Ari Ujan
Waktu keje dah tamat.. tp kat luar tgh ujan... Lepak la kejap.. Tak berkobar2 sgt nak blogging.. tp hmm..
Last 3 days kene gi kursus financing. Bagusla jugak.. dari tak tau, boleh jadi tau. :) Yang paling best, tiap2 hari blk bley jumpe kekande. Wakakaa...
Tp.. despite that, sedey.. sbb aunty kat sepital skang ni. Aritu kena admit sbb dia sakit belakang.. takleh nak gerak (teringat kat ko azno.. kejadian ko takleh gerak tuh.. Panic aku ngn anis!) Masa gi tgk dia kat sepital pun, dia baring je.. kesian.. sbb dia rimas baring lama2.. tapi nak bgn tak blh, sbb sakit sgt. Initially dr suspect kidney infection.. tp bila dah test n all, tak sakit apa pun.. Dr ckp mungkin spasm.. tapi cam tak logik.. Bila pegi physio, dr ckp maybe nerves dah haywire. Entahla.. kena tanya dr Ruza. :) Tp.. ada relatives ckp, aunty kena buatan org. Wallahualam. Kalau betul, aku masih konpius kenapa orang tergamak buat mende2 ni utk sakitkan orang lain. Diorg tak fikir ke kalau mende tu jadik kat diorg sendirik, or worse, jadik kat orang yang diorg sayang?Hmm.. Sayang sungguh.. Allah bagi hati, bagi akal, tapi disia2 kan.
Last 3 days, tiappetang tgk aunty kat spital.. Still sakit2 sikit2.. tp improve la. Skang dr tgh tunggu gula dia turun... sbb gula aunty tinggi sket. Stress agaknye. Sian aunty. I hope she'll get well soon. Mintak tlg gak ngn kengkawan, doa2kan ler aunty cepat sehat ek? :) Tima kaseh.
Sebulan lebih
Tinggal sebulan lebih sikit je. Huhu... Preps tak tau la ok ke tak lagi. Gila jugak.. khemah tak diskas lagi betul2.. ngan org masak pun belum.. Bunga pahar blom sambung... Buah tangan belum.. Pendek kata semua belum,belum, belum.. Yang sudah, baju nikah.. Hehe.. yang tu dah siap. :) Tinggal nak carik tudung ngan aksesori yang sesuai. :)
Isk... malu plak rasa nak kawen... Malu sbb nnt semua org tgk. Ahaks! *blush*
Btw, kalau sesape ingat address usm group kita, tlg kasik bley tak.. Aku lufer la. Hihi.
Ok la.. nakblk.. dok sini lama2 pun buat jari2ku krem je. :p Sejuk tahap dewa!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
To be or not to be...
Huhu.. day in day out.. semakin galak tertanya-tanya whether or not aku patut stay with this job.. hampeh... baru masuk keje minggu ke-2. Mana taknye.. asyik2 kena brainwash.. kata rugi masuk govn jadik ptd.. G keje ngn private lagik bagus.. yadda. yadda.. Dulu rasa kebal gak.. tak lut walau kena pun.. tp skang ni, ala-ala dah berbelah bagi.. Huhu.. Tapi.. dulupun tak la sekebal mana... cuma bila dah pegi PAC, dah pegi PTD Unggul, dah mula la berkobar-kobar nak berkhidmat untuk negara... Tp skang.. tatau la. Nak tinggal, rugi... bukan senang nak dapat keje nih.. Tak tinggal.. rugi gak.. sbb dah berasap kepala and luka-luka telinga (akibat sindiran2 pedas drMA) blaja VLSI, tak practice plak... Lagipun rindu nak buat IC Design.. tp kalau buat IC Design.. mau kena buat LASIK in 3-4 years time.. pastu jadik botak... sbb byk sgt berfikir. :( Huhh... dilema sungguh. Part buat application tu tak kesah sgt.. tu bley buat secara individual... (kalau ada masa and cukup ilmu la kan :p <--chewah.. ckp mcm bagus! :p ) Teringin nak masuk industri.. tp bila fikir nak mula komitmen jadik bini orang dan bakal mak orang.. risau plak.. Tak sure kalau boleh handle keje and jadik isteri yang baik dan mommy yang best. Bengonsss... Huahuahuaaaa
Pepun, next week 3 ari takyah g keje :) kene g kursus financing plak. Kena bawak calculator... Balik ni nak kene g carik aa... isk...
