Modul Bomba
Baru je balik dari modul Bomba t/hari tadi. Went there last sunday, smpi around 10am kat sana, diberi bilik, amek gears (helmet, boots, gloves) pastu lepak smpi petang utk briefing dan berkenalan dengan liason officers (LO) utk setiap group. We're split into 4 groups, dlm 20 org la satu group yg akan bersama2 menempuh cabaran modul ni. Malam, disiarkan pulak tayangan video yang uncensored semasa operasi menyelamat dan memadam kebakaran. Masa diorg tayang operasi kebakaran, ok lagi.. come the rescue part, esp yang rescue road traffic accident, ramai yang tak sanggup tengok.. termasuklah aku sekali. Satu dua ok lagi.. kalau dah byk, tak sanggup seyy... ada satu tayangan tu, sedih sgt smpi termengalir air mata. Tak payah la cerita apa tanyangannya.. tak mau ingat pun. Yang pastinya, lepas tgk video tu, insaf jugakla, and berazam nak bawak kete secermat mungkin utk elak accident. Mohon dijauhkan!
Second day, bermulalah kehidupan kitorg memakai celoreng bomba, merah hitam. Dengan beret merah, belt biru gelap dan anti spike, berbaris la kitorg at 0645 utk the first activity pagi tu - menyelamat di dataran. Yg ni belajar mcm mana nak move mangsa dr scene insiden.. Belajar la fireman carry, darling carry, piggy back carry and stuffs like that. Sejam bljr mende2 tu. After that bfast pastu terus masuk kelas. After class, minum pagi and straight to the next activity. Activity ni berlainan utk setiap kumpulan, tp lps tu rotate la. Our group kena buat usungan memula. Ingat relax la, just belajar alat2 mengusung mangsa (stretcher) dan cara nak angkat.. Mmg la blajar tu je.. tambahannya, kena bawak mangsa atas stretcher yg berat tu agak jauh, turun naik tangga, angkat naik tembok.. mmg perhh sungguh. Dahla panas terik, kena bawak orang plak. Budak yg jadik mangsa tu pun dah pening2. Tgn kitorg pun merah2 la mengangkat... bukan sbb budak yg jadik mangsa tu berat, tp sbb stretcher tu berat. :p Lps lunch, activity fire extinguisher.. mengenal fire extinguisher and cara nak operate fire extinguisher. Semua orang dapat chance nak guna fire extinguisher tu. Ok la.. menarik sbb bukan pernah try pun sblm ni kan... Petang pulak, kitorg kena masuk satu bangunan ni yg dipanggil rumah asap. Tempat ni dibina khas utk simulate keadaan sebuah rumah slps kebakaran, dgn asap di dlmnya. Keadaan mmg gelap dgn asap berkepul2.. So kitorg kena berpandukan dinding bgnn utk masuk dan keluar mll jalan yg sama. Gabra gak la. Tak habis lagi aktiviti utk hari tu..mlm ada lagi. Mlm tu, aktiviti lagi mencabar - BA galeri. Dlm aktiviti ni, kitorg dipecah dlm 4-5 org satu group, kena pakai face mask dan Breathing Apparatus (BA) - that is this compressed air tank yang mcm scuba divers pakai tu.. tp disambung dgn face mask instead of mouth piece. Tak selesa la sbb your face sweats and drips down your nose.. but you just can't wipe it off. Lps tu, setiap group dilepaskan dlm galeri... Galeri ni mcm satu maze la.. kena carik jln keluar. Keadaan gelap, dan ada heater so, it was pretty warm inside the gallery. Tak blh berjalan, kena merangkak.. So mmg kerjasama kumpulan sgt penting. Therapy yang sgt baik utk org2 yang fobia gelap. Mmg mental beb....
