Smalam ponteng... i dunno... kinda stressed out a bit. Still no news frm Perhaps i'd posted my query to the wrong forum kot.. isk... satuhal nak kena re post. Currenly using azeno's pc... hehe.. jgn marah ek jeno... tumpang jap jek... I'm going to penang in a bit... Dan's gonna be there for 6 hrs... jadiklaaa.. :( Isk.. homesick la.... need to go home.. meet my mom... (plus shopping wit her.. nak mintak tudung+kasut for konvo...hehehehe) my bro (hmm... pizza or cozy corner?) and also, cute, sweet thing athirah. Hmmm.. baru 1 mth tak balik.. i get all so cranky... what if i study abroad.... tak balik setahun? Dunno la what'll happen kan?
Watched 7 Di Pihak Anda yesterday and i thot i saw someone i know featured in the programme... hmm.. atok kelang. Its regarding ajaran sesat whatsoever. They claimed that the ajaran yg atok bawa sesat or sth like that la... hmm.. sounds so damn familiar huh? Entahla... i didnt even know that atok brought any kind of ajaran.. nope.. not that i know of. But he helps people.. and the remedies he usually provide are to read verses from the qur'an... sesat ke camtu?? And.. who's to say who's sesat and who's not. As long as we dont know where we'll end up.. we are all sesat... dont you think? Its very subjective. I mean.. there was the story of abid.. who spent yrs praying to God and stuffs.. but ended up syirik in the end... so.. we just dont know where we'd end... y'know. Entahla.... "73 pintu..73 jalan.. yg sampai hanya satu jalan" said M. Nasir in one of his songs. Will we be using that one particular route that will get there?? Hehhe.. merapik pepagi..kang kena ISA lak.
Ok..gtg now. Chiao.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
Monday, July 28, 2003
Aima dah give birth!!! :D I received an sms frm aima last nite after my isya' prayers... At that time, i was like tired and all i could think of was to hit the sack.. sekali... aima said that she'd delivered a baby girl at 1615 that day kat Hosp Selayang. I was so shocked and happy that i could feel my eyes getting teary. Hehhee.. emo betul! Terus nak call.. but she didnt answer... so i called her hubby instead... and then tried to call her back and she answered. Dengar jek suara Aima.. i cant contain my tears anymore.. cried like nobody's business... teruk betul. Why? Ntahla... overwhelmed... by the happiness, thankfulness... everything... and kesian kat dia coz she's in the hospital alone (hubbies arent allowed to stay for the nite at govn hosp), and her voice know... macam she's still in pain even then, 7 hrs frm the delivery. She told me that it was terribly painful.. tak terkata sakit macam mana... Oh boy... at that time.. lagi la air mata mengalir macam sungai. Her baby is really tiny... only 1.5kg.. so the baby had to be put in the incubator for a month to monitor her growth and development. The other baby.. memang dah shrunk la. Hmm... hopefully the tiny baby and Aima will get stronger in due time. InsyaAllah... :) Alhamdulillah.. selamat dah Aima jadik Mommy... :) I'm so happy for her.. so, very happy!So.. after konvo ni mmg balik lama sket la.. nak gi tgk aima. :)
Interaksi in Sik was fun-loaded, exciting and well... of course la... tiring. We arrived at the camp site in Rimba Taqwa, Sik, Kedah at around 1400 that Saturday; after shooting off from the pledge signing ceremony at the main campus. Everyone was taking their afternoon break at that time so we took a stroll around the area... heheh.. and jumpa jeram Perangin... so we decided to take a dip... Balik to camp site.. amek bende2 perlu... then took a dip in the jeram.... heheh.. in baju kurung. :D Gilo... 1st time mandi jeram pakai baju kurung. Hehehhe... why the baju kurung? Coz we wore baju kurung for the pledge signing... so malas la nak tukar baju... kalau kat rumah boleh la.
After that, went back to the camp site when they were introducing themselves.. joined in la.. menyakat junior... heheh.. when it was my turn to introduce myself... terpaksala kena redha kena sakat balik kan... heheh... Hmm.. barula kenal.. adik2 nih camne...Mat Gan tuh.. yg before ni jaki semacam.. rupanya.. .gile gak pale dia... bleh aa nak join gile2... :)
That nite the juniors had owling. We seniors stayed behind... sbb malas nak join and kinda penat la sikit from the journey. Before the owling session, they had this group presentation. Hmmm... very creative la the juniors.. they could come up with very interesting and drop-dead funny stuffs for their presentation y'know... Memang best la adik2 sume... sporting abes. At the end of the presentation thingy... committees mintak us seniors to do sth la... Hmm.. coz Kalam ( head activity comm) saw us lepaking under the tree singing that evening kan.. so dia suruh aa kitorg nyanyi.. belasah je la labu.. terpaksala meNYUMBANGkan suara kan.. heheh... lucky it didnt rain. :) At midnite when its' time for owling, us seniors hung out at the kitchen area (senang carik supply drinks and biskut). Pastu, one by one went to sleep...Only K.Gazi, Che Where and myself stayed there and borak til morning. Nura joined after taking a nap. I slept for an hour je kot...tido kat kitchen... berbantalkan sleeping bag Che Where...pastu sambung borak balik... heheh.. what a nite... :)
The next day... Best gile... Flying Fox. Had to wait a while before getting the turn to try... but it was worth it la.. At the beginning.. gayat gak sikit coz the platform was on a high place kan... crossing a shallow pond... But when i was hanging tu kan.. memang best la... Jerit tak ingat dunia know... like i always do when i go for theme park rides... Tak jerit tak syiok la...
At around 1400... after lunch and kemas2, we went to Lata Mengkuang... i didnt joing K. Gazi, Zainur, Shahibul and Pyan for a dip in the jeram.. instead i went along with Nura and Azeno to Aznor's parents punya orchard in Baling... wahhh... penuh rambutan.. !! Durians pun ada.... Dahla tu.. the dining table pun we helped ourselves lah... Hehhe... tak kira la abg Long azeno ade kat situ ke tak... makan mesti makan... Hehhe.. tapi sempat la gurau2 sikit ngan Abg Long... ;) Abg Long and his JIM frenz.... hehaheheh....
Pas makan, amek the other group frm Lata Mengkuang to join us at the orchard... makan2, solat lepak jap... then we left azeno's parents' orchard at around 1815..heheh.. siap amek gamba lagi kat orchard tu..tapape tah... macam la melawat apple orchard kat overseas kan.. heheh.. tak kire la macam mana pun... Emmm.... many thanks to Azno, pakcik, makcik.. and Abg Long... for inviting us to the orchard... and kait buah rambutan bagik kitorg makan... :) Nyam nyam!!! Sedap betul.... hmmm... nanti nak mintak marble cake lagi la kat azeno.... hehehe....
So.. sampaila umah at abt 2100... mandi2, basuh kain, smayang... aima msgd.... and seperti yg telah diceritakan at the 1st paragraph tu... pastu i went to bed... and now i'm at my desk typing my blog.... satgi nak sambung keje... Hmm.. how come the fellas kat havent replied my post..jahat la.... :p Hmm ok la... cukup la blogging banyak ni... Thinking of taking a half day break la hari ni.. still need to sleep.. ok.. adios!
Interaksi in Sik was fun-loaded, exciting and well... of course la... tiring. We arrived at the camp site in Rimba Taqwa, Sik, Kedah at around 1400 that Saturday; after shooting off from the pledge signing ceremony at the main campus. Everyone was taking their afternoon break at that time so we took a stroll around the area... heheh.. and jumpa jeram Perangin... so we decided to take a dip... Balik to camp site.. amek bende2 perlu... then took a dip in the jeram.... heheh.. in baju kurung. :D Gilo... 1st time mandi jeram pakai baju kurung. Hehehhe... why the baju kurung? Coz we wore baju kurung for the pledge signing... so malas la nak tukar baju... kalau kat rumah boleh la.
After that, went back to the camp site when they were introducing themselves.. joined in la.. menyakat junior... heheh.. when it was my turn to introduce myself... terpaksala kena redha kena sakat balik kan... heheh... Hmm.. barula kenal.. adik2 nih camne...Mat Gan tuh.. yg before ni jaki semacam.. rupanya.. .gile gak pale dia... bleh aa nak join gile2... :)
That nite the juniors had owling. We seniors stayed behind... sbb malas nak join and kinda penat la sikit from the journey. Before the owling session, they had this group presentation. Hmmm... very creative la the juniors.. they could come up with very interesting and drop-dead funny stuffs for their presentation y'know... Memang best la adik2 sume... sporting abes. At the end of the presentation thingy... committees mintak us seniors to do sth la... Hmm.. coz Kalam ( head activity comm) saw us lepaking under the tree singing that evening kan.. so dia suruh aa kitorg nyanyi.. belasah je la labu.. terpaksala meNYUMBANGkan suara kan.. heheh... lucky it didnt rain. :) At midnite when its' time for owling, us seniors hung out at the kitchen area (senang carik supply drinks and biskut). Pastu, one by one went to sleep...Only K.Gazi, Che Where and myself stayed there and borak til morning. Nura joined after taking a nap. I slept for an hour je kot...tido kat kitchen... berbantalkan sleeping bag Che Where...pastu sambung borak balik... heheh.. what a nite... :)
The next day... Best gile... Flying Fox. Had to wait a while before getting the turn to try... but it was worth it la.. At the beginning.. gayat gak sikit coz the platform was on a high place kan... crossing a shallow pond... But when i was hanging tu kan.. memang best la... Jerit tak ingat dunia know... like i always do when i go for theme park rides... Tak jerit tak syiok la...
At around 1400... after lunch and kemas2, we went to Lata Mengkuang... i didnt joing K. Gazi, Zainur, Shahibul and Pyan for a dip in the jeram.. instead i went along with Nura and Azeno to Aznor's parents punya orchard in Baling... wahhh... penuh rambutan.. !! Durians pun ada.... Dahla tu.. the dining table pun we helped ourselves lah... Hehhe... tak kira la abg Long azeno ade kat situ ke tak... makan mesti makan... Hehhe.. tapi sempat la gurau2 sikit ngan Abg Long... ;) Abg Long and his JIM frenz.... hehaheheh....
Pas makan, amek the other group frm Lata Mengkuang to join us at the orchard... makan2, solat lepak jap... then we left azeno's parents' orchard at around 1815..heheh.. siap amek gamba lagi kat orchard tu..tapape tah... macam la melawat apple orchard kat overseas kan.. heheh.. tak kire la macam mana pun... Emmm.... many thanks to Azno, pakcik, makcik.. and Abg Long... for inviting us to the orchard... and kait buah rambutan bagik kitorg makan... :) Nyam nyam!!! Sedap betul.... hmmm... nanti nak mintak marble cake lagi la kat azeno.... hehehe....
So.. sampaila umah at abt 2100... mandi2, basuh kain, smayang... aima msgd.... and seperti yg telah diceritakan at the 1st paragraph tu... pastu i went to bed... and now i'm at my desk typing my blog.... satgi nak sambung keje... Hmm.. how come the fellas kat havent replied my post..jahat la.... :p Hmm ok la... cukup la blogging banyak ni... Thinking of taking a half day break la hari ni.. still need to sleep.. ok.. adios!
