Two More Years To The Big Three - 0
Alhamdulillah, lanjut usia setahun lagi. Masih bernafas dan berupaya. Maha suci Allah yang mengurniakan nikmat, kebahagiaan dan keselesaan di dunia ini. Semoga keimananku pada Allah makin tebal, Amiin!~
Yep.. another year now. I'm already 28!! Iskk.. tapi, agak bosan ler thn ni.. No friends to celebrate it with. Sedih gak. All my friends are far, far away. Seriously, masuk alam berkerja ni, i've yet to find someone i can really call a friend, who knows me and whom i really know about. Most of the people around me are my acquaintances, colleagues, neighbours. We say hi, we talk abt things but we don't know each other. Ntah lah. Mungkin aku yang malas nak berkawan kot. Kera sumbang ke aku ni? Hehe. Wallahualam. Hmm... Hubby pun jauh, insyaAllah, this weekend baru balik. So it's just another ordinary day for me. Sigh!~
Ish..ish... although i don't really care much abt the figures of my age, but then.. macam nganga la jugak.. UIsh.. dah masuk umo 28 thn dah ni. huhu.. Lagi dua tahun angka dua tu tukar jadik 3... Rasanya macam baru semalam habis sekolah tingkatan 5. hehe.. petanda orang lanjut usia la tu - lupa. Kuang kuang kuanggggg...
Apa pun, be it 28 or 30 or 38 or whatever the age, be happy! Allah bagi masa lagi untuk beramal, masa untuk bersama dgn org yg kita sayang, masa untuk kita bina dan kekalkan kebahagiaan di dunia dan at the same time kumpul saham untuk akhirat. Yang penting redha. :)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Huhuh.. nampaknya kekecewaan semlm berlarutan dan bertambah lagi harini. Susah. Diluah mati emak, ditelan mati bapak, mcm tu la kira2nya.
Aku sayang kerja ni. Aku rasa natijah di sebalik Dia letakkan aku di sini supaya indirectly aku boleh bantu bangsa seagama aku. Aku cuba sedaya upaya aku buat macam tu. Tapi bila keputusan yg aku amek yg aku rasa adlh utk kebaikan bangsa aku sendiri ditolak oleh org atas dan diminta buat sebaliknya, aku rasa kecewa.. kecewa sangat2. Aku pun tak tau kenapa aku emo sangat harini. Iskk.. Patut ke aku berperasaan mcm ni? Tapi mmg nyatanya aku rasa tercalar. Aku terpaksa turut perintah ketua aku. Cuma aku harapkan judgement aku abt perkara ni salah dan judgement mereka di atas sana betul supaya bangsa sendiri tak jadi mangsa.
Huhuh.. nampaknya kekecewaan semlm berlarutan dan bertambah lagi harini. Susah. Diluah mati emak, ditelan mati bapak, mcm tu la kira2nya.
Aku sayang kerja ni. Aku rasa natijah di sebalik Dia letakkan aku di sini supaya indirectly aku boleh bantu bangsa seagama aku. Aku cuba sedaya upaya aku buat macam tu. Tapi bila keputusan yg aku amek yg aku rasa adlh utk kebaikan bangsa aku sendiri ditolak oleh org atas dan diminta buat sebaliknya, aku rasa kecewa.. kecewa sangat2. Aku pun tak tau kenapa aku emo sangat harini. Iskk.. Patut ke aku berperasaan mcm ni? Tapi mmg nyatanya aku rasa tercalar. Aku terpaksa turut perintah ketua aku. Cuma aku harapkan judgement aku abt perkara ni salah dan judgement mereka di atas sana betul supaya bangsa sendiri tak jadi mangsa.
And You Call That Blogging??
Meluat!! There have been quite a number of MPs yang open up blogs, konon2nya to keep up with the current IT world, yadda yadda mumbo jumbos. When i check their blogs out, apparently these so-called blogs is just an archive of newspaper articles and probably some speeches that they didn't even write on their own in the first place. Come on la.. Get real. Don't just do it because everyone else does it. Konon2 busy la tak dapat tulis posting untuk blog sendiri.. then don't even open up one!
Bengang Semalam Yang Belum Reda
Ada seorang mangkuk yang rasa threatened sedang sedaya upaya nak potray diri dia sbg mr good samaritan. Pantang buat mission nak address the utmost superior of the body la. yg the so called utmost superior tu pulak pantang diajak. P.A dia pun mengomel dia asyik nak berjalan je. 2nd man jangan harap la nak kemana-mana. Early june ni join mission.. mid june blk.. ehh.. 20 jun punya mission pun nak join jugak. Peghak tau tak.
