Mommy Brain = scatter brain??
Sigh!~ i think it's getting worse now. I've always been forgetful.. you know the little things... forgetting to take along the mobile charger for travel, loose change for tolls... things like that... But i think, now, being a mommy.. it's just getting worse.
I know something doesn't feel so right with me.. I don't feel like myself. It's weird. I thought it could be just me.. but until my hubby pointed it out recently, yeah i guess something is seriously not "normal" with me.
Post baby, i think i'm such a slob... i don't dress well, i don't take care of my face, my hair.. My desk at the office is a mess, i am absentminded half the time...I just dunno what happened to me. Gone were the days when my skincare regime consists of a cleanser, a moisturizer with UV protection and a two-way powder. Now it's just water, while i hurrying in the shower (yes.. i don't even powder my face anymore). I don't really have clothes that i think can flatter my postnatal figure, but still, i just make do with what i have, even though it's a bit tight here and there (and try to avoid standing in front of the mirror). My forgetfulness seem to get worse; i'd usually forget one thing or the other. Fact is, i dunno where my brain is most of the time. everything that happens were just a blur of activities. Yesterday seemed like ages ago. It's quite sad.
So today.. i browsed the net, trying to find the causes of this scatter-braininess. It seems like i'm not alone. Quite a lot of sites i visited were abt mommies having the mommy-brain condition. It offers some kind of relief.. at least i'm not the only one with this problem.
One parenting website associated this condition to sleep deprivation, stress, diet and multitasking. Yeah... i couldn't agree more. The first one, definitely. The second point.. well i guess it affects me too eventhough i go on telling people and trying to convince myself that i'm not stressed. Diet - lack of iron, yes.. and multitasking - when you don't focus on doing sth because you're focusing on other things at the same time.
I guess i'd have to slow down a bit.. Live the moment. Take some me time once in a while. The baby will be alright if i spend a little bit longer in the shower.. and she'll still be fine if i leave her with my hubby or my mom for a while and take some time off to pamper myself... Yeah.. she would be ok... I'd have to remind myself of these things.. and the fact that it's ok to take a break, and return as a more energetic mommy.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Came across this quiz while going thru kDilla's blog. Something to perk me up a bit, after a rather gloomy weekend. Sigh!~
Came across this quiz while going thru kDilla's blog. Something to perk me up a bit, after a rather gloomy weekend. Sigh!~
Suave and compromising.
Funny and humorous.
Very talkative.
Calm and cool.
Kind and sympathetic.
Concerned and detailed.
Does work well with others.
Very confident.
An awesome kisser.
A very good girlfriend/boyfriend.
Amazing Smile.
Positive Attitude.
Thinking generous.
Clever and knowledgeable.
Loves to look for information.
Able to cheer everyone up and/or make them laugh.
Able to motivate oneself and others.
Fun to be around.
Bubbly personality.
Boy/girl crazy.
Loves sports, music, leisure and traveling.
Super sexy.
Extremley hot but has brains.
Office Politics
Sigh!~ I've just had a taste of office politics. It totally sucks, especially if you're bad at it, like myself (Dan said that's one of the reasons he married me.. if i was good at office politics, he'd probably won't). The slightest bit of office politics pun is very ugly.. and i have years of working ahead of me with plenty more of OP (office politics) to come. This one really makes me feel miserable. I hope in future i'll be wiser to face OP....
Monday, June 18, 2007
Grrrr.... the min's now having a major restructure.. our new division nnt will be headed by idiots, bhg lain dah tak nak, org yg tak perform, semua lambak kat bhg tu... Yang jadik mangsa ni, kitorg la.. officer bawahan nih sbb pertukaran melibatkan yg atas je, yg bawah masih sama.. Kalau head boss ok, boleh tahan lagi.. ini head boss pun slow, immediate pun dua kali slow, nak buat keputusan tak tau... apa2 hal blame kitorg yg bawah ni.. tensionnnnn....
i mean.. i'd rather banyak kerja, tapi bos ada halatuju drpd takde keje n bos blur... once in a while tak buat apa dlm opis ok la.. ni kalau dah hari2.... otak pun jadik makin lembab... sigh!~
ex boss baru datang, saja2 datang melawat.. huhu... boleh tak nak mintak dia.. puan masuk la sini balik... uwaaa....!!
i'd put a request straight to HR to be placed into another division... tah camne, there was a big hoo-ha abt it last friday and it got to the big boss la, konon my name takde dlm senarai officers of the new divison... and she said.. No.. you have to remain in this division because you have technical b/gnd.. like bullshit la kan. There's no utilization of my technical b/gnd whatsoever... Pergi factory audit, ada engineer from jkr yg buat. i'm always in the office.. buat paper pun tak... tak habis2 buat minit, surat, minit, surat.... underutilization of my brain ok... otak kalau tak pakai, lama2 boleh shrink tau... demmit la...
Kalau pindah nnt jawabnya kena beli buku sudoku la utk stimulate minda.... lols!
