Last week, i had to take emergency leave for the whole week coz my darling little princess wasn't well. She had a high fever and had to be admitted to the hosp for like 6 days. It started on sunday, got a bit better after a dose of paracetamol and later tht night, or rather early monday morning at around 4am, he fever hit 38 deg and we hurried to the ER at pantai. She was given suppository and was allowed to go home but we intended to see her paed anyway later tht day. When we did, around 11, her fever peaked at 40.4 deg and the dr had to admit her.
The little girl had to go through 2 series of blood tests and also had an IV into her little hand. Cian dia. Mommy sedih tengok sarah nangis bila kena cucuk. :( But, difficult as it was, it had to be done.. and i'm thankful that her paed was really good so the process was done quickly and didnt leave any black and blue marks as it would if some amateur drew the blood. Paling best, later in the afternoon when her paed came for visit, she made an angry face and babbled something that sounded like scolding the paed. Hahaha... must've gotten it from the daddy. :)
However, during the time she was warded, she maintained a good appetite (even with hosp food!), wasn't cranky or difficult, didn't vomit or being not herself, so the paed said there's nothing to be too worried about, as it was a case of a viral fever which usually takes longer to subside. And subsided it did, after 5 days, as the paed had told us after her blood test was done.
Alhamdulillah, our little girl is good now. Syukur.
P/S: my MIL advised us to cukur rambut sarah habis coz kata org tua, rambut dr dlm perut tak elok, nnt baby selalu sakit.. ye ke?? any inputs, please inform ya. thnx. :)
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