Meluat!! There have been quite a number of MPs yang open up blogs, konon2nya to keep up with the current IT world, yadda yadda mumbo jumbos. When i check their blogs out, apparently these so-called blogs is just an archive of newspaper articles and probably some speeches that they didn't even write on their own in the first place. Come on la.. Get real. Don't just do it because everyone else does it. Konon2 busy la tak dapat tulis posting untuk blog sendiri.. then don't even open up one!
Bengang Semalam Yang Belum Reda
Ada seorang mangkuk yang rasa threatened sedang sedaya upaya nak potray diri dia sbg mr good samaritan. Pantang buat mission nak address the utmost superior of the body la. yg the so called utmost superior tu pulak pantang diajak. P.A dia pun mengomel dia asyik nak berjalan je. 2nd man jangan harap la nak kemana-mana. Early june ni join mission.. mid june blk.. ehh.. 20 jun punya mission pun nak join jugak. Peghak tau tak.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Kisahku 2 - IUCD Implantation
WARNING: Adult content - Mungkin mengandungi perkara2 yang kurang menyenangkan utk dibaca. heheh..
Last friday amek cuti, sbb ada aptmt dgn gynae. Setelah berfikir selama dah dekat sethn abt IUCD (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device), akhirnya terbuka hati utk try mende tu. Lagipun, dah due for pap smear.. so sementara gynae dok terjah kat situ, might as well implant iucd terus. Hehe.. kesian kat hubby pun.. asyik kena pakai helmet coz i've told him i dont wanna take pills anymmore. Pil ni kalau ikut benefit mmg byk, kulit jadi cantik, rambut pun lebat sikit.. tapi yg tak bestnya badan pun buleh naik and selera makan pun boleh meningkat. Lagi satu perkara abt hormone pill yg baru2 ni kuar kat paper and recently dah byk kajian dibuat, most hormone yg ada dlm pil tu,bila kita makan dia tak diserap oleh badan dan seterusnya dikeluarkan dr badan kita bersama2 sisa kumuhan yg lain. So, hormone yg tak diserap tu masuk ke air kumbahan, seterusnya lepas dah proses itu ini masuk semula ke dlm sungai. Tapi, hormon tu tak terpecah.. it's still there dan bilangan hormon kat dalam sungat dah menigkat sampai ada kajian mendapati ikan jantan di sungai sudah ada sifat2 kefeminisme-an. Wallahualam.
Eh.. cerita lain pulak. Back to IUCD. sebenarnya bukan apa. Nak share experience aje. Coz as for myself, before amek keputusan nak amek IUCD ni ada gak htr ke forum2 tny experience, sakit ke tak, harga macam mana.. so kat sini nak share pengalaman so tht kawan2 boleh tau, just in case ada yg berminat nak tau/nak guna.
Mula2, dr scan dulu. Dia guna internal probe, yg kena masukkan inside the vagina. she showed to me my uterus (aahh.. teringat dulu2 masa scan nampak baby gerak2), my two ovaries.. She said everything looks fine. Lepas tu, dia start procedure utk buat swab for pap smear. Kat sebelah dia ada satu camera yg tuju kat tempat yang dia tgh check so tht kita boleh tgk procedure yg dia tgh buat. Sementara tgn dia tgh sibuk, mulut dia pun sibuk la explain kat aku. Yg aku plak.. dok tutup mata dgn lengan. Takmo tgk.. Ntah.. rasa cam takut nak tgk.. sama la kalau masa kena cucuk or derma darah. Memang aku tak tgk diaorg cucuk. Kalau buat kat oranglain aku tgk takpe, buat kat diri snirik tak bleh lak nak tgk. Anyways.. dr tu ckp. "you can see for yourself here you're very healthy everything looks normal" and she looked at me and said "oh.. she's covering her eyes!" Hehe.. sorry la dr.. i takuttt...
Masa mula procedure dia guna speculum kot nama dia utk bukak kan kita punya opening. As long as you relax you muscles, it will be ok. Tak rasa sgt pun. Masa swab tu, rasa mcm nyeri sikit. It will really2 help if you relax yourself and keep your butt down on the examination table. Lepasdia swab, baru start procedure utk masukkan IUCD pulak. Mula2 dia ukur dulu kedalaman uterus tu, to see just how far dia boleh masukkan IUCD. IUCD ni betuk dia T-shape. Kecik je. Kalau letak atas tapak tgn, tak penuh pun. Lepas dia measure, dia akan releasekan IUCD tu dlm uterus kita, check kedudukan dia, and done! Semua procedure tu settle dlm masa less than 5 minutes. Kalau IUCD saja rasanya lagi kejap kot.
