Thursday, June 25, 2009


Itulah isi dalam otak aku sekarang. Aku kena sediakan perancangan 5 tahun dalam masa 10 hari (lebih kurang). Logik tak?

Sekarang otak tengah jem. Tak ramai pulak kawan2 yang online. Uhuhuhu.. layan la jem ni sorang-sorang. :(
..Once there was a little girl...

Semalam aku cuti. Saja. To spend the day with my hubs before he leaves for the 2-weeks Manila detachment today. Kebetulan, yesterday was my brother's and our niece's birthday so we made a call to Doha to wish the little girl who turned seven yesterday. Gosh.. she's already seven! How time flies!

Anyways, entah kenapa, DD macam bertih goreng semalam. Bercakap tak henti-henti. Even masa kena paksa take afternoon nap pun, dia dok bermonolog, tapi secara berbisik. Tak tau la apa yang dia cakap.

Petang, paksu dia datang, lepas dinner, we just hung out at the living area. DD yang memang dari pagi tak diam, sambung la cerita dia yang tak habis. Takpela, elok lagi dia bercakap dari dia diam and monyok je kan.

Dia ambil stroller mainan dan tolak teddy bear dia dalam stroller tu. Dia kata "I'm going shopping."

Aku tanya, "What are you shopping for?"

"Cheese.. and bread."

Heh. Obviously, those were regulars on our grocery list.

"I cannot find the cheese mommy" Dia kata lagi. Huh.. Aku dan paksu dia bantai gelak.

Lepas paksu balik, tukar pakaian DD into her sleepwear and took her to bed. She lay down on daddy's lap, sambil minum susu. Aku duduk sebelah daddy bacakan bedtime story (i do need to get new books for her). Lepas tamat dua buah buku seperti kebiasaannya, we put her to bed. Dia minta aku bacakan lagi satu buku. Daddy ambil alih, tak bacabuku, cuma bercerita. Cerita Cinderella. Lepas perenggan akhir "and they lived happily ever after", DD sambungkan.. "The end." Heh.

Kemudian DD kata, "Sarah's turn" dan dia mula bercerita:

"Once, there was a little girl. Little girl walk like this. *Bangun dari katil dan berjalan. Kemudian, baring semula di riba aku.* And then, the little girl run like this. *Bangun dari riba aku dan berlari ke katil kami, dan pulang semula ke ribaku.* And then, the little girl was so sad and cry." Ceritanya, sambil menekup muka dan berpaling pada aku, konon bersedih.

Aku tanya, "Why was she sad and crying?"

Dia sambung:

"Little girl was sad because little girl cannot watch Playhouse Disney. Mommy want to watch the news. Little girl cannot watch Playhouse Disney at night."

Up to that point, hubby and myself could not contain our laughter. Adoila anakku. Cerita kisah diri dia rupanya. Pandai pulak pakai ganti nama "Little Girl". Anonymous la konon. Rupanya nak bercerita pasal diri sendiri. Isk... Gelak tak habis lagi sampai harini.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wrong info..? It's ok.. i've only wasted your time..

Urghhhh... bengang gila. I was in the middle of a pretty important meeting with my director, tiba2 dapat msg, saying that so-and-so nak jumpa regarding pembangunan francais. So, sepantas kilat, my director had to adjourn the meeting to attend to the so and so matter, since the so and so is the... well, you know who can make a director of a division scurry on when summoned kan.

The note said that the meeting was to take place at 12.00. We got there at 11.45. We waited, and waited, and waited. 12.00 noon came and went, and still nothing. Rason being, special officer dia keluar jap. 12.30, got called in to see the special officer. Dia kata, ni ada orangnak datang,nak tanya pasal francais. And i was like... WTF? Nota tadi kata nak bincang tentang pembangunan francais, alih2, just nak terangkan abt francais kat orang yg berminat je. Sangat jauh beza maksudnya kan? Aku tak salahkan so and so tu, because i'm sure bukan dia yg arahkan. Si special officer ni la, mangkuk. Cakaplah betul2 what you want. We can take action accordingly.

Orang nak tau abt francais, masuk akal ke kena pergi ke tempat yg convenient utk orang tu, lepas tu kena tunggu pulak dia datang sampai 45 minit. PAdahal, dia yang nak tau ni.

And i wasted 2 hours of my time for what?

*Huh.. bila aku baca balik posting, aku rasa aku pernah blog ttg benda yg lebih kurang sama sblm ni. Situasi sama, orangnya berbeza. Heh. blog deja vu.*

Friday, June 19, 2009

Leaves for Maids

Baru-baru ni, ada ura-ura nak bagi maids satu hari cuti madatori. Hmm... Let see..

