Friday, July 18, 2003

Hehe.. guess what.. i walked all the way to campus in the hor burning sun. Regrets? Not at all... Walking is a good way of channelling all the anger and frustration that had built up inside me. Why the anger and frustration? I dunno. I just hate it when people screw up with what is planned. I just think that if anyone at all cant stand up to what they have planned.. then why even bother planning in the first place? That would certainly save everyone from all these irritable feelings. Lagipun as someone had said... "kalau dah plan nak buat bende, kena buat. Kalau tak.. tu dah ckp tak serupa bikin..meaning tipu.. kalau tipu...macam mana ilmu nak lekat?" Just a point to ponder... something i have to remind myself of.

Dan is still not online... God.. i need to talk to him so much....

Okla... going over to alqas' there's sth she wants me to read.

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