Friday, July 25, 2003
Isk.. didnt blog yesterday.. Came to school late yesterday... sbb the previous nite slept at around 0300.. so woke up kinda late. Went to campus around 1030, got my smartcard ID done... checked with the bendahari ppl abt claiming my fees.. My ID wont be ready until.... i dunno.. they said it'll take some time, so now i'm currently using my undergrad's ID, but the data in the card had been updated. Yg Jab bendahari pulak... oh my God!! What can i say... just a whole lot of lazy bums! especially the women who served us. Ada ke patut.. tanye frm her seat.. and thats like two tables away from the counter.. Dahla tanye macam nak makan org... hello!! If we dont have any thing to do there.. we wont even think of being there in the 1st place for God's sakes. Lemak aa pompuan tuh.. :p ....Yeah.. t u dia.. buat dosa kering di pagi jumaat. :)
Hmm... Dan is in Penang again today. He had to fly at 0300 this morning on short notice. I dont think i can go there and meet him up today coz i need to get some work done. Hmm... acting on impulse tak boleh la buat selalu sangat kan... It'll lose it's spontaneity. .. God.. still cant belive that nura and i actually acted on our impulses last tuesday. Me to png... and she to ipoh.... hehe.. the great lengths ppl go thru for love. Cheh...konon.. hahahah...
Hmm... read aima's blog... and she'd said sth abt me might being rather terkilan abt the whole abg alip thing. Terkilan ke...? No.. i dont think so...not quite. Well... maybe i used to have a teeny weeny minor crush on him.. but that was years ago.. and the crush was so minor.. that i cant even remember having one!! But the thing is.. he's a great person, a nice guy... in a brotherly way. I cant imagine him being anything else but that! Tp cam segan... maluk... kesian pun ade gak.. though i know that he wouldnt appreciate the sympathy... Its like.. isy.. entahla... after this i just hope that things will be normal between us both. So far... no msgs from him so i dunno how he took the rejection. Whoaa.. thats a strong word. Its not a rejection rejection... its just.. ntah.. i cant.. Even if i'm not with Dan.. i dont think i can....
Hmm..okla... better get down to work. Still java-ing. I think i've set my classpath incorrectly... Pi perbetui sat. Hmm.. where the hell did all these balck ants come from??? Nak kata ada food stuffs at my place takde plak. I dont snack so much anymore.. Must be me... heheh.. sweet as honey! Wakakak.. perasan nak mampus! :p Kidding...
Okla... may everyone in this whole wide world have a good day ahead. :) Chiao!
Hmm... Dan is in Penang again today. He had to fly at 0300 this morning on short notice. I dont think i can go there and meet him up today coz i need to get some work done. Hmm... acting on impulse tak boleh la buat selalu sangat kan... It'll lose it's spontaneity. .. God.. still cant belive that nura and i actually acted on our impulses last tuesday. Me to png... and she to ipoh.... hehe.. the great lengths ppl go thru for love. Cheh...konon.. hahahah...
Hmm... read aima's blog... and she'd said sth abt me might being rather terkilan abt the whole abg alip thing. Terkilan ke...? No.. i dont think so...not quite. Well... maybe i used to have a teeny weeny minor crush on him.. but that was years ago.. and the crush was so minor.. that i cant even remember having one!! But the thing is.. he's a great person, a nice guy... in a brotherly way. I cant imagine him being anything else but that! Tp cam segan... maluk... kesian pun ade gak.. though i know that he wouldnt appreciate the sympathy... Its like.. isy.. entahla... after this i just hope that things will be normal between us both. So far... no msgs from him so i dunno how he took the rejection. Whoaa.. thats a strong word. Its not a rejection rejection... its just.. ntah.. i cant.. Even if i'm not with Dan.. i dont think i can....
Hmm..okla... better get down to work. Still java-ing. I think i've set my classpath incorrectly... Pi perbetui sat. Hmm.. where the hell did all these balck ants come from??? Nak kata ada food stuffs at my place takde plak. I dont snack so much anymore.. Must be me... heheh.. sweet as honey! Wakakak.. perasan nak mampus! :p Kidding...
Okla... may everyone in this whole wide world have a good day ahead. :) Chiao!
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Hmm.. blogging again at last, after 4 non-blogging days... The last 4 days had been quite restless. Weekends; went for the Kuantan trip. Spent like 25 hours in the bus, 12 hours frm campus to Kuantan and another 13 hours from Kuantan back. Tiring..?? yep... tiring as hell! My butt still aches from sitting too much. I even came back with both my feet swollen.. macam org ngandung laks!Ahak! Camne pun... the trip was well worth it. It didnt turn out to be on the first day, when i was actually there... but now, thinking back about it... yeah.. i can say that it was worth the effort.
Come Monday, i'd been told that Dan would have a Png nightstop on tuesday... so that kept me thinking of whether or not to go and meet him up in png the whole day. Later that day, i got a msg from someone i'd known from Tronoh... whom i'd met again recently in Kuantan after a year or so of not meeting him. Hmm.. the msg kinda caught me off guard... startled me a bit...Really... it was quite a shock! The msg got me lost some of my marbles that evening that i'd said "Sony Erection" instead of "Sony Ericsson" while talking abt handphones to Dan that nite... *Malu!!!* Must have the 'solemn' words of YB Lalat's short stories playing tricks in my head, in addition to my startled state upon receiving such msg from someone i'd never expected to send such msgs! The msgs?....
"Hai tembam!" (kurang ajo betui! :p)
"Hai.. nih ape kaco org nih? Rindu kat saya ke?"
"Ha.. tau pun! Tgh buat apa?"
"Tgh tkelip kelip tgk pc.Tak keje ke?"
"Kat pejabat la ni. Tunggu pukul 5."
"Ooo... aima tanye abg bile nak kawin?"
"Kawin? Tak jadi"
"Tak jadi????? Nape?" (uish...dah clash ke org tua nih?)
"Kenapa tu terlalu peribadi utk abg ceritakan. Nnt bile masanya sesuai abg cite."
"Ok... sori. tak maksud pun nak amek tau hal peribadi abg."
"Nak tanya. IN ni solo lagi ke.. ke dah ada bf?" (What the heck?? IN????)
"Hmm.. skang ni een ada bf.. tp org luar la..bukan cekak."
"Ooo.. ingatkan IN solo lagi. Boleh la kalau abg nak ngorat." (Huh?? Ngorat?? Pekehal org tua nih?)
"Hehe..abg lambat setaun la. Lgpun een anggap abg cam abg een snirik, walaupun een tadek abang. ;) "
Whooopppsss.. what was that about?? Hmm.. didnt think of it much.. but it sure had been a joke between nura, aznor and myself. They went like... "apehal le pakcik ni? mesti tergugat nengok ko makin cun" Wakakaka.. yeah rite. cun kebendanya. :p
But it was a total shock la.. and we treated it like it was a joke.. coz this person... we knew him as a joker, someone who loves to kid around.. we'd never seen the romatic side of him... not that we'd want to anyway. He's like a brother la.. tolongla!!
Anyway... after silat, i went to sleep with all the intention to go to png the next day to meet up with the love of my life. :)
So... yesterday, went up the filthy City-Liner bus all the way to Butterworth.. and took the ferry, and mini bus no. 29 frm the jetty to go to Vistana to meet up Dan. Dlm bas plak ade la mamat ni... He came up with this so last-year's pick up line; "Skang ni kol brape?" I didnt even looked at him.. i just gave him a glance from the corner of my eye and told him the time... Inside i went like "Oh c'mon.... you call that a pick up line??" I thot it would stop there... but this fella just wont shut up... no matter how i tried to ignore/dissuade his conversation!
"Nak pergi mana ni?"
"Bayan Baru"
"Dr mana?"
"Nak balik rumah ke?"
"Haa.. nak balik umah jumpa SUAMI"
"Haa??? Suami?? Dah kawin ke?"
"Nampak macam belum kawen!"
"Biasala" (Heh..of course la mangkuk! I'm not married yet!)
"Dah berapa lama kawen?" (alamak!)
"Hmmm... setaun kot?" (sucker! cepat sorok tangan!! cincin takde!)
"Setaun kot?"
"Nak dekat la"
"Ooo... dah ada anak?"
"Ooo.. merancang la ni. Ye la kalau belajar susah la nak ada anak. Bahaya tau merancang ni. Dulu isteri abg pun blaja gak. rancang gak kejap. pastu, bila tak rancang terus dpt kembar." (yeah sure.. whatever.)
"Elok la tu. Rezeki." (Bile laa nak sampai Vistana nih!!)
"Skang umo berapa? 24?"
"Nampak muda la." (Duh!)
And.. i saw vistana... and someone rang the bell.. Thank God! I'm already there. Got up to leave.
"nak turun dah ke?"
"Ha laa"
"Bye!" (Eeeuughhhh! Gimme a break will you?)
So there... hampeh nak mampus.. kot la hensem best gak nak flirt.. ni.. dah la guna lousy pick up line... :p Not worth the time...
Anyway.. spent the day with Dan... hmm... showing off and bragging abt his new color screen handphone. Elleh... :p Takpe.. i'll get one soon enough... after i get a digital camera. After a quick snack at 1800, i went home again, by the 29 bus, the ferry and the filthy City Liner. Hmm... what a great day it'd been. On the City Liner, a msg came:
"Hai chek"
"Betul ke een tak solo ni? Dah mmg tadek can ke abg nak ngorat een?"
"Abg ni series ke? ke memain?"
"Mmg abg gemar bergurau tapi nak berpasangan takkan lah nak bergurau, kenalah berterus terang, kena pulak ahli"
(What the...??? Skarang ni nak propose pun gune sms je ke???)
"Een mintak maaf. Skang ni een series ngan dia. Parents kitorg pun dah tau. Een mintak maaf"
After that... no reply... heheh... Thank God. Isk... kenapa la sampai jadi cam ni abg oiii???
Later that nite, aunty called.
"Hello Noreen."
"Hi aunty"
"Dan ada kat penang ni. Dia ada call Noreen?"
"Ya.. ada.. i went to meet him up for lunch just now."
"Oh.. dah lama tak jumpa rindu laaa???"
"Hehe.." *Malunye!!*
"Noreen... i dont think i can go for your convo la"
"Oh..its ok aunty" (Phew!~)
"Aunty harap Noreen tak kecik hati la ye. Aunty ada kerja la."
"No aunty..of course not."
"Nanti la.. konvo lagi skali aunty pergi."
"Ok. aunty. No problem."
Thank God. That really put off the load off my head. I'd just apologized to Dan regarding the matter during the day. Pastu, his mom called and told me that. Hmm... Selesai masalah... heheh.. i know. Dan yang dissuade his mom not to go for convo. Takpe.. its a good thing actually. I only have 2 passes for seating in the hall... One would surely be my mom... the other one tak tau la.. my granma might be there.. so kena la bg kat dia. Lucky aunty decided not to come. In a way, thanks to Dan to dissuade his mom on the whole going to my convo idea. ;) Saaaayaaannng honey!
Oklaa... its already 1139.. better do my project!!
Come Monday, i'd been told that Dan would have a Png nightstop on tuesday... so that kept me thinking of whether or not to go and meet him up in png the whole day. Later that day, i got a msg from someone i'd known from Tronoh... whom i'd met again recently in Kuantan after a year or so of not meeting him. Hmm.. the msg kinda caught me off guard... startled me a bit...Really... it was quite a shock! The msg got me lost some of my marbles that evening that i'd said "Sony Erection" instead of "Sony Ericsson" while talking abt handphones to Dan that nite... *Malu!!!* Must have the 'solemn' words of YB Lalat's short stories playing tricks in my head, in addition to my startled state upon receiving such msg from someone i'd never expected to send such msgs! The msgs?....
"Hai tembam!" (kurang ajo betui! :p)
"Hai.. nih ape kaco org nih? Rindu kat saya ke?"
"Ha.. tau pun! Tgh buat apa?"
"Tgh tkelip kelip tgk pc.Tak keje ke?"
"Kat pejabat la ni. Tunggu pukul 5."
"Ooo... aima tanye abg bile nak kawin?"
"Kawin? Tak jadi"
"Tak jadi????? Nape?" (uish...dah clash ke org tua nih?)
"Kenapa tu terlalu peribadi utk abg ceritakan. Nnt bile masanya sesuai abg cite."