Masa dr letak IUCDtu, perut rasa macam cramp sikit, macam period pain, tapi mild je. The cramp will go on for about a day or so, tapi for me, tak sakit sgt. Rasa mcm period pain masa 2nd day period yg sakit rasa nak berry tapi sebenarnya uterine contraction tu. after the procedure's done, dr suruh datang next mth just to check if everything is ok and she said it's advisable to come in every 6 mths just to check if it's still in a good position.
IUCD ni tahan for 3 years, no pills, no condoms neeeded after that. Oh.. and the dr said no sex for 2 days after implantation of IUCD. Dikatakan IUCD ni efficiency rate 99%. Kita tgk la nanti. Ada yg kata, jgn guna contraceptive method ni, nanti bila nak anak, susah nak dapat. Aku rasa, menda ni rezeki dari Allah. Bila Dia rasa kita ready, Dia bagi, insyaAllah. :) Tapi, aku pun takdela nak pakai sampai 3 thn kot... hehe.. teringik gak nak preknen lagi.. tapi tunggu sarah aiesha besar sket.
The price tag for IUCD - dlm RM 100+. Campur consultation, procedure, mungkin capai dlm RM200 jugakla. Yang ni kalau yg biasa2 punya la.. tahan 3 thn. Ada yg boleh thn 5 thn, tapi lagi mahal la.
So itula dia.. pengalaman saya memakai IUCD. Satu je soklan. Kalau kita meninggal, nak kena tanggal la IUCD ni kan??
WARNING: Adult content - Mungkin mengandungi perkara2 yang kurang menyenangkan utk dibaca. heheh..
Last friday amek cuti, sbb ada aptmt dgn gynae. Setelah berfikir selama dah dekat sethn abt IUCD (Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device), akhirnya terbuka hati utk try mende tu. Lagipun, dah due for pap smear.. so sementara gynae dok terjah kat situ, might as well implant iucd terus. Hehe.. kesian kat hubby pun.. asyik kena pakai helmet coz i've told him i dont wanna take pills anymmore. Pil ni kalau ikut benefit mmg byk, kulit jadi cantik, rambut pun lebat sikit.. tapi yg tak bestnya badan pun buleh naik and selera makan pun boleh meningkat. Lagi satu perkara abt hormone pill yg baru2 ni kuar kat paper and recently dah byk kajian dibuat, most hormone yg ada dlm pil tu,bila kita makan dia tak diserap oleh badan dan seterusnya dikeluarkan dr badan kita bersama2 sisa kumuhan yg lain. So, hormone yg tak diserap tu masuk ke air kumbahan, seterusnya lepas dah proses itu ini masuk semula ke dlm sungai. Tapi, hormon tu tak terpecah.. it's still there dan bilangan hormon kat dalam sungat dah menigkat sampai ada kajian mendapati ikan jantan di sungai sudah ada sifat2 kefeminisme-an. Wallahualam.
Eh.. cerita lain pulak. Back to IUCD. sebenarnya bukan apa. Nak share experience aje. Coz as for myself, before amek keputusan nak amek IUCD ni ada gak htr ke forum2 tny experience, sakit ke tak, harga macam mana.. so kat sini nak share pengalaman so tht kawan2 boleh tau, just in case ada yg berminat nak tau/nak guna.
Mula2, dr scan dulu. Dia guna internal probe, yg kena masukkan inside the vagina. she showed to me my uterus (aahh.. teringat dulu2 masa scan nampak baby gerak2), my two ovaries.. She said everything looks fine. Lepas tu, dia start procedure utk buat swab for pap smear. Kat sebelah dia ada satu camera yg tuju kat tempat yang dia tgh check so tht kita boleh tgk procedure yg dia tgh buat. Sementara tgn dia tgh sibuk, mulut dia pun sibuk la explain kat aku. Yg aku plak.. dok tutup mata dgn lengan. Takmo tgk.. Ntah.. rasa cam takut nak tgk.. sama la kalau masa kena cucuk or derma darah. Memang aku tak tgk diaorg cucuk. Kalau buat kat oranglain aku tgk takpe, buat kat diri snirik tak bleh lak nak tgk. Anyways.. dr tu ckp. "you can see for yourself here you're very healthy everything looks normal" and she looked at me and said "oh.. she's covering her eyes!" Hehe.. sorry la dr.. i takuttt...
