Monday, January 31, 2011

A Flicker of Excitement

Venue - dining room, having tea.

Me : Your daughter asked to be called big ka-ka-kak-kak (k-language for kakak) when she has a baby sister *grins*
DH : (silent) ....

DH :Well.. it's not up tome... but If..IF she really does have a baby sister, the name has to have S.A as well...

Me : So you've even thought of baby names already??? *More grin*

DH : Oh.. shut up... (and laughs! yeay!)

Hahahahhaa... Very positive indeed, kan? Alhamdulillah. :)

Nak call gynae for an appointment a.s.a.p. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Surprise, Surprise..!!

The past few days, i had been hating my digital weighing scale for showing no decrease in my weight. Luckily, it didn't get me off track with my Atkin's and i persistently stick with induction. :)

Today, i weighed myself with a more 'advanced' scale at the gym. The one that can give you your BMI, fat mass, muscle mass reading and etc., it gave a somewhat similar reading to my scale at home for the weight part... i only lost like 200 grams from the last time i had my weigh-in (like 2 weeks ago). Butttt... here's the best part.. i lost 3 kgs worth of FAT mass!!! andd... to add to all the excitement, my muscle mass increased by 2kgs. So, that explained why the scales didn't budge. Apparently, my muscles are picking up the pace. Yeay muscles!!

All the more reason for me to stick with the diet. :D .. and have a relaxing, good night's sleep tonight. Aaaahhh....

Busy day tomorrow. Morning - fetch the maid, book riding session for sarah, piano lesson, kemas rumah before hubby comes back. Afternoon - sarah's friend's birthday party, family day committee meeting. I hope i can fit in some shopping tomorrow before attending the party. Need to get some ground almond and soy flour supply to make low carb pastries/cookies/snacks/yummies.. ;)

Alrite darlings. Have a good night. :) I know i will!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Muscle Sore!

Had a good damn workout session yesterday, walaupun pada awalnya sangatlah malas untuk menggerakkan diri ke gym! But, I'm sooo glad i did!

Hit the gym around 9, started warming up on the ski machine, picked up the pace while listening to MTV, sedar2 dah laju sampai tak larat. Haha.. Lebih kurang 20 minutes gak la.

Lepas tu, ingat nak naik stepper, tapi the tv adapter tu takleh pakai pulak, so, i went on the elliptical machine instead. Kejap je sobab tak larat den dooohhh.. Lamo tak workout. Pancit den.

Pastu buat a few tummy workout (a few..sangat few), buat 3 reps of squats, lepas tu tunggu yoga class start. Ingat teacher frank.. sekali teache steve. Teacher steve ni ajar pilates jugak, and walaupun for yoga dia banyak focus basic steps, he will make sure that you'll do it right, and you contract the right muscles. Hasilnya sangatla mencabar minda dan badan.. Huhu.. But i loikee.. sebab baru la rasa bestnya beryoga. :)

Semalam, dia gasak kitorang buat half chaturanga pose. Dia macam push up, tapi you tuck your elbows in, bukan mengepak. Sekali dua ok lagi. Pastu dia duduk sebelah aku, check aku buat betul ke tak. Huhu.. Lengan aku dah rasa lomahhh dah. Pastu dia suruh aku demo ak kat students yang lebih baru dari aku... Hadeyyy..pengsan. Nak turun takde masalah. Nak tolak balik badan naik.. itu menjadi masalah besar untuk aku setelah kali yang kelima. Huhu.. Pastu masa dah habis kelas, dia ajuk aku masa buat that pose. Hampeehhhhhh!! Apapun, i enjoyed myself thoroughly in that class. InsyaAllah, soon i'll join his pilates class pulak. Sekarang ni belum ada masa lagi, walaupun the major motivation masa aku nak join gym dulu memang pilates.

Akibat dari sesi gym semalam, otot aku sudah sakiett... Huhu.. Bahu sakit, lengan sakit, belakang peha sakit sampai ke pungkok. Takpe.. puas hati sebab muscle yang ditarget kena. Perut je tak berapa nak rasa. Takpe.. esok siap.. ;)

Hubby kena extend dua hari pulak kat Beijing. :( Sedey taw. Tahun 2011 ni baru berapa hari je jumpa dia in real live. Yang lain tu, jumpa kat alam maya je. the way, tadi sebeluj balik, kena kejar SecGen on his kelulusan on this thingy la. Aku ketuk pintu, masuk dan bagitau dia la minta kelulusan dia for the thingy. The first thing yang dia tanya aku, "Can you join DMO?"