"Ok... sori. tak maksud pun nak amek tau hal peribadi abg."
"Nak tanya. IN ni solo lagi ke.. ke dah ada bf?" (What the heck?? IN????)
"Hmm.. skang ni een ada bf.. tp org luar la..bukan cekak."
"Ooo.. ingatkan IN solo lagi. Boleh la kalau abg nak ngorat." (Huh?? Ngorat?? Pekehal org tua nih?)
"Hehe..abg lambat setaun la. Lgpun een anggap abg cam abg een snirik, walaupun een tadek abang. ;) "
Whooopppsss.. what was that about?? Hmm.. didnt think of it much.. but it sure had been a joke between nura, aznor and myself. They went like... "apehal le pakcik ni? mesti tergugat nengok ko makin cun" Wakakaka.. yeah rite. cun kebendanya. :p
But it was a total shock la.. and we treated it like it was a joke.. coz this person... we knew him as a joker, someone who loves to kid around.. we'd never seen the romatic side of him... not that we'd want to anyway. He's like a brother la.. tolongla!!
Anyway... after silat, i went to sleep with all the intention to go to png the next day to meet up with the love of my life. :)
So... yesterday, went up the filthy City-Liner bus all the way to Butterworth.. and took the ferry, and mini bus no. 29 frm the jetty to go to Vistana to meet up Dan. Dlm bas plak ade la mamat ni... He came up with this so last-year's pick up line; "Skang ni kol brape?" I didnt even looked at him.. i just gave him a glance from the corner of my eye and told him the time... Inside i went like "Oh c'mon.... you call that a pick up line??" I thot it would stop there... but this fella just wont shut up... no matter how i tried to ignore/dissuade his conversation!
"Nak pergi mana ni?"
"Bayan Baru"
"Dr mana?"
"Nak balik rumah ke?"
"Haa.. nak balik umah jumpa SUAMI"
"Haa??? Suami?? Dah kawin ke?"
"Nampak macam belum kawen!"
"Biasala" (Heh..of course la mangkuk! I'm not married yet!)
"Dah berapa lama kawen?" (alamak!)
"Hmmm... setaun kot?" (sucker! cepat sorok tangan!! cincin takde!)
"Setaun kot?"
"Nak dekat la"
"Ooo... dah ada anak?"
"Ooo.. merancang la ni. Ye la kalau belajar susah la nak ada anak. Bahaya tau merancang ni. Dulu isteri abg pun blaja gak. rancang gak kejap. pastu, bila tak rancang terus dpt kembar." (yeah sure.. whatever.)
"Elok la tu. Rezeki." (Bile laa nak sampai Vistana nih!!)
"Skang umo berapa? 24?"
"Nampak muda la." (Duh!)
And.. i saw vistana... and someone rang the bell.. Thank God! I'm already there. Got up to leave.
"nak turun dah ke?"
"Ha laa"
"Bye!" (Eeeuughhhh! Gimme a break will you?)
So there... hampeh nak mampus.. kot la hensem best gak nak flirt.. ni.. dah la guna lousy pick up line... :p Not worth the time...
Anyway.. spent the day with Dan... hmm... showing off and bragging abt his new color screen handphone. Elleh... :p Takpe.. i'll get one soon enough... after i get a digital camera. After a quick snack at 1800, i went home again, by the 29 bus, the ferry and the filthy City Liner. Hmm... what a great day it'd been. On the City Liner, a msg came:
"Hai chek"
"Betul ke een tak solo ni? Dah mmg tadek can ke abg nak ngorat een?"
"Abg ni series ke? ke memain?"
"Mmg abg gemar bergurau tapi nak berpasangan takkan lah nak bergurau, kenalah berterus terang, kena pulak ahli"
(What the...??? Skarang ni nak propose pun gune sms je ke???)
"Een mintak maaf. Skang ni een series ngan dia. Parents kitorg pun dah tau. Een mintak maaf"
After that... no reply... heheh... Thank God. Isk... kenapa la sampai jadi cam ni abg oiii???
Later that nite, aunty called.
"Hello Noreen."
"Hi aunty"
"Dan ada kat penang ni. Dia ada call Noreen?"
"Ya.. ada.. i went to meet him up for lunch just now."
"Oh.. dah lama tak jumpa rindu laaa???"
"Hehe.." *Malunye!!*
"Noreen... i dont think i can go for your convo la"
"Oh..its ok aunty" (Phew!~)
"Aunty harap Noreen tak kecik hati la ye. Aunty ada kerja la."
"No aunty..of course not."
"Nanti la.. konvo lagi skali aunty pergi."
"Ok. aunty. No problem."
Thank God. That really put off the load off my head. I'd just apologized to Dan regarding the matter during the day. Pastu, his mom called and told me that. Hmm... Selesai masalah... heheh.. i know. Dan yang dissuade his mom not to go for convo. Takpe.. its a good thing actually. I only have 2 passes for seating in the hall... One would surely be my mom... the other one tak tau la.. my granma might be there.. so kena la bg kat dia. Lucky aunty decided not to come. In a way, thanks to Dan to dissuade his mom on the whole going to my convo idea. ;) Saaaayaaannng honey!
Oklaa... its already 1139.. better do my project!!
Friday, July 18, 2003
Hehe.. guess what.. i walked all the way to campus in the hor burning sun. Regrets? Not at all... Walking is a good way of channelling all the anger and frustration that had built up inside me. Why the anger and frustration? I dunno. I just hate it when people screw up with what is planned. I just think that if anyone at all cant stand up to what they have planned.. then why even bother planning in the first place? That would certainly save everyone from all these irritable feelings. Lagipun as someone had said... "kalau dah plan nak buat bende, kena buat. Kalau tak.. tu dah ckp tak serupa bikin..meaning tipu.. kalau tipu...macam mana ilmu nak lekat?" Just a point to ponder... something i have to remind myself of.
Dan is still not online... God.. i need to talk to him so much....
Okla... going over to alqas' there's sth she wants me to read.
Dan is still not online... God.. i need to talk to him so much....
Okla... going over to alqas' there's sth she wants me to read.
Hmmm... still waiting for Dan to get online. Have to have a word with him regarding the convo thingy... I dunno why... but i have this feeling that he'll freak.... and i'm afraid that he'd be mad at me coz you know.. he's stressed, tired and all... so gee whiz.. i just dunno how to break the news! Now i'm the one who's freaking out. It'll be easier if he could access my blog... but he couldnt.. coz he said that he has limited access to some sites surfing frm the hotel. weird... but thats the way it is. Please god.. dont let him be mad.... :(
Got a letter from IPS regarding the signing of "Surat Akujanji" kalau tak nak janji boleh tak? heh.. It'll be on Sat, 26th July at DTSP... a bus will fetch us frm here to get us there. How come everyone plans to do everything on that particular weekend??? I already had 2 things to choose to do that weekend - either the diving class or the Interaksi Cekak .. and now this??? Heard this akujanji thing is compulsory... if it is.. then, i'll have to attend that la.. no choice. I dont wanna be blacklisted by the IPS... i might wanna extend my scholarship with them.. you'll never know.
Stuck with compiling my java divelog!!! I dunno why there's an error.. so i dunno how to clear that error... darn... My eyes are getting sore of too much staring at this pc, reading the online java tutorials.. and of course.. the minesweeper... heheh... Still havent win the advanced yet.. darn.
Going off to Kuantan at 1800 today.. so i'm going off early frm school. Would begone by 1500 kot. Expected arrival in kuantan.. hmm probably around 0200 tmrw... sat morning - penyampaian sijil... sat afternoon - hari tenaga pengajar... dunno if i'll be involved.. sat nite - dinner and straight after dinner... balik kampus.... reach home sunday morning.... Sunday... lepak day coz we'd definitely be tired as hell...
So ok la... off to troubleshoot my java thingy. Wish me luck ya? Chiao!
Got a letter from IPS regarding the signing of "Surat Akujanji" kalau tak nak janji boleh tak? heh.. It'll be on Sat, 26th July at DTSP... a bus will fetch us frm here to get us there. How come everyone plans to do everything on that particular weekend??? I already had 2 things to choose to do that weekend - either the diving class or the Interaksi Cekak .. and now this??? Heard this akujanji thing is compulsory... if it is.. then, i'll have to attend that la.. no choice. I dont wanna be blacklisted by the IPS... i might wanna extend my scholarship with them.. you'll never know.
Stuck with compiling my java divelog!!! I dunno why there's an error.. so i dunno how to clear that error... darn... My eyes are getting sore of too much staring at this pc, reading the online java tutorials.. and of course.. the minesweeper... heheh... Still havent win the advanced yet.. darn.
Going off to Kuantan at 1800 today.. so i'm going off early frm school. Would begone by 1500 kot. Expected arrival in kuantan.. hmm probably around 0200 tmrw... sat morning - penyampaian sijil... sat afternoon - hari tenaga pengajar... dunno if i'll be involved.. sat nite - dinner and straight after dinner... balik kampus.... reach home sunday morning.... Sunday... lepak day coz we'd definitely be tired as hell...
So ok la... off to troubleshoot my java thingy. Wish me luck ya? Chiao!
Thursday, July 17, 2003
Second entry for the day.. Hmm.. i love it when blogger loads quickly!...well.. who doesnt, right? Still cant win the Minesweeper Advanced. Darn! I dont think i can get over this "obsession" with the Advanced Minesweeper if i dont win it!!
Called my mom and excitedly told her what happened. She laughed and said padan muka. She said she doesnt mind having Dan's parents around. Somehow, after telling that to my mom, i still have this huge excitement spilling out of my every nerves. I dont know why. Must be because of a few things that'd been exciting me these past few days and yet i'm keeping it all to myself... not really knowing how to share it with others.. so... this surge of excitement is still inside.... and know what.. sometimes it kinda hurt to suppress such an overwhelming feeling.
Now at Chapt 6 of the book "Killing Me Softly-Nicci French"(and only at Chapt3 of Illustrator's Guide to HTTP - heh.. even after jumping topics!) Still a long way to go but at this stage the book focuses about Alice, a design manager of a pharmaceutical company being in a twisted relationship... with his boyfriend, Jake and her new found passion, Adam (well... for the time being they didnt say anything abt Alice and Adam being in love... So i think its pure lust..heheh.) Cant say much about the book yet. Somehow, it has this kind of an attraction... i dunno... maybe in the way the author describes the thrill of having an illicit affair with a stranger.. or maybe because of the dark personality of the stranger that had suddenly appeared and tumbled Alice's love life... Come to think of it... wonder what its like to have an affair? Hey... dont give me that look.. i was just thinking ok... No intention of getting into one... I cant bear to live in lies and to cause pain to the person i love. I'm just thinking of how a person can actually live this two separate lives, living in pretense, working out lies to cover up their mess.... But then again... everyone has something to hide... and everyone is a player in their own game... Some has a role as the world's greatest pretender.... big deal!.. Right? Hmmm...
Hehhee... i'm just plain bored actually. Had been working on my online java class. Its about creating a Dive Log java site... heheh.. just when i was thinking to take up diving lessons... :) Still on the writing the program stage.... ah heck... when will they teach me to compile???? :p
Ok.. got some emailing to do.
Called my mom and excitedly told her what happened. She laughed and said padan muka. She said she doesnt mind having Dan's parents around. Somehow, after telling that to my mom, i still have this huge excitement spilling out of my every nerves. I dont know why. Must be because of a few things that'd been exciting me these past few days and yet i'm keeping it all to myself... not really knowing how to share it with others.. so... this surge of excitement is still inside.... and know what.. sometimes it kinda hurt to suppress such an overwhelming feeling.