Masa mula procedure dia guna speculum kot nama dia utk bukak kan kita punya opening. As long as you relax you muscles, it will be ok. Tak rasa sgt pun. Masa swab tu, rasa mcm nyeri sikit. It will really2 help if you relax yourself and keep your butt down on the examination table. Lepasdia swab, baru start procedure utk masukkan IUCD pulak. Mula2 dia ukur dulu kedalaman uterus tu, to see just how far dia boleh masukkan IUCD. IUCD ni betuk dia T-shape. Kecik je. Kalau letak atas tapak tgn, tak penuh pun. Lepas dia measure, dia akan releasekan IUCD tu dlm uterus kita, check kedudukan dia, and done! Semua procedure tu settle dlm masa less than 5 minutes. Kalau IUCD saja rasanya lagi kejap kot.
Masa dr letak IUCDtu, perut rasa macam cramp sikit, macam period pain, tapi mild je. The cramp will go on for about a day or so, tapi for me, tak sakit sgt. Rasa mcm period pain masa 2nd day period yg sakit rasa nak berry tapi sebenarnya uterine contraction tu. after the procedure's done, dr suruh datang next mth just to check if everything is ok and she said it's advisable to come in every 6 mths just to check if it's still in a good position.
IUCD ni tahan for 3 years, no pills, no condoms neeeded after that. Oh.. and the dr said no sex for 2 days after implantation of IUCD. Dikatakan IUCD ni efficiency rate 99%. Kita tgk la nanti. Ada yg kata, jgn guna contraceptive method ni, nanti bila nak anak, susah nak dapat. Aku rasa, menda ni rezeki dari Allah. Bila Dia rasa kita ready, Dia bagi, insyaAllah. :) Tapi, aku pun takdela nak pakai sampai 3 thn kot... hehe.. teringik gak nak preknen lagi.. tapi tunggu sarah aiesha besar sket.
The price tag for IUCD - dlm RM 100+. Campur consultation, procedure, mungkin capai dlm RM200 jugakla. Yang ni kalau yg biasa2 punya la.. tahan 3 thn. Ada yg boleh thn 5 thn, tapi lagi mahal la.
So itula dia.. pengalaman saya memakai IUCD. Satu je soklan. Kalau kita meninggal, nak kena tanggal la IUCD ni kan??
Kisah ku... Huhuhu...
Satu hari, di hari Isnin, biasala kan, the start of the week. Memang bechenta nak pergi keje. Nak lagi kalau hari jumaat tu dah amek cuti plak kan. Lagi ler liat nak keje ari senin.
Anyways.. walaupun berat nak gi keje pada hari isnin, gagah jugekla kan.. Dah keje.. Bangun kol 5.45, pastu sterilize kan botol sarah nak bawak gi skolah, siap sempat lak basuh kain baju si kecik tu satu baldi (masuk dlm mesin je skang, kalau dulu masa dlm pantang basuh tgn je.. skang dah besar, baju pun makin byk, i pun dah kena gi keje.. letak je dlm mesen), buat kan teh hubby (everyday kene minum teh cik abang i ni) pastu siap2 la mandi, tot tet, tot tet mende nak pi keje.
Dah siap2 tu, baju sarah pun dah siap mesen, sidai jap. Pastu tgk jam dah dekat kol 7.. aiyark.. lambat lohh gue.. takpe.. sikit je. Terus cepat2 amek sarah kat dlm bilik and kiss babai kat hubby. Cepat2 masukkan mek tu dlm seat dia (by tht time dia pun dah jaga, dok terkelip2) pastu reverse keter and vrrooooommm... gi keje.
Bila sampai kat jalan besar, rasa mcm lain je.. Apesal traffic macam tak byk ek.. Hmm.. Pastu rasa mcm... erkk... hmm.. mari telepon kerani saya:
Saya : Awak.. dh bgn ke??
Kerani: Dah la kak.. Kite kan ada pgm kat tg. karang.
Saya : woo.. Lupo la.. Eh awak.. Hari ni 19 kan?? Cuti eh?
Kerani: Cuti la kak.. Wesak Day..
Saya : Huwaaaa.. saya dah dlm kete ni... nak gi opis!!! Huhu...
Kerani: Muahahahahahahaa.. Apola akak ni.. Orang kasik cuti nak keje..
Maka, saya pun pusing le balik ke umah. Tiba depan umah, hubby sesambil kesat2 mata (terjaga sbb dgr gate umah terbukak) bukak grille. Saya buat le muke seposen. Sarah pun sama.. sepanjang jalan tu buat muke seposen. Sian dia.. dah konfiden nak pi skolah, tetiba ada kat depan umah.
Hasben: What happened? Did you leave anything??
Saya : Heehee... harini cuti la... Wesak Day...
Huhu... sia2 kena gelak sakan oleh hasben. Satu hari dok pekena aku pegi keje semasa cuti umum sempena wesak day... Uwaaa.... Camne aku boleh gi keje di hari cuti????
