My leave, My ring, My .. whatever
I'm at the office still, my leave approval memo tak keluar lagi. However, i did see the officer when i arrived just now and he said secgen dah sign, now tunggu memo from HR la. Tapi, upon hearing tht the leave was approved, dah cukup happy dah!! Yeay!! I dont have to deal with all this stupid hanky panky stuffs at the office. I hope, within 2 months, some things that are important will be changed in the office, i.e, the bosses. The division will do well if the bosses are smart and really work. Not just come to the office, delegate ALL the meetings (important and not important) to other officers, even if it involves meetings tht needs the decision maker to attend, and go out on the less important meetings OUTSIDE the office, or even better, outside KL, and better yet in the borneo... macam pelancaran kapal, menghias kek... Core business division biar lower rank officers buat.. Sigh!~ Why not we switch the pay too? At least something. :p
Urgh... super duper takde hati at the office right now. As long as all those bimbos are in charge, i doubt i'll ever will.
On an entirely unrelated note, nowadays when i'm typing, my eyes are drawn to my left ring finger... Hehehe.. now there's a gold ring there, my engagement ring, which i've stopped wearing when i was 5 months pregnant, because i was afraid tht i would get really bloated and wouldnt be able to get the ring out,... well.. that and the fact tht i gained many kgs tht it doesnt fit anymore, until like last month!! I tried it on and it fits like a glove... Yippeee!!! :D
My hubby's coming back on wednesday.. Yeay!! that's about the only thing that keeps me going through these silly, stressful days at the office... sigh!~
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A new Maid Came.. and Went!
MIL sent us a new maid on tuesday. I didnt quite have a good day tht day, sarah had some kind of eye infection and her fever was on and off so i had to go back early from work to pick her up. As i was driving, contemplating whether or not i should go to the hosp and get her checked or wait one more day, the car broke down. Had to call aam, yadda, yadda.. at last i arrived home at about 6.30.. sama gak macam balik mcm biasa. Then, MIL wanted to send a maid to us tht night. I didnt quite have a good feeling abt it, but i thought it was probably just a bad day for me, so i was like.. fine.. whateverla.
The maid is 40 y.o. Waaayyy older than the 2 other maids i've had before. She'd worked with a family for 6 years and stopped working there when the family decided to have pet cats. Then she worked for another family, for 2 1/2 mths because she claimed tak larat when the famiy selalu balik kg sgt. Takpa la... and then, she asked me, dah berapa lama duduk rumah ni.. i told her 2 yrs.. Boleh dia ckp kenapa dah duduk 2 thn pun rumah ni tak berkemas.. what she doesnt know is tht he piled boxes yg ada around the hse ni barang2 yg nk bwk pindah.. Ewah.. sukati plak nak sound2 tuan rumah nmpk..
Then when i told her tht she did things wrongly, not according to my own system, dia tarik muka. Hey.. boleh belah. Kalau tak suka with the system in the house, boleh berambus. Macam2 nak persoal.. kenapa htr sarah to nursery.. dia boleh jaga, kenapa this, kenapa tht.. Hello.. you're a maid, shut up and do the household chores, using MY system, MY way. You have a problem with that, you can leave. Not like i'm desperate for a maid anyway.. So the very next day, i asked her to pack her stuffs coz i want to send her home. That was truly the shortest serving maid ever!! Less than 24 hrs! Puas hatiku.
MIL sent us a new maid on tuesday. I didnt quite have a good day tht day, sarah had some kind of eye infection and her fever was on and off so i had to go back early from work to pick her up. As i was driving, contemplating whether or not i should go to the hosp and get her checked or wait one more day, the car broke down. Had to call aam, yadda, yadda.. at last i arrived home at about 6.30.. sama gak macam balik mcm biasa. Then, MIL wanted to send a maid to us tht night. I didnt quite have a good feeling abt it, but i thought it was probably just a bad day for me, so i was like.. fine.. whateverla.
The maid is 40 y.o. Waaayyy older than the 2 other maids i've had before. She'd worked with a family for 6 years and stopped working there when the family decided to have pet cats. Then she worked for another family, for 2 1/2 mths because she claimed tak larat when the famiy selalu balik kg sgt. Takpa la... and then, she asked me, dah berapa lama duduk rumah ni.. i told her 2 yrs.. Boleh dia ckp kenapa dah duduk 2 thn pun rumah ni tak berkemas.. what she doesnt know is tht he piled boxes yg ada around the hse ni barang2 yg nk bwk pindah.. Ewah.. sukati plak nak sound2 tuan rumah nmpk..
Then when i told her tht she did things wrongly, not according to my own system, dia tarik muka. Hey.. boleh belah. Kalau tak suka with the system in the house, boleh berambus. Macam2 nak persoal.. kenapa htr sarah to nursery.. dia boleh jaga, kenapa this, kenapa tht.. Hello.. you're a maid, shut up and do the household chores, using MY system, MY way. You have a problem with that, you can leave. Not like i'm desperate for a maid anyway.. So the very next day, i asked her to pack her stuffs coz i want to send her home. That was truly the shortest serving maid ever!! Less than 24 hrs! Puas hatiku.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
2nd Anniversary
Last sunday was my 2nd wedding anniversary. Rasa mcm kejap je, dah masuk 2nd year of marriage. Like.. wow... time flies when you're having fun. Unfortunately, both of us couldnt be together celebrating our anniversary this year. Dan's still in Beijing for his detachment and he'll only be back next wednesday.
This year, i'm treating him to a spa session, coz i think both of us need a good rub to loosen our tight muscles from daily stresses. I've booked a package for couples at a spa somewhere around here so that we can send sarah to the nursery and spend the day to ourselves. *dah terbayang2 kena urut kat spa... bestnya!!!*
Still cant believe tht i've been married for 2 years now. Rasa macam baru semalam je mak dia datang nak meminang. Hehehe.. Ingat lagi the first time i met his parents.. kat hospital penang. Hahaaha.. Masa tu Dan was warded, suspected SARS. Mesti Nura pun ingat.. sbb dia yg tolong bawak yours truly pergi ulang alik kat hosp penang tu.