As for me, my maid works 7 days a week. Apa yang dia buat? Kemas rumah. Daily. Tak la setiap hari mop lantai pun. General kemas kemas, everyday. Mop lantai 3 times a week. Kemas bilik aku, once a week. Masak? NO most of the time, kadang-kadang dia masak untuk diri dia sendiri, bila aku tak masak dan bila dia rasa nak masak (or kena paksa masak - tapi utk diri dia je.)

Babysitting? Only when i'm in the shower or praying or cooking and my hubby's not around. basuh kereta? We told her she didn't have to do it tapi she insisted sebab dia kata tak cukup kerja. She starts work early, around 5.30 (weekdays), basuh baju, siram pokok and daily stuffs like that, after that she's free the whole day sampai baju kering and she have to lipat baju la. Itu pun, bukan hari2 basuh baju. Baju sarah je yg everyday basuh.

Petang, prepare benda-benda yang aku suruh dia prepare utk aku masak. That merely takes an hour of her time. Malam, habis dinner semua, dalam 9.30 dah settle, and she's free to do her own thing. Weekends, lebih kurang je. Kalau kitorg keluar, kitorg bawak dia sekali. Bukan la utk jaga sarah sangat, sbb mmg aku and Dan yg akan jaga Sarah. Things like bawak beg sarah je, sambil window shopping ikut kitorg. Kalau tak, pergi rumah my mom or MIL, dia lepak tengok tv.

Kalau dibuat mandatory kena bagi one day leave, and katalah dia nak keluar ke apa, jumpa ntah siapa2, tau2 kang pregnant, or run off dgn siapa2 ntah. Yang kena bayar fine, employer.

So, you tell me, is it fair to give her a one day leave?

Mungkin maid aku tak macam maid org lain la. aku tak nafikan mmg ada maid ygkena kerja teruk, jaga rumah, jaga anak, masak, jaga anjing, jaga kucing. Yang jaga hasben pun ada jugak. Tapi to make it mandatory aku rasa tak fair la pulak. Byk masalah dari faedah. Tapi, sebagai majikan yang ada perasaan dan hati perut, naturally dia akan bagi masa rehat utk maid dia. Tapi tu la kan, sekarang ni, the world is full of weird people.


*My writing sucks.*

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Since Friday, i've been bouncing into people i know from school and campus. Such a small world. I wouldn't have imagined meeting them at wherever the place that i was that day.

On Friday, i met 2 friends. One was my friend form school, i met her when i was doing my outlet visit for this company i was processing. She wasn't working there. She just happened to be there. It turns out that she's currently working in P15. La.. dekat je rupanya. Aku je tak tau. Teruk betul.

Then, on the way back from the office, i saw a very familiar car, driven ever so slowly. So i drove to the side to see the driver. Sah.. memang aku kenal. So i waved at him and asked him to pull over to the side. Ewah.. macam polis trafik pulak. So, we met at the roadside, exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.

Semalam pulak, i met another friend from campus. This time at the nursery that i sent my daughter to. Apparently she'd just started to send her son there. The funny thing was that she noticed that it was me, and just looked at me, while i didn't bother to look at her. Dia tak panggil pun aku. Isk.. Tiba-tiba, masa tengah berjamu-jamuan at the office, i got a call, number tak appear pulak. Lepas tu dia cakap nama and said "aku nampak kau pagi tadi, tapi ko mesti tak perasan aku." And i was like.. siapa la aku jumpa pagi tadi. And the most likely place, kat nursery la. Heheh. Memang betul pun. Dia baru hantar anak dia kat situ. Sama kelas la nanti dengan sarah. Heheh. Small world huh?

Lepas tu, semalam chat dengan Nura.. and really thinking of a small reunion. Dengan close friends je la kan. Kawan-kawan mcm mana? Ada input tak??

Bad decisions

It sure feels like crap when you make bad decisions. It's worse when the bad decision cause others to suffer. The thing is that, no matter how hard you beat yourself up about it, you cannot undo what had happened. And for that, you're perceived as incompetent in whatever it is that you're doing. Period. Especially if you're a mother.'To err is human' only apply to losers. I'm one of them.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Idea Emergency

If like me, you allow your toddler to watch tv once in a while, i'm sure you've come to know the Imagination Movers, and one of the taglines yg aku pinjam di sini - Idea Emergency!.. In a serious one, me.. Takde idea nak posting! Hahaha.. bengong sungguh.

Busy, boleh la tahan. Truth is, semenjak pembubaran, dah takde mood nak buat kerja. Dengan pindah yang tak pindah, kena pergi meeting across the road yang kadang2 2 - 3 kali sehari, macam-macam la. Semuanya menyamarkan mood berkerja yang ada. Urgh!~ Bosan.