Now at Chapt 6 of the book "Killing Me Softly-Nicci French"(and only at Chapt3 of Illustrator's Guide to HTTP - heh.. even after jumping topics!) Still a long way to go but at this stage the book focuses about Alice, a design manager of a pharmaceutical company being in a twisted relationship... with his boyfriend, Jake and her new found passion, Adam (well... for the time being they didnt say anything abt Alice and Adam being in love... So i think its pure lust..heheh.) Cant say much about the book yet. Somehow, it has this kind of an attraction... i dunno... maybe in the way the author describes the thrill of having an illicit affair with a stranger.. or maybe because of the dark personality of the stranger that had suddenly appeared and tumbled Alice's love life... Come to think of it... wonder what its like to have an affair? Hey... dont give me that look.. i was just thinking ok... No intention of getting into one... I cant bear to live in lies and to cause pain to the person i love. I'm just thinking of how a person can actually live this two separate lives, living in pretense, working out lies to cover up their mess.... But then again... everyone has something to hide... and everyone is a player in their own game... Some has a role as the world's greatest pretender.... big deal!.. Right? Hmmm...
Hehhee... i'm just plain bored actually. Had been working on my online java class. Its about creating a Dive Log java site... heheh.. just when i was thinking to take up diving lessons... :) Still on the writing the program stage.... ah heck... when will they teach me to compile???? :p
Ok.. got some emailing to do.
Yawn!~ Certainly woke up with a start today... heheh.. Why??.... read on..
Came back at around 0130 last nite, after a good teh tarik session at the just opened Riyas Nasi Kandar. It wasnt actually that good... i had to ask them to replace my drink order because they screwed up with it... there werent tosai or chappati that i could eat and the food tastes like they'd spilled half a gunny of spices in them. Anyway, got home really tired and after getting ready for bed, read a few pages of a book i'd borrowed from the library and minutes after i'd put down the book, i fell into a deep, good night's sleep.
I was at the edge of my REM sleep when i heard the tune of Sugar Ray's Someday ringing in my ear. It sounded a little too familiar.. hmmm....... then it startled me.. it was my phone!!! Blinking my eyes into complete awakeness, i looked at them small screen of my Siemens to see the caller ID... It read Aunty@Home... Huh??? Glanced at my alarm clock... 0700.. uh-oh... why is she calling me up so early in the day??? Is something wrong??? Hmm.. trying so very badly to control my voice from turning into an early morning 'croak', i answered the phone.
"Hello Noreen.. did i wake you up?"
"No aunty... what's the matter??"
"Oh takde apa. Yesterday when you called ada org kat rumah.. so i cant hear you well. Aunty dah cakap kat Uncle about Noreen punya convo"
..ooopppsss... my heart kinda skipped a beat...
"Uncle kata ok.. why not"
"Oh..that's good to hear."
"Its on the 10th right?
"yeah.. Mine is in the morning."
"Dan pergi?"
"Dunno. Dia kata tgkla"
"Ok.... Ok Noreen.. aunty nak pergi gym ni"
"Oh ok.."
"Sorry for calling you at this hour"
"Tak pe aunty. I dont mind."
"Ok.. bye"
Put down the phone and glanced again at the alarm clock.. 25 mins before i was supposed to get up.. so i decided to go back to sleep... Tossed and turned and tossed and turned... darn! I just cant fall asleep... The conversation was still resounding in my head... Oh dear... what'd do i do now???? I'd love them to come for my convo.. on one condition..... Dan have to be there.. by hook or by crook!! If not.. i'm dead meat!! I dunno how to entertain both my mom and his parents all at once!! I need help.. from none other than he himself! Uwaaaa!!!
Gonna call my mom now and tell her abt it.... what next???
Came back at around 0130 last nite, after a good teh tarik session at the just opened Riyas Nasi Kandar. It wasnt actually that good... i had to ask them to replace my drink order because they screwed up with it... there werent tosai or chappati that i could eat and the food tastes like they'd spilled half a gunny of spices in them. Anyway, got home really tired and after getting ready for bed, read a few pages of a book i'd borrowed from the library and minutes after i'd put down the book, i fell into a deep, good night's sleep.
I was at the edge of my REM sleep when i heard the tune of Sugar Ray's Someday ringing in my ear. It sounded a little too familiar.. hmmm....... then it startled me.. it was my phone!!! Blinking my eyes into complete awakeness, i looked at them small screen of my Siemens to see the caller ID... It read Aunty@Home... Huh??? Glanced at my alarm clock... 0700.. uh-oh... why is she calling me up so early in the day??? Is something wrong??? Hmm.. trying so very badly to control my voice from turning into an early morning 'croak', i answered the phone.
"Hello Noreen.. did i wake you up?"
"No aunty... what's the matter??"
"Oh takde apa. Yesterday when you called ada org kat rumah.. so i cant hear you well. Aunty dah cakap kat Uncle about Noreen punya convo"
..ooopppsss... my heart kinda skipped a beat...
"Uncle kata ok.. why not"
"Oh..that's good to hear."
"Its on the 10th right?
"yeah.. Mine is in the morning."
"Dan pergi?"
"Dunno. Dia kata tgkla"
"Ok.... Ok Noreen.. aunty nak pergi gym ni"
"Oh ok.."
"Sorry for calling you at this hour"
"Tak pe aunty. I dont mind."
"Ok.. bye"
Put down the phone and glanced again at the alarm clock.. 25 mins before i was supposed to get up.. so i decided to go back to sleep... Tossed and turned and tossed and turned... darn! I just cant fall asleep... The conversation was still resounding in my head... Oh dear... what'd do i do now???? I'd love them to come for my convo.. on one condition..... Dan have to be there.. by hook or by crook!! If not.. i'm dead meat!! I dunno how to entertain both my mom and his parents all at once!! I need help.. from none other than he himself! Uwaaaa!!!
Gonna call my mom now and tell her abt it.... what next???
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
Hmmm.. cam best la pulak baca blog aima nih... hehehe... Hmm.. takpela... sooner or later my time will come, and i believe it will come when i'm most ready. :) Oh yeah.... i'd better call up aunty to ask about her cough... mengambil hati... ;)
Nothing much to blog today.... yet. Hopefully something interesting happens later. :)
A word from the Holy Qur'an:
Allah memberikan Hikmat kebijaksanaan. Dan sesiapa yang diberikan hikmat itu maka sesungguhnya ia telah diberikan kebaikan yang banyak. Dan tiadalah yang dapat mengambil pengajaran melainkan orang-orang yang menggunakan akal fikirannya. [Al-Baqarah: 269]
Have a nice day!
Nothing much to blog today.... yet. Hopefully something interesting happens later. :)
A word from the Holy Qur'an:
Allah memberikan Hikmat kebijaksanaan. Dan sesiapa yang diberikan hikmat itu maka sesungguhnya ia telah diberikan kebaikan yang banyak. Dan tiadalah yang dapat mengambil pengajaran melainkan orang-orang yang menggunakan akal fikirannya. [Al-Baqarah: 269]
Have a nice day!
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Hey..... look at the chatbox.... good to know that people are actually acknowledging this journal... heheh.... hmm.. guess some find me rather sexually attractive thru my writings eh??? Too bad i dont go for cheap talks. So to whom ever.. enjoy posting... coz we enjoy bitching about you. Yep.. every second of it. ;)
Anyway... Dan called from Shenzen last nite while i was in silat class. he told me that his phone was stolen so he had to get a new phone... darn. I was the one who wanted a new phone so much!!! He also said that he's running a fever. Called the maxis careline abt the lost... and they said they'd hafta speak to the owner.... so he has to call 'em to report or do whatever abt it.
So excited to get started with diving class!!.. A little pricey though... but hey... good stuffs doesnt come free. Perhaps after gaining the license.... we can go to the Sipadan Island gals???? ;)
Ok.. signing off...
Anyway... Dan called from Shenzen last nite while i was in silat class. he told me that his phone was stolen so he had to get a new phone... darn. I was the one who wanted a new phone so much!!! He also said that he's running a fever. Called the maxis careline abt the lost... and they said they'd hafta speak to the owner.... so he has to call 'em to report or do whatever abt it.
So excited to get started with diving class!!.. A little pricey though... but hey... good stuffs doesnt come free. Perhaps after gaining the license.... we can go to the Sipadan Island gals???? ;)
Ok.. signing off...
Monday, July 14, 2003
There goes another weekend... Saturday... went out with Nura and her mom... accompanying her mom carik kain for cushion cover. Last nite, when i was ironing my clothes for the week, Dan's mom called. hehe.. i was just planning to call her during the day... Her voice sounded a little different... cough she said.. and she said it was getting better.. and i hope so too. No news from Dan yet... he must be too occupied with work to get online. :( Called my mom this morning and told her that Nura's mom ajak shopping in Kl.. she said ok.. but as usual she's worried if they'd come over to visit.. tu la.. suh buat umah cepat tak nak..... ha.. now freak out. Forgot to ask her if they'd start work on the house already or not....
Read entries from Aima'a blog this morning... like... wow... She's in a totally different world rite now. With a baby coming, taking care of hubby, doing household stuffs.... like.. wow... Its like.... i dunno... we used to spend time together.. doing all the weird girlie stuffs you know.. and now she's pregnant with child.... and she's gonna be a mom soon. I mean.. like... whoaaaa... i cant quite imagine myself at that stage just yet. I mean.. marriage doesnt sound all too scary.. but come pregnancy... hello?? me? pregnant? at 23???? or maybe 24/25??? i dont think so.. not just yet.. i mean.. just the thought of something growing within me.... oh boy.. thats too much of a thought already. Am i capable of that???? hahaha.. what a question... of course la i'm capable of getting pregnant.. but what abt things to come???After the baby is born... all the sleepless nights... cries and whines of a baby.... and not to forget diapers loaded with pee and poo-poo.... mannnn.... thats one helluva tough job for a 20-sth isnt that???
Dont get me wrong here... its not that i dont want a baby... of course i do... in fact, i love babies.. well.. minus all the care taking, diaper-changing stuffs la... But to actually have one of my own.. well.. that needs a lot of thought.. and readiness from me and spouse(when i have one that is). For the time being.... as most of my close frens arent maried yet.. i wanna have as much as a good time as i can get from all the "all-gurl"s outings with them. Pluss..... i need to get some things done before i actually tie the knot... like... learn to swim.. learn the piano... go diving... paragliding.... go for an all gurls vacation with my girl buddies...get a good job with handsome pay.... buy a car (preferably a brand new hyundai sonata.. but to get my hands on a merce slk would be best though..hahah!)... learn to cook...hmm... there are more.... but lets just stick to that for the time being.
Ok aa.. better continue with my java-ing.. Just got a reply from ppl in ericsson.... so better get started while i'm still in the mood ... Signing off now!
B4 that.. enjoy this piece of cartoon:

Read entries from Aima'a blog this morning... like... wow... She's in a totally different world rite now. With a baby coming, taking care of hubby, doing household stuffs.... like.. wow... Its like.... i dunno... we used to spend time together.. doing all the weird girlie stuffs you know.. and now she's pregnant with child.... and she's gonna be a mom soon. I mean.. like... whoaaaa... i cant quite imagine myself at that stage just yet. I mean.. marriage doesnt sound all too scary.. but come pregnancy... hello?? me? pregnant? at 23???? or maybe 24/25??? i dont think so.. not just yet.. i mean.. just the thought of something growing within me.... oh boy.. thats too much of a thought already. Am i capable of that???? hahaha.. what a question... of course la i'm capable of getting pregnant.. but what abt things to come???After the baby is born... all the sleepless nights... cries and whines of a baby.... and not to forget diapers loaded with pee and poo-poo.... mannnn.... thats one helluva tough job for a 20-sth isnt that???
