A delightuful sunny morning to start the day with. Went straight to parit buntar bus station after bfast to get my bus ticket.. lohhh.. banjir sehhh... Boleh tahan teruk gak laa.. well.. not that deep.. vehicles can still go through the roads.. but then.. banjir la... Its not a common sight. I asked the man at the counter how long had it been.. he said.. it'd been flooding like that for like four or five days now.. but today is the worst by far. So... nasihat to everyone who's planning to go there today... better go there some other day.. especially you people with lowered cars, seperti keta ABV yang dah memang lowered secara azalinya dan biasanya diloweredkan lagik dengan jumlah orang yang menaikinya... heheh.. jgn marah...! ;)
Saw something about Malaysia on Discovery's Travel and Adventure last night. So this traveller, a female foreigner, went to some states in the peninsular... KL, Kelantan and Terengganu. When she was in Kelantan, she was accompanied by this Malaysian woman by the name of Aliyah.. Ya Allah.. punye la bijak bistarinya pompuan ni. Boleh.. she described Kelantan as being not very much developed compared to the other countries because it is governed by an islamic party that doesnt encourage development. Like.. HELLOOOOO!! Wait.. wait.. dont give me that look yet.. that's not what i mean.. Yes.. it is a fact that the other party didnt do a very good job in developing the country.. but for goodness sakes.. she shouldnt have said it like that.. the stress on the "islamic party". Now people would think that islam is a religion that doesnt promote its believers to become modernized; when in truth, Islam wants us to work all out to gain benefits form both dunia and akhirat and the religion itself never condemn development. Its just the people who rules the country.. who proclaims themselves as pure muslims.. hmm.. itu terserah pada masing-masing la.. If they think they're so pious and know everything about the religion... ikut aa... I'm just stressing out on the gal's words.. ape aaa punya ngok ngek. Then, when the traveller questioned her abt what the people in kelantan do for a living, she said they are "petani".. farmers... Apelaa... obviously.. she doesnt make a good PR for her own country. Cakapla.. they are one of the most entrepeneur-minded population in the country... they do their own business ranging from agricultural products to jewelleries... Appaaaraaa punya mangkuk. Dont la say things that'll make people think of Malaysia as a 3rd world nation. We're way beyond that already. We are now a developing country for god's sakes... she should be proud of that... Maybe what she said about the country werent all wrong but at least be on the fair side for the sake of the whole nation la... This is an international production. We'd wanna give a good impression kan... at least say something nice la... itu pun tak tau ke.. maybe she was too nervous being in front of the camera and all... Well.. if she was.. then she'd might as well do what i would do.. refuse to be on the show in the first place. Takdela orang ingat malaysia ni kuno sangat.. and takdela aku kena mengutuk dia dalam blog ni... nyusahkan orang jek. :p Hahhaaa...
Okie dokie.. mu bus will be at 1530 today.. so i'd better read up on some symbian and stuffs to get myself prepared for the thingy tomorrow.. I'll be alone.. all by myself on both t he days.. alamaaakkk.. iskk.. tadek member nak makan sesama.. kene kontrol aa cenggini.. isk.. demm... Okiess.. may everybody have a splendid weekend. To alqas and satria: cya guys on sunday... haircut!haircut!.. not just any haircut.. a professional haircut.. dont play play aaa... hehehe.. berlagak sehhh.. :p
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