Satu hari, di hari Isnin, biasala kan, the start of the week. Memang bechenta nak pergi keje. Nak lagi kalau hari jumaat tu dah amek cuti plak kan. Lagi ler liat nak keje ari senin.
Anyways.. walaupun berat nak gi keje pada hari isnin, gagah jugekla kan.. Dah keje.. Bangun kol 5.45, pastu sterilize kan botol sarah nak bawak gi skolah, siap sempat lak basuh kain baju si kecik tu satu baldi (masuk dlm mesin je skang, kalau dulu masa dlm pantang basuh tgn je.. skang dah besar, baju pun makin byk, i pun dah kena gi keje.. letak je dlm mesen), buat kan teh hubby (everyday kene minum teh cik abang i ni) pastu siap2 la mandi, tot tet, tot tet mende nak pi keje.
Dah siap2 tu, baju sarah pun dah siap mesen, sidai jap. Pastu tgk jam dah dekat kol 7.. aiyark.. lambat lohh gue.. takpe.. sikit je. Terus cepat2 amek sarah kat dlm bilik and kiss babai kat hubby. Cepat2 masukkan mek tu dlm seat dia (by tht time dia pun dah jaga, dok terkelip2) pastu reverse keter and vrrooooommm... gi keje.
Bila sampai kat jalan besar, rasa mcm lain je.. Apesal traffic macam tak byk ek.. Hmm.. Pastu rasa mcm... erkk... hmm.. mari telepon kerani saya:
Saya : Awak.. dh bgn ke??
Kerani: Dah la kak.. Kite kan ada pgm kat tg. karang.
Saya : woo.. Lupo la.. Eh awak.. Hari ni 19 kan?? Cuti eh?
Kerani: Cuti la kak.. Wesak Day..
Saya : Huwaaaa.. saya dah dlm kete ni... nak gi opis!!! Huhu...
Kerani: Muahahahahahahaa.. Apola akak ni.. Orang kasik cuti nak keje..
Maka, saya pun pusing le balik ke umah. Tiba depan umah, hubby sesambil kesat2 mata (terjaga sbb dgr gate umah terbukak) bukak grille. Saya buat le muke seposen. Sarah pun sama.. sepanjang jalan tu buat muke seposen. Sian dia.. dah konfiden nak pi skolah, tetiba ada kat depan umah.
Hasben: What happened? Did you leave anything??
Saya : Heehee... harini cuti la... Wesak Day...
Huhu... sia2 kena gelak sakan oleh hasben. Satu hari dok pekena aku pegi keje semasa cuti umum sempena wesak day... Uwaaa.... Camne aku boleh gi keje di hari cuti????
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Thank You!!
Thanks so much K.Dilla and K.Mimie for sharing your experiences. Really appreciate tht. :)
MAS vs. Air Asia
Last night on Buletin Utama, pakcik Fernandez (i really hate the more-Brit- than-the-Brits accent of his, really. Sounds so fake!) itu telah melatah, konon nak adakan open dialoge with Idris Jala of MAS, kononnya to resolve issues. To me i think he's just being sore after having a taste of his own medicine.
Air Asia started the low cost thing, which i think is good justto give consumers choices. It obviously had a big impact on MAS, demanded an icrease in routes, took all major routes in Borneo (and then gave them back to MAS via Firefly - if i'm not mistaken at tht time they were so excited on starting the AirAsia X thingy) but MAS just sit back listen and goon with life. And now, just because MAS starts a low cost campaign,(mind you, not to all destinations) he starts to whine and complain?? Kata MAS tiru their red "trademark" and fonts... hey... have you been studying marketing?? If you look at so many various products on the market, you can see tht some products may look like another product of a different brand. It's a marketing strategy, just as long as they don't violate the trademark and IP issues. And, do we need to remind you of the somewhat close resemblence of AA to Virgin's logo (the red, the fonts???)
And then he goes whining about how the govn shouldn't be subsidising MAS. Let see...MAS is one of the GLCS, meaning which the government have shares in the company. They operate as a private company. Ok.. let's put this simple. If you're one of the shareholders of a company, you'd definitely want tour company to thrive, right? So you would do to all you can to help your company, wouldn't you?? Again, the govn is one of the shareholders of MAS. You do the math.
The govn had helped AirAsia in so many ways too - nak extra routes, bagi; nak ambik MAS' routes, bagi; nak LCCT, bagi (i heard there's one more LCCT nak dibina kat Kuching. Betul ke tak, tatau la.). sampaikan at one point i felt tht the govn has offered too much that it's going to compromise MAS as the NATIONAL CARRIER. Tapi, tht's my own 2 cents la. And then when MAS wants to tackle them at their own game... they whine, and whine, and whineeeee!!! Let's all have a BIG laugh. Ha-ha-ha.
