Monday, July 31, 2006

Waarrgghhh.... Still stressed!!

Hmmphh... i'd been pretty normal at work tadik. Ntah camne ntah mlm ni blh lak layan mentari jingga. Huhu.. dah tak stabil balik keadaan den. Hampeh btol. Nyesal lak tengok. Hmm.. macam2 dah dibuat. Membusykan diri, attend meeting, ngumpat, dsb... tapi tak berjaya gak melawan perasaan bengong nih. Probably worry kot.. sbb dah lama tak contact ngan hubby. Dia kat mana pun tatau. Tp dia baru je online tadik. Dapat la dengar suara dia kat skype. Tenang la sket perasaan nih. Tapi, sedey gak.. coz dia esok petang baru on the way balik kl.. Tak mungkin la sampai kl esok jugak. Paling awal pun wed morning.. Wed tu dah antenatal aptmt.. kol 9.30 pg lak tu. Huhu. Kena gi sowang la nampaknya. Isk.. takut gak. Selalu dia ada temankan. Hmm.. :(

Colleague tak betul

Hehe..tadik lepas lunch bley plak layan ngumpat. Abt this one colleague. Camne tah leh terkeluar dia punya tembelang. Hakhak. Aku ingatkan baik, disebalik kepelikan dia tuh. Ceh. Beriya je pakai songkok ke hulu hilir, tapi simpan gamba tak senonoh dalam pc. Bongok ke hapa. Dah le pc tu pc kerajaan. Sah2 sesape bley explore especially kalau nak carik data ke apa2 kan.

Citernye camni... masa budak ni dihantar kursus, member ni kena access pc dia sbb nak carik data. Utk memudahkan pencarian, bukak la kat most recent docs.. haha.. sekali kuar plak file bohsia kampung. Wakakak... bengong tak. Dahla ko letak gamba bengong kat pc kerajaan, nama file tak hengat nak sorok. Mmg bangang tahap dewa. Pastu yang member nih cam serba salah la.. tak bukak lagi file tu, pakat panggil plak kengkawan lagi dua tiga orang. hehe. Dapat plak ada yang nakal.. open source file (source file mamat ni hide kan..bijak la konon.. dlm source file tu ada lagi gamba2)... lepas tu tukar nama file tu as rahsia dah terbongkar or sth of tht sort. Bila mamat tu balik dari kursus, nmpk sgt dia nak bukak file gamba lucah tu, so dia discover la yg ada org sudah tukar the file name and ada orang yang dah tau rahsia dia..cuma dia tatau sape. Hehe. Dia tanya member, ada sesape ke access pc.. Dgn muka dekk member ckp takde. Pastu tanya soklan bodo... pc tu sesape blh access ke. Member baik punya layan.. boleh.. sampai MAMPU pun bley access utk monitor. Berubah muka. Tau lak gabra. Buat keje tak hengat. Apa, kat umah tak cukup2 ke nak nengok mende bukan2 sampai kena bawak gi opis. Hisy. Tak semenggah. :p Sia-sia pakaian luaran macam beriman. Ptui!~ Isk.. camne la nnt dia blk kursus lama.. harap2 berubah la... kalau tak,hmm... taktau la. First n foremost kalau part bau tu takde perubahan, terpaksala kitorg proceed plan kitorg nak hadiahkan dia deodorant. :p

Dahla malas nak citer lagik. Tadi byk lagik nak post sbb hati runsing. Skang dah ok sket, cukup la takat ni. Nak gi makan pear madu. Yumm.. sedapnye. Manis gila. Bubbye.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Last week yang best dan tak best

Iskk... banyak mende yang terjeruk dalam hati ni. Hmm.. sedey betul kengkawan semua jauh2 ni..takde tempat nak share cerita.. Ngn hasben lain. Citer ngan org laki lain dari citer ngan org pompuan. As is stated dlm buku "women are form venus, men are form mars", lelaki ni tend to give solution, which i find quite true. kekadang tu, kita pompuan ni cerita just to let it out of our system. Bukan kita cerita tu maknanya kita dah buntu tak tau nak buat apa but still, men being men, they won't stop offering solutions. Dah memang hardwired into their system kot kan? Hmm.. tp tu lah, back to the main point, sgt tak bestnya bila buddies semua jauh2, n tak dapat nak meluahkan isi hati like before. Hukhuk. :(

Last week was quite a busy week. We had this launching thingy involving the minister and 3 corporate tan sris. It was kinda big, and despite our efforts to ensure that everything goes well, there were still shortfalls. Biasala kan.. manade mende yang perfect. Belajar la dari kesilapan. So because of this thingy, i had to stay at the office til late, which is just too bad coz my hubby was around last week, back from his 10 days flight.