Dont get me wrong here... its not that i dont want a baby... of course i do... in fact, i love babies.. well.. minus all the care taking, diaper-changing stuffs la... But to actually have one of my own.. well.. that needs a lot of thought.. and readiness from me and spouse(when i have one that is). For the time being.... as most of my close frens arent maried yet.. i wanna have as much as a good time as i can get from all the "all-gurl"s outings with them. Pluss..... i need to get some things done before i actually tie the knot... like... learn to swim.. learn the piano... go diving... paragliding.... go for an all gurls vacation with my girl buddies...get a good job with handsome pay.... buy a car (preferably a brand new hyundai sonata.. but to get my hands on a merce slk would be best though..hahah!)... learn to cook...hmm... there are more.... but lets just stick to that for the time being.
Ok aa.. better continue with my java-ing.. Just got a reply from ppl in ericsson.... so better get started while i'm still in the mood ... Signing off now!
B4 that.. enjoy this piece of cartoon:
Friday, July 11, 2003
Friday's here already...kejap je... there goes another week. Gonna spend the weekend at Nura's since i didnt go there last month. Lgpun, Nura's mom kept asking when i'm coming over. So.. i'm going this weekend.. in fact, i'm going later, after office hour. Its good that i go.. coz then i can send my old jeans for alteration. the jeans had been with me since i was in F3 kot... and now that the color has really faded, i love it even more. Just need to alter here and there a bit so that it fits nicely.
Hmm... had some kind of an argument with Dan yesterday. 4th argument i think... in the duration of our relationship...and know what.. we usually break into an argument when we chat online. I think it could be slight miscommunication. Like i might mean one thing this way..and he gets it the other... and he might wanna cheer me up.. but i misinterpreted and thinks that he'd made fun of me.. that kind of miscomms you know. Although it wasnt that huge... i cant say that it didnt spoil our moods though. He got upset.. so did i.. and today, we tried to work things out... just the way a relationship should be... working out on the differences. I really hate arguments.. coz it'll usually put me to tears... no matter who started it. It hurts me to make him upset.... to see him crushed... I try not to.. but sometimes i cant seem to hold my anger.... esp during pms. Warghhhhh... i hate pms!!!! But so far.. we've explained to each other what made us upset yesterday.... and its time to put all that behind us... Now that we've got that straightened out, the love i feel for him deepens even more!
Hmm....... ok.. enuff abt my rship... Tak baik cite hal dlm kelambu.. hehehe....
Do you have any idea why some people would actually dry up all their garbage in the sun? I just dont get it. One of my neighbors do that y'know. I have no idea why. At first i thot that it was some kind of dried condiments of some sort to be let dried in the sun kan.... and when i looked closer... it wasnt. Everything was pure rubbish!! Like food leftovers kinda stuffs you know. And things like that, being left out in the sun... smells horrid!!! Really makes us (me n Nura) wanna puke ok.... At first we thought that maybe they'd do that to prevent dogs from scavenging their rubbish bins.... masalahnya.. they didnt even close their gates when they were drying up the rubbish... so.. that's not it la kan??? So why the hell do they have to do that???? I just dont get it!! Dont tell me they'd wanna recycle that..... perhaps they wanna make organic fertilizers from that??? is that possible??? God.... people can be so absurd!!
Okla.... better settle this java stuff. If anyone at all is well versed in Java, please leave me a note so that i can be in touch. I've been trying to get it working...but i cant seem to even start it... I think i've already pointed the Java_Home variable to its corresponding value... how come it fails to start???? Why??? Why??? Help!!
Hmm... had some kind of an argument with Dan yesterday. 4th argument i think... in the duration of our relationship...and know what.. we usually break into an argument when we chat online. I think it could be slight miscommunication. Like i might mean one thing this way..and he gets it the other... and he might wanna cheer me up.. but i misinterpreted and thinks that he'd made fun of me.. that kind of miscomms you know. Although it wasnt that huge... i cant say that it didnt spoil our moods though. He got upset.. so did i.. and today, we tried to work things out... just the way a relationship should be... working out on the differences. I really hate arguments.. coz it'll usually put me to tears... no matter who started it. It hurts me to make him upset.... to see him crushed... I try not to.. but sometimes i cant seem to hold my anger.... esp during pms. Warghhhhh... i hate pms!!!! But so far.. we've explained to each other what made us upset yesterday.... and its time to put all that behind us... Now that we've got that straightened out, the love i feel for him deepens even more!
Hmm....... ok.. enuff abt my rship... Tak baik cite hal dlm kelambu.. hehehe....
Do you have any idea why some people would actually dry up all their garbage in the sun? I just dont get it. One of my neighbors do that y'know. I have no idea why. At first i thot that it was some kind of dried condiments of some sort to be let dried in the sun kan.... and when i looked closer... it wasnt. Everything was pure rubbish!! Like food leftovers kinda stuffs you know. And things like that, being left out in the sun... smells horrid!!! Really makes us (me n Nura) wanna puke ok.... At first we thought that maybe they'd do that to prevent dogs from scavenging their rubbish bins.... masalahnya.. they didnt even close their gates when they were drying up the rubbish... so.. that's not it la kan??? So why the hell do they have to do that???? I just dont get it!! Dont tell me they'd wanna recycle that..... perhaps they wanna make organic fertilizers from that??? is that possible??? God.... people can be so absurd!!
Okla.... better settle this java stuff. If anyone at all is well versed in Java, please leave me a note so that i can be in touch. I've been trying to get it working...but i cant seem to even start it... I think i've already pointed the Java_Home variable to its corresponding value... how come it fails to start???? Why??? Why??? Help!!
Thursday, July 10, 2003
Aaahhh... what a hearty lunch i had today. The new Pelita N.Kandar outlet in Juru was quite impressive. Two floors of Nasi Kandar punya kedai.... like wow..... It even has fascillities to hold functions y'know.... bagus gak la.... We were seated at the top floor, the air-conditioned one coz Nura's dad is one of the shareholder's fren.. so we got VIP service lah..heheh. We were served with really large portions of chicken (masak madu), xxl-sized tiger prawns, dalca, acar timun, beef curry, boiled eggs... about massive. Worth the half an hour journey la....really. Thank God they opened the new outlet we dont hafta go all the way to penang to get nasik kandar.... :D Yumm Yumm!!
Oh yeah.. abt the google thingy. I tried it again just now... didnt work anymore.. so if you wanna know what the error msg was, click here.
Ok..better get back to studying.... Dan dah marah!! :p
Oh yeah.. abt the google thingy. I tried it again just now... didnt work anymore.. so if you wanna know what the error msg was, click here.
Ok..better get back to studying.... Dan dah marah!! :p
Dear bloggie.... get prepared to be visited by the unknown..... ;(
A fren forwarded this hillarious thingy from google. I dunno if its temporary or not..just try if you have the time.
Go to and type in "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Dont press the return key or the 'google search' icon. Instead, press the 'I'm feeling lucky icon' and an error message will appear. You'll enjoy that message and die laughing..heheh..
Havent been blogging so much lately.... well.. nothing much had been going on. Everything's pretty mundane... its like a cycle that repeats itself everyday.... with just a few minor events that doesnt really make any difference to the whole cycle. Everyday its school-->home 4 lunch-->school-->home.... and sometimes with additional aerobics or gym or silat class. Like today.. we're going off to Juru... for a free lunch at the newly opened Pelita Nasi Kandar.. hehehe... sounds like a cheapo huh?? Well.... you dont get to do this all the time y'know.
Went to meet Dr Os yesterday... and had a few things regarding my project straightened out. I think i need help frm my cuz Awin coz she's more well versed in this database management thingy. She has an IT degree.. so.. she hafta help me out.. its not an option for her.. she HAVE to... hehehehe... Then.. Dr Os also verified what Addie had said prviously.. that we have to have at least one publication for journals/ papers/ conference.. anything... Uwaaa!!! What the heck mannn..... shit x infinity!!!!
Chat with Dan a lil after i met Dr Os... he's in Shen Zhen and lucky him, the hotel provides free internet line... and the connection is fast too!! Asked him to attend my convo.... hehehe... he said.. maybe... well.. okla.. i can settle with a maybe for the time being..... hehehehe.... Imagine.. him and my mom in the hall.... hhahahahah.. a sight to remember!!!! :p hehehe... kidding darls.... you dont have to go if you dont wanna.. i love you anyway... *winks*
Okie dokie... 50 mins before i go off for the free lunch. Better go do other things... no..not studying..heheh.... okie.. chiao!!
A fren forwarded this hillarious thingy from google. I dunno if its temporary or not..just try if you have the time.
Go to and type in "Weapons of Mass Destruction". Dont press the return key or the 'google search' icon. Instead, press the 'I'm feeling lucky icon' and an error message will appear. You'll enjoy that message and die laughing..heheh..
Havent been blogging so much lately.... well.. nothing much had been going on. Everything's pretty mundane... its like a cycle that repeats itself everyday.... with just a few minor events that doesnt really make any difference to the whole cycle. Everyday its school-->home 4 lunch-->school-->home.... and sometimes with additional aerobics or gym or silat class. Like today.. we're going off to Juru... for a free lunch at the newly opened Pelita Nasi Kandar.. hehehe... sounds like a cheapo huh?? Well.... you dont get to do this all the time y'know.
Went to meet Dr Os yesterday... and had a few things regarding my project straightened out. I think i need help frm my cuz Awin coz she's more well versed in this database management thingy. She has an IT degree.. so.. she hafta help me out.. its not an option for her.. she HAVE to... hehehehe... Then.. Dr Os also verified what Addie had said prviously.. that we have to have at least one publication for journals/ papers/ conference.. anything... Uwaaa!!! What the heck mannn..... shit x infinity!!!!
Chat with Dan a lil after i met Dr Os... he's in Shen Zhen and lucky him, the hotel provides free internet line... and the connection is fast too!! Asked him to attend my convo.... hehehe... he said.. maybe... well.. okla.. i can settle with a maybe for the time being..... hehehehe.... Imagine.. him and my mom in the hall.... hhahahahah.. a sight to remember!!!! :p hehehe... kidding darls.... you dont have to go if you dont wanna.. i love you anyway... *winks*
Okie dokie... 50 mins before i go off for the free lunch. Better go do other things... no..not studying..heheh.... okie.. chiao!!
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
Monday, July 07, 2003
Adeiiii... my eyes are sore already... it'd only been like an hour plus since i switched on my pc... n now my eyes are getting a lil teary. y?? i forgot to wear my glasses... hehhe.. can u imagine??? its like.. its so absurd that i can forget sth that i practically use everyday!!! what laa... guess i am absent minded afterall... darn...
Oh dear...learnt a wicked, wicked truth..... the blogger world is indeed a small, small world after all. I mean... your blog doesnt necessarily circulate only among your friends.... it can circulate among those you bitched abt as well..... damn x10.... What if.... aahhh heck... i dont wanna even think of the circumstances..Lantakla... whoever thinks that she/he was bitched abt in my bloggie..hehhe... *wink* soriieeeee.... if you cant handle that...well... dont read!
Went to Ijazah Pertama KKj9 last nite. Ustaz came with Mak Tam n Mama Bedah. Sumhow, felt a bit ermm...left out... a bit. Hmm... must be me. Ustaz didnt preach as i thot he would... and that was quite a dissappointment la in a way... I mean... i expected that i'm gonna get it real good y'know.... but i didnt.... and the truth is... i am dissappointed. Even more so, he didnt greet me with the usual "ada lagi kat sini?" Cud it be that he'd forgotten abt me?? i mean.. i know i'm not anyone important anyway...but somehow... it kinda scares me if he forgets me bcoz of all the wrong doings i've been up to.... Uwaaaa!!! Hmmm.... tu baru Ustaz.... . What abt God??? The sole Creator... The Almighty... cud it be that he's forgotten abt me after all the sordid things i'd done?? :( It scares me.... if God just forgets abt me...... :(
Ironically.... the fear doesnt seem to stop me from doing bad, does it??..... Astaghfirullah.... dear god.... please guide me... to do good..and be a better person, inside out ....ameen...
