Congrats Nurul & Hubby!!
CikD smsed me last night telling me tht Nurul had safely delivered a bouncing baby girl. Wahhh.... mesti seronok. The last time i had a chat with her on Friday, she said tht the Dr estimated tht she'll give birth around the 29th.. tetiba plak on the 18th baby decided to be born. Heheh.. Takleh share bday ngan mommy dia. :) Takpe... all the more reasons to make November a celebration month!
One by one, my pregnant friends give birth. First it was Erin, followed by Asyie, now Nurul, soon Mona and after tht, myself la i guess. The feelings i have now is somewhat similar to the one i had when i was in line, climbing the staircases of the repelling tower, watching my friends repel down the tower one by one. Excitement and anxiety entertwines (spelling?) creating a gush of euphoria that overwhelms the head, the heart and the soul. Heh... Amende la yg aku ngarut nih... But it's true.. i get tht feeling you know... Climbing a staircase after another, as i get higher and closer to the repelling area, i look down, to my friends, cheering and smiling with glee as they had performed what was asked from them. And as i look back, what the heck did i do and how did i feel when my turn finally came?
I know my heart was racing. When they put on the 8-ring on my harness and asked me to lean back at the edge of the tower, i felt like my heart went out through my mouth..... But then, despite all the fear and worries, i managed to repel down, not as gracefully, but it got down nonetheless. Safely and with an even greater feelings of fulfilment. Probably, that's what gonna happen when it's my turn to go into labour... The difference is, i'd forget all my worries and fears coz the pain will be so overwhelming and the only thing i'd want at tht time is to get the baby out. Heh... at least tht's what experienced people told me.
Semoga dipermudah dan diselamatkan kelahiran anak-anak kami ini ya Allah.
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