Came back from Nura's this morning and headed straight to this room. There was a power failure this morning which had affected the entire campus.. but its okay now. Thank God. Had buka puasa at rumah persatuan tmn brown last nite. Well.. at least theoritically. we actually had our buka puasa at Vistana... no... too bad its not at the coffee house or anything. We had it at the surau coz we wanted to pray before going for the buka puasa. Only at 1940 did we reach the place and ustaz and a few others were praying maghrib berjemaah at the front lawn. Aiseh.. cane nak masuk nih... and while we were popping our heads from behind the wall, the other guys who werent praying signalled us to use the back door... Oooo.. ada jalan belakang rupanya.....
Excerpts of what ustaz said last night.. well.. just a bit...
"Saya ni bukan paderi tau.. kalau buat dosa, jgn mai kat saya mintak bersih. Hang buat dosa, hang mintak ampun la kat tuhan. tau ka?"
"Duit yang simpan dlm bank kalau tak pernah keluaq kena bayaq zakat tau ka. Fitrah tu utk diri, zakat utk harta. Kalau duit dlm bank selalu keluar masuk, takpa la.. tak payah zakat. Tapi kalau tak pernah keluaq, zakatla sikit. Kalau simpan 2 ribu, zakatla 50 ka... bukan byk pun."
"Gheta saya tu kena 16 ribu. Masuk ayaq bah haritu. ok la tu.. 3 tahun sekali.. kira zakat gheta la.."
"Kalau depa mai kelas cik harun, tau baqa' tu maksud kekal, bahawa tuhan tu kekal, dia tu tak kekal, kira ok la"
... and many more.. which i cant quite remember... Tapi, seronok la jumpa ustaz lepas lama tak jumpa. Sayu pulak bila salam ustaz seblom balik. Rasa air mate dah bgenang. Ustaz tanya, hujan2 ni balik macam mana. terharu sungguh. :)
Today, things seemed to go well until just now... baru je kejap tadik.. Now feel kinda funny... macam tak best. Hmm.. must be PMS.. :p
"..lama tak nampak.."
"..itu je la yg slalu awak ckp.."
"..demam ke?.."
"..demam la.."
Isk.. salah ke tanya? hmm... emosi jek kot... org lapaq mmg emosional kan?? takpela.. len kali jumpe bagik salam je la.. takmo tegur dah. :(
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