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Base Check
Dan is off to Aussie for his bi-annually base check. He'd been stressed out the whole month about it. Good thing the day finally came though. At least he'll be done with it once and for all.. And i can enjoy his warm, unstressed company again. Hmm.. planning to go the new Alamanda Putrajaya when i go back next week. Not sure if we have the time though. Hope we would.. coz i really, really, really wanna go there. And when we're there perhaps we could go on the 'Daun' boat ride as well. :)
Finally, i had the chance to watch this film everyone had been talking about months ago.. It was supposed to be a really scary flick and all... but why the hell was azeno and myself laughing our heads off?? Hehe.. ok la.. gotta give the movie some credits.. The accident scene was good, the dances were great, some angles of the pontianak looked scary.. but overall... hehe... what can i say? If you want to see hantu materialistic, this is the right movie for you.. Man... in those time.. ghosts only hunt for blood.. now.. they want a piece of land,jewelleries, they even 'drive' a kancil for god's sakes!!!! LOLS (sambil terguling2 dgn azno). Besides the very out-of-place ghost driving kancil scene, the plots were so confusing. The first half was ok.. the second half was a real bommer... iskk... I expected something much better from a director like Shuahaimi Baba. As usual, most of the terkejut part was not because the ghost scares the shit out of you, but because it pops on the screen so suddenly that you terkejut.. bukan takut... terkejut. So.. this movie wasn't really my type of horror movies. I prefer movies like Dark Water and What Lies Beneath with the ghost appearing slowly in some scenes. I think that's wayyy more scary...(Hehe..bukan berani sangat pun.. penakut jugak.. :p )
Hehe... tiba2 nak ckp abt exes.. well.. wanted to post abt this yesterday, tapi takleh masuk.. Anyways, i don't know if its just me, but i do feel a tinge of jealousy when he tells me about his past romantic acquaintances.. It makes me sick in the stomach just to imagine that he still think about them (even if he doesn't). Paranoid huh? Sometimes, yeah.. maybe. I know.. i'm the one he's dating now.. and i'm the one he's marrying.. tapi emotions kan. It comes and goes as it please. Tapi, fikir2 balik.. hehe.. nak jealous buat apa? If he had past romantic acquaintances.. well.. so do i.. I can think of them too whenever i please. Hmmphhh...! :p (yeah.. yeah.. Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy ME!!) *evil grin*
Thinkin Thoughts
Oh.. talkin abt exes and such.. I remember a phrase that one of them would usually use when we chat.. "Orang baik tak mengaku dia baik". Was it him who said or was it me? Hmm.. Well.. anyway... thinking about the phrase... Betul jugak kan. Orang baik tak mengaku dia baik, orang jahat pun tak mengaku dia jahat, orang bijak jarang mengaku dia bijak, orang cantik susah nak mengaku dirinya lawa, orang soleh tak pernah kata dirinya soleh... Orang2 yg perasan je yang mengklasifikasikan diri dia dgn ayat2 adjektif tu.. dgn niat, mungkin, utk convince kan diri dia yang bahawasanya dia lah baik, dialah lawa, dialah beriman, dialah bijak, dialah segalanya. Mungkin lupa, kita ni hanyalah makhluk kudus yang tak punya apa. Segalanya hanya pinjaman... tiba masanya, dipulangkan semula ke pemilik yang Esa.
Macam mana pun, tak salah nak cakap benda2 positif ni kat diri sendiri utk maintainkan tahap confidence yang tinggi... Tapi.. make sure masa ckp tu takde org di sekeliling.. supaya tak digelar seorang makhluk yang perasan!!! But then again.. pedulik hape org nak kata kan? Me, myself and i... hehe... (bolehla amek falsafah ni kalau rasa2 nanti esok bila nak mati boleh mandi snirik, kafan snirik dan tanam diri sendiri di kubur sendiri!)
Hehe.. rasa macam penulis utk ruangan gossip suratkabar pulak. Kuang3....
Malaysia Idol Final 2
Tonight's the night! Between Jac and Dina. Who'll be carrying Malaysia's name into the World Idol to challenge the other idols including Fantasia?? I dunno.. let the people who votes decide.. (kita yg tak vote duduk je la tgk... :p )
Anyways.. my personal preference is Dina. I think she has a great voice, and a great personality. Jac sings very well... but from the start i'd always think that she has more advantage because she's already a performer. So.. to me, it's a little unfair to the others. But that doesnt make much difference kan. They're all performaers now. So.. the best of luck to both of them, and.. may the best gal wins! (An advanced message to the one who doesnt win: You both are equally good... but the one who didnt win only lacks in luck.)
Let us enjoy the show tonight. Rock on ladies...!
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