All Went WEll
Alhamdulillah, sarah's bday party last sunday went well. Lots of her uncles, aunts, cousins, atoks and neneks came to celebrate. She definitely enjoyed herself so much. Afternoon nap half an hour je, and she was up and enjoying herself the whole afternoon. Sampai la senja nak masuk dalam kereta nakbalik rumah, baru start merengek2 sbb dah mengantuk.
Will uploads photos of her on her bday dari pagi sampaila ke habis party. Buat masa ni belum berkesempatan lagi. During the party, i didn't snap any photos. So, kena tunggu pics from my photographer.
Hihi.. kelakar ada, bengong pun ada gak. I think my Pin The Tail on Eeyore game was kinda screwed up. Hah! Lantakla... I hope everybopdy had fun though.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Pening, Ngantuk....
Mengantuk la.. Gila2 ngantuk. Apesal ntah. Laki aku yang berjaga semalam (study sbb nak simulator exam harini).. aku plak yg mengantuk. Takpela.. konon2 dia transfer dia punya mengantuk kat aku. Harap2 dia tak ngantuk la masa buat sim kang. Isk..
Huhu.. Aku serabut nih. Macam kGhazi gak. Tak tenteram. Hahaha. Paper ada 2 in tow.. urgent semedang. Isk.. Feedback yang diperlukan tak dapat. Huahuahuaa.. Tensen gak sikit2. Tapi aku notice skang aku slalu tensen kat umah. Apesal ye. Kat opis walaupun keje byk, takdela rasa tensen sangat. Agaknya kat opis tak sempat nak tensen sbb dok buat keje, balik umah baru tensen tu seep in. Ye ke macam tu? Entah.
Huhu.. kasut keje tapak dia dah tercabut. Aku ada 2 je kasut keje. Boleh caya tak? Haha.. Dulu masa belajar2 pantang kuar ada je kasut yang teringin nak dibeli. Skang ni dah keje ada gak kasut yg teringin nak beli.. tapi bukan utk aku.. untuk sarah. Hahah. Aku kalau gi kedai kasut cam tak selera je negok kasut2 tu. Oleh yg demikian, the last time aku beli kasut was last year. Itupun beli sandal je, kat Vincci. Kasut keje, last 3 years. Mmg aku beli kasut masa aku masuk service. Dan bagi satu, aku beli satu. Dua2 masih tahan smpi sekarang. Salah satu sbb ialah laki aku rajin polish kasut. Hehe.. *Thanks honey*. Yang laki aku bagi tu, tapak dah tercabut haritu, tapi dah pergi hantar cobbler betulkan. Ni yang aku beli pulak dah tercabut tapaknya. Isk.. Dan kata "maybe you need new shoes" Ahahaa... Maybe. Tapi kasut yang aku berkenan belum kejumpaan. :p
Pastu kan, aku rasa aku kena beli baju la. I'm running out of nice baju to wear. Asyik pakai baju lama je. Isk.. don't even ask me when was the last time i bought clothes for myself. Isk.. Ntah.. Masa aku beli baju ngandung kot.. OR yg recent sikit, masa pregnancy weight belum truun lagi lepas beranak. Huahuahuaaa... Iskk.. I seriously think i need a wardrobe update. Masalahnya kan, bila pegi kedai, semuanya aku rasa tak cantik... Apa la masalah aku ni sebenarnya... Huhuhuhuhu...
Apo2la.. ngantuk.. dan nak siapkan paper... huhu.. artikel lagi... huhu...
Mengantuk la.. Gila2 ngantuk. Apesal ntah. Laki aku yang berjaga semalam (study sbb nak simulator exam harini).. aku plak yg mengantuk. Takpela.. konon2 dia transfer dia punya mengantuk kat aku. Harap2 dia tak ngantuk la masa buat sim kang. Isk..
Huhu.. Aku serabut nih. Macam kGhazi gak. Tak tenteram. Hahaha. Paper ada 2 in tow.. urgent semedang. Isk.. Feedback yang diperlukan tak dapat. Huahuahuaa.. Tensen gak sikit2. Tapi aku notice skang aku slalu tensen kat umah. Apesal ye. Kat opis walaupun keje byk, takdela rasa tensen sangat. Agaknya kat opis tak sempat nak tensen sbb dok buat keje, balik umah baru tensen tu seep in. Ye ke macam tu? Entah.
