Introducing our beloved sweet little angel, Sarah. For the time being, this is the only pic... Will definitely update next time around ya. This is sarah at 3 mths. Looks a lot like daddy huh? :)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Cukur Jambul?
Yeay!! My leave had been approved! :D Bestnya cuti this friday and next monday. :)
This sunday my mom's gonna do this cukur jambul thingy for sarah (mana sarah ada jambul??) Anyways, she's calling this marhaban group la whatever la... Dunnolah... My mom's preparing everything... I'm just preparing sarah. Haha. I bought her this pale pink dress earlier, but then it's for a 9 mths old baby.. tapi try acu kat badan dia haritu nampak macam muat... just a little long, tapi boleh la kot... Hehe.. blasahla..
Dan's coming home tmrw after being away for 14 days. Kesian daddy and daughter, tak dapat jumpa selalu. But then, Dan gladly takes over taking care of sarah when he's around.. everything, from bathing to changing diapers, to giving her milk when i'm away, plus he helps me out with the pump, making me comfy during breastfeeding sessions... He's such a big help when he's around, and i'm really grateful to have such a supportive hubby and i'm so very proud of him. Sadly though, he'll be leaving for Bangalore pulak on the weekend which means he'll miss sarah's cukur jambul (and my bday)... and next thursday, he'll be off to anchorage again for 11 days. It'll be his last flight to anchorage for the time being coz he's got a promotion to captain, but on a narrow body aircraft. Narrow body aircraft ni tak buat long distance run.. which means tht he'll be home more! Yeay!!
Sigh!~ Boring betul hari ni... Esok patut pergi parlimen.. tp since i'll be having trouble with pumping, i asked to be replaced. Leceh gak nak bawak pump semua masuk dewan.. Ishh...
Okla.. lunch time already... isk.. boring betul la food kat cafetaria nih... Sigh!~ Blasah je la kan.. no choice.... Adios...
Yeay!! My leave had been approved! :D Bestnya cuti this friday and next monday. :)
This sunday my mom's gonna do this cukur jambul thingy for sarah (mana sarah ada jambul??) Anyways, she's calling this marhaban group la whatever la... Dunnolah... My mom's preparing everything... I'm just preparing sarah. Haha. I bought her this pale pink dress earlier, but then it's for a 9 mths old baby.. tapi try acu kat badan dia haritu nampak macam muat... just a little long, tapi boleh la kot... Hehe.. blasahla..
Dan's coming home tmrw after being away for 14 days. Kesian daddy and daughter, tak dapat jumpa selalu. But then, Dan gladly takes over taking care of sarah when he's around.. everything, from bathing to changing diapers, to giving her milk when i'm away, plus he helps me out with the pump, making me comfy during breastfeeding sessions... He's such a big help when he's around, and i'm really grateful to have such a supportive hubby and i'm so very proud of him. Sadly though, he'll be leaving for Bangalore pulak on the weekend which means he'll miss sarah's cukur jambul (and my bday)... and next thursday, he'll be off to anchorage again for 11 days. It'll be his last flight to anchorage for the time being coz he's got a promotion to captain, but on a narrow body aircraft. Narrow body aircraft ni tak buat long distance run.. which means tht he'll be home more! Yeay!!
Sigh!~ Boring betul hari ni... Esok patut pergi parlimen.. tp since i'll be having trouble with pumping, i asked to be replaced. Leceh gak nak bawak pump semua masuk dewan.. Ishh...
Okla.. lunch time already... isk.. boring betul la food kat cafetaria nih... Sigh!~ Blasah je la kan.. no choice.... Adios...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
The highs and lows of breastfeeding
Sarah is 3 months old today!! :) And proudly, i've been bf-ing her since birth. I had some shorcomings though, i had to supplement her feedings on her paed's advice but i'm still breastfeeding her as much as i can, without supplements on the weekends.
I thought breastfeeding comes naturally... well it does, after a while though. Biasala, tara nak biasa tu macam2 la cobaannya, tapi alhamdulillah, usaha masih diteruskan. I consulted a board-certified lactation consultant regarding my plans to go back to exclusively bf. She said it can be achieved with lots of effort on my part. So her i am, trying as hard as i can... Usaha kena usaha.. tapi apa yang Dia nak bagi, kita redha la kan.
I pump milk at the office, 3 times as suggested. Masa awawal aritu, malu gak bila nakbasuh bottles and pump kat pantry tu kan. Segan lak orang tgk.. tapi bila fikir2 balik.. orang yg buat maksiat terang2 tu tak rasa malu pun, takkanla aku nak malu buat mende yg elok untuk baby aku kan? So skang takdela malu sangat. Kalau masa jalan from pantry to my room tu terserempak ngn orang sambil menatang bekas toyogo yg penuh barang2 pump yg ditenggelami air (untuk cold sterilization).. aku cakap je.. akuarium!.. Hehehe.. Lantok la kome...
Mende lain pun try jugak.. soya bean, milkmaid tea tht contains fenugreek, milo, anmum... sampai dah tak tau which one works..isk.. konpius. So far production adalah increase sikit dari dulu.. sikit je... but it's ok.. better than nothing. Now i'm more positive la kalau tak dpt collect milk byk pun. Rezeki la kan.. kalau ada, alhamdulillah, takde pun alhamdulillah jugak. Apapun, usaha tangga kejayaan... Harap2, dapatla susukan sarah sampai umo setahun ke... kalau tak pun, 6 mths.... huhu...
Okla.... time for the next pumping session... Takleh stress2 nih... kang tak kuar lak susu. Adios!
Sarah is 3 months old today!! :) And proudly, i've been bf-ing her since birth. I had some shorcomings though, i had to supplement her feedings on her paed's advice but i'm still breastfeeding her as much as i can, without supplements on the weekends.
I thought breastfeeding comes naturally... well it does, after a while though. Biasala, tara nak biasa tu macam2 la cobaannya, tapi alhamdulillah, usaha masih diteruskan. I consulted a board-certified lactation consultant regarding my plans to go back to exclusively bf. She said it can be achieved with lots of effort on my part. So her i am, trying as hard as i can... Usaha kena usaha.. tapi apa yang Dia nak bagi, kita redha la kan.
I pump milk at the office, 3 times as suggested. Masa awawal aritu, malu gak bila nakbasuh bottles and pump kat pantry tu kan. Segan lak orang tgk.. tapi bila fikir2 balik.. orang yg buat maksiat terang2 tu tak rasa malu pun, takkanla aku nak malu buat mende yg elok untuk baby aku kan? So skang takdela malu sangat. Kalau masa jalan from pantry to my room tu terserempak ngn orang sambil menatang bekas toyogo yg penuh barang2 pump yg ditenggelami air (untuk cold sterilization).. aku cakap je.. akuarium!.. Hehehe.. Lantok la kome...
Mende lain pun try jugak.. soya bean, milkmaid tea tht contains fenugreek, milo, anmum... sampai dah tak tau which one works..isk.. konpius. So far production adalah increase sikit dari dulu.. sikit je... but it's ok.. better than nothing. Now i'm more positive la kalau tak dpt collect milk byk pun. Rezeki la kan.. kalau ada, alhamdulillah, takde pun alhamdulillah jugak. Apapun, usaha tangga kejayaan... Harap2, dapatla susukan sarah sampai umo setahun ke... kalau tak pun, 6 mths.... huhu...
Okla.... time for the next pumping session... Takleh stress2 nih... kang tak kuar lak susu. Adios!
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