Thanks so much K.Dilla and K.Mimie for sharing your experiences. Really appreciate tht. :)
MAS vs. Air Asia
Last night on Buletin Utama, pakcik Fernandez (i really hate the more-Brit- than-the-Brits accent of his, really. Sounds so fake!) itu telah melatah, konon nak adakan open dialoge with Idris Jala of MAS, kononnya to resolve issues. To me i think he's just being sore after having a taste of his own medicine.
Air Asia started the low cost thing, which i think is good justto give consumers choices. It obviously had a big impact on MAS, demanded an icrease in routes, took all major routes in Borneo (and then gave them back to MAS via Firefly - if i'm not mistaken at tht time they were so excited on starting the AirAsia X thingy) but MAS just sit back listen and goon with life. And now, just because MAS starts a low cost campaign,(mind you, not to all destinations) he starts to whine and complain?? Kata MAS tiru their red "trademark" and fonts... hey... have you been studying marketing?? If you look at so many various products on the market, you can see tht some products may look like another product of a different brand. It's a marketing strategy, just as long as they don't violate the trademark and IP issues. And, do we need to remind you of the somewhat close resemblence of AA to Virgin's logo (the red, the fonts???)
And then he goes whining about how the govn shouldn't be subsidising MAS. Let see...MAS is one of the GLCS, meaning which the government have shares in the company. They operate as a private company. Ok.. let's put this simple. If you're one of the shareholders of a company, you'd definitely want tour company to thrive, right? So you would do to all you can to help your company, wouldn't you?? Again, the govn is one of the shareholders of MAS. You do the math.
The govn had helped AirAsia in so many ways too - nak extra routes, bagi; nak ambik MAS' routes, bagi; nak LCCT, bagi (i heard there's one more LCCT nak dibina kat Kuching. Betul ke tak, tatau la.). sampaikan at one point i felt tht the govn has offered too much that it's going to compromise MAS as the NATIONAL CARRIER. Tapi, tht's my own 2 cents la. And then when MAS wants to tackle them at their own game... they whine, and whine, and whineeeee!!! Let's all have a BIG laugh. Ha-ha-ha.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!!
My dear daughter is now nearly 15 months and still sharing the bed with us. She still nurses, once towards the morning, tapi lately she hasn't been sleeping well. Macam mimpi ke apa.. Wonder what she's dreaming about...
Anyways.. isk.. rasa mcm tak reti pulak nak bercerita harini. Both my hubby and i are into attachment parenting. We embrace the "family bed" concept and let sarah share the bed with us. But now that she's nearly 15 months, we're beginning to feel that she has "outgrown" the family bed and need to be graduated into her own bed. We've taken down one of the fences of her cot and replaced it with a railing, to transform it into a big girls' bed, hoping that she'll sleep in there (the cot-bed is still in our room). We maintain her bed time rituals, but so far she still wants to be nursed to sleep. When put into her cot, she'll wake up 2-3 times a night, as compared to when she sleeps in our bed, she only nurses once towards dawn.
Persoalannya.. anak2 kawan2 macam mana ek? Diorang tido sendiri ke ditidokan ke, mcm mana? Rasa macam blur sbb hujah modern parenting ni suruh guna cry-it-out method, biar budak2 soothe themselves, but according to studies, this method tak berapa bagus sbb bagi kesan psychology in the long run. Lagipun, me and hubby mmg jenis tak sampai hati nak dgr sarah nangis lama2. Kesian. My bro in law dulu with almaz, they practiced the cry it out method. Kalau tgk mmg bagusla, their daughter is independant, pergi masuk bilik sendiri and sleep, but phsychologically, we dont know. Hubby pun tak suka cara cry it out ni sbb dia kata this kind of sleep training applies to the general both parents at home family. In our case, most of the time only one parent is around. So, sarah mungkin ada higher rate of insecurity. Tak boleh nak compare dgn budak lain yang parents kerja office hours and always at home. Wallahualam. Maybe i should get the no-cry-method-sleep books and give it a go.
Lagi satu perkara... compared to her 2 similar aged second cousins, sarah macam lambat sikit bercakap. So far, word yang betul sebutan and maknanya eat la. Yang lain tu , macam takde sangat. Kadang2 keluar jugak bunyinya, kadang2 dia guna bahasa dia. Orang kata budak yg tumbuh gigi dulu ckp lambat. Ye ke? Sarah gigi agak banyak jugak la sekarang.. nak dekat 9 kot, termasuk 2 molars dia yg dah tumbuh. Hmm.. apa pendapat kengkawan? Walaupun tadek sbb sebenarnya nak risau ttg apa2 since sarah sihat and active macam biasa.. tapi agak concern la. Nak buat camne.. mak kan....