The next day, byk lagi aktiviti menanti. 1st of, pepagi tu, kitorg didedahkan dgn kawad hos permulaan.. Mcm mana nak angkat gulungan hos bomba tu, camne nak buang air, and mcm mana nak gulung. Berat gila ok.. Berapa belas kg satu gulung tu.. and utk bukak gulungan hos tu, bukannya letak atas tanah and roll away.. tapi kena angkat separa dada and roll it off. Gila babeng berat ok... Nak membawak dah satu hal.. bukak lagi satu hal.. Mmg salute gile aa bomba. Serious, tough job. Lps bfast, as usual ada class, after minum pagi sambung pulak dgn sesi amali seterusnya. Masa ni belajar pulak about the BA. Komponen2, cara pakai and test mcm mana kita control breathing dlm keadaan panik/penat. Utk simulate keadaan tu, kitorg kena pakai BA yang seberat 10 kg lebih kurang tu beserta dgn face mask, of course and lps tu kena berkawad, lari2 anak, merangkak dlm parit gelap bwh astaka & naik turun tangga. Bukan senang la. Lps lunch, ada rope rescue.. buat repelling dari tingkat 5.. semua wajib buat 2 kali lak tu. Hampeh. :p Walaupun dah pernah buat masa kat pulada, still gabra gila. Masa abseil kat pulada tu, dah ada platform siap2.. yang ni kena panjat mcm tingkap, dgn standing space yg kecik, sblh tu cukup luas la.. kira 'tingkap' tu luas lagi dari tapak kaki.. yg lagi sblh, dia narrow sket.. kira tapak kaki dpn blkg terkeluar dr 'tingkap tu'. Yg lebih mencabar, masa panjat, kena mngearah ke luar bangunan, so mmg kena tgk bwh, unless you close your eyes. lps tgk keluar, kena pusing plak supaya blkg menghadap keluar utk trn.. bengong. :p Petang tu ada sukan, football campuran. Heheh... lelaki + wanita in one team. Best jugak. :) i played too.. utk 5 minit terakhir. :p Malam, amali yang sgt menarik, OIFF - Offensive Indoor Fire Fighting. Masa ni kitorg dibrief ttg fire behaviour, kena pakai baju bomba kaler oren tu, the whole suit (seluar dia cute, mcm game mario tu.. tapi berat la), kena pakai BA, face mask ngan gloves. Lps tu kiorg masuk dlm kontena ni, duduk dlm dua barisan and hujung depan kontena tu, ada bahan dibakar utk lihat fire behavior, Dari mula api kecik, smpi makin besar, smpi terjadinya Automated Ignition Fire (AIF), keadaan bila gas2 api yang panas tu terbakar sendiri, tanpa bhn bakar. Masa AIF ni berlaku, mmg betul2 atas kepala kitorg. Suhu dlm kontena tu kata instructor tu mencapai 800 deg. celcius.. tpi baju bomba tu dpt tahan 400 deg. C je.. so, utk keluarkan haba dr baju tu, kena tepuk2 bila terasa panas. Menarik amali ni.. Insaf gak la.. baru api dunia dah panas camtu, tu pun dah ada protection. Api neraka wallahualam.
Hari Rabu, hari ketiga, pagi kitorg dimulai dgn final bola campuran tu.. And our group menang! :) Aku main masa 2nd half.. heheh.. Lps breakfast, kuliah about Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) 20. Lepas tu, aktiviti mencabar mental seterusnya, merangkak dalam sewer. Sewer ni paip pembentung tu la.. ynag biasanya bawah tanah kan. Bukan masuk bodo2 je la.. kena pakai BA.. Dah lebih kurang 11kg atas belakang. Helmet lagi, face mask lagi.. mmg tak selesa. Pastu masuk plak dlm sewer, sah2 tak boleh berdiri, merangkak, BA menekan belakang, tengkuk plak lenguh menahan kepala yang berat dgn helmet sbb BA tu menolak2 helmet.. Bila helmet tolak face mask plak, udara dr dlm mask terkeluar dari mask.. dah rugi udara. Dlm sewer tu agak gelap.. ni pun memerlukan kerja pasukan la.. Ada part kena merangkak, ada yang kena turun dgn tali, kena lgkh dari tangga ke bukaan sewer satu lagi, and ada tmpt bila kita kena bukak BA, tp