Oh dear...learnt a wicked, wicked truth..... the blogger world is indeed a small, small world after all. I mean... your blog doesnt necessarily circulate only among your friends.... it can circulate among those you bitched abt as well..... damn x10.... What if.... aahhh heck... i dont wanna even think of the circumstances..Lantakla... whoever thinks that she/he was bitched abt in my bloggie..hehhe... *wink* soriieeeee.... if you cant handle that...well... dont read!
Went to Ijazah Pertama KKj9 last nite. Ustaz came with Mak Tam n Mama Bedah. Sumhow, felt a bit ermm...left out... a bit. Hmm... must be me. Ustaz didnt preach as i thot he would... and that was quite a dissappointment la in a way... I mean... i expected that i'm gonna get it real good y'know.... but i didnt.... and the truth is... i am dissappointed. Even more so, he didnt greet me with the usual "ada lagi kat sini?" Cud it be that he'd forgotten abt me?? i mean.. i know i'm not anyone important anyway...but somehow... it kinda scares me if he forgets me bcoz of all the wrong doings i've been up to.... Uwaaaa!!! Hmmm.... tu baru Ustaz.... . What abt God??? The sole Creator... The Almighty... cud it be that he's forgotten abt me after all the sordid things i'd done?? :( It scares me.... if God just forgets abt me...... :(
Ironically.... the fear doesnt seem to stop me from doing bad, does it??..... Astaghfirullah.... dear god.... please guide me... to do good..and be a better person, inside out ....ameen...
Friday, July 04, 2003
Hehhee..... hafta be here early this morning coz Nura has an early class today. Hmm.. twas raining when i left the house just now... bestnya dapat tido.. :) Anyway... i found something awesome at The Wedding Date Predictor ... hehhe.. anyone is welcome to try it out. Hehehe... i'm predicted to be married on Aug 5th, 2006....heheh.. so get all that money ready to lavish me with nice wedding prezzies ya.... *wink* hehehe...kidding... i think it's gonna be earlier than that.. hahah (Dan must so freaked out by now!) Hehehehheee... See what they commented on me being ready or not to get married...
Social Factors
On the social front, you are pretty serious marriage material.
Emotional Factors
Emotionally, you seem to be fairly ready for marriage. You show strong signs of being a contender, and you've got what it takes to make the plunge.
Sexual Factors
You have very few sexually motivated reasons for avoiding marriage. Of course, the carefree single life can pose a strong attraction, but you probably prefer the thought of devoting yourself to one person.
Hahhaa... there you go.... :) va-va-voom!!... so honey buns... shall we get married soon??? *seductive wink*Hehehehee.... kidding..kidding.... stop freaking out already. :p
Okla.... wanna go read and read... and read some more...... chiao!
Social Factors
On the social front, you are pretty serious marriage material.
Emotional Factors
Emotionally, you seem to be fairly ready for marriage. You show strong signs of being a contender, and you've got what it takes to make the plunge.
Sexual Factors
You have very few sexually motivated reasons for avoiding marriage. Of course, the carefree single life can pose a strong attraction, but you probably prefer the thought of devoting yourself to one person.
Hahhaa... there you go.... :) va-va-voom!!... so honey buns... shall we get married soon??? *seductive wink*Hehehehee.... kidding..kidding.... stop freaking out already. :p
Okla.... wanna go read and read... and read some more...... chiao!
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Hmm.. too much of blogging yesterday so i didnt post anything up this morning.... lagipun nothing much to blog...
Last nite after silat, went to 'payung' for drinks... again... thanks to Abg Nezam... he even treated us satay! :D After the drinks, headed straight home.. it was nearly 0130... so hurriedly prepared myself for bed...and slept at around 0215...hmmm... i still need loads of sleep....
Subscribed to EZYholidays services i got a card that'll entitle me to get hotels at special cardholders' rate. Pretty cool. So now... it'll be nice and affordable to go for holidays with frens... what's more, they're coming up with holiday packages end of nest mth...heheheh.....jawabnyeeee....cuti cuti malaysiaaaaaa :D
Had a chat with fellow fren addie just now. He was telling me about all these paper submission and stuffs... and i went like...what papers???? Oh man.... cuak gile sehhh.... Die..die... how do i submit a paper?? what shud i submit??? yenna????
Then, just a little sooner, i was chatting with aima... hehehe...perihal org2 kawen... i cant share that online..sorry. That's for me, myself and i.... hehehehhe...sucker!~
Okla... better get going to studying my thing... Hmm... dan's going off to Shenzen for 3 weeks starting July 8th.... adei...gerbang aaa macam ni.. :( heheheh...kidding (gerbang:as my cuz said, it's one level higher than gersang)
Last nite after silat, went to 'payung' for drinks... again... thanks to Abg Nezam... he even treated us satay! :D After the drinks, headed straight home.. it was nearly 0130... so hurriedly prepared myself for bed...and slept at around 0215...hmmm... i still need loads of sleep....
Subscribed to EZYholidays services i got a card that'll entitle me to get hotels at special cardholders' rate. Pretty cool. So now... it'll be nice and affordable to go for holidays with frens... what's more, they're coming up with holiday packages end of nest mth...heheheh.....jawabnyeeee....cuti cuti malaysiaaaaaa :D
Had a chat with fellow fren addie just now. He was telling me about all these paper submission and stuffs... and i went like...what papers???? Oh man.... cuak gile sehhh.... Die..die... how do i submit a paper?? what shud i submit??? yenna????
Then, just a little sooner, i was chatting with aima... hehehe...perihal org2 kawen... i cant share that online..sorry. That's for me, myself and i.... hehehehhe...sucker!~
Okla... better get going to studying my thing... Hmm... dan's going off to Shenzen for 3 weeks starting July 8th.... adei...gerbang aaa macam ni.. :( heheheh...kidding (gerbang:as my cuz said, it's one level higher than gersang)
Wednesday, July 02, 2003
Ooooppssss...sorry..tak sempat sambung yesterday. I went home for lunch, decided to take a few mins nap and ended waking up at bot Nura and i thot it's better to stay home instead..lazing around. We need the rest anyway. And last nite, stopped by at the chinese opera at an open lot just beside the junction going in to Tmn Sempadan. Probably because of the hungry ghost festival or sth... tapi memang cun la.... Like all the costumes and stuffs... all so colorful and so vibrant... and the voice.. perghhhh... macam pavarotti tuhhh.... heheh.. ok..ok... sambung balik citer genting. :D
Thurs June 26th (cont'd)
It took an hour or so to reach Awana Genting. From there, we took a 20 mins Skyway ride (the cable car) all the way to the theme park a.k.a Puncak Kegembiraan. Heh... it was very foggy. Maybe it rained the day before and the fog was so heavy that our views are quite limited. Darn.... and i thought to myself.... usually they dont allow rides in the theme park if it rains/the fog is too heavy... damn! so.. either its gonna be puncak kegembiraan..or puncak kehampaan la.... anyway.... we enjoyed the scenery and hope that the weather will be great.
Once we were up there, we hurried off for our first ride inthe theme park. It was still very foggy that we cud only see things as far as only 2 metres or so... So we trotted along the roofed walkway and the first ride we saw was this Pirate Train Ride... aahhh.. what the heck.. naik je la.... a warm up ride. Actually i was a little nervous gak at the beginning.. coz i havent been in any rides for quite sometime... so initially i decided to go on the ride with alqas.. skali kena gi one by one.. damn it! so... went in by myself... and halfway thru rasa macam nak tido.... hmm... not challenging langsung... :P takpe... warm up ride.
Next stop.... another so called warm-up ride. We went for the teacup ride. Our cup was spinning like hell.... we ended up pening.... padan muka. After the ride lepak jap by the side coz i had to repair my brooch a little.. damn brooch..haritu baru la nak bikin problem... hampeh! and then, we proceeded to the Matahari ride (the ferris wheel) again, our so-called warm up ride (sebenarnye we opted for that coz all the other rides werent ready yet.) Punya la queue.... when it was our turn, it started to rain and the ride was cancelled... haremmmmm... penat queue...for nothing!!! So keciwa punya pasal, we hurried down to the Swinger... ahh..thank God the thing was opened... and we had one helluva ride... Oh Yessss!!! At last... one actual ride!!!! Rigt after that, we went over for the cyclone ride. Again, we were in luck coz the thing was opened and there werent many people queueing for the ride. The Cyclone is a mini roller coaster thingy.. 4 persons max each ride.. so naik aa... heheh.... kecik kecik cili padi aa that thing.... Ingat kan biasa.... turned out..okay aa jugak..... but not like extra fabulous..just okay...
Right after the cyclone..... the weather was still fine and so we headed to The Corkscrew, the double twisted roller coaster. When we arrived there, we had to wait a while for our turn and then when it was actually our turn, we headed for the front coaster. Alqas and satria at the very front, me behind them. When all the coasters were full, the attendant had fastened the security bars.... and we're ready to go.......... ten!ten!ten!!!! the rain poured!!! Hampeh tahap dewa!!! punyala excited duduk dlm tu.... i mena... the bars were fastened already for god's sakes!! And the goes the attendant sayingt that the ride is temporarily closed because of the rain..... damn.... So we got stranded there for a few mins, waiting for the rain to subside.... reda je sikit, we headed into the indoor theme park.. nak buat apa lagi kat luar.. All the rides were closed. So we went in, had our lunch at kyros kebab.. and continued lepaking inside taking piccies.
When it was nearly 1400, we took our chance aa.. gi lura balik, see if the rain had stopped. Well... it was still drizzling..ingat kalau rides sumer tutup... we'd go down early, sambung lepak at KLCC... hmm.. As the Antique car ride was opened, we decided to get on it.. aahh... what the hell la kan.. might as well get on every ride no matter how boring it might be... So naikla.... And.. when we're cruising down the lane in the car, the sun started to shine!!! Yeayyyy!!!! Alqas was pressing down the pedal so that the car will shoot off as fast as possible.. tapi antique car kan.. mana nak laju... we finished the ride add ran straight up to the the Solero Shot ride... it was opened!!! There were only 2 seats left... so alqas and satria went for it 1st while i waited outside for their bags while trying to gain enough willpower to get on the ride soon after. I looked from outside the ride as the platform was lifted high 3 storey-building height... maybe more... and after 10 secs, the platform swooshed down.. like eeepppppssss!!! man! takotttt..... When both of them got down... satria sworn not to go up the ride again and alqas was superbly excited byt the ride... she said it was best gile nak mampos mampos... huh... As the queue for solero became quite long, we decided to go on the Corkscrew it had just reopened and there werent many ppl there. Thank God, this time the ride bleh go on.... and it sure was fun!!! Best aa... serious.. whoever goes up there and didnt go up both the corkscrew and solero..rugi. Turun je corkscrew we ran straight for the solero... this time its my turn, and alqas agreed to go on the ride again with me... I was half closing my eyes with my hands when we were far up in the sky... my mind was trying so hard not to even think of being on the ride... my heart was racing and beating with some unknown, haywired rhythm and when i finally had the courage the romve my hands off mmy face.... Swooooossshhhh!!! the platform was dropped down and i cud feel my butt not even touching the seat and i could've sworn that my heart was left somewhere up there.... like shit man.... it was awesome!!!!! Then, when it reached like 1/4 of its height, its lifted up and dropped down again for a few time... memang aa best gile nak mampos.... i'd certainly go on that ride again.. for sure!!