Huhu.. day in day out.. semakin galak tertanya-tanya whether or not aku patut stay with this job.. hampeh... baru masuk keje minggu ke-2. Mana taknye.. asyik2 kena brainwash.. kata rugi masuk govn jadik ptd.. G keje ngn private lagik bagus.. yadda. yadda.. Dulu rasa kebal gak.. tak lut walau kena pun.. tp skang ni, ala-ala dah berbelah bagi.. Huhu.. Tapi.. dulupun tak la sekebal mana... cuma bila dah pegi PAC, dah pegi PTD Unggul, dah mula la berkobar-kobar nak berkhidmat untuk negara... Tp skang.. tatau la. Nak tinggal, rugi... bukan senang nak dapat keje nih.. Tak tinggal.. rugi gak.. sbb dah berasap kepala and luka-luka telinga (akibat sindiran2 pedas drMA) blaja VLSI, tak practice plak... Lagipun rindu nak buat IC Design.. tp kalau buat IC Design.. mau kena buat LASIK in 3-4 years time.. pastu jadik botak... sbb byk sgt berfikir. :( Huhh... dilema sungguh. Part buat application tu tak kesah sgt.. tu bley buat secara individual... (kalau ada masa and cukup ilmu la kan :p <--chewah.. ckp mcm bagus! :p ) Teringin nak masuk industri.. tp bila fikir nak mula komitmen jadik bini orang dan bakal mak orang.. risau plak.. Tak sure kalau boleh handle keje and jadik isteri yang baik dan mommy yang best. Bengonsss... Huahuahuaaaa
Pepun, next week 3 ari takyah g keje :) kene g kursus financing plak. Kena bawak calculator... Balik ni nak kene g carik aa... isk...
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Baru sampai opis... Pesal kepala cam weng je arini. Siap kena hon plak tgh jalan tadik... :p Emosi btol aa pompuan yg hon tu... (hehe... kalau aku yg hon tu kira mcm tak emosi la kan.. hehe..)
Smlm rasa cam best je... rasa cm tak sabar nak kawen.. isk.. Mlm tadik sambung proses buat bunga pahar.. Erkk.. Byk lagi wey! Dahla tadek member2 baik yg ramai mcm kat pPtr yang sudi tlg buat mende alah tu. Huhuhuuuu... mama lak tangan keras... buat sikit je, pastu dia takmo buat.. dia kata fedap sebab dia buat senget benget. Hahaha... Takpe ma... lama2 terer aa...
Takpola.. japgi turun bwh nak beli kopi pekat2... Satgi 9.30 meeting plak. Isk.. silap planning aa.. Ingat meeting petang... On the way tadi baaikk punya beli nasik lemak.. letak ayam lagi... Mau tersengguk2 dlm meeting kang. Nasib baik dah master the art of pretending to hear.. (bak kata drK dulu)... Wakakaka! :D
Baru sampai opis... Pesal kepala cam weng je arini. Siap kena hon plak tgh jalan tadik... :p Emosi btol aa pompuan yg hon tu... (hehe... kalau aku yg hon tu kira mcm tak emosi la kan.. hehe..)
Smlm rasa cam best je... rasa cm tak sabar nak kawen.. isk.. Mlm tadik sambung proses buat bunga pahar.. Erkk.. Byk lagi wey! Dahla tadek member2 baik yg ramai mcm kat pPtr yang sudi tlg buat mende alah tu. Huhuhuuuu... mama lak tangan keras... buat sikit je, pastu dia takmo buat.. dia kata fedap sebab dia buat senget benget. Hahaha... Takpe ma... lama2 terer aa...