kekalkan face mask, pastu masuk dlm bukaan yang muat2 badan kita je, menyebabkan BA tu kena dibukak dan ditolak.. Lubang tu kecik smpi helmet pun tak muat.. kena bukak gak... Tp pendek je la. Gabra gak.. ingat bontot tak lepas.. Heheh.. masih lepas lagi rupanya. Perasaan masa tu mmg perhh sungguh la. Tengkuk sakit, masa terpaksa berenti kat tgh2 sewer sbb tunggu groupd depan gerak lagi mencabar minda.. sbb masa tu dgn tengkuk lenguh, rasa lemas.. isk.. Tuhan je tau. Apapun, sgt kecewa la aktiviti ni sbb tak sempat habiskan final course, sbb masa tak cukup. Sedey gila. 3 group first je dpt habiskan... :( Sedey gila. Lepas minum pagi, aktiviti kawad operasi pam.. Masa ni kena bawak turun hos dari kete bomba, pasang, and bukak air... tp tetiba hujan selebat2 nya, jadik tak sempat buat. Nasib baik gak.. sbb masa tu mmg dah penat gila lps sewer. Petang ada sukan, budak DPA against anggota FRAM. Mlm plak amali Road Traffic accident. Merasa la guna alat potong kereta. Best! :)
The next day, hari terakhir amali. Pagi ada senamrobik yg agak boring sbb step dia sama je. :p Lps bfast amali gas fire. Gas LPG dilepaskan, dan dibakar, and kitorg kena padamkan. Menarikla sbb mmg kena pergi rapat dgn api, supaya injap gas blh ditutup. Api dpn muka beb.. tapi masa tu aku org no 2 so, tak gerun sgt la... Next one, water rescue.. or sth more like introduction to scuba diving. Diorg tanya sape ada lesen.. aku ngaku la.. pastu kena buli mmg pasti la kan.. Kuda betul... Tp takla teruk sgt.. gelak2 je... Memula masuk, i kinda striving jugakla nak turn body (sbb terlupa nak isik udara dlm BCD tu byk2 sket).. kena la gelak.. instructor kat tepi2 tu dah melaung "oi diver! yg kau pun menggelupur dlm air tu kenapa???" wakakak... dah lama tak buat la pakcik. :p Pastu, bila kena masuk air, takleh tenggelam plak sbb weights tak cukup.. bila dah tambah weight, masuk dalam, kena kneel down, tak balance sbb weight sblh kurang dr weight sblh lagi. Mmg bengong gila. Bila dah ok, dia buli lagi, suh bukak mouth piece, clear mask. Heheh.. benda basic je.. tp sbb dah lama tak buat panic la jugak. Series bengong. Bila naik atas siap la kena kutuk. Wakakaka... hisyyy.. Nasib baik la insructor yg bawak aku turun tu kinda eye candy for me. Heheh.. sejuk gakla ati. :) After lunch, aktiviti paling mencabar dan paling bahaya - oil spill. Kena padamkan api disebabkan flammable liquid, dlm kes hari tu, diorg guna petrol, 400-500 Liter worth of petrol. Perh.. kalau masuk dlm tank keter, berapa bulan takyah refuel sey. Masa amali ni, i had to be the front-most person, holding the nozzle. Oil spill ni kena tacke dlm 4 barisan, 2 barisan tgh utk attack source, 2 barisan tepi utk jadik sweeper, padamkan api kat minyak yg tumpah2 tu. Aku dlm line yg tgh2, utk attack source of fire. Masa api tu tgh marak, kitorg kena move fwd smpi dekakt dgn api. How close? As close as sejengkal je jarak muka dari api. Hose ngan nozzle dah la berat... dgn air tekanan tinggi lagi. Masa tu yg jadik shield selain baju bomba tu is the spray water wall... Guna air dr hos utk dindingkan kitorg dari api.. Masa tu tak nmpk lain dah... nmpk api je. Org sblh2 pun tak nmpk.. command dari komanden pun tak berapa nak dgr sbb dgn bunyi air, bunyi api... Sgt mencabar. Pengalaman yang sgt tak dpt dilupakan. Mlm tu ada HAZMAT - handling of hazardous material.. yang ni ada afew guys je dpt buat sbb suit tu berat.. :(
On Friday ada exam, lps tu ada table top disaster excercise, mlm ada dinner and persembahan. Sabtu after bfast, balik......