Next, we went on the swinger again..just for the fun of it and then hurried to the Sg Rejang Flume Ride where we got wet all over... The flume ride was ok.. but i think i'd prefer the one in Sunway Lagoon better coz that one has three inclines.... the genting one has only two... Next, we proceeded to the Genting Mines Train ride for our very last ride and assumed to be 'drying-up' ride.. coz we thot it'd be an easy family ride and it would get us dry a little... the ride turned out to be quite awesome... it was beyond expectation la... coz we expected some kind of a slow moving wagon.... sekali.... hmmm... it turned out to be one helluva roller coater ride... seram gak coz the ride went thru tunnels.. really dark tunnels and we're quite afraid if our heads will knock the roof of the tunnel... hehhe... worth the ride....
1535, we headed off to the Skyway for our ride down... Hmm.. slept the whole way back to KL... Then after smayang in KL Sentral, took a train to KLCC, sent the piccies fro printing... had dinner at picnic.... tengok Adibah Noor sang at Ramlee Mall, get the piccies, laughed our heads off reminiscing the good times we had up in genting and started to walk up to Bintang Walk..... A day full of fun, lughter and walks.... heheheh... Upon arriving at Bintang Walk, we had a drink at Starbucks while waiting for my mom and bro to pick us up. Around 2315, my bro arrived, he droves us around Uptown before sending alqas and satria to the Duta stn for their midnite bus to pbntr.... Wow... what a terrific day. **Special thbnks to alqas and satria for making the day a great one!!!**
Thurs June 26th (cont'd)
It took an hour or so to reach Awana Genting. From there, we took a 20 mins Skyway ride (the cable car) all the way to the theme park a.k.a Puncak Kegembiraan. Heh... it was very foggy. Maybe it rained the day before and the fog was so heavy that our views are quite limited. Darn.... and i thought to myself.... usually they dont allow rides in the theme park if it rains/the fog is too heavy... damn! so.. either its gonna be puncak kegembiraan..or puncak kehampaan la.... anyway.... we enjoyed the scenery and hope that the weather will be great.
Once we were up there, we hurried off for our first ride inthe theme park. It was still very foggy that we cud only see things as far as only 2 metres or so... So we trotted along the roofed walkway and the first ride we saw was this Pirate Train Ride... aahhh.. what the heck.. naik je la.... a warm up ride. Actually i was a little nervous gak at the beginning.. coz i havent been in any rides for quite sometime... so initially i decided to go on the ride with alqas.. skali kena gi one by one.. damn it! so... went in by myself... and halfway thru rasa macam nak tido.... hmm... not challenging langsung... :P takpe... warm up ride.
Next stop.... another so called warm-up ride. We went for the teacup ride. Our cup was spinning like hell.... we ended up pening.... padan muka. After the ride lepak jap by the side coz i had to repair my brooch a little.. damn brooch..haritu baru la nak bikin problem... hampeh! and then, we proceeded to the Matahari ride (the ferris wheel) again, our so-called warm up ride (sebenarnye we opted for that coz all the other rides werent ready yet.) Punya la queue.... when it was our turn, it started to rain and the ride was cancelled... haremmmmm... penat queue...for nothing!!! So keciwa punya pasal, we hurried down to the Swinger... ahh..thank God the thing was opened... and we had one helluva ride... Oh Yessss!!! At last... one actual ride!!!! Rigt after that, we went over for the cyclone ride. Again, we were in luck coz the thing was opened and there werent many people queueing for the ride. The Cyclone is a mini roller coaster thingy.. 4 persons max each ride.. so naik aa... heheh.... kecik kecik cili padi aa that thing.... Ingat kan biasa.... turned out..okay aa jugak..... but not like extra fabulous..just okay...
Right after the cyclone..... the weather was still fine and so we headed to The Corkscrew, the double twisted roller coaster. When we arrived there, we had to wait a while for our turn and then when it was actually our turn, we headed for the front coaster. Alqas and satria at the very front, me behind them. When all the coasters were full, the attendant had fastened the security bars.... and we're ready to go.......... ten!ten!ten!!!! the rain poured!!! Hampeh tahap dewa!!! punyala excited duduk dlm tu.... i mena... the bars were fastened already for god's sakes!! And the goes the attendant sayingt that the ride is temporarily closed because of the rain..... damn.... So we got stranded there for a few mins, waiting for the rain to subside.... reda je sikit, we headed into the indoor theme park.. nak buat apa lagi kat luar.. All the rides were closed. So we went in, had our lunch at kyros kebab.. and continued lepaking inside taking piccies.
When it was nearly 1400, we took our chance aa.. gi lura balik, see if the rain had stopped. Well... it was still drizzling..ingat kalau rides sumer tutup... we'd go down early, sambung lepak at KLCC... hmm.. As the Antique car ride was opened, we decided to get on it.. aahh... what the hell la kan.. might as well get on every ride no matter how boring it might be... So naikla.... And.. when we're cruising down the lane in the car, the sun started to shine!!! Yeayyyy!!!! Alqas was pressing down the pedal so that the car will shoot off as fast as possible.. tapi antique car kan.. mana nak laju... we finished the ride add ran straight up to the the Solero Shot ride... it was opened!!! There were only 2 seats left... so alqas and satria went for it 1st while i waited outside for their bags while trying to gain enough willpower to get on the ride soon after. I looked from outside the ride as the platform was lifted high 3 storey-building height... maybe more... and after 10 secs, the platform swooshed down.. like eeepppppssss!!! man! takotttt..... When both of them got down... satria sworn not to go up the ride again and alqas was superbly excited byt the ride... she said it was best gile nak mampos mampos... huh... As the queue for solero became quite long, we decided to go on the Corkscrew it had just reopened and there werent many ppl there. Thank God, this time the ride bleh go on.... and it sure was fun!!! Best aa... serious.. whoever goes up there and didnt go up both the corkscrew and solero..rugi. Turun je corkscrew we ran straight for the solero... this time its my turn, and alqas agreed to go on the ride again with me... I was half closing my eyes with my hands when we were far up in the sky... my mind was trying so hard not to even think of being on the ride... my heart was racing and beating with some unknown, haywired rhythm and when i finally had the courage the romve my hands off mmy face.... Swooooossshhhh!!! the platform was dropped down and i cud feel my butt not even touching the seat and i could've sworn that my heart was left somewhere up there.... like shit man.... it was awesome!!!!! Then, when it reached like 1/4 of its height, its lifted up and dropped down again for a few time... memang aa best gile nak mampos.... i'd certainly go on that ride again.. for sure!!
Next, we went on the swinger again..just for the fun of it and then hurried to the Sg Rejang Flume Ride where we got wet all over... The flume ride was ok.. but i think i'd prefer the one in Sunway Lagoon better coz that one has three inclines.... the genting one has only two... Next, we proceeded to the Genting Mines Train ride for our very last ride and assumed to be 'drying-up' ride.. coz we thot it'd be an easy family ride and it would get us dry a little... the ride turned out to be quite awesome... it was beyond expectation la... coz we expected some kind of a slow moving wagon.... sekali.... hmmm... it turned out to be one helluva roller coater ride... seram gak coz the ride went thru tunnels.. really dark tunnels and we're quite afraid if our heads will knock the roof of the tunnel... hehhe... worth the ride....
1535, we headed off to the Skyway for our ride down... Hmm.. slept the whole way back to KL... Then after smayang in KL Sentral, took a train to KLCC, sent the piccies fro printing... had dinner at picnic.... tengok Adibah Noor sang at Ramlee Mall, get the piccies, laughed our heads off reminiscing the good times we had up in genting and started to walk up to Bintang Walk..... A day full of fun, lughter and walks.... heheheh... Upon arriving at Bintang Walk, we had a drink at Starbucks while waiting for my mom and bro to pick us up. Around 2315, my bro arrived, he droves us around Uptown before sending alqas and satria to the Duta stn for their midnite bus to pbntr.... Wow... what a terrific day. **Special thbnks to alqas and satria for making the day a great one!!!**
Fri June 27th
Woke up at around 0800... both my feet were still sore frm all the walk i had the day before. Played with Athirah while waiting til she felt sleepy and ready for her afternoon nap. After Zuhur, went off to Jln TAR to get things for Nura and myself and gonna take STAR to Dan's right after.... that was the initial plan. THen, when i was in Sogo, just passing thru to go to the STAR LRT, on my way out of Sogo... i saw a very familiar face..... and another one.. and another one...!!! *Shrieks!!!** Its Goe, Abg Syuk and Abg Tajudin... abende la derang buat kat sini plak... Of all ppl, of all places, i met them, there. So, they invited me for drinks... so had to delay my meeting with Dan and told him to meet me up in KLCC straight rather than Sri Petaling stn. So we chatted fro like half an hour while they finish their lunch.... Hmmm.. tak sangka sungguh jumpa these 3 ppl... Soon after we exchaged byebyes and take cares, i walked all the way to jamek putra stn to get the train to KLCC. Eepsss.. was a bit late... Dan was there already... and i'm in KLCC again for dinner 2 days in a row... So had dinner, jalan jalan... and around 2200, Dan sent me home.... Gonna meet him again the next day, before i balik kg for my granma's bday party... :)
Sat June 28th
Met Dan at around 1100, had breakfast, lepak and got him to send me over to Mak's (my aunt) at around 1500. I'm going off to kg with my cuz Zura and gonna pick up her sis, Ifah in Shah Alam b4 proceeding to Sepang. Hmm.. on the way to sepang.... boleh sesat la pulak... sampai kelana jaya.... like duhhhh.... We finally arrived at around 1830... smayang , lepak, then it was the parrrrttttyyyyyy right after maghrib. Adei... so many foodstuffs.. ahh.. the hell with dieting. The food were all too good to be missed out on. So i had a very generous servings of BBQ chicken, beef, prawns, crabs and fish, fried beehoon, salads, fruits, puddings, cakes..... like wowwww..... Sesambil tu, watched Akademi Fantasia on Astro... adela this gurl Atie.. one of the contestants... sang like shit.... dah tu over nak mampos... A communication major student who cant even understand the lyrics of the song Save the Best for Last... imagine that! :P Teruk betui. Anyway.... after midnite when all the kiddies were asleep, we played monopoly and later blackjack sampai la kol 4... hmmm... then i dozed off to sleep.. til around 6 when i was awaken by mosquito bites on my legs... Damn mosquitoes...
Sun June 29th
Got home around 1830.... had some rest and straight after maghrib, went out for dinner with Dan in Ampang Jaya. Gonna meet him again the next day before i get onto my 1530 bus to pbntr. He sent me home around 2300... watched the TV3 Carnival concert while waiting for my bro with my mom.... and dozed off to sleep... heheh...
Mon June 30th
Met Dan at around 1100. Had tossai for bfast at Bt Jalil. After that, hang around watching movies til zuhur and after zuhur stopped by at Burger King's hartamas for our takeaway lunch. Had to have lunch on the go coz it was nearly 1500 and my bus will go off at 1530. So... after the meal we had to have in the car, we said our bye byes and i got off on my bus to get home to pbntr... :( i dont wanna ho home........
Arrived in Pbntr around 1730, Nura picked me up and we had dinner at lembab... siap for silat... after silat lepak at Naseer's with Azno, k. Ghazi, Nura, Che Where, Kak I'ee, Abg Rosli(S/U caw penang), Abg Majid(YDP Penang), Abg Nezam(penyelia) and another bro tak tau nama... Lepak til aroun 0130.. then balik for a very much needed sleep......
