Wednesday, August 10, 2005

My 3 Darlings

Athirah - Budak ni br je kena circumsize. Kesian dia... dah besar br nk potong. Nk wat camne.. mak dia terlupa je. Dia kata "sakit... Dr jahat." Hihi.. harap2 dah lepas bersunat ni kurang sikit la ke"gatal"an budak kecik nih. ;)

Almas - Before: Wanted to give her stroller to uncle Dan's son. Recently: Keeping toys to give to Uncle Dan's daughter. LOLS!! She's such a doll!

Aryssa - Lama tak jumpa budak kecik ni. I heard she's getting cheekier and naughtier. Gonna definitely see her this weekend. :)

I miss my 3 darlings!... Well... technically not really mine la kan.. Hehe... When to have one of my own?? Errr... hmmm.... two words : NOT YET.

End of AF
Hmm.. AF3 dah berakhir.. and i think, that'll be it for me. I've lost interest in AF.. insyaAllah, tak menonton lagi AF4 sekiranya ada pun thn dpn... unless of course just watching to amek tau. Kang takleh join plak ngan org2 kat opis borak2. Finals haritu kurang menyengat la. AF3 ni mmg mcm medan buat duit utk astro. Kalau AF1 & 2 dulu pun mmg la astro buat duit pun.. but i think dulu AF lebih menarik... tak begitu byk isu. AF3 ni byk isu yang digembar gemburkan and dibuat2 utk perah duit penonton, baik from AFUNDI atau dr chat@15. Personally, mmg kecewa ngn AF3. Pepun, congrats utk mawi yg dpt semua anugerah.. although agak tak puas hati sbb mawi dpt anugerah vokal n persembahan terbaik.. like DUH!~ Tp nk buat camne kan.. Mawi menang keseluruhan tu mmg dah tak dpt disangkal. Felix and Marsha pun mengecewakan... boleh lupa lirik masa final? Pepun... Amylea gak yg best. :D

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