Aduii... minggu kebelakangan ni rasa macam tak berapa sihat. Alhamdulillah.. diberi peluang kifarah dosa sikit2. Hehe. Last few days dok batuk kung kang kung kang... selsema, badan macam nak demam.. Hari ni pulak, perut buat hal, muntah2, loya2.. eh... lain macam je.. preknen ke aku?? Hehehe... Kalau ikut logik, tak mungkin.. tapi kalau Dia kata jadi, jadilah ia, kan?? Tapik, mungkin tak kot.. salah makan je nih rasanya.. isk.. apola yg aku makan sampai perut jadik begini.. Huhuhu..
Selasa lepas, sebelum pergi ke PD utk ceramah francais i, dah selamat la register kan sarah utk program REALTots di CEC putrajaya. Kitorg enroll dia utk 2 day pgm je dulu. Bila dia dah syok kat situ nnt baru increase 3 hari, dan seterusnya terus menerus kat situ.
Ceramah francais i di PD (kalau tak silap kali ke-3 bg lecture nih).. alhamdulillah, rasanya lebih baik dari lecture aku dulu kat Quality Hotel. Yg tu mmg takde mood nak pegi sbb bos baru kasik tau ptg tu. Menggelabah aku call in laws mintak tlg jaga sarah. Anyways, kali ni, campur dengan soal jawab semua, dapatla jugek sejam setengah,ok la tu, buat permulaan. Hehehe...
Semalam, owner nursery cakap org jabatan kesihatan dtg and seal satu bilik. Bilik budak 6 mths - 12 mths kena kuarantin, sbb ada budak yg kena Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD). Aduhhh... nasib baik diorg tak tutup satu sekolah. Dua minggu tu, sapa nak jaga budak2. Pengsan mak2 sume nak cuti sampai 2 minggu. kononnya, ada budak baru masuk yg bawak jangkitan tu. Kena dekat salah seorang budak dlm bilik tu, mak dia kata dr kata takde apa2.. Alih2, satu bilik kena. Isk.. naya je budak2 lain dan mak2 budak2 lain kat situ. Tak patut la kan. Kalau dah tgk anak lain macam je, jgn la htr skolah. Demam sikit2 mungkin ok lagi. Ni anak dah sampai ada melepuh dalam mulut (aku dgr cite mak lain la), takkan takde apa2 kan?? Huhu.. Aku tiap2 hari balik je dari nursery pun skang ni terus check sarah. Tapak tangan, kaki, mulut.. kot2 la ada kan.. Tapi, mohon dijauhi la...
Macam macam la.. apapun, kepada kengkawan yg akan htr baby ke nursery, jaga2 la ek. HFM ni sangat mudah berjangkit especially among kids under 5 years old. Mak2 pun buleh kena juga ye. Jadi take good care of yourselves and your little darlings.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Little Pip Squeak
As a perk-me-up on this wet monday morning (plus the fact tht i didn't get to watch my boss on selamat pagi malaysia this morning coz the darn astro broke down), i'll update on my little dear pip squeak.
Sarah is currently 22 months old, only 2 months away from the terrible two. Somehow, we think she's started with the terrible two's qualities. Sigh!~ She can speak quite a number of words now. From simple words like banana and shoes to more advanced word like ointment. I can understand her most of the time. I'm not sure if others could too though. Hehe.
My hubby and i, we turn to jelly when she says mummy or daddy in her sweetest voice, while bending her body sideways. (Boleh bayang tak?) Iskk... and believe me when i say she knows when and how to use that weapon of hers. Iskk.. sabar je la..
Sometimes, she surprises us with the things that she's capable of. One of which is singing. She can sing quite a number of nursery rhymes (some of which i only come to know recently, thanks to Bananas In Pajamas), macam Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels On A Bus, Little Nut Tree, Polly Put The Kettle On. Sigh!~ I think that came from the daily dose of Bananas In Pajamas/Barney that she watches. We limit it to one episode a day only though. Tak sanggup nak tgk dvds after dvds of the two bananas nor the purple dinosour.
One day, when i was in the kitchen preparing dinner, she was in the maid's room, playing and i could hear the radio from that room. The song on air was "No One" by Alicia Keys. Then she came to me and sang "No one, no one, no one..." and i was like.. whaa...? And then there's this other time, in the car when the song "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Tiba to this line, "I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure..." ada pulak suara kecik yang turut sama nyanyi. Well, of course she can't say all the words perfectly, buti was really amazed that she could sing along to that tune!! I mean, me the adult can't catch the lyrics of that song that much, tiba2 my 21 mths old daughter sing along to that very song?? Wallaweyy...
