Friday, June 24, 2011


I read somewhere that second time pregnancy makes you experience worse morning sicknesses, and worse lethargy. Ye ke? God knows... But i sure am really, really tired every day! Especially lepas balik kerja. Rasa tak larat sangat. Of course, the very hot weather ain't helping either la kan? Adehhh... campur dengan vomiting series yang jugak jauh lebih teruk dari dulu, I'm just sooo tired.

My tummy's beginning to show too. I also read somewhere that second time pregnancy bellies show sooner. Ye ke? I don't know. I know that my tummy's bigger now. What i'm not so sure is, whether it's because of the foetus or it's because of my layers of fat? Most probably, a little bit of both, with the latter being the major contributor. Heh.

My dotter's really excited about the pregnancy. Dia dok suppose that the baby's gonna be a girl. Me? Entah.. before i got pregnant, i really wanted a girl. Sekarangm tak berapa kisah sangat. It's good to have a boy, since belah Dan tak ada lagi cucu lelaki, and i don't think i'm gonna get pregnant again after this one... kinda getting too old for another one. On the other hand, kalau girl ni, syok la shopping baju! Hehe...

Divert sikit. Haritu.. Dan nak pergi kerja. So my daughter was complaining about his job and why he always had to work and such. So Dan had to explain la kan. Last-last dia fed up, dia cakap.. "Why don't you just be absent Dad?" hehe.. Ceh.. kecik2 dah pandai suruh orang ponteng ye...

Pagi tadi bawak dia jumpa paed dia. She had some sort of eye infection, tak berani bawak gi sekolah, takut jangkit pulak kan? So she told her paed what was wrong with her. Dia kata, "Yesterday, i used a shampoo and it got into my eye".. Haih. Konfius jap Dr. Hehe... Dah lepas cerita segala macam, Daddy dia saja nak usik.. Dia tanya, "Do you want to eat medicine or durian?" Terus dia jawab tanpa berfikir panjang - Medicine. Heh... Lagi sanggup dia makan ubat? Iskk... DIa tak tau lagi penangan durian... Takpelah.. taknak sudah...

Oklah.. sebenarnya nak pi solat.. tapi rasa penat sangat. Sekarang kena gi jugak2.. sebab mata dah makin berat. Ok.. take care dearies.

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Nights are sooo miserable nowadays. Period.

Regardless of anything, nights are plain miserable for me. My morning sickness attacks at night. It starts mid day, and all the way to the night.

Last pregnancy, i had night sickness as well, but not as bad. This time around, I'm like really, really sick.

Malam ni especially. Dari siang tadi. Maybe ada yang tak kena dengan what i had for lunch. Breakfast was fine, lunch i had egg.. i think that kinda triggered my nausea. Dan seterusnya lah sampai ke malam. Siang tadi konon2 pesan kat MIL minta tolong carikan mee bandung for dinner. Makan memang best. Elok habis je, stoned kejap, pastu had to excuse myself to the toilet and regurgitated what i had eaten. Sigh!. Letih!

Harini pulak, maid tak datang. Huhu. Galak basuh baju, gosok baju, lipat baju. Penatnya! Huhu...

Pulak tu, lampu bilik air tak hidup pulak! Apasal tak tau. Dah lah encik handyman takde kat rumah. BErtemankan cahaya lilin je la ke toilet malam n nak mandi gi keje pagi esok. Huhu... Tak sukaaaa.... Cepatlah en. hasben balik.. Huhuhu....

Tengok emel, teringat keje plak. Haiyoooo... banyaknya tak setel dan nak kena setel!! Serabut!!!!!

Oh..keserabutan ini membuatkan tekak makin loya. Urghh...

Okla.. nak pasang lilin utk ke toilet dan menghadap toilet bowl... Good night.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Two Lines, and it's Official!!

Alhamdulillah, i did the home pregnancy test, and it returned two lines! :)

Mula-mula, one very faint line je. A few days after that, re-checked, dan dua line merah menyerlah dan sangat ketara.. which means, i'm finally pregnant! Yeay! I tested almost 2 weeks ago kalau tak silap.

Last week, went to see the gynae to confirm the pregnancy. He did a scan, and we could see the sac, about 1.2 cm kalau tak silap, about 5 weeks into pregnancy.

Menyifatkan pregnancy kali ni macam pregnancy lepas, i went around doing things the way i did before i got pregnant, tak ada la makan benda2 tajam ke apa, in terms of movement, takde la berhati-hati. Jalan lajuuu je macam lipas kudung. Pulak tu, asyik berjalan je (which can't really be helped sebab the new office in satellite block, kalau kena pergi meeting, jumpa top mgt kat main block, haruslah jalan jauh..)..

So wrong!! Pregnancy kali ni menyebabkan aku experience a far worse morning (evening, in my case) sickness than before. Pantang masuk food, mesti rasa nak keluar balik. Tengok daging ke ayam ke, kembang2 tekak... huh... So agak letih this time around.

Last Friday (my birthday) i had to do an emceeing job at PWTC, after that hubby took me out the whole day to celebrate my birthday. Sabtu rest tak keluar rumah, since hubby kena gi keje. Sunday, out and about again, fetching the maid, sent my daughter for piano lesson, jalan2 after piano lesson.... Akibatnya, on Monday, i noticed some spotting. Gila gelabah! I've never had any spotting whatsoever during my first pregnancy!

So, after work, i went to see a GP (since my gynae clinic's already closed). GP did a scan but he couldn't say much and advised me to go see the gynae. I did yesterday, and Alhamdulillah, the sac is still in tact and we could see the heart beat! :) Apapun, the Doc asked me to rest, and limit my walking, so he gave me a three day medical leave. He also prescribed me with a medication to help sustain the pregnancy.

However, since i was supposed to attend this discussion on a new law starting yesterday til tmrw kat Seremban, i went anyway coz i thot it was away from the office, we'll just be discussing and insyaAllah, not much walking and things will be fine. Unfortunately, discussion room and restrooms were so far apart, i had to walk a lot as well... and more unfortunate, i started bleeding again in the afternoon.

So, freaked out as i was, malam after the last session i excused myself and explained to everyone my condition and made my move back to my mom's. Nasib baik balik rumah mama je, tak jauh sangat. I will be spending my mc days here la nampaknya. Senang sikit, tak ada la turun naik tangga sangat macam kalau kat rumah. Ada orang tolong jaga anak aku and allow me to get well rested. So hoping that i won't bleed anymore dan this pregnancy will survive.

Friends, if you have had any experience with bleeding during pregnancy, share la ye. I need inputs on this.