Hari ni, setakat masa posting nih.. mmg hari yg sgt menyayukan la. Huhu.. tatau la. maybe aku je yg terover emosional abt this whole pindah randah thing. Tapape tah. Mcm big deal sgt kan. :p Its just moving back to my hometown.... back to my family, closer to Dan... going to a new life.... leaving my friends... leaving the comfortable lifestyle... having to start over...sigh!~ ... Uwaaa!!
Hihi... emosi sungguh. :p
This morning aunty called. Masa tu lepak bfast ngn akak, sbb baru je lps naik keta baru akak.. hehehe... keta AFM itam. Aunty said Dan left me some money to pay for my registration fees and all the yadda yaddas bila nak enroll kat ikwas nnt. She said,"You are lucky aren't you?" and i was like.. what was tht abt? Huhu... tatau nak interpret. Maybe she didn't mean anything by it pun... but sometimes i can't help feeling so hopeless. :( Everything pun sponsored. Some ppl might like it tht way... and i'm thankful to have such understanding fiance and in laws to be... With them being very supportive towards me in every single way... even financially... Tp kengkadang tu rasa mcm... hmm.. mcm mana ek nak ckp.... macam hampeh... sbb it seems like i had to rely on other ppl. Dan always says tht it's his job to provide for me... tp rasa cam tak appropriate plak, since we're not married yet. Kinda makes me feel bad la... sbb mcm bebankan org lain. Sigh!~ Macam ke..?.. ke memang? Huhuhu... Dahla pulak one my cuz dok ckp.."ko ok la, best la.. everything orang sponsor".. Macam seronok je kena sponsor kan? Hmm.. muka yg terpaksa ditebalkan mcm dinding konkrit ni sape yg tau? Tak taula... but sometimes i feel so ashamed... Bukan sbb tak perlukan bantuan tu... sbb mmg perlukan bantuan... tu yg malu... hmm.. paham tak? Ke berbelit? Iskk....
Pastu tadi, jumpa drK, pulangkan buku dia. Hmm.. dah letak buku dia atas meja.. drK tanya bila nak blk.. So i told him la, nk blk isnin ptg. Pastu mulut ni gatai lak tanya dia.. any last words? Padan muka terharu sorang2. :p Dr ckp.. takpe, camne pun kita akan habiskan jugak master awak ni. Rugi kalau tak habis... Sy betul2 nak awak habiskan... kata dr dgn muka bersungguh2. Hmmm... sengih2.. Pastu ckp thanks kat dr... ckp cepat2 je... sbb ala2 dah sebak masa tu.. tapape tah. Dah kuar pintu langkah 4,5 langkah.. drK ckp dr dlm blk.. nnt kad jemputan awak hantar la.. insyaAllah, saya dtg. Huhuhu... aku jenguk blk dlm blk... aku ckp will do that... pastu blah cepat2... sbb pipi dah rasa panas n mata dah berair. Hahaha.. bengong. Pastu all the way nak pegi fotostat mende2 kat post office, dok melawan air mata dr kuar. sedey ada, terharu ada... huhuhu... Bengong betul.
Konon harini nak packing brg2 kat school ni... Tp so far, satu mende pun tak pack lagi. Hampeh. Hmm... :(
Friday, August 19, 2005
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Sedey + Sayu
Sedeyy.... today my dearest leaves for HKG for a 2 weeks (or 3) detachment. He'll be doing the Hong Kong - Anchorage run. Boo hoo hoo... He's expected to be back end of this month or early next mth... Which means tht i won't be around to see him as soon as he comes back. Uwaaaa.... But i'm looking forward for next month actually... coz not only will Dan be back from his detachment, Almaz will also be around coz her family are moving back to KL!! Yeay.. Dan and I had been planning to take Almaz kuar jalan2.. It'd be fun!! :D
Hmm.... harini adlh antara hari2 terakhir kat sini. according to plan, i'll be leaving for KL on Monday, right after my medical apptmt. Hmm... syahdu la plak rasa.
tu la.. been here for too long.. Somehow, like it or not, there's an emotional bond between this place and myself. Huhu... tempat jatuh lagi dikenang.. inikan pulak tempat belajar. :p
Diam tak diam.. lama gak aku dah duduk kat pbtr ni ek. Since i was in my 3rd year... wht yr was that? Hmm.. 2001. I was one of the 1st to be here since masa tu dpt chance jadik AJKO. At tht time mmg campus ni penuh dgn selut & tanah merah. Parking lot dekat desasiwa pun belum bertar. My parents were both shocked... sbb the campus mmg mcm tak ready utk diduduki... and tht was like a week before the new students enroll.
