Had a conversation with a fellow friend yesterday and somehow we both got silent after one of us said, "tak bangga ke jadi bangsa melayu?" Well... that question still roams in my mind til now actually.... i havent been reading so much about the Malay achievements but somehow, i tend to see more of the negative side of my own race. I feel like i'm draining out of reasons to be proud of being one. By that, i dont mean that i wish to be from a different race.... its just that.. malays are subjected to quite a number of negative elements; lazy, weak, jealousy.. the list seems endless...... should that make me proud?
Maybe the fact that malays are the major population in this country, provided with 'bumis-only' advantages, wealth and wellness of the country makes us malays forget that we still have to struggle to be better than the others. No doubt, i sometimes forget that responsibility myself... malays are so forgetful. We usually choose to see only the nicer side of things like us being the major population; us being registered at universities, us being datuks and datins... bla. bla... what we fail to see.. or choose not see.. is that... quite a number of our population is within the walls of prisons and rehabs.... most of our students in the local unis fail to excell and the list goes on and on.... what we see is usually only the tip of the iceberg... the underlying truth might scare us even more.
Like what our leaders said, we need to change the mind set of the malays... to be more realistic, more competitive. And that change.. it doesnt start anywhere else but from me myself..... And what better way to start changing other than to actually start than just say, right???
Ok... here i come to make changes... ;)
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