Takpola.. japgi turun bwh nak beli kopi pekat2... Satgi 9.30 meeting plak. Isk.. silap planning aa.. Ingat meeting petang... On the way tadi baaikk punya beli nasik lemak.. letak ayam lagi... Mau tersengguk2 dlm meeting kang. Nasib baik dah master the art of pretending to hear.. (bak kata drK dulu)... Wakakaka! :D
Monday, September 19, 2005
Brrr... sejuknye opis nih. Dr dulu berperang ngan kesejukan... Masa keje jadik salesgirl dulu, kat outlet temporary alpha angle, sejuk giler, masuk USM, sejuk giler.. kat sini pun, sejuk giler... Takpe.. Takpe.. the body burns more calories when its supercold in your environment. ;)
Yesterday, Dan and I finally got the chance to see almaz together, and fulfil our promise to take her to see the "fish with big teeth" (that's the way almaz describes the shark). I was so excited to see her.. Rindu sangat kat budak kiut tu.. (and even more excited to see her uncle.. hihi..) We went o Dan's parents to pick her up, and off we went to the aquaria. She's a chatterbox! Always having something to say the whole journey. :)
Dan dropped us off at the entrance while he finds a parking place. I took her to the lobby, and we waited for Dan. Lame gak tunggu. As an energetic kid, she can't sit still... She began to jump up and down and running all around me. Pastu she held one of my hands, pretending that its a pole and again, run around my standing self... Berpusing2 la ikut dia.. Pening jap.. haha.. sebbaik tak tergolek. By the time her uncle arrives, i was already sweating.... Sigh!~
So we got the tix (there was a long queue!!).. and went in. She was excited alright... tapi sayang. sbb tehre were too many people around. We had to wait for turns to see displays/tanks.. I think the aquarium-tunnel (ala... yg kita masuk pastu ada ikan berenang2 kat akuarium atas pale kite tuh..) was longer than the one in langkawi... But i like langkawi's outdoor part.. yang ada pokok2 and ada monyet kecik tu.. apa tah nama dia.. Tak ingat... Tp kira cool la this place.. The entrance fee was a bit on the expensive side tho... tp you'll get discounts upon presenting the myKad. Kire murah sket la utk warganegara mesia.. so.. sape yg tak buat lagik myKad.. buat ler seblom bercadang nak g aquaria ek. ;)
After walking around the aquaria for nearly 2 hours, we exited, and head off to lunch at the signatures, klcc.. (we just LOVE the carbonara!!) Almaz walked in silence... ler.. cian dia.. penat rupanya.. so uncle Dan picked her up and carried her all the way to klcc.. (cian uncle dia sbb mlm tu tgn sakit..) We had lunch.. i shared my pasta with the little girl... and then balik. On the way balik tu, she wanted to go on a teletubbies ride... masalahnye, takde rm1 coin pulak... So, i went to ask people if they have change.. lama gak. Last2 ade brader ni ada xtra coin.. so dia xchange la ngan kitorg.. so almaz could get on the ride... and home we went straight after.
In the car, mulut dia cakap je.. Seronok dgr dia cakap... the way she says things kiut je.. She asked if we still have time for her to go to the hairdresser.. (coz her mummy wanted to take her there earlier).. and then she asked her uncle Dan to cut his hair so that he becomes botak like pappy... (hmm.. interesting).. and she described what she'll wear when she becomes the flower girl for uncle dan and aunty noween's wedding.. (kiut.. dia tak reti sebut r) :D
All in all, we had a great time... at least, i know i did.. Penat jaga budak.. hihi.. baru berapa jam. Terfikir nanti bila dah ada anak sendiri... you'll always have to keep an eye on your kid, which means that you won't really get to enjoy wherever place that you're visiting, or enjoy your meal peacefully... but the shine in their eyes and the happy smile they give you is more than enough to put all those blunders away. :) I said to Dan... camne nak jaga anak snirik.. jaga anak org 2-3 jam pun dah penat gile... Dan cakap... we'll cross the bridge when we get there... lagipun, bila anak sendiri, you'll gradually build ketahanan, sbb dah jaga dari baby.. Kalau jaga anak org, mmg kita tak penah buat, tetiba kena jaga, mmg ler penat... Hmm... hopefully you're right hon. :)
Okla... ingat nk stay smpi 5.15 je.. dan dekat 5.30 pun. Gtg.. ptg ni promised mom nak g tempah langsir. Astalavistas!
