Daymm.. the series got me hooked! Haha... So dissappointed with last night's episode though... Gosh.. Susan blew her her first date with Mike to save her daughter!.. and the worst part is, she offered her ticket to Edie! :p Waa... geram! Geram!! Mike and susan would really make a sweet couple! :D Hmm... but then again, as mothers, i guess you'd surely wouldn't want them to get into any kind of trouble.. even if it means that you gotta blow your chance to go out with a very hot date. :p

Go Amylea!!
Amylea best! Amylea an all rounder! Amylea versatile! All the best to Amylea!! :D Pesal la tak jumpe adik amylea nih masa kitorg g langkawi aritu... ish..ish.. Minat la ngan Amylea.. suara dia besh! AFUNDI AMYLEA!!!!

Amylea singing "Hati Ini Telah Dilukai".. pic from astro.
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