DMO ni Delivery Management Office, handle projects bawah NKEA Retail. Apparently, members of DMO ni is made up by SecGen's trusted officers. I have to say i'm flattered to have been asked by the man himself to join the team. Tapi i turned him down without a thought. Aku cakap aku tak boleh commit, with my husband's career and what not. Berat kerja DMO ni. The family cannot afford having both parents working like donkeys. Kesian anak. Bukan aku tak suka be part of the team. I know it's gonna be full of challenges, it will give me a good experience, tapi i just can't give my undivided attention. Buat masa ni, aku ni sebagai support member to DMO, so beban tugas dia tak berat sangat. But, as projects get implemented, that will change. Aku lebih selesa status quo macam sekarang. Bila aku boleh, aku join, apa pun, my core job is my priority.

Tapi aku macam feel bad sebab how it happened. It was quick, i didn't elaborate my reasons. Aku cakap sikit, he kept quiet, signed the papers and i zoomed out of his room, tryng my very best to avoid the subject again. :) I feel terrible. I feel like maybe i owe him an apology or something. Tapi, kenapa pulak. It's not like i was rude ke apa kan? I told my boss. Boss kata tak apa, as long as you explain why you can't. So i guess that's kinda settled la. Tak tau la if SecGen will disown me after that incident. :| Hmmm..only time will tell.

Entahlah... aku ni kalut sikit kadang-kadang. Bila kalut, i forget to be as nice as possible... aku akan terus direct to the point.. Dulu masa aku mintak tukar camtu gak.


Takpelah.. tido la. Bagi muscle rehat sikit. Masuk 3rd week Atkins. Tapi macam berat stalled je. Ke it's just me? Maybe i cheated on carbs kot. Huh. Time to re-evaluate la nih.

Ok peeps. Thanks for reading my daily dose. Made my day. :)


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls' Day Out

Today was such an enjoyable day. Tambah pulak, si kecik tu awal awal lagi sudah lena. Jadi saya ada masa nak lepak2, update blog, lihat2 facebook, dan.... berehat!

Early morning went to have bfast with in laws. Lepas tu, piano lesson.. lepas tu, off to go out with the girls. Hmm.. should do that more often. Takde la terperap je kat rumah..We headed to a good singing session kat redbox ioi. Huh. Berbaloi baloi! :) Had a great time. Release tensi2 yang dirasai. Lepas sesi melalak, jumpa baju baru yang cantik untuk berry, biru dan kiut!

After that, berkesempatan pulak to do some shopping FOR ME (like, finally!!) Beli a couple of shirts, casual and office wear. Beli hoodie for trips to the gym, some little accessories. Huh.. weight loss, walaupun sedikit can increase your moods for shopping i guess. Haha.. Apa pun, i needed today. It made me feel awesome.

Balik from outing, had some time to practice piano, had tea with in laws. Ate some carb laden food (darn it!), and made it home before dark. Was doing a couple of things, going up and down, tengok2 budak kecik tu dah terlena atas sofa. Tok Mak dia tegur dia mengantuk petang tadi tak mengaku konon..... So, aku try gerak dia for dinner, obviously tak berjaya, So i just made her milk and bagi dia, alas perut sikit. Myself, no actual dinner either. Just had a snack, quarter can of mild chilli tuna, and two home-made low carb cookies.

Kena buat lagi those cookies, macam sedap pulak. Hahah.. Own recipe. Main letak je ikut suka. Base guna ground almonds, campur peanut butter, butter, stevia, baking powder. Itu je tak silap. Pastu bakar kejap. Hmm.. not as crispy as your usual choc chip cookie, kinda soft, macam scones sikit. Lain kali boleh buat lagi, for my cookie fix.

Selain dari cookie tu, i also made cheese dessert. Macam cheese cake ada, macam ice cream pun ada. Cream cheese + heavy cream + stevia + lemon juice. Pastu refrigerate. Yummmmm... Who said you can't enjoy your food on a diet?