Brrr... sejuknye opis nih. Dr dulu berperang ngan kesejukan... Masa keje jadik salesgirl dulu, kat outlet temporary alpha angle, sejuk giler, masuk USM, sejuk giler.. kat sini pun, sejuk giler... Takpe.. Takpe.. the body burns more calories when its supercold in your environment. ;)
Yesterday, Dan and I finally got the chance to see almaz together, and fulfil our promise to take her to see the "fish with big teeth" (that's the way almaz describes the shark). I was so excited to see her.. Rindu sangat kat budak kiut tu.. (and even more excited to see her uncle.. hihi..) We went o Dan's parents to pick her up, and off we went to the aquaria. She's a chatterbox! Always having something to say the whole journey. :)
Dan dropped us off at the entrance while he finds a parking place. I took her to the lobby, and we waited for Dan. Lame gak tunggu. As an energetic kid, she can't sit still... She began to jump up and down and running all around me. Pastu she held one of my hands, pretending that its a pole and again, run around my standing self... Berpusing2 la ikut dia.. Pening jap.. haha.. sebbaik tak tergolek. By the time her uncle arrives, i was already sweating.... Sigh!~
So we got the tix (there was a long queue!!).. and went in. She was excited alright... tapi sayang. sbb tehre were too many people around. We had to wait for turns to see displays/tanks.. I think the aquarium-tunnel (ala... yg kita masuk pastu ada ikan berenang2 kat akuarium atas pale kite tuh..) was longer than the one in langkawi... But i like langkawi's outdoor part.. yang ada pokok2 and ada monyet kecik tu.. apa tah nama dia.. Tak ingat... Tp kira cool la this place.. The entrance fee was a bit on the expensive side tho... tp you'll get discounts upon presenting the myKad. Kire murah sket la utk warganegara mesia.. so.. sape yg tak buat lagik myKad.. buat ler seblom bercadang nak g aquaria ek. ;)
After walking around the aquaria for nearly 2 hours, we exited, and head off to lunch at the signatures, klcc.. (we just LOVE the carbonara!!) Almaz walked in silence... ler.. cian dia.. penat rupanya.. so uncle Dan picked her up and carried her all the way to klcc.. (cian uncle dia sbb mlm tu tgn sakit..) We had lunch.. i shared my pasta with the little girl... and then balik. On the way balik tu, she wanted to go on a teletubbies ride... masalahnye, takde rm1 coin pulak... So, i went to ask people if they have change.. lama gak. Last2 ade brader ni ada xtra coin.. so dia xchange la ngan kitorg.. so almaz could get on the ride... and home we went straight after.
In the car, mulut dia cakap je.. Seronok dgr dia cakap... the way she says things kiut je.. She asked if we still have time for her to go to the hairdresser.. (coz her mummy wanted to take her there earlier).. and then she asked her uncle Dan to cut his hair so that he becomes botak like pappy... (hmm.. interesting).. and she described what she'll wear when she becomes the flower girl for uncle dan and aunty noween's wedding.. (kiut.. dia tak reti sebut r) :D
All in all, we had a great time... at least, i know i did.. Penat jaga budak.. hihi.. baru berapa jam. Terfikir nanti bila dah ada anak sendiri... you'll always have to keep an eye on your kid, which means that you won't really get to enjoy wherever place that you're visiting, or enjoy your meal peacefully... but the shine in their eyes and the happy smile they give you is more than enough to put all those blunders away. :) I said to Dan... camne nak jaga anak snirik.. jaga anak org 2-3 jam pun dah penat gile... Dan cakap... we'll cross the bridge when we get there... lagipun, bila anak sendiri, you'll gradually build ketahanan, sbb dah jaga dari baby.. Kalau jaga anak org, mmg kita tak penah buat, tetiba kena jaga, mmg ler penat... Hmm... hopefully you're right hon. :)
Okla... ingat nk stay smpi 5.15 je.. dan dekat 5.30 pun. Gtg.. ptg ni promised mom nak g tempah langsir. Astalavistas!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
New Office, New Environment
Harini 1st day appointed to my new division... Nice place, nice people. My boss pun ok je.. strict, but nice. They gave me a room (Yeay!!) ada pc and internet xcess.. cam kat usm gak. So far so good... esok 1st assignment.. jaga booth kat MV Convention Centre. Belah pagi je. Tadi masa baru2 masuk, dah diberi fail2 dan laporan tahunan.. kena baca by 1 week... konon malas dah nak study kena baca2 nih. Huhu.. kena jugak. :p Padan muke... sape suruh.. :p Wakakakkkaaa..
