Aawww... currently suffering a major body systems sluggishness... Too much of a good thing is bad.. really bad... Hmm.. remind me to restrict nasi himpit/rendang/lemang/kuah lodeh/kuah kacang/tapai/kuih raya intake during raya next year... Hicks~* (mabuk raya).
Raya had been great. Spent raya's eve at Kg, with the usual people coming over for takbir. Luckily this year, nenek's house was the 4th house so it ended at around 10. If the house is the last on the list.. jawabnya sampai pukul 2 pagi la tunggu orang datang takbir. Jenuh gak... ngantuk.. heehee....
Raya was the usual... pagi after subuh, ziarah kubur baba... and just as previous rayas... the cemetery gate was closed for vehicles... so we had to walk in... After tahlil sesikit, rushed home for smayang raya, then bfast sikit, shoot up to meet the rest of the relatives on my late dad's side in Selayang. It'd been a long time since the last get-together you know. Last year pun i didnt get to meet everyone.. this year, alhamdulillah, nearly everyone was there, except pakcik atan and mak andak's family je yang takde. Then, singgah jap rumah Tok Ulong at Kg. nakhoda before leaving for B.B Salak Tinggi.... yeayyy!!! The only thing that kinda spoilt my mood that raya morning was my brother's constant rushing... Isk.. menyampah betul. :p
Third raya, as promised, Dan came over with his cuz Chum. Paksu was there and he entertained him. too bad they didnt really have similar interests bcoz paksu loves fast cars and bikes while Dan loves Landies... BUT... it went well... we all had dinner together and later Dan and Chum escorted me n my mom home... and i had to limit my driving speed to only 90kmph... :p Oh yeah... my cuz Awin was also there when they came... purposely asked her to be there.... and... well.. no surprise.. there seem to be some kind of a mutual attraction between Awin and Chum. Whatever it is.... i hope they both know the risk they're taking..... Hehehe... Hmm.. just remembered sth... Chum havent been keeping me updated... isk... haritu beriya2... :p Marah nih...
Fourth raya.... hehe... return visit. I brought cuz Zura along with me to Dan's parents place. Things went great coz Kak Faris and hubby abg Jib wasnt there until a few minutes before we're leaving the house.. Muehehehe..... but Almas was there from the start and she's such a dear!!!! So cute and smart! and.... i got to carry her... :D So, all in all.... his visit to my granma's and my visit to his parents turned out really well la kan.... Phewwwwwww!~
Fifth raya... beraya sakan starting at nek Su's place in Shah Alam.. all the way to Kuang then back to Kg Pandan.. then Keramat. Aaahhh... seronoknya raya.... Oh.. and i think i havent told you this... hehe... i still get duit raya tau this year... hehehe... boleh tahan jugak la collection... cover balik upah buat baju raya.. ehhehe... Thanks to all my aunts and uncles yang bagik duit raya. Dan honey... you tak nak bagi i duit raya ke???? hehehe..... naahh.. kidding.... ;)
Sixth raya's eve... lepak2 at TCBTL Ampang with Dan... and Chum... and Zura. Hehehe.. kesian Chum... Awin cancelled at the last minute. Nasib baik Zura nak fill in... tapi... isk... entah aa... macam tak jadi je.... and oh... the cafe mocha sucks.
7th raya... followed Dan beraya at his colleagues' houses... Cpt Hizar included. Hmm.. wonder why Hizar wants to befriend Dan so much la... musykil betul. Anyways... we went to abg Isa's place at first and there i had the shock of my life when his son turned out to be a 3rd yr student frm Bahan... Wakakak... talk abt small world... but wait.. there's more... his son's friends came by for raya... and i recognize 2 of the 3 friends... one of which was Lopong... Ek eneng... and..... the mother (Kak Zie) knows Dongek... adeyyy.... isk... So.. now i'm like kinda confused here.. i have friends from 2 generations at once.... some kind of a friend to the parents (thru Dan) and some kind of a friend to the son... Yikes! Screwed up huh? After abg Isa's place abg Zahari and finally Hizar's... Hmm.. he turned out to be ok la... i guess people change... muehehee.....
2200... balik from beraya and rushed to get my bus back to PB. Tak sempat jumpe athirah that day. I just saw her for a while when i got back on Friday tu je... and then dia balik kg... until sunday baru ada balik.. itupun dah petang lepas i was already with Dan pegi beraya.. isk... takpe la adik... nanti next weekend along balik ok? Adik pakai baju kurung.. nanti along amek gamba gune camera yang dah tak berapa baru... heheh...
So.. that's it... my raya stories.... gonna load up some raya pics.. tapi tak sure mana nak load lagi.. might try the photopages.. tapi later la.. gotta rush for lab right now... isk.. kacau la. Okie dokie.. signing off!! (excuse the very bad narration... i told you.... very sluggish sysytem... :p)
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