... nnt kita buat sama2 ek... :D

Blk dah ptg... mlm ayah azno bwk kitorg gi mkn steamboat lak. (makaaann je sepanjangkat sana.. makan, tdo. kerja tak seberapa pon). Takleh nk makan sangat.. sbb kenyang hi tea pun tak surut lagi.. Sumbat je yg termampu. Wahaha... Balik tdo. Bagus!

Pagi... konon nk blk kol 8.. Sedar2 dah kol 8. Hahha.. kol 8 sungguh la blk kan. End up blk kol 10.30... So.. sampai la t/hari, terus g skul. Huhu... sampai la harini.. dok skul bengong2.. Sbb takde org. Uwaaaaa......

Lps ni lama kot tak online... nk blk kl... SAbtu nk anta Dan kat KLIA.. huhuhu... konon aritu tak blk dah b4 dia g training. Takleh tahan la... pasni for sebulan setengah dia takde kat sinih. Mesti jarang2 dpt ckp ngan dia. Hmm.. tp.. the good news is.. dia di-schedule kan blk around 9 or 10 may. Hehehe.. smptla cik abg ada utk hari bersejarah! Yeay yeay!!!

Monday, March 21, 2005

Abg Ngah n Kak Jasmine.... more pics in my fotopage. Posted by Hello

Friday, March 18, 2005

Cerita Masa Mengantuk.. Yawn!~

"Women plan their wedding since the day they were born!" kata Dan, everytime his mom or me started to discuss about wedding preps. Hehe..

Tapi.. betulke? Did i plan my wedding since i was young? Hmm.. not sure pulak. Tp, main kawen2 tu, ade la. Kekadang ada partner bersanding.. kekadang, sorang2 pun jadik. Konon2 tgh duduk bersanding, tp mulut sibuk bunyi, "kepak.. kepak.. kepung.. kepung.." hehe.. bunyik kompang la konon. :p Pastu, kalau g umah org kawen.. kekonon kita makan ayu ala2 pengantin la jugak. Muahahaa... siap tolak nasik masuk mulut pakai satu jari tu.. Bengong gile bila diingatkan balik. :p Jadik.. mungkin la kot... aku dah envision aku kawen masa aku kecik2 lagi...

Mcm mana pun, bila tiba masanya betul2 nak kena prepare... aku jadik blank. Tatau nak buat apa.. ini nak kena buat, itu nak kena cari, ini nak kena tempah, itu nak kena hias... Seronok memang seronok nak buat preparation kawen ni.. tapi, pressure pun ada gak kekadang.. especially kat benda2 yang melibatkan duit.. and expectation orang lain. Nama je wedding kita, kitalah raja sehari.. tapi sebenarnya.. wedding tu utk semua orang.. semua org kena dipertimbangkan.. dan.. dah memang diketahui dr pengalaman2 lalu, memang payah nak sukakan hati semua orang. Jadik.. kena prioritize la.. as long as i'm happy, the groom's happy, my mom's happy and the groom's parents are happy.. cukup. Orang lain, kalau ada idea macam2, they can save it for their own/their children's wedding. Terpaksa amek pendekatan macam ni.. sebab kalau nk ikut orang.. memang tak terikut. Tak mampu la.

Dream wedding... haritu, masa mula2 Dan say the phrase above.. terfikir jugak.. Do i have a dream wedding of any sort? Hmm.. yes and no kot. Takdela terfikir sangat masa muda2 dulu.. tp bila dah tak muda sangat, terdream la jugak. :) As for myself.. i dream of having a simple and pretty garden wedding. Haritu tgk ada sorang kawan, belah groom dia buat garden wedding. OMG!!! It was so beautiful. Dahla diorg buat mlm... siap dengan all the lights and candles.. memang breathtaking!

