Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Mixed Feelings

My direct boss wasn't around yesterday, so my colleague and i couldn't submit what we had to submit to her yesterday.. so that leads to ample time to chat with my hubby online. :D

Hubby said that he might be coming home this Sunday instead of the 21st. Very, very, VERY happy to hear that, but at the same time, i'd still hafta just prepare myself of last-minute change of schedule. His company is like sooo fond of doing those kinda things. So, i'm trying not to get overly excited, so that if the roster get changed again and he's gonna come back later than sunday, i won't be too dissappointed.. But how can a wife who didn't see her husband for more than a week not be extra excited knowing that her hubby is coming back at the end of the week??? C'monnnn...

I was at my boss' office this morning, but as she was talking to me, she got a few calls from her friends so she had to entertain them... and my mind wandered off planning my week ahead. Heheh... nak amek cuti!!!!! Hubby will be home... i'd wanna be home too! :D

Oh..oh.. my hubby had started a blog! :) Goodie.. now i know what he'd been up to.. hehehehe.

Screwed up Alarm System

Yesterday we got a shock near lunch hour. As we're busy doing our jobs, suddenly we heard an announcement thru the intercom, saying that there's an emergency and everybody was to get out of the building a.s.a.p without using the lifts. Everyone was confused whether it was true or hoax or a fire drill.. Tapi kalau fire drill, surely we'd be informed earlier kan.. But as soon as the big boss started to dart out of the office, so we thought ah well... just follow the leader la. So we went down the stairs, all the way to the ground floor, just to find out that the door was locked. We had to go down to the basement to get out. Adaka kunci pintu rintangan api tu. Kalau kebakaran, rentung la kat tangga. :p

Anyways, when we got down, we didn't see anyone else. Lama jugak lepak kat basement dalam keadaan confused. Haha.. gila.. kalau betul2 emergency tak keluar dari bangunan.. saja carik nahas. Mmg boss suruh keluar.. tp since kat luar panas terik, and it didn't seem like there really were any emergency, we stayed inside. Teruk betul kitorg. Soon after that, there was announcement saying that there were no fire or whatever cause for alarm. Bengong betul. Alarm systems shouldnt be faulty la.. sbb if a real emergency breaks, nobody will take it seriously. Isk... dulu kat usm pun mcm ni gak. The alarm goes off for nothing.. so mmg everyone ignore any alarms. What if there was a real emergency, kan?.. Hmm.. and i thought all these fire alarm systems has to be checked regularly. :p

Later that afternoon, again, another emergency announcement was aired. This time, nobody paid any attention.

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