There you go.. At last... a successful attempt to change my template.. Phew!~ Hmm.. this is taken from i love it coz it's really colourful and bright... and it would really help to rejuvenate myself... heh..
Last night... had a half an our lecture on the importance of being well-nourished by non other than Dan... Hmm... ok..ok... i might got carried away with dieting that i dont actually eat well. I mean, for me.. i should think that i ate enough but not so for my body... My body began to react to my under-nourish state lately.. no.. not in the sense that i've lost weight (how i wish i did!) but in not such a good way... Lately i experience some kind of a "blackout" phase whenever i tried to stand up after sitting or squatting for a while. That is usually the symptom of low blood pressure or anaemia... but my blood pressure is normal.. and i dont think that i'm anaemic... My aunt who's a nurse said that it could be my diet.... and hell... i think i've to admit to that... :(
Since when did i come so obsessed with losing weight? I dunno... Hey... gimme some credits here... at least i'm not sooo obsessed that i've turned aneroxic or bullimic. Its just that.. i become very guilty everytime i feel full. And lately, i've started counting calories in my food... so that i consume like an average of 1000 cals per day. Thats not so bad is that? At least i dont cut it down to like 100 cals a day or something...
Ok..fine..fine... maybe its not a good way to diet after all. My body has proven that for me.. and now.. again.. time to change my plan. I have to lose weight no matter what. Why? Because i want to... Its weird you know.. its like usually ppl wanna lose weight because they're pressured to do so.. Me? I'm not pressured by anyone. My mom loves me the way i am.. so does Dan.. and he'd told me that time and again... hmm.. perhaps i'm a bit too selfish huh? I dunno.. perhaps i'm a bit envious of my cousin who dropped lile 10kgs in 1 month... I know she doesnt live a healthy lifestyle.. she desnt eat, she smokes.. and she's a bullimic... but still.. she lost weight! fast! thats the main idea... and that's what i intend to do too... minus all the unhealthy stuffs that she's doing la of course. Hmmm.... but then again.. why would i wanna be like her?? She doesnt even have a steady relationship for god's sakes! She is not happy.. she has gastric... and she also has high blood pressure.....Hmmm...
Okla..oklaa... i'm gonna switch back to a healthier-rice-eating lifestyle..... because if i dont.. Dan will tell his mom.. and i'm gonna get another round of lecture.... :(
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