Tapi.. rasanya.. cant afford that kot.. (padan muka.. nak kawen masa belajar.. ikut bajet masa belajar la.. hahahaha..). Sbb tu ckp kat mama,buat kenduri kat umah.. garden takde.. dusun ada.. so, nanti buat dusun wedding la. The first ever gitu. Kuang3... ;) Memula ingat nk buat kat dewan kat masjid je... tp terpengaruh lak ngan cousin... dia kata tak meriah kalau kawen kat dewan. Betul la tu. Kawen kat dewan ni... too formal la. Lagipun.. rasa macam tak berapa berbaloi.. sbb you pay a lot.. tp pakai dewan tu berapa jam je.. pelamin pun, dok sekejap je utk tepung tawar sesiket (kalau majlis kat dewan kat masjid, takde pelamin la).Tak semeriah kalau buat kat umah.. sibuk satu rumah.. yang buat pelamin, yang buat hantaran, yang tolong masak.. best! Lagipun, bila fikir2, belah groom pun buat kat dewan.. so my side biarlah buat kat rumah.. dapat rasa both kind of weddings.. kat umah n kat dewan. :)

Tp yang pastinya... one of the things that i wished for on my wedding day is to have all my friends, new and old, near and far, to gather around. Mini-reunion la kira. Hmm.. that'll be so nice. I miss all my friends.. and i do want to share my happiest moment with them. Semoga ramai kawan2 dapat hadir nanti. Amin!~ :D

Kawen.. kawen.. bila fikir kehidupan lepas kawen... menggigil gak lutut.. tapi.. takyah cerita la buat masa ni. Layan tdo2 ayam kejap. Ngantuk gile. Mlm tadi blk lewat, basuh baju lagi.. mandi dah tgh malam baru mandi. Mujur malam tadi hujan. Syukur alhamdulillah... dah lama gila tak hujan. Sedap tdo mlm tadi ditemankan dgn bunyi hujan lebat. :) Bahagia rumput2 mutiara akak kat luar tu dapat bekalan air banyak. =D Pastu nak bangun pagi tadi pun sampai akak kena kejut tarik2 kaki... hahaha... punya la liat. :p Pagi ni, 8.30 dah tercongok depan pc.. awal, sbb ikut akak. Dia ada hal.. Aku? Kete takleh jalan. Minyak ada, lesen ada.. tapi road tax lak dah mati. Huhu.. lepak umah je la kete tuh. Sian dia.. comot dah.. jadik public toilet utk cicak hampeh. Nanti bila senang2, i cuci u ok, kete Dan sayang? ;)

Nap time... Adios!

P/S: Kalau ada org boring asyik cite menda kawen je.. sorry la ek. Awal2 ni.. biasala.. excited.. Dah lama2 sok.. mesti bengong. :p

Thursday, March 17, 2005


Huhu... my main supervisor will be doing his sabbatical end of this year. Which means that i'd have to send in my 10 copies before that! Yah! Yah! Macam mana pun, mmg la kena siapkan before i get married kan.. so, harap2 dgn bantuan sub-supervisor di masa2 kecederaan ni akan boleh memulihkan sistem yang dah tergendala nih. Huhuh...

Macam-macam perasaan.. yang terkandung dalam sebuah kantung perasaan yg besar.. Kantung perasaan yg besar itu ialah perasaan excited! Hahahahaaa.... oh mama.. saya mau kawen...!

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Bad, Ugly Dreams

In the duration of four days, i've had TWO nightmares. I dreamt that my wedding was a disaster and yesterday i dreamt that my dearest had ran off with another gal (which happens to be one of my friends. NO.. i'm not telling who that friend is). Adoi... sedey sungguh. Is this some kind of a bad sign or something? Or is it because i'm currently having too much on my plate that it drags on into my subconscious? Takmo amek kesahla.. a dream is just a dream.. kan?