Okla.. gtg.. kol 6 diorg shut down everything. Chiao!
Harini 1st day appointed to my new division... Nice place, nice people. My boss pun ok je.. strict, but nice. They gave me a room (Yeay!!) ada pc and internet xcess.. cam kat usm gak. So far so good... esok 1st assignment.. jaga booth kat MV Convention Centre. Belah pagi je. Tadi masa baru2 masuk, dah diberi fail2 dan laporan tahunan.. kena baca by 1 week... konon malas dah nak study kena baca2 nih. Huhu.. kena jugak. :p Padan muke... sape suruh.. :p Wakakakkkaaa..
Okla.. gtg.. kol 6 diorg shut down everything. Chiao!
Monday, September 12, 2005
1st Day In Office
Hmm.. banyak yg dah berlaku since i left usm... Attended the ptd unggul module in intan kampus wilayah selatan, ikwas.. Mmg best.. sgt best, walaupun memenatkan. everyday, we'd hafta jog for nearly 2km.. give or take la.. Kalau track tu mendatar je, takla semput sgt.. ni, track turun naik bukit. Perhh.. bernafas ala2 kude.. kude dalam lumpur. wakakaka... Giler babas.. Kalau masa fit dulu maybe ok sket.. nih dahla dah lama tak menyarungkan sport shoes tu (menunjukkan dah lama berenti dr aktiviti2 sihat).. pastu badan pun dah naik 3-4 kilo. waduh... mencabar sungguh ler utk kapasiti wight aku skang. Wahahahawww...
Masa module ni, tgk2 ade la 4 org lagik budak from usm engine. Terkebadak (read: terkejut badak) kejap. Aku ingat aku sorg je ilang akal, blajar engine pastu gatal masuk admin.. rupanya ada gak lagik org lain yg weng... Wakaka... Ada gak yg dah drive keta bmw masuk ptd.. Isk.. isk.. money doesnt matter anymore punya kes la nih. Mmg sahih la kalau dia kata "berkhidmat untuk negara". :D
Tp.. honestly cakap... tergugat gak ler iman masuk ptd nih.. iskk.. almaklumla.. yg masuk ptd semua henskem2.. smart lak tu. almaklumla.. masing2 pakai lounge suit. Wakakaa... officer penempatan pun henskem gak.. isk.. dahla soft spoken. kuang3.... Cabaran bertunang sungguh. ]:)
Tp.. cabaran yg paling best masa module tu is thta masa tu kat kluang kena catuan air. Giler.. boleh basuh baju kecik je. Tshirt yg bawak g excercise tu, yg busuk2 bau peluh.. belasah la 2-3 kali pakai tanpa basuh.. "Air dry cleaning". Kuang3...
Lepas 11 hari kat ikwas, balik, settlekan pindah rumah plak. So.. skang officially dah duduk kat sepang. Okla.. dekat ngn office. Traffic pun ok je. Takle penat sgt drive in congestion.