Sigh!~ Sarah, sarah. (and i feel that i could hear her repeating after me, "sarah, sarah"). Macam macam.
Oh.. updates on the school. We went to see the two schools that we intended to see last saturday. The first school we saw was pathetic, so it's a definite no-go. The second school (which i went on my own earlier this month), was ok. I came to know that the school isn't a franchise system, which to me is good since the monitoring will be direct from the HQ. We got to meet the principal, and my hubby and i think that it's worth giving a shot. The price is quite high, but which parent doesn't want the best for their kids, right? So we're going to get her registered for 2009 session, but we'll start off with 2 days/week sessions, so that the change won't be too abrupt for her.
Ok.. off to update my presentation for tmrw's lecture. :)
As a perk-me-up on this wet monday morning (plus the fact tht i didn't get to watch my boss on selamat pagi malaysia this morning coz the darn astro broke down), i'll update on my little dear pip squeak.
Sarah is currently 22 months old, only 2 months away from the terrible two. Somehow, we think she's started with the terrible two's qualities. Sigh!~ She can speak quite a number of words now. From simple words like banana and shoes to more advanced word like ointment. I can understand her most of the time. I'm not sure if others could too though. Hehe.
My hubby and i, we turn to jelly when she says mummy or daddy in her sweetest voice, while bending her body sideways. (Boleh bayang tak?) Iskk... and believe me when i say she knows when and how to use that weapon of hers. Iskk.. sabar je la..
Sometimes, she surprises us with the things that she's capable of. One of which is singing. She can sing quite a number of nursery rhymes (some of which i only come to know recently, thanks to Bananas In Pajamas), macam Baa Baa Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, The Wheels On A Bus, Little Nut Tree, Polly Put The Kettle On. Sigh!~ I think that came from the daily dose of Bananas In Pajamas/Barney that she watches. We limit it to one episode a day only though. Tak sanggup nak tgk dvds after dvds of the two bananas nor the purple dinosour.
One day, when i was in the kitchen preparing dinner, she was in the maid's room, playing and i could hear the radio from that room. The song on air was "No One" by Alicia Keys. Then she came to me and sang "No one, no one, no one..." and i was like.. whaa...? And then there's this other time, in the car when the song "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Tiba to this line, "I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait I'm sure..." ada pulak suara kecik yang turut sama nyanyi. Well, of course she can't say all the words perfectly, buti was really amazed that she could sing along to that tune!! I mean, me the adult can't catch the lyrics of that song that much, tiba2 my 21 mths old daughter sing along to that very song?? Wallaweyy...
Sigh!~ Sarah, sarah. (and i feel that i could hear her repeating after me, "sarah, sarah"). Macam macam.
Oh.. updates on the school. We went to see the two schools that we intended to see last saturday. The first school we saw was pathetic, so it's a definite no-go. The second school (which i went on my own earlier this month), was ok. I came to know that the school isn't a franchise system, which to me is good since the monitoring will be direct from the HQ. We got to meet the principal, and my hubby and i think that it's worth giving a shot. The price is quite high, but which parent doesn't want the best for their kids, right? So we're going to get her registered for 2009 session, but we'll start off with 2 days/week sessions, so that the change won't be too abrupt for her.
Ok.. off to update my presentation for tmrw's lecture. :)
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wahhh.. Bizinyee!!
Semenjak dua menjak i dapat bos baru ni, buleh dikatakan agak bizi. Kalau dulu tepat kol 5 musti balik, sekarang ni kadang2 terbabas sampai 5.45... Tu pun sbb nak amek sarah kat nurseri sebelum nurseri tutup kol 6.. Kalau sarah ada kat umah, tak pasal sampai kol 7 agaknya. Isk.. takmola.. Lepas kol 5 i ada tanggungjawab lain pulak nak buat, kan??
Tapi, aku tak kisah sangat bizi kerja dgn bos baru ni. Sebabnya, nampak dia ada arah tuju, dan tau serba serbi, termasukla akta itu ini yang memang kitorang selalu pakai dan refer. So much the opposite of my ex boss yang know nothing and doesnt give a ding dong about learning and knowing what he should know. Yang dia tau, dapat peluang pergi overseas, keluar office, amek gambar, gumbira la dia. Sigh!~ macam macam orang kat dunia ni.