Then comes the bertunang thingy, nikah, sanding, dinner reception, pregnancy, and now, 2 years in marriage, we're already a family of three. :) Alhamdulillah, syukur atas kurniaan Allah yang tak terhingga ni.
Last sunday was my 2nd wedding anniversary. Rasa mcm kejap je, dah masuk 2nd year of marriage. Like.. wow... time flies when you're having fun. Unfortunately, both of us couldnt be together celebrating our anniversary this year. Dan's still in Beijing for his detachment and he'll only be back next wednesday.
This year, i'm treating him to a spa session, coz i think both of us need a good rub to loosen our tight muscles from daily stresses. I've booked a package for couples at a spa somewhere around here so that we can send sarah to the nursery and spend the day to ourselves. *dah terbayang2 kena urut kat spa... bestnya!!!*
Still cant believe tht i've been married for 2 years now. Rasa macam baru semalam je mak dia datang nak meminang. Hehehe.. Ingat lagi the first time i met his parents.. kat hospital penang. Hahaaha.. Masa tu Dan was warded, suspected SARS. Mesti Nura pun ingat.. sbb dia yg tolong bawak yours truly pergi ulang alik kat hosp penang tu.
Then comes the bertunang thingy, nikah, sanding, dinner reception, pregnancy, and now, 2 years in marriage, we're already a family of three. :) Alhamdulillah, syukur atas kurniaan Allah yang tak terhingga ni.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Deepavali Holiday
'Twas Deepavali yesterday, so it was a public holiday. Happy Deewali for those celebrating.
Sarah n i was at mama's in sepang yesterday. We had relatives from arwah's side coming for raya so mama made some mee kari and nasi lemak. I wanted to help outy, but the most i could do was to prepare the veggies for the mee kari since sarah wanted to be with me the whole time. Yep, the little girl is very much attached to me and i'm proud of it. :D Not everybody thinks i'm their world you know...
We also had nura and family coming all the way from penang, stopping by on their way to melaka. Danish was there, makin besar makin ensem!! He did something tht made us burst in laughter and at the same time terkejut!! We were in the room, i was showing to nura and aunty my little girl coz she was sleeping when they arrived. When we were in the room, she woke up and i introduced her to ngah nura, mak tok and little Danish. Tetiba, out of the blue when his mom asked him to shake hands with sarah, he handed sarah nura's ring!! Nura pun tak perasan bila dia amek that ring. Gelak besar kitorg tgk. Hehehe.... So cute!
Petang tu, we were supposed to go to sunway, my uncle's open house but tak larat. My brother pun tak larat since he didn't get a good sleep after working on night shift the night before. Kesian la kat dia, plus it's dangerous to drive when you're tired and sleepy kan.
I'll be in sepang til saturday. Next week, the whole week will be spent at home. Hmm.. dah duduk kat sepang malas nak balik pulak.. Masa duduk kat rumah malas nak pi sepang. Sigh!~ Packing drives me nuts!!
Btw.. my maid was supposed to be back working on monday after a one-mth leave. Whether or not she'll be back, god knows. If she does, it's good, but we'll have to monitor he more closely. If she doesn't pun elok gak.. so tht i don't have to worry to stock up on food and whatever tht she needs. Tak kesahla mana2 pun.
'Twas Deepavali yesterday, so it was a public holiday. Happy Deewali for those celebrating.
Sarah n i was at mama's in sepang yesterday. We had relatives from arwah's side coming for raya so mama made some mee kari and nasi lemak. I wanted to help outy, but the most i could do was to prepare the veggies for the mee kari since sarah wanted to be with me the whole time. Yep, the little girl is very much attached to me and i'm proud of it. :D Not everybody thinks i'm their world you know...
We also had nura and family coming all the way from penang, stopping by on their way to melaka. Danish was there, makin besar makin ensem!! He did something tht made us burst in laughter and at the same time terkejut!! We were in the room, i was showing to nura and aunty my little girl coz she was sleeping when they arrived. When we were in the room, she woke up and i introduced her to ngah nura, mak tok and little Danish. Tetiba, out of the blue when his mom asked him to shake hands with sarah, he handed sarah nura's ring!! Nura pun tak perasan bila dia amek that ring. Gelak besar kitorg tgk. Hehehe.... So cute!
Petang tu, we were supposed to go to sunway, my uncle's open house but tak larat. My brother pun tak larat since he didn't get a good sleep after working on night shift the night before. Kesian la kat dia, plus it's dangerous to drive when you're tired and sleepy kan.
I'll be in sepang til saturday. Next week, the whole week will be spent at home. Hmm.. dah duduk kat sepang malas nak balik pulak.. Masa duduk kat rumah malas nak pi sepang. Sigh!~ Packing drives me nuts!!
Btw.. my maid was supposed to be back working on monday after a one-mth leave. Whether or not she'll be back, god knows. If she does, it's good, but we'll have to monitor he more closely. If she doesn't pun elok gak.. so tht i don't have to worry to stock up on food and whatever tht she needs. Tak kesahla mana2 pun.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Before i start, thanks a lot kDilla, Nurul dan kengkawan lain yang terus bagi semangat n dorongan. So far things are going ok.. not perfect, but then again not that bad either. Hehe.. or so i hope. :)
Starting from last night til the next 17 days, i'm staying at home alone with sarah. Her daddy had gone off for Beijing attachment. Sigh!~ Sedey gak, since dah lama tak kena tinggal lama2 nih. Huhu. Sarah pulak started a fever on sunday. Start2 fever terus naik tinggi, around 38.9c.. Monday morning terus bawak gi jumpa paed, but dia kata don't worry since infants over the age of 6 mths mmg prone to fever because the maternal antibodies dah diminish and their own antibody starts to take over. He stocked us up with half a dozen of suppositories, to be used if her temp exceeds 39c. He also noted a bump on sarah's head - one she got just before going into the paed's room when she knocked her head onto my mouth which resulted in a bump on her head and a bruise on my lower lip. Pretty hard head there huh?
Just a few of sarah's raya pics..