Now.. this place dah kira ok la... Ada byk kolam2.. byk pokok2 yang mula nak membesar... ecodrain pun dah mula ditumbuhi rumput.. so mcm tercover la sikit ke"tidakterjadian" ecodrain tu... Not so bad la this place now. I've become quite attached to pbtr. Seronok... pergi aerobics, gym, pasar malam, lepak2 kedai mamak smpi malam2... senang berurusan hari ahad.. sbb pbt ni border.. so kalau ada pape urusan k'jaan blh setelkan hari ahad kat bhg kedah... Makcik2 kat sini yg ramah (teringat makcik yg ajak g umah dia dulu.. masa g jogging ngn aima n amonq n another makcik yg jemput ke umah dia masa sama2 naik bas g kl)...Syok tmpt ni. Walaupun biasanya akan rasa berat nak blk pbtr bila dah blk KL... pbtr ni satu tmpt yg best sebenarnya. Banyak kenangan kat sini. Manis, pahit, masin, payau.. semua ada.
Tak suka bila kena tinggalkan kebiasaan.
Pepun... nnt satu hari, akan datang lagi ke sini, insyaAllah.. nak hantar thesis, nak viva.. nak hantar kad jemputan ;) ...semua tu kena jejakkan lagi kaki ke sini... :)
Hmm.. pasni, bila blk kl... nak mulakan hidup baru... nak masuk alam bekerja. Doakan semuanya selamat utk aku ek... :) Kpd kengkawan, terima kasih atas persahabatan korang... semoga ikatan ini kekal dunia & akhirat. Terima kasih sbb amek tau & amek berat pasal aku, terima kasih sbb jadik my shoulder to cry on... kawan2 masa susah & senang. Aku mintak maaf kalau aku ada terlukakan hati korang selama aku ada kat sini... and please remember... that i'll always have all of you in my heart. Kadang2 aku tak reti nak tunjuk yang aku care kat korang... tapi sebenarnya, i really do... :) (oit.. jgn nangis.. kang aku nangis jugak).. Last skali, jgn malas update blog... sbb bila dah jauh, blog ni la yg akan updatekan aku dgn citer2 korang.
Hmm.. blom pindah dah rasa rindu kat korang.. huhuhu.. camne nih?
Sedeyy.... today my dearest leaves for HKG for a 2 weeks (or 3) detachment. He'll be doing the Hong Kong - Anchorage run. Boo hoo hoo... He's expected to be back end of this month or early next mth... Which means tht i won't be around to see him as soon as he comes back. Uwaaaa.... But i'm looking forward for next month actually... coz not only will Dan be back from his detachment, Almaz will also be around coz her family are moving back to KL!! Yeay.. Dan and I had been planning to take Almaz kuar jalan2.. It'd be fun!! :D
Hmm.... harini adlh antara hari2 terakhir kat sini. according to plan, i'll be leaving for KL on Monday, right after my medical apptmt. Hmm... syahdu la plak rasa.
tu la.. been here for too long.. Somehow, like it or not, there's an emotional bond between this place and myself. Huhu... tempat jatuh lagi dikenang.. inikan pulak tempat belajar. :p
Diam tak diam.. lama gak aku dah duduk kat pbtr ni ek. Since i was in my 3rd year... wht yr was that? Hmm.. 2001. I was one of the 1st to be here since masa tu dpt chance jadik AJKO. At tht time mmg campus ni penuh dgn selut & tanah merah. Parking lot dekat desasiwa pun belum bertar. My parents were both shocked... sbb the campus mmg mcm tak ready utk diduduki... and tht was like a week before the new students enroll.
Now.. this place dah kira ok la... Ada byk kolam2.. byk pokok2 yang mula nak membesar... ecodrain pun dah mula ditumbuhi rumput.. so mcm tercover la sikit ke"tidakterjadian" ecodrain tu... Not so bad la this place now. I've become quite attached to pbtr. Seronok... pergi aerobics, gym, pasar malam, lepak2 kedai mamak smpi malam2... senang berurusan hari ahad.. sbb pbt ni border.. so kalau ada pape urusan k'jaan blh setelkan hari ahad kat bhg kedah... Makcik2 kat sini yg ramah (teringat makcik yg ajak g umah dia dulu.. masa g jogging ngn aima n amonq n another makcik yg jemput ke umah dia masa sama2 naik bas g kl)...Syok tmpt ni. Walaupun biasanya akan rasa berat nak blk pbtr bila dah blk KL... pbtr ni satu tmpt yg best sebenarnya. Banyak kenangan kat sini. Manis, pahit, masin, payau.. semua ada.