So, alhamdulillah, walaupun bahagian kitorang ni sangatla kekurangan manpower, sampaikan kitorg dapat invitation utk dinner, 2 table, tapi kalau semua org kat ofis ni pergi pun takleh penuh meja tu; tapi takla rasa pressure sangat. Sebab boss reasonable. Dia seorang yang straight, ikut buku punya orang, at the same time, boleh bincang, reason, dan jugak boleh layan mengarut, lagi pulak, bagi tazkirah pun terer. Harap2nya, lama la aku kerja dgndia, dan kalauboleh, banyak la ilmu yg aku buleh belajar dari dia. Lama gak aku tunggu utk dapat boss yang elok2 sikit nih.
Ni sesambil proses application sempat la blogging jap. Next week aku kena gi PD, bagik ceramah francais. Isk.. dalam pada aku takmo jadi lecturer, kena gak buat. akubukan apa.. masalahnya, aku ni kalau bercakap dgnkawan2 buleh la, dgnpenuh semangat waja diri.. bila part nak kena bagi lecture ni.. alahaiii.. masuk seploh minit pertama, dah kering idea aku. Iskk.. guano ekk?? Pastu cakap laju mengalahkan motorbot. Nak kata gabra tu, adagakla sikit2... tapi isk... ntahla.. Kengkawan lecturer ku, macammana korang bagi lecture 2 jam ek?? Aku susah la nak lepas 10 minit pun. Isk.. bagi idea sket, seblom aku gebang kat budak2 KPM minggu depan ni...
Semenjak dua menjak i dapat bos baru ni, buleh dikatakan agak bizi. Kalau dulu tepat kol 5 musti balik, sekarang ni kadang2 terbabas sampai 5.45... Tu pun sbb nak amek sarah kat nurseri sebelum nurseri tutup kol 6.. Kalau sarah ada kat umah, tak pasal sampai kol 7 agaknya. Isk.. takmola.. Lepas kol 5 i ada tanggungjawab lain pulak nak buat, kan??
Tapi, aku tak kisah sangat bizi kerja dgn bos baru ni. Sebabnya, nampak dia ada arah tuju, dan tau serba serbi, termasukla akta itu ini yang memang kitorang selalu pakai dan refer. So much the opposite of my ex boss yang know nothing and doesnt give a ding dong about learning and knowing what he should know. Yang dia tau, dapat peluang pergi overseas, keluar office, amek gambar, gumbira la dia. Sigh!~ macam macam orang kat dunia ni.
So, alhamdulillah, walaupun bahagian kitorang ni sangatla kekurangan manpower, sampaikan kitorg dapat invitation utk dinner, 2 table, tapi kalau semua org kat ofis ni pergi pun takleh penuh meja tu; tapi takla rasa pressure sangat. Sebab boss reasonable. Dia seorang yang straight, ikut buku punya orang, at the same time, boleh bincang, reason, dan jugak boleh layan mengarut, lagi pulak, bagi tazkirah pun terer. Harap2nya, lama la aku kerja dgndia, dan kalauboleh, banyak la ilmu yg aku buleh belajar dari dia. Lama gak aku tunggu utk dapat boss yang elok2 sikit nih.
Ni sesambil proses application sempat la blogging jap. Next week aku kena gi PD, bagik ceramah francais. Isk.. dalam pada aku takmo jadi lecturer, kena gak buat. akubukan apa.. masalahnya, aku ni kalau bercakap dgnkawan2 buleh la, dgnpenuh semangat waja diri.. bila part nak kena bagi lecture ni.. alahaiii.. masuk seploh minit pertama, dah kering idea aku. Iskk.. guano ekk?? Pastu cakap laju mengalahkan motorbot. Nak kata gabra tu, adagakla sikit2... tapi isk... ntahla.. Kengkawan lecturer ku, macammana korang bagi lecture 2 jam ek?? Aku susah la nak lepas 10 minit pun. Isk.. bagi idea sket, seblom aku gebang kat budak2 KPM minggu depan ni...
Friday, November 14, 2008
Isk.. macam nak bersawang dah blogni rupanya. Lebih seminggu tak updet ye.. hehe.. Keje banyak la sikalangg...