Apa yang pastinya , my views towards pasukan bomba n penyelamat has totally changed. Sblm modul ni, tak berapa nmpk kepentingan mereka ni... sekarang, baru tau their hardships, what they have to face... Hidup diorg ni mmg perlu mental yang kuat.. sbb berhadapan dgn fobia kebanyakan orang... keadaan gelap, kurang udara, api marak.... Salute la anggota bomba,,, nak lagi yg pompuan.. Alatan semua berat2... no easy job, seriously. Bukan senang nak bergerak pantas dlm keadaan baju berat, sekali dgn BA yg brat tu.. tambah lagi dgn hos pun yang berat. Apapun, terima kasih FRAM atas pendedahan kpd aktiviti kebombaan, and tahniah kpd semua anggota bomba dan penyelamat yang berkaliber dan berdedikasi menjalankan tugas. :)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Weekend yang memenatkan
Jumaat lepas, exam statistik & research method belah pagi, three and a half hours. Bawak bekal mcm2, as if nanti byk time on my hands la kan. Hampeh. Soklan pun tak sempat nak abeskan. 2 questions gone, there goes 16 marks. Bluueekkk.. ahh..let bygones be bygones la. Nak buat camne.
At 1500, we gathered in front of the audi to make a move to Intan Wilayah Utara (intura) Sg. Petani for our Gua Itik programme. It was a long 5 and half hours drive (though i was used to the kl-utara route before). I couldn't sleep a wink in the bus although i was mentally exhausted and sleepy. Why? coz i was in the bus with the 'authorities' and they decided to karaoke in the bus. Rock kapak and whatever.. Some of them can sing.. but some just can't sing for peanuts! Maannn.. it was one awful journey. :p Thank God they stopped after we made a dinner stop at sg perak rnr.
At around 2030, we arrived in intura. Got our rooms, unpack and quickly put myself to bed to ready myself for what's coming the next day.
0700 Saturday, we had breakfast and gathered at 0730. We had a short briefing on where we're heading and what we're gonna do. We're going on a cave expedition to Gua Itik and Gua Gendang. It was an hours' drive from intura and by 1000 we reached Pengkalan Hulu, where we're gonna start the expedition. First we had to do some light hiking, then within an hour we reached the first cave, Gua Itik. It was a short-length cave, with a stream going through it. At the entrance of the cave was a small waterfall, small, but high enough that we had to climb down the waterfall by rope. About 2m high ada kot. I was kinda excited and worried at the same time coz it was the time of the month for me and my "best friend" was flowing rather heavily.. but what the heck... just go la kan. Nothing that i can do then. So i climbed down the waterfall and just follow the leader. A short distance away, we're at the mouth of Gua Itik. At first we're happy that the water level was only knee-high. However, peeping inside, we saw the heads of our friends in the group in front bobbing up and down in the water. Great.. just as what was told by our seniors... the water is deep inside the cave. We got into the cave in a line and in the deep waters, we had to go one by one. My swimming lesson didn't help.. coz i was panicky, with the darkness and the sound of the rushing water... and it didn't help when the t-shirt i wore ride up my body coz i didn't tuck it in my trackbottom. There were officers in the water to help us through though, so that helped calmed us a bit. Some of the guys were helping out as well. I managed to pass through the deep water without getting my head into the water. After that, it was already the end of the cave and we got outside, walked a short distance to a clear plot of land where they brought us our morning tea. Yummy..yummy.. nothing like a nice hot cup of tea after getting yourself all soaked up in the bone-biting chilly water.
After tea, we moved on to Gua Gendang, a mere 15 minutes away. This was a much longer cave, and it was really, really dark. They placed candles in some places so tht was the only source of light available to light our path. There was a stream running through this cave as well, and the path was trickier than the one in Gua Itik. We were divided according to gender, and walked into the cave in a line, holding hands so as not to lose any group members. We had to feel our way at some places to know whether the cave's roof was too low for us to walk through. There we some such places, too low that we had to go through it on all fours. The worse part is that the stream is still running under the cave... not deep, but still with the darkness, and being in the cave and all... you just don't want to think so much about what's there on the cave floor (think bats' dung and stuffs like that). After some time we finally reach the cave's exit which is a stream, and a few groups were already waiting there, having fun in the water. The water at the exit was waist-high and they made some kind of a barrier just above the water level, so that we have to dive under the water to get to the other side. No detour allowed, so everyone had to go under it. At the other side, the other group gathered to "welcome" those who had passed under the barrier with loads of water splashes. Hehe.. Way fun! Especially when you're splashing your friends. :) When all the groups arrived, we walked to the bus, changed at the nearby err cheap motel (Read: rumah tumpangan) and had lunch by a lake, in the rain. Mannnn... first time ever in a rumah tumpangan. Sheessshhh. :p
We arrived in intura around 1730, got some rest and at 2000, we had this karaoke contest. No.. i didn't join the thing. During DPA, dancing was more of my thing than singing is. Hehe.