Tak suka bila kena tinggalkan kebiasaan.
Pepun... nnt satu hari, akan datang lagi ke sini, insyaAllah.. nak hantar thesis, nak viva.. nak hantar kad jemputan ;) ...semua tu kena jejakkan lagi kaki ke sini... :)
Hmm.. pasni, bila blk kl... nak mulakan hidup baru... nak masuk alam bekerja. Doakan semuanya selamat utk aku ek... :) Kpd kengkawan, terima kasih atas persahabatan korang... semoga ikatan ini kekal dunia & akhirat. Terima kasih sbb amek tau & amek berat pasal aku, terima kasih sbb jadik my shoulder to cry on... kawan2 masa susah & senang. Aku mintak maaf kalau aku ada terlukakan hati korang selama aku ada kat sini... and please remember... that i'll always have all of you in my heart. Kadang2 aku tak reti nak tunjuk yang aku care kat korang... tapi sebenarnya, i really do... :) (oit.. jgn nangis.. kang aku nangis jugak).. Last skali, jgn malas update blog... sbb bila dah jauh, blog ni la yg akan updatekan aku dgn citer2 korang.
Hmm.. blom pindah dah rasa rindu kat korang.. huhuhu.. camne nih?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Just another postinbg
Boo hoo hoo... Still feel kinda feverish. :( sah2 sbb main hujan last sunday la nih. Dan smsed me with soothing and warm words... dia kata if he was around he'd take care of me and serve me soups and make me feel betetr.. Hihi... wonder if that will happen if i'm actually there. Hehe.. jahatnye aku... bersangka tak baik terhadap tunang snirik. wahaha.. No lah.. i know he will take good care of me.. i know so. :D
Last sunday main hujan.. why? Coz i had to fetch the pihak pengantin lelaki from the mosque in the pouring rain. Pakai payung pun takde maknenye... Kepala je tak basah... neck down, i'm soaked. Huhu... sejuk terketar2 nak tunggu baju kering snirik. Dgn pengantin2 skali terpaksa sinsing seluar smpi lutut. Haha.. takpela... dah slamat menikah pun. Gawd.. i still can't believe tht cuz zura is actually married... I can still remember how we used to fight over who take the afternoon nap and who doesnt when we were 5 & 6... and how she used to have her hair tied into a tight bun when she was younger.. and the way she fought with angah, the way she ironed her hair with the regular clothes iron (yes.. she used to do that!.. well.. we didn't have the flat iron thingy before)... and only last saturday... as soon as her fiance pronounced the words "aku terima nikah...." and disahkan pulak by the saksi... she was married! My oh my.... how time flies.
And.. in less than 3 months.. i'm gonna follow. Nervous? a little... I think it will only start as soon as the groom arrives for the akad... I still remember zura getting all teary-eyed as soon as wan arrived. Aku pun hampir2 ternangis jugak.. Tapape kan? Terharu kot.. :p More of what i feel now is actually restlessness. Ni tak siap, tu tak buat... Waaaaa......... plus the thesis tht i'm supposed to hand in before november.. and the DPA module that i'm gonna hafta attend starting 29th this mth... Kalau pk byk2... makin pening kepala yg dah berat sbb selsema nih.
Tp.. to think of it clearly, boleh buat sebenarnya... PTD Unggul nnt kat kluang from 29/8 to 8/9 je.. after that they'll post us at sny ministries for 5 months... Only in Feb 2006 will they continue with the DPA module.. masa tu tak kesah sgt la tentera ke bomba ke, outward bound sch ke... muka berjelaga pun tak kesah sgt.. sbb dah tak perlu bersanding dah. Hihi... :D Kiranya, masa posting nnt, bleh aa buat preps sikit sebyk... Nk beli brg hantaran pun tak la berat sgt since ada income... Mlm2 pulun buat thesis.. penat ke tak.. kena buat jugakla... sape suh habis lmbt2 kan? Muahahahaa...