Next, i'm gonna try to make crackers, with psyllium husk. Psyllium husks ni, selain dari low carb, it's also very high in fibre. So, it can help with regularity, providing that you drink a looooottt of water ya. I'm gonna give some to sarah as well. Bagi dia pass motion senang sikit.

Ok... wanna wind down for the night. A full day ahead tomorrow. Pagi gym, petang sarah's piano lesson. Nak kemas rumah lagi. masak for next week. Well.. bukan la masak beriya, Just fry some things for my snacks bila the need arises. Next friday hubby's coming home! Yeay! :) All the more reason to berkemas2.. ;)

Okie dokie. Have a good night's rest everybody.

-XOXO- (Macam gossip girl la pulak, hikhik..)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

2.4kgs Down.... 11 more to go!!

Sigh!~... the road to hot-body is a long and winding journey... Hehehe.. hot body yee..

Dah habis 20 hari dah tahun 2011 ni. Sekejap je rasanya. Apa yang aku dah achieve untuk 20 hari ni? Kerja? Entah... aku rasa bosan.. sangat bosan. Aku rasa portfolio baru aku sangat boring. Sigh!~ Dasar manusia... tak pernah puas. :p Dulu, busy macam nak gila, komplen. Ni, mundane boleh goyang2 kaki dan relax sikit (tapi masih selalu juga balik lewat.. ) masih juga komplen. Entahla ye. Aku rasa macam nak sesuatu yang mencabar minda sikit. Bukan mencabar masa aku... but then again, you can't always get what you want, can you? Haritu nak keluar dari division lama, Dia dah makbul.. ni nak macam2 pulak. Kang dia bagi plak ex-boss jadi boss aku balik.. pengsan. Huuhuu..mintakla dijauhkan...

Ok..other achievement. Untuk 20 hari pertama tahun ini, aku baru sekali je jejak kaki ke gym. Macam hampeh. Last year paling kurang pun 2 hari seminggu. 4 sessions. 2 sesi dalam sehari. Untuk tahun ni, baru sehari, 2 sesi (dan aku macam terlelap masa relaxation yoga haritu.. hampeh..) Harap2 esok aku buleh pergi.. Tapi, Alhamdulillah, berat ada penurunan. Walaupun tak banyak. Minggu ni masuk minggu ketiga atkins induction. Kena berinduksi sampai tinggal 4 kg ke target weight. Sasaran nak cecah target weight, bulan 3. Huh.. sompek ko nih? Coba saja laa.. Tak rugi pun...

Hmmm... DD baru nak kebah demam. Last week demam satu malam. Esoknya pergi sekolah dan terus ok..sampai la Isnin malam lepas.. dah mula balik demam. Aku suspect throat infection. And, melihat keadaan dia yang aktif walaupun demam, aku akan tunggu 3 hari demam tak kebah baru bawak jumpa paed dia, sebab, aku tau pead akan cakap tak boleh nak detect kalau baru demam sehari. Demam ni kan is body's reaction towards infection.Biasa la. Lain la kalau dia tunjuk simptom yang lain macam, temperature tinggi sangat, more than 39 degrees ke, monyok and lemah je ke.. Then takleh tunggu la. Kalau ikut pengalaman anak aku sorang ni, demam dia memang biasa tinggi.. dalam lingkungan 38 degree dan dia akan tetap aktif macam biasa. So, self medicate la kat rumah. Alhamdulillah, lepas bagi dia peluh malam tadi, pagi ni dah ok nampaknya. The whole day tak ada temperature. Cuma aku rimas bila orang dok pressure aku suruh pergi dr, jangan simpan2.. Like.. i know la, ok? I don't know everything, but please la, insyaAllah, i know what i'm doing. Tu yang aku malas nak cakap kalau aku or anak demam ke apa.. Nak mengelak hati menggeram dengar the same old thing every time. Sigh!~

Hmm.. rasanya macam takde benda dah nak update ni. Anak pun dah lelap. Aku pun akan menyusul sebentar lagi. Boring.. hasben takde. Tv bosan. Nasib baik ada internet.. :)

Wokkey.. gudnite peeps.