Huhu.. kasut keje tapak dia dah tercabut. Aku ada 2 je kasut keje. Boleh caya tak? Haha.. Dulu masa belajar2 pantang kuar ada je kasut yang teringin nak dibeli. Skang ni dah keje ada gak kasut yg teringin nak beli.. tapi bukan utk aku.. untuk sarah. Hahah. Aku kalau gi kedai kasut cam tak selera je negok kasut2 tu. Oleh yg demikian, the last time aku beli kasut was last year. Itupun beli sandal je, kat Vincci. Kasut keje, last 3 years. Mmg aku beli kasut masa aku masuk service. Dan bagi satu, aku beli satu. Dua2 masih tahan smpi sekarang. Salah satu sbb ialah laki aku rajin polish kasut. Hehe.. *Thanks honey*. Yang laki aku bagi tu, tapak dah tercabut haritu, tapi dah pergi hantar cobbler betulkan. Ni yang aku beli pulak dah tercabut tapaknya. Isk.. Dan kata "maybe you need new shoes" Ahahaa... Maybe. Tapi kasut yang aku berkenan belum kejumpaan. :p
Pastu kan, aku rasa aku kena beli baju la. I'm running out of nice baju to wear. Asyik pakai baju lama je. Isk.. don't even ask me when was the last time i bought clothes for myself. Isk.. Ntah.. Masa aku beli baju ngandung kot.. OR yg recent sikit, masa pregnancy weight belum truun lagi lepas beranak. Huahuahuaaa... Iskk.. I seriously think i need a wardrobe update. Masalahnya kan, bila pegi kedai, semuanya aku rasa tak cantik... Apa la masalah aku ni sebenarnya... Huhuhuhuhu...
Apo2la.. ngantuk.. dan nak siapkan paper... huhu.. artikel lagi... huhu...
Friday, February 13, 2009
Penat (!)
Sigh!~ Rasa macam penat semacam. Apesal ntah. Isk.. Tak cukup tidur kot.. or tak tidur betul2. A few night kebelakangan ni, sarah takleh tidur lena sbb hidung dia tersumbat. Sapa lagi dia panggey kalau tak mummy kan.. Kesian dia. Semalam baru dia tidur lena. Alhamdulillah.. mummy pun sama lena gak. :D
Keje, keje, keje.... Sampai bila tak habis2, kan? Setakat ni, azam aku nak lebihkan keje di office dari 'play' memang berjaya gak la aku rasa. Tapi dalam pada banyak keje tu, sempat gak jenguk2 sites for onlineshopping dan telah berjaya menyambar beg sebijik. :D

Huh.. lama tau i tak beli bag. Aku rasa kali terakhir aku beli beg.. was.. well.. masa aku kat jakarta la, aku beli sling bag tous.. Tapi itu tak kira la sbb tu tipu punya. Hahaha.. Beli bag yg betul2, last sekali? ntah.. bag BUM hitam tu kot.. yg azeno pun beli gak tu. How many years ago was that??? This bag shopping site is maintained by a lady yg dok kat the americas. Mak dia kat sini uruskan delivery. Trusted site la sbb ada colleagues kat office yg dah try. :D Antara brands yang di offer termasuklah Liz Claiborn, DKNY, Cole Haan, Anne Smith, Coach dan mcm2 lagi. (eh.. mcm free advertizing pulak?) Nantila.. bila mampu nnt nak sambar satu la coach... isk.. sekarang ni, mampu tengok je.
Personal life pulak, sekarang tgh agak sibuk prepare utk sarah's 2nd bday bash. Kitorg tanya dia haritu, dia nak theme my friends tigger n pooh, since little einstein punya merchandise for parties takde license kat sini, so payah nak dapat. Anyways, buat jugakla kek Little Einstein utk htr kat daycare dia. Kira ok la tu.