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Trial Snaps From Hello

Muka penat lepas bershopping sehari suntuk n tak cukup tdo. Posted by Hello

Monday, March 14, 2005

Reached Nura's place from Terengganu at 0600 this morning. Thanks gazillions to Nura, aunty Beah, uncle Ahmad, aunty Zan and uncle Zali for all their help. Thanks to Amir jugak for allowing Nura to accompany me. Terima kasih sesangat sangat. Byk tolong macam2. Tak cukup perkataan nak describe byk mana terima kasih nih. :)

A trip to Tganu
Friday, 2100, Nura n i was on the bus, on our way to Tganu. A very long ride, tapi susah nak tdo. Dunno why. Nwyas, reached Tganu bus stn at 0530, and Amir's parents picked us up shortly after subuh, and went for a light drink.

Sampai umah, bedebush kejap, before starting the day. Around 1100, kuar umah, tgk kain tenun kat area Losong, umah kawan mama-Zan. Carik2, tapi takde color yang dikehendaki.. so proceeded pegi pekan, had lunch nad headed straight to Pasar Payang, carik sutera tenun. Smpi kedai pakcik Abdillah, and dia cerita la abt beza kain sutera tenun, kain tenun, songket Tganu, sonket India... dia btau so tht kitorg tak kena tipu. Kebetulan, kedai pakcik ni ada kain SUTERA TENUN color yang dicari tu, so bargain sesikit, pastu beli la kain tu. Not my favourite color, tapi bukanla tak suka langsung kat color tu, kira bolehla.. but since mama suh beli color tu, amek la jugak.

Pas pasar payang, singgah solat, n terus pergi pameran kraf, kebetulan pulak ada masa kitorg sampai. Carik la bakul mengkuang yang diminati tuh. Perhhh.. ada! Murah lak tuh. So, mama-zan tlg tempahkan, senang dia buat, sbb dia duduk Tganu kan. Org tu kata, bila siap, nnt dia contact la mama-zan. :) Pastu Nura belikan pulak bekas mengkuang hexagon... :) Boleh buat letak apa2 yg patut nanti.

Blk tgk pameran, gi pulak kedai Mak Wan, nak carik songket utk sampin cik abang i nanti. Bawak skali kain nak matching kan. Hahaha.. brader kat situ minat la pulak ngan kain tu! :p Pastu dapat la songket tu at avery reasonable price. Nasib baik ada mama-zan ngan Pak Zali yang byk kenalan nih... semua tempat gi, dapat best price. :) Dlm pada carik songket tu, beli la jugak kaftan 3, satu utk mama, satu utk aunty, satu utk i... blk kang, pakat2la pilih.

Blk beli songket, pergi plak tepi pantai kat Teluk Ketapang, layang makang kepok, sotong, cucur ngan air kelape. Sedap weyyy.. sesambil makang, sesambil kena tiup anging laut. Gambar ada, nantila upload. Tp sikit je la gambonye pun. :p

Pastu, blk umah. Mandi2, mama-zan masak mee goreng. Cepat betul dia masak. Kejap je dah ready.. n kitorg pun kejap je dah mula menyuap. Nyam!

The next day, pak zali kena g keje. Mama-zan amek cuti sbb kitorg dtg. Baik sungguh! So, tunggu adik amir, ayo blk dr urusan JPJ, pastu kitorg lak kuar... Masa tunggu ayo tu, sempat gak mama-zan buat puding roti. Sedap sey! Thari, amek Pak Zali dr keje utk g kenduri kawen anak member Pak Zali kat Cendering. Nura nasib baik gakla ada bj kurung, dia br amek dr tailor kat sana. Aku ni, terpaksa pinjam satu set baju kurung, tudung sampaila ke kasut dr mama-zan. Nasib baikla muat2. Malu sungguh! dahla baju tu baju baru, mama-zan baru amek dr tailor sekali ngan Nura. Aku plak yang merasmikan. Hisyyy... Aku maluk! Pastu mama-zan siap bagi kitorg sampul dah berisi duit utk bagi masa salam2 ngan mak pengantin nnt. Iskk... malu giler!