Hadeyy.. kepala makin berat... takpela.. nak browse Rose... kasik best2 sket.. tadik masuk lab Rose rasa sehat dah sket... try la buat Rose ni.. kot2 sihat.. satgi nk jumpe drK plak. :)
Boo hoo hoo... Still feel kinda feverish. :( sah2 sbb main hujan last sunday la nih. Dan smsed me with soothing and warm words... dia kata if he was around he'd take care of me and serve me soups and make me feel betetr.. Hihi... wonder if that will happen if i'm actually there. Hehe.. jahatnye aku... bersangka tak baik terhadap tunang snirik. wahaha.. No lah.. i know he will take good care of me.. i know so. :D
Last sunday main hujan.. why? Coz i had to fetch the pihak pengantin lelaki from the mosque in the pouring rain. Pakai payung pun takde maknenye... Kepala je tak basah... neck down, i'm soaked. Huhu... sejuk terketar2 nak tunggu baju kering snirik. Dgn pengantin2 skali terpaksa sinsing seluar smpi lutut. Haha.. takpela... dah slamat menikah pun. Gawd.. i still can't believe tht cuz zura is actually married... I can still remember how we used to fight over who take the afternoon nap and who doesnt when we were 5 & 6... and how she used to have her hair tied into a tight bun when she was younger.. and the way she fought with angah, the way she ironed her hair with the regular clothes iron (yes.. she used to do that!.. well.. we didn't have the flat iron thingy before)... and only last saturday... as soon as her fiance pronounced the words "aku terima nikah...." and disahkan pulak by the saksi... she was married! My oh my.... how time flies.
And.. in less than 3 months.. i'm gonna follow. Nervous? a little... I think it will only start as soon as the groom arrives for the akad... I still remember zura getting all teary-eyed as soon as wan arrived. Aku pun hampir2 ternangis jugak.. Tapape kan? Terharu kot.. :p More of what i feel now is actually restlessness. Ni tak siap, tu tak buat... Waaaaa......... plus the thesis tht i'm supposed to hand in before november.. and the DPA module that i'm gonna hafta attend starting 29th this mth... Kalau pk byk2... makin pening kepala yg dah berat sbb selsema nih.
Tp.. to think of it clearly, boleh buat sebenarnya... PTD Unggul nnt kat kluang from 29/8 to 8/9 je.. after that they'll post us at sny ministries for 5 months... Only in Feb 2006 will they continue with the DPA module.. masa tu tak kesah sgt la tentera ke bomba ke, outward bound sch ke... muka berjelaga pun tak kesah sgt.. sbb dah tak perlu bersanding dah. Hihi... :D Kiranya, masa posting nnt, bleh aa buat preps sikit sebyk... Nk beli brg hantaran pun tak la berat sgt since ada income... Mlm2 pulun buat thesis.. penat ke tak.. kena buat jugakla... sape suh habis lmbt2 kan? Muahahahaa...
Hadeyy.. kepala makin berat... takpela.. nak browse Rose... kasik best2 sket.. tadik masuk lab Rose rasa sehat dah sket... try la buat Rose ni.. kot2 sihat.. satgi nk jumpe drK plak. :)
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Buat Ku Tersenyum
Dipetik dr segmen soal jawab kemusykilan JAKIM :)
Soalan :
Assalamualaikum !!! saya ingin menyertai seni silat cekak m'sia. Adakah silat ini tidak bercanggah dengan ajaran agama Islam?
Jawapan :
Anda boleh menyertai mana-mana seni silat atau seni mempertahankan diri asalkan seni silat tersebut tidak bercanggah dengan Islam. Untuk mengetahui secara terperinci berkaitan seni silat manakah yang bercanggah atau tidak anda bolehlah merujuk buku "Garis Panduan Silat Menurut Pandangan Islam" keluaran Jabatan Kemajuan islam Malaysia yang diedarkan secara percuma.
Muehehe.. tak payah la ada org lagi yg nak tabur fitnah ttg persatuan kami ni. Bukti dah nyata.. Kalau tak suka, tak payah join.. tp jgn la fitnah2. Takde pekdah nye berpecah2 sesama kita... Suka2 hati ckp guru kita sesat... yg kata tu dah jumpa ke jlnnya?
Dipetik dr segmen soal jawab kemusykilan JAKIM :)
Soalan :
Assalamualaikum !!! saya ingin menyertai seni silat cekak m'sia. Adakah silat ini tidak bercanggah dengan ajaran agama Islam?
Jawapan :
Anda boleh menyertai mana-mana seni silat atau seni mempertahankan diri asalkan seni silat tersebut tidak bercanggah dengan Islam. Untuk mengetahui secara terperinci berkaitan seni silat manakah yang bercanggah atau tidak anda bolehlah merujuk buku "Garis Panduan Silat Menurut Pandangan Islam" keluaran Jabatan Kemajuan islam Malaysia yang diedarkan secara percuma.