As of the preps for sarah bday. Most of the things dah ada. Cake dah tempah - buat cake 3D 100 Acre Woods, pastu nnt nak letak lilin bentuk tigger, pooh, piglet n eeyore. Lega sbb beforeni dapat quotation yg agak mahal utk cake.. Skang ni dah direvise dan dah slash nak dekat 50%. *Happy!* Makan pun dah tempah semalam. Ala.. menu simple2 je. Kitorg buat kat Putrajaya Lake Club, sbb nya, members dapat free venue. Hehehe.. Lagipun, bg peluang kat org yg jarang gi putrajaya utk pergi sana. Kalau tak silap, masa tu pun ada hot air balloon evnt or sth. Haritu aku dah bawak azeno. Lain kali kalau kawan2 lain dtg kl, buleh la aku bwk gak. :D
Party packs pun dah beli dah barang2 dia. Tinggal nak masukkan dalam beg je. Awawal tu, puas gak la aku google mana nak cari brg party murah2. Pastu aku jumpa kat satu forum ni, dia bitau ada kedai borong kat leboh ampang. Waa.. mmg galok membeli kat sana. Tapi okla.. i only spent half of what i expected to spend initially utk beli party packs.. So, quite worth it la. Barang2 makanan utk masuk dlm party packs je yg belum ada lagi. Aku tak masukkan jajan pun, sbb aku tak suka bila anak aku dapat party bag berisi jajan kat nursery. Aku letak air kotak, cookies, dengan chocolate je kot. Mungkin aku akan beli cupcake ke utk tambah sikit. Tengokla camne.
Sekarang ni tinggal deco and activity item je belum beli lagi. Bila la nak gi beli. Weekend ni ada cousin nak bertunang. Dan pun takde, kena terbang. Camne ek... Nantila pikir.. Gtg.. nak prepare ada meeting in half an hour.
Sigh!~ Rasa macam penat semacam. Apesal ntah. Isk.. Tak cukup tidur kot.. or tak tidur betul2. A few night kebelakangan ni, sarah takleh tidur lena sbb hidung dia tersumbat. Sapa lagi dia panggey kalau tak mummy kan.. Kesian dia. Semalam baru dia tidur lena. Alhamdulillah.. mummy pun sama lena gak. :D
Keje, keje, keje.... Sampai bila tak habis2, kan? Setakat ni, azam aku nak lebihkan keje di office dari 'play' memang berjaya gak la aku rasa. Tapi dalam pada banyak keje tu, sempat gak jenguk2 sites for onlineshopping dan telah berjaya menyambar beg sebijik. :D
Huh.. lama tau i tak beli bag. Aku rasa kali terakhir aku beli beg.. was.. well.. masa aku kat jakarta la, aku beli sling bag tous.. Tapi itu tak kira la sbb tu tipu punya. Hahaha.. Beli bag yg betul2, last sekali? ntah.. bag BUM hitam tu kot.. yg azeno pun beli gak tu. How many years ago was that??? This bag shopping site is maintained by a lady yg dok kat the americas. Mak dia kat sini uruskan delivery. Trusted site la sbb ada colleagues kat office yg dah try. :D Antara brands yang di offer termasuklah Liz Claiborn, DKNY, Cole Haan, Anne Smith, Coach dan mcm2 lagi. (eh.. mcm free advertizing pulak?) Nantila.. bila mampu nnt nak sambar satu la coach... isk.. sekarang ni, mampu tengok je.
Personal life pulak, sekarang tgh agak sibuk prepare utk sarah's 2nd bday bash. Kitorg tanya dia haritu, dia nak theme my friends tigger n pooh, since little einstein punya merchandise for parties takde license kat sini, so payah nak dapat. Anyways, buat jugakla kek Little Einstein utk htr kat daycare dia. Kira ok la tu.
As of the preps for sarah bday. Most of the things dah ada. Cake dah tempah - buat cake 3D 100 Acre Woods, pastu nnt nak letak lilin bentuk tigger, pooh, piglet n eeyore. Lega sbb beforeni dapat quotation yg agak mahal utk cake.. Skang ni dah direvise dan dah slash nak dekat 50%. *Happy!* Makan pun dah tempah semalam. Ala.. menu simple2 je. Kitorg buat kat Putrajaya Lake Club, sbb nya, members dapat free venue. Hehehe.. Lagipun, bg peluang kat org yg jarang gi putrajaya utk pergi sana. Kalau tak silap, masa tu pun ada hot air balloon evnt or sth. Haritu aku dah bawak azeno. Lain kali kalau kawan2 lain dtg kl, buleh la aku bwk gak. :D
Party packs pun dah beli dah barang2 dia. Tinggal nak masukkan dalam beg je. Awawal tu, puas gak la aku google mana nak cari brg party murah2. Pastu aku jumpa kat satu forum ni, dia bitau ada kedai borong kat leboh ampang. Waa.. mmg galok membeli kat sana. Tapi okla.. i only spent half of what i expected to spend initially utk beli party packs.. So, quite worth it la. Barang2 makanan utk masuk dlm party packs je yg belum ada lagi. Aku tak masukkan jajan pun, sbb aku tak suka bila anak aku dapat party bag berisi jajan kat nursery. Aku letak air kotak, cookies, dengan chocolate je kot. Mungkin aku akan beli cupcake ke utk tambah sikit. Tengokla camne.