Grrrr.... the min's now having a major restructure.. our new division nnt will be headed by idiots, bhg lain dah tak nak, org yg tak perform, semua lambak kat bhg tu... Yang jadik mangsa ni, kitorg la.. officer bawahan nih sbb pertukaran melibatkan yg atas je, yg bawah masih sama.. Kalau head boss ok, boleh tahan lagi.. ini head boss pun slow, immediate pun dua kali slow, nak buat keputusan tak tau... apa2 hal blame kitorg yg bawah ni.. tensionnnnn....
i mean.. i'd rather banyak kerja, tapi bos ada halatuju drpd takde keje n bos blur... once in a while tak buat apa dlm opis ok la.. ni kalau dah hari2.... otak pun jadik makin lembab... sigh!~
ex boss baru datang, saja2 datang melawat.. huhu... boleh tak nak mintak dia.. puan masuk la sini balik... uwaaa....!!
i'd put a request straight to HR to be placed into another division... tah camne, there was a big hoo-ha abt it last friday and it got to the big boss la, konon my name takde dlm senarai officers of the new divison... and she said.. No.. you have to remain in this division because you have technical b/gnd.. like bullshit la kan. There's no utilization of my technical b/gnd whatsoever... Pergi factory audit, ada engineer from jkr yg buat. i'm always in the office.. buat paper pun tak... tak habis2 buat minit, surat, minit, surat.... underutilization of my brain ok... otak kalau tak pakai, lama2 boleh shrink tau... demmit la...
Kalau pindah nnt jawabnya kena beli buku sudoku la utk stimulate minda.... lols!
Thursday, June 14, 2007

I think i'm like a total fan now... demmit.
When crocs were first introduced a couple of years back, i thought it was the most ugliest looking shoes (if you could even call it shoes) ever! I always thought to myself, who in their right minds would even wear something as fugly (read: fuckin ugly) as those hideous thingies with really loud colors and holes all around.
When i got pregnant, towards the last few months when my belly and feet got bigger, it struck me to get a pair since none of my sandals fits my swollen feet nicely and definitely none of my working shoes are bearable for me to walk in anymore... So i went to Isetan KLCC to get a pair of crocs mary jane and at the same time, talked my hubby into getting one as well.. hehe.. It was like a "i'll get one if you get one" kinda thing. So he got himself crocs offroad. The next day, i started to use the crocs on my feet and guess what.. i don't wear anything else until way after i gave birth. I wear it to the dr's clinic (dr pun tegur kata ramai org pakai crocs ni sekarang), i wear it to the office.. everywhere, with anything.. pants, skirt, baju kurung.. lols.. (But then again, i was pregnant at tht time.. i think ppl let me get away with almost anything..) hehe. even when i was admitted to the hosp for labour i was wearing it. My goodness.. i cant imagine the thingy tht i called hideous were such lovely to wear shoes. So comfy, so airy, so light!! I love it!
Yesterday the 3 of us went to crocs store in ikano to get almaz a pair for her bday (thanks to my big mouth) and i was like... oh mann... i think i'm gonna get another one. It has sooo many colors and style in store!!! Yep, i definitely think i'm gonna get another one (coz hubby said that he'd probably get another one as well..hehe).. and when sarah can walk on her own, probably we'll get one for her too... We're crocs crazy... sigh!~
Moral of the story: jangan kutuk2, nanti suka... hahahahaaa...

I think i'm like a total fan now... demmit.
When crocs were first introduced a couple of years back, i thought it was the most ugliest looking shoes (if you could even call it shoes) ever! I always thought to myself, who in their right minds would even wear something as fugly (read: fuckin ugly) as those hideous thingies with really loud colors and holes all around.
When i got pregnant, towards the last few months when my belly and feet got bigger, it struck me to get a pair since none of my sandals fits my swollen feet nicely and definitely none of my working shoes are bearable for me to walk in anymore... So i went to Isetan KLCC to get a pair of crocs mary jane and at the same time, talked my hubby into getting one as well.. hehe.. It was like a "i'll get one if you get one" kinda thing. So he got himself crocs offroad. The next day, i started to use the crocs on my feet and guess what.. i don't wear anything else until way after i gave birth. I wear it to the dr's clinic (dr pun tegur kata ramai org pakai crocs ni sekarang), i wear it to the office.. everywhere, with anything.. pants, skirt, baju kurung.. lols.. (But then again, i was pregnant at tht time.. i think ppl let me get away with almost anything..) hehe. even when i was admitted to the hosp for labour i was wearing it. My goodness.. i cant imagine the thingy tht i called hideous were such lovely to wear shoes. So comfy, so airy, so light!! I love it!
Yesterday the 3 of us went to crocs store in ikano to get almaz a pair for her bday (thanks to my big mouth) and i was like... oh mann... i think i'm gonna get another one. It has sooo many colors and style in store!!! Yep, i definitely think i'm gonna get another one (coz hubby said that he'd probably get another one as well..hehe).. and when sarah can walk on her own, probably we'll get one for her too... We're crocs crazy... sigh!~
Moral of the story: jangan kutuk2, nanti suka... hahahahaaa...
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