Aku haritu ada save as draft satu posting kat notebook kat umah kat blogger ni. Pastu aku tutup je notebook sbb ingat nk tambah gamba, tapi tak semapt sbb nak menidurkan sarah dulu. Lepas tu, aku tak tau mana nak cari balik draft tu.. Isk.. kat mana blogger save kan ek? Isk.. penat i mengarang syahdu syahdan pasal anniversary i.. isk..
Mula2 ingat tak larat nak posting harini. Perut tgh terik, mengadap yong tow foo tadi. Masa beli nampak sikit.. Perrghh... sengkak gak perut bila dah makan.. Uhuhuhu... Otak pun dah jadik lembab sket sbb darah semua dah tertumpu ke perut. Hahaha.. tapape.
Tapi, lepas aku baca posting Nura, aku rasa cam terpanggil lak nak posting jugek. Bestnya sistem skolah kat Jepun, and also kat UK, yg mcm aku bc dr kDilla n kSalmi. Lain la skolah tempat first world mentality dgn skolah kat tempat third world mentality. Sorry to say la, like it or not, Malaysia masih banyak org dgn third world mentality, which is a shame since we have first class facility. Antara contoh, kadang2 masa aku htr sarah gi skolah, ada la ibu2 yg mengendong baby kecik kat sebelah tangan, sebelah lagi kendong beg baby tu, pastu tu kang kelam kabut pulak nak bukak pintu. aku ni jauh lagi nak tlg tarikkan pintu. Yang laki that lady pulak boleh just kiss bini ngan anak dia, pastu belah, takde teringat pun nak bukakkan pintu utk bini dan anak sendiri. Sanggup tgk bini sendiri terkial2 nak bukak pintu dgn tangan penuh. Macam haprak. Maaf cakap la kan.
Tak kurang jugak, ada parents yg lantak la anak dia nak buat apa. Kalau pegi beli groceries tu, berapa ramai anak2 berkeliaran berlari sana sini, mak bapak sibuk shopping je. Anak dia lari langgar orang ke, main2 troli langgar budak kecik ke, mak bapak dia kalau nampak pun buat tak nampak je. Haritu, ada sekali kat toys r us, dia ada display playhouses, so sarah pergi main kat situ. Pastu, adaanother girl datang masuk kat playhouse yg sarah tgh main. Sarah marah2 budak tu dari luar. Aku tarik sarah, and cakap kat dia "Sarah, play nice. You have to share". Lepas budak tu pulak tolak2 sarah. Bapak dia duduk kat tepi tu buat bodoh je tengok. Agaknya memang bodoh kot, bukan buat bodoh.
I'm not saying i'm a perfect mom/parent. Sesungguhnya aku ni memang banyak kekurangan. Tapi kadang2 aku geram bila tengok ada mak bapak yg biar je anak2 buat sukahati tanpa jagaan. Budak tu nak rude, biar, budak tu tak behave, bair. Semua biar.. macam jaga anak tu bukan keje diorang. Habis tu, kerja mak bapak apa? Buat anak je?
Sigh!~ bila la orang malaysia ni nak berubah?
Isk.. macam nak bersawang dah blogni rupanya. Lebih seminggu tak updet ye.. hehe.. Keje banyak la sikalangg...
Aku haritu ada save as draft satu posting kat notebook kat umah kat blogger ni. Pastu aku tutup je notebook sbb ingat nk tambah gamba, tapi tak semapt sbb nak menidurkan sarah dulu. Lepas tu, aku tak tau mana nak cari balik draft tu.. Isk.. kat mana blogger save kan ek? Isk.. penat i mengarang syahdu syahdan pasal anniversary i.. isk..
Mula2 ingat tak larat nak posting harini. Perut tgh terik, mengadap yong tow foo tadi. Masa beli nampak sikit.. Perrghh... sengkak gak perut bila dah makan.. Uhuhuhu... Otak pun dah jadik lembab sket sbb darah semua dah tertumpu ke perut. Hahaha.. tapape.
