Uh.. lamanya tak posting...
Sabtu yang nyaris
Last friday ikut azno blk ipoh jap, kebetulan ada member dia kawen kat sana. Syok jugak pergi kenduri member azeno tu, turned out tht i saw two old frens of mine from school pulak. Hihi.. tak sangka betul. Dahla the night before tht i kinda had a dream abt one of the two. Cam misteri nusantara lak. Hihi.
Neways, around 1530, kitorg gerak aa nk blk pb. Ingatnye kalau sempat leh singgah kenduri k.Salmi n Mie. On the road mmg azno pecut la.. tapi takla smpi 140 pun... biasa je, max dlm 120 kot maybe masa turun bukit ke tercecah 130... tp kejap je la. Pastu, kat satu kawasan ni, dah lepas sikit dr kuale kangsor, macam ada jambatan kecik di tmpt berselekoh, so kiri kanan jmbtn tu, diorg letak palang2 besi. We were following this honda, tp takla dekat sgt.. and another car was following us from the back. Tiga2 kete nih tgh laju la nih. Tetiba honda tu cam lost control and pergi langgar tiang2 besi tepi jalan tu... right in front of our car, right in front of our eyes. Tayar dia pecah, berterbangan la kat situ. Uhh... gabanz seyy.. seb baik the driver still had control over his car, and trus masuk the left lane. Seb bek gak org kat left lane tu tgh slow. Seb bek lagik azno tak panic and drove straight je la.. smbl brek kuat2. Terasa bergegar kete tu. Kalau azno terpusing sket je stereng tu, ada can la merasa lagi terpusing2 kete mcm masa kat cyberjaya dulu. Hisyyy.. ngeri sey. Alhamdulillah.. semua selamat. Except kete honda tu la.. kena gi repair. Tak smpt nak amek tau. Too shocked to even stop. Smpi kat jelapang baru la terpikir.. pesal tak stop ek? Hihi... Isk.. ketaq pala lutut. Tu la.. cite... kalau Tuhan nak bagi selamat kan..? Alhamdulillah.. syukur.. masih ada depan pc nih. :)
Last week heboh kat suratkhabar abt the Health Minister nak try harm reduction among IDUs (injecting drug users) utk kurangkan merebaknya HIV. Most religious leaders were against the idea, but NGO's are so eager to carry them out. Of course la eager... its not their money tht the ministry will be using kan? Its gonna be the taxpayers money. Suka hati je nak habiskan duit rakyat kat mayat hidup kan?
I'm against the idea as well. According to the harm reduction method nih, IDUs will be given free syringes in exchange of old ones, so tht HIV tak merebak mll perkongsian jarum. And then, they'll also be given free drug replacement, dimethicone kot nama dia, to these IDUs. Oh.. condoms will be given free as well. All of these needs money. Whose money? The answer is quite obvious. Lagipun, i dont see the practicality of this method. TV3 news surveyed on some drug addicts on whether or not they'll get the free syringes and use them and not share needles. They said no. Why should this be done when the IDUs themselve dont even bother? lagipun, ingat dlm keadaan khayal terketar2 tu, diorg sempat ke nak tukar2 jarum? Takdenye... first things first... mesti nak get the drug first. HIV or not... they dont even care!
A lot of money had been spent on drug rehabs. Need we spend more to encourage them be drug addicts for the rest of their lives? Unless of course if they'd want to taint the syringes or drug replacements with rat poison... By all means, go ahead. Barula kuantiti diorg ni berkurang. Kurangla org berkongsi jarum. Baru la reducing harm. Lagipun, mmg amek dadah tu nak cepat mati kan.. y dont we speed up the process?
NGOs only see it from their point of view. Bukan nak rujuk hadis & sunnah. Tu yang diorg pakat2 gelakkan mufti Perak sbb cadangkan pengasingan terhadap mrk yg HIV+ ni. Tujuannya bukan nak stigmatize.. tp kalau kata diorg ni betul2 nak kawal merebaknya HIV ni, y not give it a try, instead of menggalakkan diorg hidup dgn cara tu?
Entahla... most HIV+ are victims of their own doing. Diorg didatangkan penyakit tu sbb Allah masih sayang diorg, nak bagi mrk peluang utk insaf dan bertaubat... tp kadang2, cara NGO ni mcm nak galakkan kehidupan bebas dan tak bermoral, tp dgn cara yang kononnya "selamat" spy tak dijangkiti HIV, and yg dah dijangkiti tak menjangkiti orang lain. Its like.. you can have sex with anyone you want, but use a condom; you can use drugs, but dont share needles. Bila la nak habis...? I still think abstinance is the way to go.
Apapun... seblom jalankan rancangan yg hanya berjaya di aussi dan tak berjaya di 3 buah negara besar yg lain (quoting from PEMADAM president), kena tgk dulu adakan ia bersesuaian dgn konsep yg nak dibawa oleh k'jaan. Kononnya nak berlandaskan islam hadhari... jgn islam hadhari pada konsep aje, tp pada pembawakannya islam had-hari. Hanya terhad pd hari2 tertentu. Wallahualam.
uh.. emosi sungguh posting ini. Emosi la.. sbb sygkan agama, bangsa & negara!!
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