God.. i wish i can just spill out everything inside my heart here on this blog. :p

Entahlah... banyak dugaan la mengandung ni. Kekadang cam frustrated with myself for being too sensitive, too emotional, too irritable... isk... PMS all month. PMS 2 minggu pun aku dah tension. Huhu. It's not fair to the people around me.. tapi, masalahnya, i usually blow off my top to the people i love and care about, and who loves me. Isk.. selalu camtu..dulu masa dok ngan kengkawan pun, diorang gak jadik mangsa pms ku. Huhu.. sian korang. :) Sori yek.. Now... orang yang most loved la yang kena. Isk.. tak suka la..tak suka..tak suka..tak suka. Tak suka perasaan yang tak best.. tak suka buat orang yang disayangi rasa tak best. :( Sedey la camni.

Iskk..bengang dan bengong. Wek, wek dan wek lagik... Hmm.. aku pun tak tau apa bijik butir yang aku post kan arinih. Whatever.. as long as it helps with venting out whatever it is that i'm feeling inside. more thing that's frustrating me. My favourite boss is moving to another ministry. Hmm.. sedey betul. She's such a good boss. She taught me a lot. My mentor. Sedeyla dia takde. Things won't be the same. Skang ni kat my unit, she's the most senior and knows a lot about the unit..skang dia takde semua tinggal jr officers je la, termasukla yours truly nih. Hmm... i'm gonna miss this boss of mine. Tp, dia tak tuka kalau kesian gak kat dia. Dahla dok jauh, makan ati lak kat opis.. isk..cian bos.. :(.. now she's leaving, kesian aku dan kitorang staf2 dia nih. Uwaaa!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Kiutnye baby!~

Baru balik melawat fp kak Salmi nengok baby dia arissa. Kiutnye!! Hehe. Geram.. tak sabar plak nak tunggu baby nih kuar. :p Tapi kang bila cukup masa baby kuar kang.. kelam kabut lak... Bukannye reti jaga baby. Isk.. camne la nak mandikan baby baru lahir tu yang masih kecik bangat dan lembut... huhu.. gerun gua. Takpe la.. mama ada to the rescue. Wakakaa.. :D Lagipun byk lagi masa nak pikir pasal tu semua.. 7 bln lagik... heheh...

Muntah lagik

Lately nih cam mabuk teruk sket... (Huhu.. ada ka hubby cakap terlebih minum.. fire sebijik kang!~ Ingat gua yam seng punya mabuk ka?) Anyways.. haritu penah gak jadik camni... masa tu terasa sangat2 nak makan country fried steak dgn nachos kat chilli's... Sepanjang tak dapat tu, mabuk beriya.. bila dah dapat, ok je pulak.. La ni jadik macam ni, terpikir gak.. ada ke mende yang aku terasa nak makan tapi tak pegi makan sampai jadik mabuk teruk ginih?? Hmm... rasa cam takde... ooo... tapi mungkin gak ada... Teringat nak makan mee udang/ketam kat penang... ngan ikan kimchu kat teluk tempoyak... ngan moi sup opah... ngan laksa kat tepi d-lima tempat erobik fennie tuh.. Uwaaaa...... gua nak gi penangggg!!!


Hmm... pelik aa dengan rakyat mesia skang nih. Just imagine, cakap pasal pertunangan org mcm la benda tu important sgt.. berhari2 dok kuar report kat paper pasal artis ni nak putus tunang bla..bla... siap front page tuh! Pasni plak.. kisah artis ni nak kawen ngan datuk ni plak kuar front duh!~ nothing new la artis kawen dato'.. pehal la beriya nak letak front page. Front page utk berita2 penting.. macam la kisah org kawen/putus tunang ada implikasi pada kegiatan ekonomi/politik/sosial negara. Apesal, orang mesia ni dah takde benda penting ke yang nak difikirkan? Sibuk sangat amek tau pasal hal orang je kejenya? Mcm tu ke?

Pastu pelik gak dgn orang yang drive2 skang kat mesia nih. Geram pun ada gak..Pehal nak main cilok2, potong q orang. Apehal.. orang lain blh q pesal ko takleh. Ingat bagus sangat. Ko sorang je rasa penat nak balik cepat. Helo.. orang lain pun penat gak, keje gak, nak balik cepat gak.. boleh je beratur.. OKU pun mampu lagi beratur tak potong q..pehal ko yang sihat walafiat takleh tunggu. Semua nak cepat..mati tak nak pulak cepat. :p

