How do other mommies do it??
Oh dear... I feel so burnt out. I'm going through my 2nd week of working, without a maid to care for the household stuffs and already, i feel burnt out. Seriously, other mommies who has a career or still studying, have children and at the same time can manage household chores by themselves without help from the maid, cooks for the family and still look amazing impresses me so much.
Here i am, only with a child.. a girl pulak tu, yang kurang la buas nak banding dgn boy kan.. only into the 2nd week without a maid and i feel so konked out. Urghhh!~ Kagum dgn mommies like kDilla yg nun jauh di perantauan, dgn study.. can care for her 2 boys plus masak all sorts of menu for her family, and nurul, for being able to care for her firstborn, most of the days sorang2, hubby jauh... It just amazes me, really.
Pernah la borak2 with nurul.. asking her how she manages her condition.. She said the difficult part is the getting used to it part, usually lasting only 1 or 2 weeks.. Lepas tu, you'll get your own system. Huhu.. i was really confident i could do it the 1st week.. and i do think that i did an ok job.. but come the 2nd week.. i feel so konked out!! I've got an overflowing load of laundry waiting to be washed, sarah's play area just screaming to get reorganized... ahh.. the list goes on and on. Masak? The only thing that i cook now is sarah's porridge. Sigh!~ I'm so lousy at being a housewife!!
Sometimes it gets to me, when i feel that i'm unable to do everything.. to keep the house straight, to take care of myself, to look nice for myself and stuffs. It usually ends up with me breaking down beside the tucked-in-for-the-night little princess because sometimes it overwhelms me that i just cannot cope. Sigh!~
How do other mommies do it?? and praise to Allah, they're doing it so well.. I wish i could be like them..
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