Know what sarah said to me last night? She said, "Sarah not friend with mummy." sambil jeling2 and muncung2.. And i was like.. "Whaaattt?? what did i do?" Heheh. Tapape. Practicing kot, mende baru yang dia belajar kat sekolah. Tiba2 je, over dinner dia kata, sebab aku tak bagi dia leave the dinner table before she eats something. Macam-macam.

Haritu, she was going through some coin purses that i've gotten as souvenirs. Some were empty, some were filled with keychains. As she unzipped and seemed like she was looking for something inside the purses one by one, i asked her, "What are you looking for?" Her answer kinda stunned me. She answered, "Money." Gosh.. don't know whether to laugh or to cry. Sigh!~

Oh.. projek weekend lepas yang kononnya nak buat murtabak, tak jadi. :( Kenapa ye? Hmm.. nak recap balik.. owh.. bahan2nya tak ada. lagipun last weekend dalam zon PMS. Sangatla takde mood nak buat apa2. Tapi, bila tengok resepi, semangat. Semalam teringinnakbuat karipap. Hisy.. macam2. Nak buatnya bila, entah?

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A relief from "Kekarutan"

Malam tadi aku dapat 2 sms dari bos aku. MALAM. Pukul 10 lebih. Surh aku present kat foreign delegate esok (hari ni). Tak cakap pukul berapa. SMS kedua, suruh buat meeting persediaan pukul 6 ptg ni. Wahh.. melampau. Hangin la aku. Kalau dia insist jugak aku masuk meeting tu, aku bawak sarah masuk. Pedulik hapa. That time belongs to my family already. Cuba kalau bini dia kena start meeting pukul 6. Suka? :p

Anyways.. untuk mengcoolkan hatiku ini. Nak cerita sikit la pasal anakku itu. Hehe.

Haritu, kitorang pergi la Gardens, beli grocery sikit. Lepas tu, pergila guna toilet dia. PRemier toilet, tapi kalau robinson/isetan cardmember boleh masuk complimentary. Kalau tak RM5 sekali masuk (Gila lagi mahal dr KLCC!) So hubby masuk, while i waited with sarah kat luar, ada stools untuk lepak-lepak. So we sat there. Kat situ juga ada another lady. Kerja kat situ rasanya. Dia senyum-senyum kat sarah. Lepas tu sarah lambai kat dia. So, tu macam cue la utk perempuan tu berhubung mesra dengan dia kan. So, perempuan tu cakap kat dia "cantik jam". Sarah cakap" Sarah's watch". Perempuan tu kata lagi, "Boleh pinjam tak?" Sarah terus cakap, "No. Tak boleh. Daddy put watch on sarah's hand. daddy in the toilet." And i was like.. errr.. ok darling. A little too much information there. Hehehe.. Tapi takpe. Yang penting she can stand up for herself. And that's good for her.

Sekarang dia suka buat "sarah angry", dengan muka kerut-kerut, marah la konon. Ntah apa yang dia cakap kalau dia marah mesti end kan dengan perkataan okay?? Contohnya, "bla..bla..bla...okay?" dengan muka marah. ISkk... dah pandai marah pulakkk..

Hmm.. itu je la pun yg aku teringat nak post abt dia sekarang ni. Dah pukul dua. Nak pi solat jap. Dengarnya kejap lagi ada meeting. Sigh!~

Monday, June 01, 2009

Masak dan Masalahnya

Hmm.. semenajk dua tiga menjak ni, aku dah discover satubenda yang aku suka buat. Aku rasa, aku dah pernah post abt this. Aku rasa, aku suka masak, suka cuba resepi baru, walaupunkadang2 bila aku cuba resepi baru mesti hubby terkebil2.. risau resepi baru aku tak jadi. Hehe. Don't worry dear, kalau resepi tu diikut mcm dlm internet ke, dlm episod masaka2 kat tv, insyaAllah jadi. Tapi, kalau main hentam resepi sendiri.. 50-50 la kebarangkaliannya. :p

Aku cukup suka try masakan baru, especially desserts. Masalah timbul bila aku pun suka makan dessert yang aku buat. Huh.. susah pendayetan aku. dan amat memberi kesan kepada timbangan aku. Huhu. Haritu, utk bday bapak, aku buat choc cake. Semalam, aku berhempas pulas buat fruit tartlets. Tapi baru siap tart shell je. Custardnya takmasuk pun lagi. Balance choc cake aritu (yg adunan belummasak) ada lagi dlm fridge.. aku dah attempt nakbuat menda lain. Mana la hubby aku tak tensen tgk fridge asyik penuh dgn ntahapa2... Hahahaha...

Hujung minggu ni rasa macam nak try buat murtabak la.. Tak pun, roti canai.. Hehehe.. *Angkat2 kening* Macam menarik kan??? Huh..