The next day, we left intura as early as 0730, reached kiara at around 1300, took a short nap and later went to OU with my roomies, ecah and fara. Got back from there at around 1730, rushed to get ready for another programme for the weekend - theatre watching at istana budaya, a theatre entitled "Suzana@60". It was the first time i ever watch a real theatre and i'd have to say that it was a really cool first experience. The theatre incorporates a pop ye ye era concert so it was kinda 2 in 1 thing. I enjoyed myself. Too bad we couldn't get up from our seats and dance to the groove. Oh.... we got good seats too, at the royal circle, and the Permaisuri Agong was there as well. I think she's cool too, coz she made an effort to dress up in a 60's kinda thingy (nothing too much, just colors that made the look so retro). Us? Well.. we had to wear our batch's batik. :) The theatre ended at 0015 and we got back soon after. Dozed off as soon as my head touches the pillow.
The next day, business as usual. A lecture on international relationship, and before lunch, we were split from our old sidang into a new sidand for penggal 2. :( Sad as hell.. will really miss sidang c batch 1/2005 1st session. We've gone through a lot together, as a team. I'm now in sidang D, but i'll always be a sidang C at heart. :) And, being in sidang D, we're gonna be the first to go for the Bomba Module which is gonna be this coming week. We'll be leaving for the acadamy on sunday, coming back on saturday and monday we'll be going to the BTN module. Wish me luck ya!
Marriage woes
The saddest part about being in DPA is that i don't get to see my hubby so much. He's busy flying here and there lately, and i'm busy running from one module to the other. We don't see each other much, and i really miss spending time with him. Besides that, it'd been a while since i went back to my mom's place in sepang and visit my in laws in pandan. Man... really need time out from all this shit and have some time to spend with my family... and friends. That's it. I'm going on a holiday with my hubby as soon as DPA's over.
Jumaat lepas, exam statistik & research method belah pagi, three and a half hours. Bawak bekal mcm2, as if nanti byk time on my hands la kan. Hampeh. Soklan pun tak sempat nak abeskan. 2 questions gone, there goes 16 marks. Bluueekkk.. ahh..let bygones be bygones la. Nak buat camne.
At 1500, we gathered in front of the audi to make a move to Intan Wilayah Utara (intura) Sg. Petani for our Gua Itik programme. It was a long 5 and half hours drive (though i was used to the kl-utara route before). I couldn't sleep a wink in the bus although i was mentally exhausted and sleepy. Why? coz i was in the bus with the 'authorities' and they decided to karaoke in the bus. Rock kapak and whatever.. Some of them can sing.. but some just can't sing for peanuts! Maannn.. it was one awful journey. :p Thank God they stopped after we made a dinner stop at sg perak rnr.
At around 2030, we arrived in intura. Got our rooms, unpack and quickly put myself to bed to ready myself for what's coming the next day.