Tp.. byk lagi brg blom amek from umah lama.. Tatau la bila bley pindah completely. Sigh!~
Anyways, arini 1st day masuk office.. Kat salah sebuah kementerian kat putrajaya... kat precint 2 (alqas: Dude.. aku tak smpt lagi call hang ajak hang out. Lunch date sometimes?). Arini takde keje lagi.. tunggu posting kat bhg mana.. post = psu = penolong s/usaha. Hihi... hmm.. linguistic engineer. Aci? ;).. S/U Bhg blank.. pesal budak grad engine masuk ptd.. dia tatau nk letak kat mana... Hmm.. lek aa puan.. DrM dulu pun medical dr... ok je jadi peneraju negara... ;)
Okla.. gtg oledi... Lom maghrib lagi nih. Kang nk gosok baju plak. To kawan2 yg aku rindui.. korang jaga diri bebaik ek... Nnt aku nk g sana.. amek monitor. Haha.. pc aku ada cpu dan mende2 lain.. tp, tanpa monitor.. takde maknenye! Hampeh btol. all the best to you guys ek. God bless... Wassalam.. (e'ehh.. mcm tulis surat plak.. haha.. prektis nih!)
Hmm.. banyak yg dah berlaku since i left usm... Attended the ptd unggul module in intan kampus wilayah selatan, ikwas.. Mmg best.. sgt best, walaupun memenatkan. everyday, we'd hafta jog for nearly 2km.. give or take la.. Kalau track tu mendatar je, takla semput sgt.. ni, track turun naik bukit. Perhh.. bernafas ala2 kude.. kude dalam lumpur. wakakaka... Giler babas.. Kalau masa fit dulu maybe ok sket.. nih dahla dah lama tak menyarungkan sport shoes tu (menunjukkan dah lama berenti dr aktiviti2 sihat).. pastu badan pun dah naik 3-4 kilo. waduh... mencabar sungguh ler utk kapasiti wight aku skang. Wahahahawww...
Masa module ni, tgk2 ade la 4 org lagik budak from usm engine. Terkebadak (read: terkejut badak) kejap. Aku ingat aku sorg je ilang akal, blajar engine pastu gatal masuk admin.. rupanya ada gak lagik org lain yg weng... Wakaka... Ada gak yg dah drive keta bmw masuk ptd.. Isk.. isk.. money doesnt matter anymore punya kes la nih. Mmg sahih la kalau dia kata "berkhidmat untuk negara". :D
Tp.. honestly cakap... tergugat gak ler iman masuk ptd nih.. iskk.. almaklumla.. yg masuk ptd semua henskem2.. smart lak tu. almaklumla.. masing2 pakai lounge suit. Wakakaa... officer penempatan pun henskem gak.. isk.. dahla soft spoken. kuang3.... Cabaran bertunang sungguh. ]:)
Tp.. cabaran yg paling best masa module tu is thta masa tu kat kluang kena catuan air. Giler.. boleh basuh baju kecik je. Tshirt yg bawak g excercise tu, yg busuk2 bau peluh.. belasah la 2-3 kali pakai tanpa basuh.. "Air dry cleaning". Kuang3...
Lepas 11 hari kat ikwas, balik, settlekan pindah rumah plak. So.. skang officially dah duduk kat sepang. Okla.. dekat ngn office. Traffic pun ok je. Takle penat sgt drive in congestion.
Tp.. byk lagi brg blom amek from umah lama.. Tatau la bila bley pindah completely. Sigh!~
Anyways, arini 1st day masuk office.. Kat salah sebuah kementerian kat putrajaya... kat precint 2 (alqas: Dude.. aku tak smpt lagi call hang ajak hang out. Lunch date sometimes?). Arini takde keje lagi.. tunggu posting kat bhg mana.. post = psu = penolong s/usaha. Hihi... hmm.. linguistic engineer. Aci? ;).. S/U Bhg blank.. pesal budak grad engine masuk ptd.. dia tatau nk letak kat mana... Hmm.. lek aa puan.. DrM dulu pun medical dr... ok je jadi peneraju negara... ;)
Okla.. gtg oledi... Lom maghrib lagi nih. Kang nk gosok baju plak. To kawan2 yg aku rindui.. korang jaga diri bebaik ek... Nnt aku nk g sana.. amek monitor. Haha.. pc aku ada cpu dan mende2 lain.. tp, tanpa monitor.. takde maknenye! Hampeh btol. all the best to you guys ek. God bless... Wassalam.. (e'ehh.. mcm tulis surat plak.. haha.. prektis nih!)
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