Went for a haircut yesterday..... Results?? I ended up with a semi bob-pixie cut... Huh??? Well.. it didnt turn up as nicely as i'd imagined.. (i wanted the charlize theron look and turned up getting the hillary swank in boys dont cry look! Uwaaa!!!!) but its allright... looks cute.. kinda like nasha aziz in laila isabella.. (hehehe..i'm trying to soothe myself here). One big lesson i learned... Volumising shampoos works extremely well on short hair. Darn.. the goddamn shampoo made my hair look.. big? kembang semacam.. eeeyuckkkk!!! And pixie cut styles are not suitable for my hair coz my hair doesnt grow in just one direction.. The sylist said that i have quite a few of this "pusar" on my head.. (orang tua kata bijak.. ye ke??) so my hair became clueless on where it should go... the stylist pun pening as to which direction she should comb my hair to... hehehe... at the end of the day, i pushed my hair back... and wore my tudung...heheh... end of problem. Not gonna use volumising shampoo ever again... well.. at least until my hair have grown longer.
Last night when i was ablutioning (does that word exist?), i had a phone call.. and when i checked... i didnt recognize the number... and it's a kl number. So i sat there thinking whom it could be.. suddenly a voice msg came in and it goes like.."Hi Noreen.. ni aunty ni.. Aunty nak tanya khabar Noreen je.." And i was like.... Whoaaa..... Dan's mom called!!!! So i quickly called her back la.... Hmm... talked to her for like 4 mins... and then excused myself.... Lack of idea on whatta say.. heheh... I thought she told Dan abt it...turned out that she didnt!! hehhe..and Dan got the shock of his life when i told him what happened.... Padan muka!hehheheheheh..... :p Hehehehheh...still cant stop laughing....
Okla... gotta continue with work... darn work... anybody knows how to develop an sms based application from scratch?? Sigh!~
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