Tapi, lepas aku baca posting Nura, aku rasa cam terpanggil lak nak posting jugek. Bestnya sistem skolah kat Jepun, and also kat UK, yg mcm aku bc dr kDilla n kSalmi. Lain la skolah tempat first world mentality dgn skolah kat tempat third world mentality. Sorry to say la, like it or not, Malaysia masih banyak org dgn third world mentality, which is a shame since we have first class facility. Antara contoh, kadang2 masa aku htr sarah gi skolah, ada la ibu2 yg mengendong baby kecik kat sebelah tangan, sebelah lagi kendong beg baby tu, pastu tu kang kelam kabut pulak nak bukak pintu. aku ni jauh lagi nak tlg tarikkan pintu. Yang laki that lady pulak boleh just kiss bini ngan anak dia, pastu belah, takde teringat pun nak bukakkan pintu utk bini dan anak sendiri. Sanggup tgk bini sendiri terkial2 nak bukak pintu dgn tangan penuh. Macam haprak. Maaf cakap la kan.
Tak kurang jugak, ada parents yg lantak la anak dia nak buat apa. Kalau pegi beli groceries tu, berapa ramai anak2 berkeliaran berlari sana sini, mak bapak sibuk shopping je. Anak dia lari langgar orang ke, main2 troli langgar budak kecik ke, mak bapak dia kalau nampak pun buat tak nampak je. Haritu, ada sekali kat toys r us, dia ada display playhouses, so sarah pergi main kat situ. Pastu, adaanother girl datang masuk kat playhouse yg sarah tgh main. Sarah marah2 budak tu dari luar. Aku tarik sarah, and cakap kat dia "Sarah, play nice. You have to share". Lepas budak tu pulak tolak2 sarah. Bapak dia duduk kat tepi tu buat bodoh je tengok. Agaknya memang bodoh kot, bukan buat bodoh.
I'm not saying i'm a perfect mom/parent. Sesungguhnya aku ni memang banyak kekurangan. Tapi kadang2 aku geram bila tengok ada mak bapak yg biar je anak2 buat sukahati tanpa jagaan. Budak tu nak rude, biar, budak tu tak behave, bair. Semua biar.. macam jaga anak tu bukan keje diorang. Habis tu, kerja mak bapak apa? Buat anak je?
Sigh!~ bila la orang malaysia ni nak berubah?
Monday, November 03, 2008
Fun Weekend
Alhamdulillah, i had a great weekend, considering that my hubby's away and i managed to fill my weekend with activities, that's fun enough for me. Hehe.
On Saturday, went to this child enrichment centre open day in putrajaya, in my quest to find a school for sarah. Verdict? Entahla ek. Somehow the way this particular teacher entertained me kinda make me feel quite reserved on sending sarah there. The very first thing that she mentioned was the fee structure, which i think wasn't a very good approach when you're trying to promote your centre in terms of child enrichment programs and activities. Tak habis2 cerita about fee structure. I had to ask her what the program was all about? First time tanya, she acted like the cat got her tongue. Like she doesn't even have the slightest clue of what the program is about and she diverted into talking about something similar, but not answering my question (huh.. deja vu.. sounds like KJ doesn't it? hehe.) When i asked again the second time around, barula menggelabah selak leaflet, telling me about the program offered. Hmm.. susahla kalau cikgu sendiri pun don't know crap about the program they're offering kan. So that kinda put me off on sending sarah there.
Dari segi physical place/ environment pulak, she said the baby room is not ready. Aku macam pelik jugak apehal minah ni dok ckp abt baby room when my girl obviously belongs to the toddler room. Tempat dia ok la. Nak kata hebat sangat pun tak, but above average la rasanya. One thing i like about this place is they claim to potty train the kids. But then again claiming and actually carrying it out are two very different things, no?
Jadi, keputusannya, wallahualam. Tunggu Dan balik, let him check the place out and there's one more place to check out as well.
Balik dari tgk that school, pergi rumah kawan ptd dekat2 putrajaya tu. Budak2 single buat makan2. Seronok la, dapat jumpa ramai member2 se-batch yang dah lama tidak ketemu. Hehe.. ada juga yang tak perasan aku sama batch dgn diorg. Isk.. either aku ni sangat low profile, atau aku ni sangat kera sumbang. Hahahahhaa..
Family Day
On Sunday pulak, pagi2 aku dah bawak sarah, angkut maid sekali utk bawak brg2 sarah ke Botanical Garden, Putrajaya. Ministry buat family day kat situ. Masa sampai, sarah tidur lagi. Masa aku kendong dia nak register, baru dia bangun. So bawak dia breakfast, pastu tukar baju dia, pakaikan kasut, ontime orang nak start aerobics. Sarah pun dah beriya2 nak join nampaknya, so aku pun angkut la dia masuk padang. Perhh.. beriya-iya dia mengangkat2 kaki ikut instructor... Hehehe... Pastu sambung poco2 pulak. Dia pun sama naik dengan mummy dia. Hehe.. Tapi rugila dah lupa banyak step poco2.... iskk.. kalau tak buleh i berdua2 dgn anak i berpoco-pocoan.. Hehe..