Yes mommy?? I find this carpet rather interesting...

Notice the same fabric on clothes of the one holding her?? Hehe..

Caught red-handed!!

Now that i'm seating in this seat can i have my food???

I love my first balloon...
Before i start, thanks a lot kDilla, Nurul dan kengkawan lain yang terus bagi semangat n dorongan. So far things are going ok.. not perfect, but then again not that bad either. Hehe.. or so i hope. :)
Starting from last night til the next 17 days, i'm staying at home alone with sarah. Her daddy had gone off for Beijing attachment. Sigh!~ Sedey gak, since dah lama tak kena tinggal lama2 nih. Huhu. Sarah pulak started a fever on sunday. Start2 fever terus naik tinggi, around 38.9c.. Monday morning terus bawak gi jumpa paed, but dia kata don't worry since infants over the age of 6 mths mmg prone to fever because the maternal antibodies dah diminish and their own antibody starts to take over. He stocked us up with half a dozen of suppositories, to be used if her temp exceeds 39c. He also noted a bump on sarah's head - one she got just before going into the paed's room when she knocked her head onto my mouth which resulted in a bump on her head and a bruise on my lower lip. Pretty hard head there huh?
Just a few of sarah's raya pics..
Yes mommy?? I find this carpet rather interesting...
Notice the same fabric on clothes of the one holding her?? Hehe..
Caught red-handed!!
Now that i'm seating in this seat can i have my food???
I love my first balloon...
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