Pastu, orang yg suka hog kat lane tengah. Bengap ke hape. Are they like born stupid or is the stupidity acquired? Kalau tak memotong, duduk la lane kiri sekali... lane tgh tu bukannya lane cruising.. bengong.. Bawak 60km/h duduk lane tengah.. Ko ingat ko sorang je ke nak guna jalan. Reti2 la masuk lane kiri..kosong je pun. Tak kena bayar pun kalau duduk kat lane kiri tu... Pelik aa.. orang lain makin bertamadun makin bijak... kat sini macam sebaliknya pulak.. Bab rosak akhlak tak payah sebut la kan.. :p Hampeh.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


Tak taula apesal rasa penat..Nak kata byk berjalan tak, drive tu biasala, pegi balik putrajaya.. kat opis most of the time duduk jek, buat surat, gi meeting, makan... muntah tak la selalu sangat... tapi rasa penat sangat. Balik lepas dinner, tak sempat nak spend time ngan dan pun, terus je rasa nak lena... Wonder why..Huhu. Tadik petang pegi bt jalil park, bagi kura2 ngan ikan makan roti. Jalan sikit je pun, tapi terasa sbb aku dah kurang excercise ek??


Syukur... checkup semalam ok. Dapat dengar baby's heartbeat for the first time. Laju betul! Saiz dia pun dah bertambah... 4 times in lengths than the last time. Haritu 4mm je.. skang dah 12mm.. :) Alhamdulillah... semoga selamat dan dipermudahkan all the way.


Frust pun ada gak.. frust sbb tak dapat cuti.. Frust sbb mood mcm takde, takleh nak enjoy time together ngan hubby.. sbb aku rasa macam malas nak cakap, malas nak react... Frust sbb asyik penat je when there's much cleaning to be done inside the house.. Frust sbb weekend tak pernah ada kat umah... :( Frust nyee!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Back to work

First day at work after 6 months. Met all the bosses, everyone said good timing. There're heaps of things to be done. Hmm... doesn't really sound like good news does it? On that note, there goes my chance of even applying for leave. Darnit!

Lagipun, after i asked the opinions of my senior colleagues, everyone advised me against asking for leave after dpa.. coz there had been not-so-pretty occurence regarding the same thing before, to another colleague who had left the division. So that's it la. So much for going to penang. :p Dan pun same thing. Instead of 7 days off block, it got cut down to 4 days, because some smart ass said that the pilots are bored with 7 off days at home. Like duh!~ It's not that the idiot even asked around. He'd probably just asked his ass-kissers, people who'd willingly kiss his ass as a tool for personal gain. Like...fraakk them man! Selfish assholes. Only concerned with themselves.

Tmrw will be another day at work.. oh..and my pc got attacked by the wicked brontok virus. God damn those people who came up with such stupid things. I mean.. y on earth would anyone do that? What do they get from haywiring another person's computer? Doesn't it ever occur to them that it cost a lot of people a lot of trouble? What if the virus affected a computer system that holds data on hospital clients' medication? People can die of wrong medication just because some fuckhead decided to come up with a computer virus just for the fun of it. Another narcissistic idiot kinda person. So full of themselves. Why are there so many people like this on the surface of the earth now?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

There are like kazillion things to post on.. but my mind just failed to think of any.. it because there's just too much to say that my mind simply zoinked off?


Hmmm.. 8 weeks pregnant and counting.. Wait a sec.. 8 weeks? Wow.. isn't that 2 months now? Haha... with God's will, seven months to go, if everything is alright. Cepatnya masa berlalu.

My days are usually filled with numerous toilet visits due to the enlarging uterus pushing my bladder as well as the hormonal effects on my stomach, taste buds and smell senses. Quite a number of things ticks me off and makes me puke/wanna puke... onions, strong perfume... and whatever God knows what. Penat gak asyik berulang gi toilet, but it's kind of a relief for me coz it's a sign that the pregnancy hormones are running high on my systems, which means the fetus is still alright. Hmm.. can't wait for my next appointment.

Hmm.. been talking abt this pregnancy thingy too much huh? Hehe.. can't help it. A human being is developing in my tummy... like awesome maannn!

DPA's over!!

Yep, Dpa's finally over. Was excited to finish it but at the same time i was pretty sad to part with all my fellow friends, especially from x-sidang c who had and will always be close to heart. Rasa macam baru je balik from polis, tentera, obs, bomba, btn, penempatan kampung.... Cepatnya masa berlalu.. Hehe.. probably because beriye tdo during lecture smpi tak sedar masa berlalu. Lecturer masuk tdo, by the time break je bangun. Haha.. Hampeh je.

Anyways, it had been an interesting, great and enjoyable six months. Many thanks to all my friends in dpa for making the last 6 months not just bearable, but very much exciting and meaningful, which i know i'll cherish my whole life.