0700 Saturday, we had breakfast and gathered at 0730. We had a short briefing on where we're heading and what we're gonna do. We're going on a cave expedition to Gua Itik and Gua Gendang. It was an hours' drive from intura and by 1000 we reached Pengkalan Hulu, where we're gonna start the expedition. First we had to do some light hiking, then within an hour we reached the first cave, Gua Itik. It was a short-length cave, with a stream going through it. At the entrance of the cave was a small waterfall, small, but high enough that we had to climb down the waterfall by rope. About 2m high ada kot. I was kinda excited and worried at the same time coz it was the time of the month for me and my "best friend" was flowing rather heavily.. but what the heck... just go la kan. Nothing that i can do then. So i climbed down the waterfall and just follow the leader. A short distance away, we're at the mouth of Gua Itik. At first we're happy that the water level was only knee-high. However, peeping inside, we saw the heads of our friends in the group in front bobbing up and down in the water. Great.. just as what was told by our seniors... the water is deep inside the cave. We got into the cave in a line and in the deep waters, we had to go one by one. My swimming lesson didn't help.. coz i was panicky, with the darkness and the sound of the rushing water... and it didn't help when the t-shirt i wore ride up my body coz i didn't tuck it in my trackbottom. There were officers in the water to help us through though, so that helped calmed us a bit. Some of the guys were helping out as well. I managed to pass through the deep water without getting my head into the water. After that, it was already the end of the cave and we got outside, walked a short distance to a clear plot of land where they brought us our morning tea. Yummy..yummy.. nothing like a nice hot cup of tea after getting yourself all soaked up in the bone-biting chilly water.
After tea, we moved on to Gua Gendang, a mere 15 minutes away. This was a much longer cave, and it was really, really dark. They placed candles in some places so tht was the only source of light available to light our path. There was a stream running through this cave as well, and the path was trickier than the one in Gua Itik. We were divided according to gender, and walked into the cave in a line, holding hands so as not to lose any group members. We had to feel our way at some places to know whether the cave's roof was too low for us to walk through. There we some such places, too low that we had to go through it on all fours. The worse part is that the stream is still running under the cave... not deep, but still with the darkness, and being in the cave and all... you just don't want to think so much about what's there on the cave floor (think bats' dung and stuffs like that). After some time we finally reach the cave's exit which is a stream, and a few groups were already waiting there, having fun in the water. The water at the exit was waist-high and they made some kind of a barrier just above the water level, so that we have to dive under the water to get to the other side. No detour allowed, so everyone had to go under it. At the other side, the other group gathered to "welcome" those who had passed under the barrier with loads of water splashes. Hehe.. Way fun! Especially when you're splashing your friends. :) When all the groups arrived, we walked to the bus, changed at the nearby err cheap motel (Read: rumah tumpangan) and had lunch by a lake, in the rain. Mannnn... first time ever in a rumah tumpangan. Sheessshhh. :p
We arrived in intura around 1730, got some rest and at 2000, we had this karaoke contest. No.. i didn't join the thing. During DPA, dancing was more of my thing than singing is. Hehe.
The next day, we left intura as early as 0730, reached kiara at around 1300, took a short nap and later went to OU with my roomies, ecah and fara. Got back from there at around 1730, rushed to get ready for another programme for the weekend - theatre watching at istana budaya, a theatre entitled "Suzana@60". It was the first time i ever watch a real theatre and i'd have to say that it was a really cool first experience. The theatre incorporates a pop ye ye era concert so it was kinda 2 in 1 thing. I enjoyed myself. Too bad we couldn't get up from our seats and dance to the groove. Oh.... we got good seats too, at the royal circle, and the Permaisuri Agong was there as well. I think she's cool too, coz she made an effort to dress up in a 60's kinda thingy (nothing too much, just colors that made the look so retro). Us? Well.. we had to wear our batch's batik. :) The theatre ended at 0015 and we got back soon after. Dozed off as soon as my head touches the pillow.
The next day, business as usual. A lecture on international relationship, and before lunch, we were split from our old sidang into a new sidand for penggal 2. :( Sad as hell.. will really miss sidang c batch 1/2005 1st session. We've gone through a lot together, as a team. I'm now in sidang D, but i'll always be a sidang C at heart. :) And, being in sidang D, we're gonna be the first to go for the Bomba Module which is gonna be this coming week. We'll be leaving for the acadamy on sunday, coming back on saturday and monday we'll be going to the BTN module. Wish me luck ya!
Marriage woes
The saddest part about being in DPA is that i don't get to see my hubby so much. He's busy flying here and there lately, and i'm busy running from one module to the other. We don't see each other much, and i really miss spending time with him. Besides that, it'd been a while since i went back to my mom's place in sepang and visit my in laws in pandan. Man... really need time out from all this shit and have some time to spend with my family... and friends. That's it. I'm going on a holiday with my hubby as soon as DPA's over.
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