Balik kenduri, hantar Pak Zali blk keje, kitorg pergi stesen bas, carik tudung. Hmm... tudung dua helai, habis 3/4 dr rm100. Hehehe.. sabarje la. Takpela.. ocasion penting punya pasal kan, takpe la berhabis sket beli tudung. Lagipun, nak buat tutup kepala. :) Blk dr stesen bas pun dah agak petang, singgah umah mak mama-zan (nenek amir n nura), utk solat n minum petang. Lepas tu, proceed amek Pak Zali from work, singgah lak kedai kain. Wahha.. terbeli lak kain satu, nak buat baju kurung potongan riau punya pasal. Heheh.. ingat kalau ada rezeki, nak buat kebaya plak. :)

Dah settle2 semua, blk umah. On the way, singgah beli kepok kat Losong, mama-zan singgah beli lauk utk masak mlm. Mlm, siap2, mkn, pastu dah nak kena naik bas nak balik penang.

Pagi, sampai Bworth, uncle Ahmad amek. Thari tdi, smpi school ngan Nura.

Sekali lagik, tima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua yg terlibat. Banyak2 terima kasih. Sangat!!! :D

Friday, March 11, 2005

Sleeeeppppyyyyyyy.... yawn!~

Ngantuknye..... yawn!~ Hmm.. dapatla... last night nak dekat kol 4 baru nk tdo. Padan muke. Hehe.. dah blk from kelas agama tak reti nk blk terus... nak gak lepak minum2 dulu. Padan muka lagi. ;)

I'm off to Butterworth in a while. Jumpa Nura. We're off to Tganu tonite. Ada hal sket. :) Pray that we have a safe journey ya.

Kalau takde aral, will be back here on Monday. Have a good weekend everyone! =)

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Platinum VS White Gold

Any reccomendations?? Macam dua2 metal ni ada pros n cons (as always). Ntahla.. :p

Platinum is clearly the best choice in white. Most Platinum is 95% pure platinum with only 5% iridium or palladium alloy blended in for hardness and polish. The hallmark inside the ring is important: it should read 950 Plat or simply Plat. Platinum is by far the best choice for all diamond settings, and, unless specified, we set all Butterfield in Platinum heads. Its steely white color won't change over time, and, because it is more dense and malleable than gold, the prongs are less likely to break off. Platinum engagement rings are the ultimate. The weight, feel and durability of platinum is unsurpassed. While over time platinum will take on a brushed, antique look called “patina” with wear, it can easily be polished to look new. For most, however, patina is a mark of quality and part of Platinum’s unique and timeless appeal. If you choose white, we strongly urge you to choose Platinum.

White Gold is your other option. White gold is made by blending pure gold with alloy and nickel. It is the nickel that changes the gold’s natural yellow color to white. White gold’s biggest appeal is price. White gold offers the look of platinum at as much as 1/3 the cost. In smaller rings, white gold is also a better choice because white gold is less malleable than platinum. White gold’s only draw back is that over time, with wear, white gold usually turns to a faint yellow, off white color. Our jewelers can keep your white gold rings shiny and white with rhodium plating. White gold is popular and is the logical choice if Platinum is out of the budget.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Dah berjaya update fotopage. Tiga entries sekali gus, tapi date lain2, ikut date event masing2. :) Enjoy hopping onto my fotopage ya! ;)

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

First day into the lab after a long break. :D Pagi sibuk revive2 memory on the project.. hehe.. skang baru bley blog sikit2. Sunyi je lab ni. Dulu ramai.. and now there're three. Huhuu.... Bila la plak giliran aku utk meninggalkan lab nih?? Hmm.. by hook or by crook, end april mesti cabut jugak from this place. MESTI!!! (so keje kena siap tau!!)

Manyak citer... tatau cane nk letak. Hmm...

My Dermatologist... sigh!~
Went for the monthly dermatologist appoinment. Tergezut! Dr suruh buat blood test. Huhu.. tahik sungguh. Teringat the time when the 3 of us (Nurul, Azanie n myself) went for the basic blood test at the campus' health centre. Hahha.. The person who drew the blood was very kind la.. He did it slowly, so it wasnt that painful.. still, that didnt stop me from being nervous.