Kalau kengkawan ada feedback ttg 2 perkara ni, sila la komen ye. It will be very much appreciated. :)
My dear daughter is now nearly 15 months and still sharing the bed with us. She still nurses, once towards the morning, tapi lately she hasn't been sleeping well. Macam mimpi ke apa.. Wonder what she's dreaming about...
Anyways.. isk.. rasa mcm tak reti pulak nak bercerita harini. Both my hubby and i are into attachment parenting. We embrace the "family bed" concept and let sarah share the bed with us. But now that she's nearly 15 months, we're beginning to feel that she has "outgrown" the family bed and need to be graduated into her own bed. We've taken down one of the fences of her cot and replaced it with a railing, to transform it into a big girls' bed, hoping that she'll sleep in there (the cot-bed is still in our room). We maintain her bed time rituals, but so far she still wants to be nursed to sleep. When put into her cot, she'll wake up 2-3 times a night, as compared to when she sleeps in our bed, she only nurses once towards dawn.
Persoalannya.. anak2 kawan2 macam mana ek? Diorang tido sendiri ke ditidokan ke, mcm mana? Rasa macam blur sbb hujah modern parenting ni suruh guna cry-it-out method, biar budak2 soothe themselves, but according to studies, this method tak berapa bagus sbb bagi kesan psychology in the long run. Lagipun, me and hubby mmg jenis tak sampai hati nak dgr sarah nangis lama2. Kesian. My bro in law dulu with almaz, they practiced the cry it out method. Kalau tgk mmg bagusla, their daughter is independant, pergi masuk bilik sendiri and sleep, but phsychologically, we dont know. Hubby pun tak suka cara cry it out ni sbb dia kata this kind of sleep training applies to the general both parents at home family. In our case, most of the time only one parent is around. So, sarah mungkin ada higher rate of insecurity. Tak boleh nak compare dgn budak lain yang parents kerja office hours and always at home. Wallahualam. Maybe i should get the no-cry-method-sleep books and give it a go.
Lagi satu perkara... compared to her 2 similar aged second cousins, sarah macam lambat sikit bercakap. So far, word yang betul sebutan and maknanya eat la. Yang lain tu , macam takde sangat. Kadang2 keluar jugak bunyinya, kadang2 dia guna bahasa dia. Orang kata budak yg tumbuh gigi dulu ckp lambat. Ye ke? Sarah gigi agak banyak jugak la sekarang.. nak dekat 9 kot, termasuk 2 molars dia yg dah tumbuh. Hmm.. apa pendapat kengkawan? Walaupun tadek sbb sebenarnya nak risau ttg apa2 since sarah sihat and active macam biasa.. tapi agak concern la. Nak buat camne.. mak kan....
Kalau kengkawan ada feedback ttg 2 perkara ni, sila la komen ye. It will be very much appreciated. :)
Friday, May 02, 2008
uh.. lama gak tak update. Been on leave dari monday. Saja, sbb hubby baru balik, so naklepak2 ngan dia. Pastu bos konpius2 kenapa aku cuti lama sangat. Dia ingat aku cuti sehari je.. Well.. dia yg luluskan, tapi tak ingat, sniri mau ingat la... Hahahahaaaa...
Last mon and tues, we were scouting for sarah's car seat coz she's outgrown her babyseat. At first, cari kat planete enfants, and i can tell you, kalau nak cari barang baby, that is a good shop to go because dah a couple of times we had pretty good experience there. The sales persons were very helpful, no obligations wht so ever. THey wouldn't give you that sneering look that says "you don't look like you have money to buy anything from this shop" kinda face you usually get from all those perasan sales staff yang kerja at these fancy shops. Taklah fancy sangat pun kadang2.. berlagak je lebih. :P
Yeah, this posting is abt them, but i'll get back to that later.
So, if you wanna get baby gears, where the staff are friendly and will be glad to help you out, planete enfants is the place. There's one in The Atria, Damansara, one in Midvalley Megamalll (Level 2) and one small store in Pantai Medical Centre, Bangsar.
Ok.. back to the story of the judgemental bitches. We found a seat we really liked at planete enfants, the autopilot maxi cosi Tobi, tapi sayangnya, when we tried attaching it to the back seat of our car, it didn't fit well enough. Dan cakap it wan't snug enough and that it could droop forward if the seat belt mechanism failed. So, we had to find another one. So, masukla this other shop. It's a UK based chain selling all stuffs for babies, kids, toddlers, kids.. you know, that white and blue labelled shop with an M on it??? So there were 2 sales assts there. One was busy with sth, so ada la sorang minah ni entertain kitorg. The look on her face was as i mentioned earlier la.. macam malas nak layan, jawab pun ala2 je, senyum pun tidak.. Ye la, kitorg ni pakai selekeh2 je.. dan pakai jeans koyak ngan white tshirt, aku pun jeans ngan tshirt bodo je, without any fancy names sprawled all over our shirts.. (sorry.. no free publicity on us.) :p So dia pun pandang kitorg macam takde mata je la kan.