Muehehe.. tak payah la ada org lagi yg nak tabur fitnah ttg persatuan kami ni. Bukti dah nyata.. Kalau tak suka, tak payah join.. tp jgn la fitnah2. Takde pekdah nye berpecah2 sesama kita... Suka2 hati ckp guru kita sesat... yg kata tu dah jumpa ke jlnnya?
My 3 Darlings
Athirah - Budak ni br je kena circumsize. Kesian dia... dah besar br nk potong. Nk wat camne.. mak dia terlupa je. Dia kata "sakit... Dr jahat." Hihi.. harap2 dah lepas bersunat ni kurang sikit la ke"gatal"an budak kecik nih. ;)
Almas - Before: Wanted to give her stroller to uncle Dan's son. Recently: Keeping toys to give to Uncle Dan's daughter. LOLS!! She's such a doll!
Aryssa - Lama tak jumpa budak kecik ni. I heard she's getting cheekier and naughtier. Gonna definitely see her this weekend. :)
I miss my 3 darlings!... Well... technically not really mine la kan.. Hehe... When to have one of my own?? Errr... hmmm.... two words : NOT YET.
End of AF
Hmm.. AF3 dah berakhir.. and i think, that'll be it for me. I've lost interest in AF.. insyaAllah, tak menonton lagi AF4 sekiranya ada pun thn dpn... unless of course just watching to amek tau. Kang takleh join plak ngan org2 kat opis borak2. Finals haritu kurang menyengat la. AF3 ni mmg mcm medan buat duit utk astro. Kalau AF1 & 2 dulu pun mmg la astro buat duit pun.. but i think dulu AF lebih menarik... tak begitu byk isu. AF3 ni byk isu yang digembar gemburkan and dibuat2 utk perah duit penonton, baik from AFUNDI atau dr chat@15. Personally, mmg kecewa ngn AF3. Pepun, congrats utk mawi yg dpt semua anugerah.. although agak tak puas hati sbb mawi dpt anugerah vokal n persembahan terbaik.. like DUH!~ Tp nk buat camne kan.. Mawi menang keseluruhan tu mmg dah tak dpt disangkal. Felix and Marsha pun mengecewakan... boleh lupa lirik masa final? Pepun... Amylea gak yg best. :D

I miss my 3 darlings!... Well... technically not really mine la kan.. Hehe... When to have one of my own?? Errr... hmmm.... two words : NOT YET.
End of AF
Hmm.. AF3 dah berakhir.. and i think, that'll be it for me. I've lost interest in AF.. insyaAllah, tak menonton lagi AF4 sekiranya ada pun thn dpn... unless of course just watching to amek tau. Kang takleh join plak ngan org2 kat opis borak2. Finals haritu kurang menyengat la. AF3 ni mmg mcm medan buat duit utk astro. Kalau AF1 & 2 dulu pun mmg la astro buat duit pun.. but i think dulu AF lebih menarik... tak begitu byk isu. AF3 ni byk isu yang digembar gemburkan and dibuat2 utk perah duit penonton, baik from AFUNDI atau dr chat@15. Personally, mmg kecewa ngn AF3. Pepun, congrats utk mawi yg dpt semua anugerah.. although agak tak puas hati sbb mawi dpt anugerah vokal n persembahan terbaik.. like DUH!~ Tp nk buat camne kan.. Mawi menang keseluruhan tu mmg dah tak dpt disangkal. Felix and Marsha pun mengecewakan... boleh lupa lirik masa final? Pepun... Amylea gak yg best. :D
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
In my subconscious?
Had a dream abt someone last night. Havent been thinking abt this particular someone for sometime now... and suddenly he just popped into my dream. In that dream, we just got back form a trip somewhere... we're at the airport, wanting to get a cab home.. or sth like that la.. Somehow, this person seemed to be shorter than i am, though in real life, he's not... In that dream, at times i kinda see myself looking at him as a boy, but at times he was also being a very "warm" companion... Hmm... wonder what the interpretations could be... coz the dream was just out of nowhere, no circumstances, no nothing... odd..
Had a dream abt someone last night. Havent been thinking abt this particular someone for sometime now... and suddenly he just popped into my dream. In that dream, we just got back form a trip somewhere... we're at the airport, wanting to get a cab home.. or sth like that la.. Somehow, this person seemed to be shorter than i am, though in real life, he's not... In that dream, at times i kinda see myself looking at him as a boy, but at times he was also being a very "warm" companion... Hmm... wonder what the interpretations could be... coz the dream was just out of nowhere, no circumstances, no nothing... odd..
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