AF... AF... sigh!~Hmm.. everytime AF ada, mesti nak ada posting abt AF. Hihi... nak wat cemana. :)
Last saturday's concert was held outdoor, in Putrajaya... for free! Hmm.. they should make all the concerts like that. At least org yg berabis duit kredit nk afundi tu rasa terharga la jugak. Mawi as usual tops the chart, and last week 2 students instead of one were expelled, Amy n Reza. Reza tu i think deserves la keluar.. sbb perangai sket mamat nih. Amy plak.. she has a good voice.. tp nak wat camne, rezki takde kan. Have to face the fact winners tht reality shows of this kind bukannya bergantung pada bakat semata2, tp bergantung gak pada populariti calon tuh.
Personal opinion of AF3 students, i like Amylea best of all. She's god a lovely husky voice, and an attitude to go with. Cool babe. Sokong amylea 100%. You go gurl!!! Mawi tu cam ok la jugak.. sbb personaliti dia tu cam klakar2... tapi, his performance so far are a dissapoinment to me... lupa lirik la, tune main belasah la. Mcm dia tak bersungguh2.. Mentang2la slalu dpt vote tinggi, being top of the class, buat cam sambil lewa je. Jgn la mcm tu... kena la buat bebetul. Ekin best jugak, so is Felix.. tp Felix tu asyik2 dpt lagu dolu2 je. :p Keifli improved a lot, Aidil tunggu masa je nak dikeluarkan.. takde harapan la nk top 5. Gi blk jadi steward lg baik. Yazer so-so, Akma, so-so. Marsha gedik and macam manipulate her looks and body, buat ala2 manja la konon. :p OTT! Sape lagi yg ada ek.. hmm.. ntah... ada semua dah kot. Yg dah terkeluar, elliza, fuad, idayu, reza, amy. Elliza performance best, tp cane.. tak dpt undi byk. Idayu would've last longer kalau she was being herself... and not try to be like MC.. tlg la.. get your own style.. :p Fuad.. more like a zahid wannabe... amy n reza, as stated above.
Haha.. sukati je nak komen orang. sape suh masuk AF. Kalau takmo kena komen, jgnla masuk! :p Oh.. btw.. Msian Idol pun dah masuk workshop skang nih. Last nite tak tgk.. sape ek yg masuk??
**Posting ngarut sbb ngantuk bace paper.. huaaaa... ;(