Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Weight Gain

For the first time ever, i'm soo excited with weight gain. Well.. not mine, of course; of my darling son. Alhamdulillah, at his 2 mths + checkup, he gained about 900g and the paed was quite happy, and in turn made me happy. :D And that's an understatement.

Alhamdulillah, looks like i do have enough milk for him to grow. :D I may not have enough milk pumped into a bottle (which i can only get around 0.5 - 1.5 oz per pumping session), but that's not what counts, right? Considering that i'm not going to work and i can bf him directly full time. It's the milk that gets into his tummy that counts.

Speaking of which, just to share the news, my application for 2 years unpaid leave had been approved! :) Next week i'm going to the office to clear my stuffs. I'm ecstatic about the leave, but i can't say that i'm not worried at all about my financials. I still have bills to pay on a monthly basis you know. Yes, i do get allowance from my husband, but its not the same as getting paid and having your hands on your own hard earned money, is it?

Now i can't just spend in a whim. Don't get me wrong, i'm not (really) a spendthrift. It's just that aku takde la berkira sangat kalau nak beli toys / baju for my kids or books / treats for me. Now that i won't get paid for the next 2 years, kena jimat cermat la sikit. Takleh la selalu nak charge to credit card. Huhu..

Takpelah, for the sake of the kids. :)

Friday, April 06, 2012

Full TIme Housewife

Alhamdulillah, my unpaid leave of two years had been approved by my superiors. So, lepas ni, jadi la full time housewife, jaga anak2, masak, etc, ala-ala domestic goddess gitu.. ;)

Monetarily, banyak jugak loss yang aku kena suffer for the next 710 days.. tapi takpelah, family punya pasal. Duit boleh cari kan? Lagipun, dengan pelbagai kes baby tercekik susu yang makin berleluasa lately ni, risau nak hantar baby to any nurseries/babysitters, unless of course it's my own mother. Tapi susahla pulakkan, 60km nak hantar kalau mama jaga. Huhu. Therefore, bersyukur2 sangat2 sebab we can still afford for me not to work and take care of the kids. I hope i can make the best out of the two years. Kalau nasib baik, dapat pulak sambung belajar bergaji penuh.. Sambung lagi cuti, tapidengan gaji.. hehe.. kalau nasib baik la..

The baby is doing well. Berat dia, tak tau for sure since we don't have a proper weighing scale for babies. Tapi kalau ikut digital scale yang sedia ada ni, dalam 4.5kg berat dia. Masa 7 weeks haritu berat dia 3.9kg. So it's going up, although it's definitely not in the 50th percentile. He's fully breastfeeding, with the occasional supplements of soy based formula. Kadang2 je, when we're out and about and we're pressed for time.

Apparently, he can be calm in his car seat while being driven around, provided that he's not sleepy and hungry. Otherwise, i'd have to feed him and ensure that he sleeps before buckling him up and drive around. Alhamdulillah, so far he's been quietly sleeping while i'm driving (baru dua kali je punnn... huhu..) Mak dia dah jarang drive because she's so paranoid that her son's going to wail all the way while she's driving. I've forgotten about how I handled that situation during Sarah's time.

He is also falling into a routine. Malam he sleeps around 9, all the way to about 4 am. He feeds, wakes up at around 6 (because he will be interrupted coz mommy have to wake his kakak up for school). He'll stay awake until around 7+, when kakak goes to school, and then he'll sleep, wake up again around 9. After his bath which he thoroughly enjoys, he'll sleep again til noon, giving me enough time to cook lunch. He'll be awake for a while before going back for nap at around 1+ (while still attached to the B, of course).. and will sleep until around 4 for a snack, and continue on til about 6. Then we'll get ready for the night... he'll stay awake for a while before nursing as long as possible before turning in for the night. Alhamdulillah, his nap patterns takdela erratic macam dulu. Huhu.. Cuma, his mommy is still nervous nak bawak dia keluar, risau dia nangis2 in public. I guess i still have some inhibitions about breastfeeding in public. Isk.. tah hape2 mummy dia kan?

Walaupun demikian, we still take him out on a weekly basis, at least for grocery shopping. Initially, dia tak tidur kalau keluar..but recently, dah boleh jugakla nak tidur, although tak la lena macam tidur kat rumah.. Although sometimes i wish that i can use my ring sling more effectively. Tak berani nak pakai lagi bila keluar rumah. Belum cukup confident. :p

*Yawn* Oklah.. dah lewat. Got an early day tmrw. Taking sarah for horse riding, and Seth will come along too, InsyaAllah. Lama dah tak bawak Sarah naik kuda. :)