Pastu bawak dia gi coloring pulak. Posingnya dah beriya2, hasilnya kira ok la untuk budak 19 bulan kan. Hehe..
By tengah hari, sarah pun dah ngantuk. Dalam kol 1.45 chow, tak tunggu habis pun. Ingat nak tunggu lucky draw. Dapat tv ke beskal ke, dah plan dah camne nak atur kat boot kete. Hehehe.. berangan je lebih. Karaoke lama sangat, malas nak tunggu. So kitorg pun balik la... dapat penat je la jadinya kan... Tapi nanti nak tanya urusetia mana nak cari gambar. aku notice ada photographer yg amek gamba sarah tgh menari2...
Alhamdulillah, i had a great weekend, considering that my hubby's away and i managed to fill my weekend with activities, that's fun enough for me. Hehe.
On Saturday, went to this child enrichment centre open day in putrajaya, in my quest to find a school for sarah. Verdict? Entahla ek. Somehow the way this particular teacher entertained me kinda make me feel quite reserved on sending sarah there. The very first thing that she mentioned was the fee structure, which i think wasn't a very good approach when you're trying to promote your centre in terms of child enrichment programs and activities. Tak habis2 cerita about fee structure. I had to ask her what the program was all about? First time tanya, she acted like the cat got her tongue. Like she doesn't even have the slightest clue of what the program is about and she diverted into talking about something similar, but not answering my question (huh.. deja vu.. sounds like KJ doesn't it? hehe.) When i asked again the second time around, barula menggelabah selak leaflet, telling me about the program offered. Hmm.. susahla kalau cikgu sendiri pun don't know crap about the program they're offering kan. So that kinda put me off on sending sarah there.
Dari segi physical place/ environment pulak, she said the baby room is not ready. Aku macam pelik jugak apehal minah ni dok ckp abt baby room when my girl obviously belongs to the toddler room. Tempat dia ok la. Nak kata hebat sangat pun tak, but above average la rasanya. One thing i like about this place is they claim to potty train the kids. But then again claiming and actually carrying it out are two very different things, no?
Jadi, keputusannya, wallahualam. Tunggu Dan balik, let him check the place out and there's one more place to check out as well.
Balik dari tgk that school, pergi rumah kawan ptd dekat2 putrajaya tu. Budak2 single buat makan2. Seronok la, dapat jumpa ramai member2 se-batch yang dah lama tidak ketemu. Hehe.. ada juga yang tak perasan aku sama batch dgn diorg. Isk.. either aku ni sangat low profile, atau aku ni sangat kera sumbang. Hahahahhaa..
Family Day
On Sunday pulak, pagi2 aku dah bawak sarah, angkut maid sekali utk bawak brg2 sarah ke Botanical Garden, Putrajaya. Ministry buat family day kat situ. Masa sampai, sarah tidur lagi. Masa aku kendong dia nak register, baru dia bangun. So bawak dia breakfast, pastu tukar baju dia, pakaikan kasut, ontime orang nak start aerobics. Sarah pun dah beriya2 nak join nampaknya, so aku pun angkut la dia masuk padang. Perhh.. beriya-iya dia mengangkat2 kaki ikut instructor... Hehehe... Pastu sambung poco2 pulak. Dia pun sama naik dengan mummy dia. Hehe.. Tapi rugila dah lupa banyak step poco2.... iskk.. kalau tak buleh i berdua2 dgn anak i berpoco-pocoan.. Hehe..
Pastu bawak dia gi coloring pulak. Posingnya dah beriya2, hasilnya kira ok la untuk budak 19 bulan kan. Hehe..
By tengah hari, sarah pun dah ngantuk. Dalam kol 1.45 chow, tak tunggu habis pun. Ingat nak tunggu lucky draw. Dapat tv ke beskal ke, dah plan dah camne nak atur kat boot kete. Hehehe.. berangan je lebih. Karaoke lama sangat, malas nak tunggu. So kitorg pun balik la... dapat penat je la jadinya kan... Tapi nanti nak tanya urusetia mana nak cari gambar. aku notice ada photographer yg amek gamba sarah tgh menari2...
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