Aiza called yesterday telling me abt her first date with Judd. Great to hear that things are going on really well between those two. Heheh.. yet another relationship that blooms from the virtual world, the borderless realm of the world wide web. Their first meeting place was the same as mine - KLCC.. ish.. berjasa sungguh KLCC mempertemukan 2 insan.. manala tau, if ada jodoh, nikah kat masjid KLCC pulak.. wedding in the park gitu! Apa pun, i hope all goes well for them both. Let there be no more heartaches for her nor him... and to Dan's cuz Chum.. too bad la... you're a wee bit too late.. baru nak introduce to her, she'd already been swept off her feet by her knight in shining armour... Its ok Chum, there're bound to be other chick(s) out there waiting for you... (like the one frm HELP.. LOL!!!)
Asked Dan on his parents plans this Sunday and what i should serve his parents when they come over. He wasnt sure himself what their plan is.. drop by, or bring me along.. yadda..yadda... anyway... i know now that no sugary food/drinks for aunty rahmah.. milo(no sugar) or teh for uncle nizar, maybe some cakes would be nice for unc. nizar too, esp chocolate ones i suppose since he's a true choc lover... (agaknya mmg org yg lahir 20th may ni hantu chocs eh?) and some sardine currypuffs for both of them.. since aunty cant take sugar... So more or less i think i have an idea on what to serve la.... i think... adela kot teh, milo kat umah tu... LOL!! Tak ingat dah since i havent been taken those for quite some time. Green tea ade la. Saturday nih check stock apa yg patut. Lagipun nak start induction on Monday (hopefully i'll be stricter this time!)... so have to go get stuffs. Maybe i'll make some sardine rolls ke kalau tadek kuih kan.. orait la tu.. konon2 tunjuk bakat memasak la.. LOL!!
Hmmm.... elections are coming... betul ah that Dare to Fail punye author ckp.. elections are bound to be on the 1st half of this year... i think Mdm Lilian Too pun mentioned sth abt it kot.. isk.. thru feng shui can know all those things meh??? Anyway, bercakap pasal elections, it is afterall a free country... pilihla ikut kebijaksanaan masing2... Macam mana pun, jangan la overly emotional... kalau parti yang kita sokong kalah, jangan la nak bermusuh dgn parti yg menang pulak. Politik tu politik la.. tapi kena ingat, our main aim ialah untuk satukan bangsa... kalau tak bersatu macam mana nak kuat? Lagipun, Allah tak tolong bangsa yang tak bersatu (kata ustaz)... jadik, nanti janganla sbb nak menang pilihanraya, orang ni kutuk orang tu, orang tu apikan orang ni.... Last last berpecah... Nama je seagama, sebangsa... Camne tuhan nak tolong? Isk.. hopefully, jgn la ade yang extreme sgt sampai sanggup berpecah belah hanya kerana parti politik.
Brrr... its really cold la today.. my fingers are getting numb from the biting cold. Nak kena pakai mittens ni... isk... okla.. gonna go warm myself up by walking around, kacau kengkawan. Adieu!
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