Anyway, the dr did what he's supposed to do, and i looked away... and it ended in a few secs. Sangat sekejap!!! Maybe because he was using this fancy blood-drawing instrument kot?.. unlike the normal syringe that they used in the campus. Sgt sekejap, and pain free. The dr said the results will be ready in a week.. Huuhuu.. nervousnya nak dapat result. :/

Nestled in love
Ahahahakss... yes indeed. :D We just spent the whole day together lazing around the love nest. The sight at the love nest was truly breath taking... everything, the beach, the garden, the pools... Truly provided the tranquility and the relaxation that we both need, in these stressful times.

The most memorable thing, we hung out at the lounge, enjoying the live band. The singer came to us to chat and asked if there's any song we'd like them to play. Dan suggested "Wonderful Tonight"... :) and they sang the song for us.. and Dan sang along, to me. :D Haha.. rasa nak cair di situ jugak.. malangnya takde baldi nak takung diri yang dah cair. wahaha.. Thanks for romancing me honey. :) (Oh... and the song is very special to me... sentimental values ;) )

We also visited the petting zoo at the love nest.. 'Twas indeed a lotta fun. Takde la byk jenis pets pun.. ada bunnies, ayam serama, peacocks and terrapins. Seronok la kacau the cute furry animals. :)

All in all, the trip to the love nest was really, out-of-this-world-ly fun. Thanks a lot honey. That meant a lot to me. *mmwahhh!*

Long Time No See
Monday, went to see a friend from campus. Tlg pass kan kad jemputan abg ngah sbb azeno malas nk pos. We went out for dinner. :) To that particular friend.. tima kasey sbb belanje dinner.. Lain kali, kalau wallet aku kembung byk duit kertas, i'll buy you dinner plak. (provided dpt clearance from Dan la) ;)

Shop til We Drop!!
Memang drop broke sungguh! Monday siang2 pegi shopping2 barang yang perlu2. Beli itu ini, hmm.. beratus jugak habis. :p Sian Dan... kuar duit 1K in the morning, by the time we got back, tinggal beberapa keping je notes rm50 tu dalam wallet dia. Heheh.. Tu baru berapa percent punya preparation. Isk.. nak kena bukak tabung aa.. tabung membina masjid. Huhuhu...

Thanks for the everything sayang!

Tri-monthly checkup nenek kat Ampang Puteri hari Selasa. So, mama pun half day je jaga Athirah, after zuhur hantar nenek g checkup. Seb baik kejap je, sbb org pun tak ramai sgt. Kejap2 pun, ada la 2 jam lebih.

Habis2 checkup, nenek g amek ubat. Huhu.. ubat aje dah 900++. Mahalnye! So, kena ingat utk jaga kesehatan dr skang, so that masa dah tua2 sok takyah makan ubat2 yg mahal.. save duit tu utk pegi melancong! :D

Survey with Mama
Back from the hospital, hantar nenek kat umah Mak kat kg pandan. Lps asar n enjoying goreng pisang, went to jln conlay with mom, tgk pameran kraf. Found the bamboo boxes that i wanted. Selling for rm28. Ok la.. tak mahal sangat. tp, still nak carik gak kat tganu, kalau2 ada yg lagik murah... since dah mmg nak pergi sana kan.

Saturday sambung survey. Carik kedai ribbon2 kat Chow Kit, and then proceeded to Jln TAR. Went to SSF, tgk bunga pahar cantik gila!! Tanya the bro yg tgh buat bunga tu, sebatang harga berapa. RM 18. Adeyyy... pensan... Brader tu kata, buat snirik lagi murah. Dia bley ajar cane nak buat.. So membeli belah la kat SSF utk belajau buat bunga.. Nnt, bunga pahar masa wedding will be made by the bride herself tau! Jgn tak tau tuh! MUeheheee...