So.. thats it.. the things i'd done all the while when i didnt blog... hehehe... restless me. Tu yg flat yesterday.. tak larat.. And now, this wednesday morning, i'd spent more than an hor to blog.... so i'd better log off and start doing my work.... Btw... had a chat with ben just now... and i dunno...... apehal pulak la mamat nih... sukati laaa... malas nak layan. :p
Woke up at around 0800... both my feet were still sore frm all the walk i had the day before. Played with Athirah while waiting til she felt sleepy and ready for her afternoon nap. After Zuhur, went off to Jln TAR to get things for Nura and myself and gonna take STAR to Dan's right after.... that was the initial plan. THen, when i was in Sogo, just passing thru to go to the STAR LRT, on my way out of Sogo... i saw a very familiar face..... and another one.. and another one...!!! *Shrieks!!!** Its Goe, Abg Syuk and Abg Tajudin... abende la derang buat kat sini plak... Of all ppl, of all places, i met them, there. So, they invited me for drinks... so had to delay my meeting with Dan and told him to meet me up in KLCC straight rather than Sri Petaling stn. So we chatted fro like half an hour while they finish their lunch.... Hmmm.. tak sangka sungguh jumpa these 3 ppl... Soon after we exchaged byebyes and take cares, i walked all the way to jamek putra stn to get the train to KLCC. Eepsss.. was a bit late... Dan was there already... and i'm in KLCC again for dinner 2 days in a row... So had dinner, jalan jalan... and around 2200, Dan sent me home.... Gonna meet him again the next day, before i balik kg for my granma's bday party... :)
Sat June 28th
Met Dan at around 1100, had breakfast, lepak and got him to send me over to Mak's (my aunt) at around 1500. I'm going off to kg with my cuz Zura and gonna pick up her sis, Ifah in Shah Alam b4 proceeding to Sepang. Hmm.. on the way to sepang.... boleh sesat la pulak... sampai kelana jaya.... like duhhhh.... We finally arrived at around 1830... smayang , lepak, then it was the parrrrttttyyyyyy right after maghrib. Adei... so many foodstuffs.. ahh.. the hell with dieting. The food were all too good to be missed out on. So i had a very generous servings of BBQ chicken, beef, prawns, crabs and fish, fried beehoon, salads, fruits, puddings, cakes..... like wowwww..... Sesambil tu, watched Akademi Fantasia on Astro... adela this gurl Atie.. one of the contestants... sang like shit.... dah tu over nak mampos... A communication major student who cant even understand the lyrics of the song Save the Best for Last... imagine that! :P Teruk betui. Anyway.... after midnite when all the kiddies were asleep, we played monopoly and later blackjack sampai la kol 4... hmmm... then i dozed off to sleep.. til around 6 when i was awaken by mosquito bites on my legs... Damn mosquitoes...
Sun June 29th
Got home around 1830.... had some rest and straight after maghrib, went out for dinner with Dan in Ampang Jaya. Gonna meet him again the next day before i get onto my 1530 bus to pbntr. He sent me home around 2300... watched the TV3 Carnival concert while waiting for my bro with my mom.... and dozed off to sleep... heheh...
Mon June 30th
Met Dan at around 1100. Had tossai for bfast at Bt Jalil. After that, hang around watching movies til zuhur and after zuhur stopped by at Burger King's hartamas for our takeaway lunch. Had to have lunch on the go coz it was nearly 1500 and my bus will go off at 1530. So... after the meal we had to have in the car, we said our bye byes and i got off on my bus to get home to pbntr... :( i dont wanna ho home........
Arrived in Pbntr around 1730, Nura picked me up and we had dinner at lembab... siap for silat... after silat lepak at Naseer's with Azno, k. Ghazi, Nura, Che Where, Kak I'ee, Abg Rosli(S/U caw penang), Abg Majid(YDP Penang), Abg Nezam(penyelia) and another bro tak tau nama... Lepak til aroun 0130.. then balik for a very much needed sleep......
So.. thats it.. the things i'd done all the while when i didnt blog... hehehe... restless me. Tu yg flat yesterday.. tak larat.. And now, this wednesday morning, i'd spent more than an hor to blog.... so i'd better log off and start doing my work.... Btw... had a chat with ben just now... and i dunno...... apehal pulak la mamat nih... sukati laaa... malas nak layan. :p
Tuesday, July 01, 2003
Wow... that was quite a long time since i last blogged wasnt it?? Hmm.. and the new blogger layout is pretty cool! Where've i been the last 5 days??? hehhehe.. i took a break. As easy and as simple as that. I took a much needed break. (heheh..every mth pun kena ada break. sheesh!~ bila nak siap MSc nih??)
Anyway... i guess i had my time for 4 hrs during my travel home last thursday... ok..ok.. lemme put everything in always..
Wed June 25th
I was still in such a blue mood but i tried my best to put my best features up front... Didnt go to school that day, instead went along with the cekak demo team to SMT Kerian to watch them 'demo'ing for the school's Pertandingan Silat Seni Daerah. I was amazed by everyone who'd performed that day... be it the cekak team... or the other silat teams.... pretty outfits... cool performance.... gee whizz.... look at how limited my vocab is... i need to read more... but not J.R Tolkien's please...
In the afternoon, went shopping in Megamall Pinang with Nura, Sha and Sha's fren apa tah nama dia..tak ingat. Nura and i got the fabric for our convo's cheongsam..hehe... our attempt to be different from the usual kebaya... lagipun kebaya only makes our butt looks wider... so....hafta opt for sth else for the big day. Then, went to Secret Recipe to get their oh-so-yummy cheesecakes. Nura got their oreo cheese while i got their raspberry... oh boy..the way it just melts in the mouth.... heavenly!!
Later that nite....silat class as usual but i'd to excuse myself earlier coz i need to prepare myself to go back to kl that very nite.. Yeay!!! KL..KL...(sang with the Poetic Ammo tune). I'd brought my jeans and tshirt along to class so i could change there and then... so i did... squirted on some perfume and went back to the pavillion where everyone would gather after class. Abg Nizam was there and so was Hamdi and they made remarks like "oit..tumpah perfume ke??" and abg nizam said "buh perfume bebyk pun bau rumput lagi daaa" Cheittt.... blahh aah... dengki punya orang... :P
Anyway... everyone was set and ready to go at around 2340 so we asked azno to drives us to pb bus stn... with gleaming eyes and smiles so wide, we stepped onto the bus.... and as soon as the bus moved, we fell asleep..hehhe... well.... it was midnite...whaddya expect????
Thurs June 26th
Arrived at Duta at around 0405 and i was awake by then. Glimpsed at alqas and satria...ok... i cant really see if both of them are wide awake or not. I continued to be awake when the bus proceeded to Puduraya where it'd stopped in front of the Maybank Tower and we stepped down to have all these suddenly-so-friendly cab drivers on our tail... asking us "nak gi mana dek..UM? UPM?" iskk..... if one or two... kira ok la... but along the way??? its just too irritating! Anyway... we proceeded to Puduraya on foot (twas just opposite Mbank) and sat there having sanwiches and bread pudding that alqas and satria had brought with em while waiting til its nearly 0600 when the lrt starts their ops.... 0530, we started walking towards the putra jamek stn. I took then thru the longer way... walked by the telekom museum and the muamalat's bank hq instead of the masjid india area. We walked slowly, enjoying the city view early in the morning... I'd never done anything like that before even if KL is my hometown...the environment was like so calm and serene... i mean.. who'd ever thot that KL could be like that??? 0545 reached jamek stn..had to wait outside coz the stn wasnt opened yet..damn!~ then, while we're waiting, we heard the azan.... beaking the silence of dawn in KL... For a minute there, i was in awe.... amazed...and thankful.... that in a bustling city like KL, where people mind their own business, working highs and lows for their hard-earned money, where money and material are master to some and all sorts of evil dwells.... there is still those who believe in the greatness of God... and never fail to perform their task to the Almighty.
0600... the putra stn's gates opened.... and we hurried in to get a train to KL Central. Got there around 0615, washed up a bit and performed subuh at the surau there. after that, went checking for the genting tickets..hehehhe...the counter was still closed. it opens at 0730 and it was only 0645 then. So we went for our morning coffee... and ate whatever that's left of the sandwiches and bread pudding... took some piccies... and got our tickets to genting on the 1st bus there at around 0745... Genting, we come!!!!!
Hehehhee...continue later.... my fingers are kinda numb from too much typing..heheh.... chiao!
Anyway... i guess i had my time for 4 hrs during my travel home last thursday... ok..ok.. lemme put everything in always..
Wed June 25th
I was still in such a blue mood but i tried my best to put my best features up front... Didnt go to school that day, instead went along with the cekak demo team to SMT Kerian to watch them 'demo'ing for the school's Pertandingan Silat Seni Daerah. I was amazed by everyone who'd performed that day... be it the cekak team... or the other silat teams.... pretty outfits... cool performance.... gee whizz.... look at how limited my vocab is... i need to read more... but not J.R Tolkien's please...
In the afternoon, went shopping in Megamall Pinang with Nura, Sha and Sha's fren apa tah nama dia..tak ingat. Nura and i got the fabric for our convo's cheongsam..hehe... our attempt to be different from the usual kebaya... lagipun kebaya only makes our butt looks wider... so....hafta opt for sth else for the big day. Then, went to Secret Recipe to get their oh-so-yummy cheesecakes. Nura got their oreo cheese while i got their raspberry... oh boy..the way it just melts in the mouth.... heavenly!!
Later that nite....silat class as usual but i'd to excuse myself earlier coz i need to prepare myself to go back to kl that very nite.. Yeay!!! KL..KL...(sang with the Poetic Ammo tune). I'd brought my jeans and tshirt along to class so i could change there and then... so i did... squirted on some perfume and went back to the pavillion where everyone would gather after class. Abg Nizam was there and so was Hamdi and they made remarks like "oit..tumpah perfume ke??" and abg nizam said "buh perfume bebyk pun bau rumput lagi daaa" Cheittt.... blahh aah... dengki punya orang... :P
Anyway... everyone was set and ready to go at around 2340 so we asked azno to drives us to pb bus stn... with gleaming eyes and smiles so wide, we stepped onto the bus.... and as soon as the bus moved, we fell asleep..hehhe... well.... it was midnite...whaddya expect????
Thurs June 26th
Arrived at Duta at around 0405 and i was awake by then. Glimpsed at alqas and satria...ok... i cant really see if both of them are wide awake or not. I continued to be awake when the bus proceeded to Puduraya where it'd stopped in front of the Maybank Tower and we stepped down to have all these suddenly-so-friendly cab drivers on our tail... asking us "nak gi mana dek..UM? UPM?" iskk..... if one or two... kira ok la... but along the way??? its just too irritating! Anyway... we proceeded to Puduraya on foot (twas just opposite Mbank) and sat there having sanwiches and bread pudding that alqas and satria had brought with em while waiting til its nearly 0600 when the lrt starts their ops.... 0530, we started walking towards the putra jamek stn. I took then thru the longer way... walked by the telekom museum and the muamalat's bank hq instead of the masjid india area. We walked slowly, enjoying the city view early in the morning... I'd never done anything like that before even if KL is my hometown...the environment was like so calm and serene... i mean.. who'd ever thot that KL could be like that??? 0545 reached jamek stn..had to wait outside coz the stn wasnt opened yet..damn!~ then, while we're waiting, we heard the azan.... beaking the silence of dawn in KL... For a minute there, i was in awe.... amazed...and thankful.... that in a bustling city like KL, where people mind their own business, working highs and lows for their hard-earned money, where money and material are master to some and all sorts of evil dwells.... there is still those who believe in the greatness of God... and never fail to perform their task to the Almighty.
0600... the putra stn's gates opened.... and we hurried in to get a train to KL Central. Got there around 0615, washed up a bit and performed subuh at the surau there. after that, went checking for the genting tickets..hehehhe...the counter was still closed. it opens at 0730 and it was only 0645 then. So we went for our morning coffee... and ate whatever that's left of the sandwiches and bread pudding... took some piccies... and got our tickets to genting on the 1st bus there at around 0745... Genting, we come!!!!!
Hehehhee...continue later.... my fingers are kinda numb from too much typing..heheh.... chiao!
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