Sekarang ni tinggal deco and activity item je belum beli lagi. Bila la nak gi beli. Weekend ni ada cousin nak bertunang. Dan pun takde, kena terbang. Camne ek... Nantila pikir.. Gtg.. nak prepare ada meeting in half an hour.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Urghhh.. i've never thought that this is so mind boggling that i've to post about it. Sigh!~
Aging, it's something natural that happens to each and everything in this whole wide world. Human ages, animals age, even unliving things age. With age, comes deterioration. Deterioration in health, but more prominently in looks. Another big sigh!~
Before this, i'm not very much bothered sangat. Tapi kan, lately ni, i looked at myself in the mirror, and i said to myself that i've aged. Oh dear. It's not about the wrinkles that appears on your laugh lines or the crow's feet that you have at the corner of your eyes (thankfully, i haven't had any of those yet), but somehow as i look at myself in the mirror now and compare it with the pictures of me that were taken a few years back, i notice quite a difference.
The question here is, what actually makes you look old? You know, other than those tell-tale signs of wrinkles and what nots, what other things that make you look old? I think weight, or too much of it can make you look old. The way you dress, yes, definitely. Tapi in the context of my dressing, which is most of the time baju kurung (ikut pekeliling maaa...), i think it makes me look older than my age. Orang lain pakai jugak baju kurung, but it doesn't make them look old... Plus, make-up. Lack of it, can make you look old. But again, that depends on how you apply the make up la kan.
I read somewhere that as you age, your skin is less bright, ditto, you look old. So it's good to use skin brighteners. Wallahualam la pulak kan, tak pernah try. Perhaps, when i've extra money to spend, i'll invest on that... Perhaps... Another strategy is to lose weight.. Or is it reversed? Me losing weight makes me look old instead of younger? **Long sigh**
Bottom line is, does it matter, if i look old or not?? Well.. i might just nonchalantly say that it doesn't, but the fact that i've taken some time to post on it tells something different now, doesn't it. Alahai....
Urghhh.. i've never thought that this is so mind boggling that i've to post about it. Sigh!~
Aging, it's something natural that happens to each and everything in this whole wide world. Human ages, animals age, even unliving things age. With age, comes deterioration. Deterioration in health, but more prominently in looks. Another big sigh!~
Before this, i'm not very much bothered sangat. Tapi kan, lately ni, i looked at myself in the mirror, and i said to myself that i've aged. Oh dear. It's not about the wrinkles that appears on your laugh lines or the crow's feet that you have at the corner of your eyes (thankfully, i haven't had any of those yet), but somehow as i look at myself in the mirror now and compare it with the pictures of me that were taken a few years back, i notice quite a difference.
The question here is, what actually makes you look old? You know, other than those tell-tale signs of wrinkles and what nots, what other things that make you look old? I think weight, or too much of it can make you look old. The way you dress, yes, definitely. Tapi in the context of my dressing, which is most of the time baju kurung (ikut pekeliling maaa...), i think it makes me look older than my age. Orang lain pakai jugak baju kurung, but it doesn't make them look old... Plus, make-up. Lack of it, can make you look old. But again, that depends on how you apply the make up la kan.
I read somewhere that as you age, your skin is less bright, ditto, you look old. So it's good to use skin brighteners. Wallahualam la pulak kan, tak pernah try. Perhaps, when i've extra money to spend, i'll invest on that... Perhaps... Another strategy is to lose weight.. Or is it reversed? Me losing weight makes me look old instead of younger? **Long sigh**
Bottom line is, does it matter, if i look old or not?? Well.. i might just nonchalantly say that it doesn't, but the fact that i've taken some time to post on it tells something different now, doesn't it. Alahai....
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