Sempat singgah at this bridal house. Hydee Design. Hmm.. sewa baju 2.5K.. Dia calculate2 for the whole wedding, everything included, rm30K ono. Tgk cam mahal.. tp senang sbb takyah buat apa2.. they'll do all the work. Tp tu la.. rm 30K... kalau buat downpayment kereta pun bagus.

Galak cerita preparation, bila wedding ni sebenarnya?? Hehe.. nantila, bila date dah confirm, baru boleh diwar-warkan. :) Prepare je la $$ nak buat wedding present ek. Wahahahaaa... =D

P/S: Tima kaseh kat abg ezad SSF yg sudi mengajau cane nak wat bunga pahar tu. Cantik sangat!!!! (cantik la kat mata saye).

Family Dinner
Wednesday malam, we all went out for dinner.. mama, Dan, aunty, uncle and myself. Went to Cozy Corner, Great Eastern Mall. I think it turned out fine, walaupun mama cam nervous2 gak at first masa belum pergi. So, makan2 and the mothers discussed and i think they've discussed what they were set out to discuss.. which makes ud (me n Dan) veru happy! :D Ooh.. tp Dan wasnt that happy la.. he still think that Bali is a much better idea. Hahaa.. sian dia..

Tuh aaa, more or less what i did during my break. Bertambah pening pun ada. Oh... btw, found a perfect wedding ring for Dan kat KLCC masa seblom blk hari tu. Nice, classic looking platinum ring. Tak amek white gold sbb tak confident whether Dan boleh ke tak pakai white gold.

Kepada sesapa yg belum tau, white gold tu ialah the yellow gold, plated with rhodium or palladium. Jd dia ada komponen emas la kat situ.. Berbeza dengan platinum, it comes in its pure form. Jd, sbb emas putih tu ada komponen emas, rasa tak yakin la lelaki bley pakai. (Sesapa yg tak tau abt this, ingat2 la masa nak beli cincin utk bakal suami.) Jgn sbb nak murah, main belasah je cincin apa aje. Platinum ni mmg mahal sikit.. kalau nak murah, carik cincin suasa. Org lelaki mmg biasa pakai cincin jenis ni. Lagi satu menda, yg org selalu overlook (yg aku baru tau jugak), ttg kain campuran sutera. Masa kitorg carik kain haritu, ramai vendors cakap lelaki boleh pakai campuran silk ni. Kitorg pun minat gak kat campuran silk mcm kain satin-silk sbb dia tak kilat sgt cam satin.. tp bila aunty check blk ngan ustaz, dia kata lelaki tak boleh langsung2 pakai sutera... sikit sutera pun takleh. So, utk langkah keselamatan, jgn la beli kain utk bakal husband yg dibuat dr campuran sutera.. beli la kain lain.. cotton ke, satin ke, kalau nak mahal sket, boley beli linen ke, crepe ke. :) Ok? Hope ppl will benefit from this little info.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

~~S T R E T C H ! !~~
Holaaa!! Long break huh? :) Had to be done la. Dok campus serabut, blk umah pun agak serabut. Don't really have time to put in everything at the moment. Just had to say this though : I'm logged in at Projet Destina via TM Hot Spot! :D Not my notebook though... Dan punya.. He'd just replaced his old door stopper. Hehe.. *winks*.

It had been a tiring week for me here. Found our perfect "love nest", went for discussion dinner between my mom n dan's parents, went looking for bridal thingies with mom (which made my head aches like hell), got some quotations for some baju to sewa for the kawen2 thing (the minimum cost for sewa baju i got so far was 1.6K.. keciwa sungguh!) Tomorrow.. might be going to uwan's place to tell her about the whole thing. Hectic sungguh!!

Nways, i'll be back on monday.. and you can expect more postings from me.. InsyaAllah la, kalau ada mood kan.

Til then, take care people! I miss you guys.. azeno, cikD, nurul, kakDilla, tini, nura, akak2, azanie... :)