And then we asked if we could try to fix the seat in the car, see if it fits. Dia tanya kereta apa, kitorg bagitau la.. So dia ikut my hubby to the car. Hubby said along the way nak pergi kereta pun, macam sombong2. As soon as nampak je which car.. wahhh... terus berubah... senyum2, friendly2... When she entered the shop balik (i was waiting in the shop with sarah), aku pun terperanjat gak with the change in attitude. Boleh pun gelak2, cakap elok2. Yang sales asst lagi satu tu tak dinafikan, memang helpful orangnya. Yang minah be-atch sorang ni je being so judgemental. For what? Sedar tak diri tu hanya kerja je kat kedai tu. You dont own the bloody shop, you just work there. Mind you, your pay working there might not even be half the pay of the people entering the shop, so tak payah nak buat macam bagus. Just do your job. That's what you're paid for.. to assist on the sales of the product, bukannya nak menjahanamkan sales.
Susah la orang perasan terer ni. Bongkak, riak, takbur, bluekkkkk... :p
uh.. lama gak tak update. Been on leave dari monday. Saja, sbb hubby baru balik, so naklepak2 ngan dia. Pastu bos konpius2 kenapa aku cuti lama sangat. Dia ingat aku cuti sehari je.. Well.. dia yg luluskan, tapi tak ingat, sniri mau ingat la... Hahahahaaaa...
Last mon and tues, we were scouting for sarah's car seat coz she's outgrown her babyseat. At first, cari kat planete enfants, and i can tell you, kalau nak cari barang baby, that is a good shop to go because dah a couple of times we had pretty good experience there. The sales persons were very helpful, no obligations wht so ever. THey wouldn't give you that sneering look that says "you don't look like you have money to buy anything from this shop" kinda face you usually get from all those perasan sales staff yang kerja at these fancy shops. Taklah fancy sangat pun kadang2.. berlagak je lebih. :P
Yeah, this posting is abt them, but i'll get back to that later.
So, if you wanna get baby gears, where the staff are friendly and will be glad to help you out, planete enfants is the place. There's one in The Atria, Damansara, one in Midvalley Megamalll (Level 2) and one small store in Pantai Medical Centre, Bangsar.
Ok.. back to the story of the judgemental bitches. We found a seat we really liked at planete enfants, the autopilot maxi cosi Tobi, tapi sayangnya, when we tried attaching it to the back seat of our car, it didn't fit well enough. Dan cakap it wan't snug enough and that it could droop forward if the seat belt mechanism failed. So, we had to find another one. So, masukla this other shop. It's a UK based chain selling all stuffs for babies, kids, toddlers, kids.. you know, that white and blue labelled shop with an M on it??? So there were 2 sales assts there. One was busy with sth, so ada la sorang minah ni entertain kitorg. The look on her face was as i mentioned earlier la.. macam malas nak layan, jawab pun ala2 je, senyum pun tidak.. Ye la, kitorg ni pakai selekeh2 je.. dan pakai jeans koyak ngan white tshirt, aku pun jeans ngan tshirt bodo je, without any fancy names sprawled all over our shirts.. (sorry.. no free publicity on us.) :p So dia pun pandang kitorg macam takde mata je la kan.
And then we asked if we could try to fix the seat in the car, see if it fits. Dia tanya kereta apa, kitorg bagitau la.. So dia ikut my hubby to the car. Hubby said along the way nak pergi kereta pun, macam sombong2. As soon as nampak je which car.. wahhh... terus berubah... senyum2, friendly2... When she entered the shop balik (i was waiting in the shop with sarah), aku pun terperanjat gak with the change in attitude. Boleh pun gelak2, cakap elok2. Yang sales asst lagi satu tu tak dinafikan, memang helpful orangnya. Yang minah be-atch sorang ni je being so judgemental. For what? Sedar tak diri tu hanya kerja je kat kedai tu. You dont own the bloody shop, you just work there. Mind you, your pay working there might not even be half the pay of the people entering the shop, so tak payah nak buat macam bagus. Just do your job. That's what you're paid for.. to assist on the sales of the product, bukannya nak menjahanamkan sales.
Susah la orang perasan terer ni. Bongkak, riak, takbur, bluekkkkk... :p
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