Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Together Again

Dan's back from detachment!! Yeay! Sarah's happy about it, mommy lebih2 la happynye.. hehehe...

Daddy sampai2 je, tak sempat keluarkan luggage from kete terus naik atas nak carik wife n dotter.. Kitorang pulak mcm tak cukup tangga nak turun bawah nak greet daddy... last2 jumpa kat tangga. Sarah, on seeing her daddy terus sua tangan nak daddy dukung, kiss2 daddy sampai muka daddy penuh dgn saliva dia. Hehe. *I think sarah's teething again.. drooling beriya2 sekarang nih*

Sarah sekarang mcm kureng sket la nak makan. Sigh!~ Baru makan 2-3 suap, dah geleng2 kepala, taknak lagi. Bila paksa makan, dia keluarkan.. hangin betul mommy bila sarah buat mcmtu. Kalau paksa lagi, kang dia buat2 macam nak muntah pulak... isk.. panjang betui akal si kecik nih. Probably dia sibuk nak belajar berjalan kot, dah tak minat sgt nak makan. Tak tau la. apapun, smlm masa gi timbang kat hosp sbb nak amek ubat selsema n batuk dia, berat dia increase jugak.. now she's 7.6kg.. Dua minggu lepas masa pergi utk flu vaccine, she was 7.2kg... 400g in 2 weeks is pretty good i think.*Btw, semlm masa paed tu tgh examine dia, sibuk dia dok blink2 kat paed tu.. haha.. so cute n funny* Salah satu faktor sbb dia pergi sekolah, dia seronok makan, minum susu formula pun banyak, campur breastmilk lagi, tidur pun byk.. Kalau kat rumah, formula takmau, tidur takat setengah jam.. susahla berat nak naik.. Masalahnye bila htr nursery nih satu je la...some parents yg tyak considerate nih. Anak demam selsema pun htr jugak gi nursery.. tak pasal2 budak2 lain pun kena jugak. Sigh!~ Masalah sungguh.

OKie.. gtg back to work.. ada div meeting pulak japgi.. mesti meleret2 smpi t/hari tu karang.. bosan betul meeting dgn orang yg suka mengarut2 nih.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One month to go...

Sarah's 11 months old today!! Wow.. rasa macam baru je lagi memberanakkan dia (hehe.. ada ke word memberanakkan?) Anyways, i was looking through my archive. Around the same date last year, i was banned from driving to work and had a cab pick me up to and from the office cpz i was like heavily pregnant. Wow.. sayang hubby kat i ek. :) Sayang hubby gak! Around this time also, i was getting more and more anxious... nurul dah beranak, kalau tak silap mona pun.. and there i was, waiting for my turn.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah, hari ni, dah 11 bulan sarah aiesha bersama kami.. and we're very proud and thankful for the very precious gift that Allah had bestowed upon us.

Next month, genap sarah aiesha setahun!! Mommy pun pening plan for a really wonderful bday party for her very special day. We've begun to sing her the bday song since last month to get her accustomed to the song. Hehe.. overly-excited mommy.. well.. mak mana la tak excited kan. So, our initial plan nak host the party kat nursery je cancel.. now we're gonna have 3 parties. Heheh.. kat nursery, kat sepang and kat desa pandan... there'll only one 1st bday kan.. so what the heck la.. lagipun, our house is not ready to host a bday party for all the guests from my side and dan's so, terpaksalah buat separately. Lagipun sarah is comfortable with all the 3 places.. Lega rasanya when hubby proposed this idea.

However.. i'm also in charge of this preparation for the min's participation in an expo in New Delhi on the exact same date!! Told my boss tht i dont want to go on this trip... he said ok.. but you'll never really know until the memo dah lulus. Please God, let it NOT be ME who has to go.. it's my baby's first bday!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Boss

Sigh!~ setelah 4 hari masuk kerja baru la jumpe bos. Hehe.. tu pun bos immediate.. big boss tak jumpe pun lagi. Penilaian pun tak sempat buat lagi nih. Haru betul. Dah la last year takde satu kursus/latihan pun yang dihadiri. Hehe.. kalau include antenatal class boleh tak gamaknye ek? Hehehee

Anyways, harinipergi jumpa dia nak discuss abt perancangan bajet 2 thn.. dia panggil skalik ofcr lagi sorang ngn clerk.. cerita punya panjang.. Dgr dia ckp tu mcm.. wahh.. dia ni sebenarnye bagus, idea dia boleh pakai.. cuma kekadang tu rasa cam tensen sbb dia sibuk la dgn trip2 luar negara. Kite nih sampai nyampah dah nak buatnye. :p Core business yang lain tak bersentuh langsung. Tensen woo.. esp bila benda yg kita buat tu langsung plak ngn public. ada dateline nak kena meet, at the same time mende2 sampingan ni punya banyak nak kena buat... Blueeekkkk.. Tapi.. lepas dgr ceramah pagi dia tadi, rasa mcm baru ler ada halatuju sket.. senang hati sikit la nak buat keje pun. Lantakla big boss tu nak tergolek ke hapa.. janji core business jalan... Kita takat respect post dia as bos kita sudah..

Sarah dah htr balik nursery utk hari ke-4 dah. First day nangis separuh hari takleh tinggal.. nak kena ada pengasuh yg tunggu je.. Tapi bila nak blk from jumpa dia masa lunch tu, dah siap babai2 lagi mummy dia. Sabau je la. Tp, baru masuk dua hari, dah start meleleh dah hidung dia. Apparently the flu vaccination didnt work la kan. Semalam, suara pun dah serak2, pastu mata pun mcm berair... ntah camne nak describe pun tak tau.. tapi rasanya sbb selsema tu la. Kesian nengok..malam pun susah nak tido, sbb hidung dia tersumbat.. Maybe i shouldnt use the air conditioning tonight. Masalahnye cik adik tu, kalau takde aircond kang dia berpeluh2.. isk.. takpela.. kasik baik selsema dulu..

Huhu.. Lagi seploh hari before hubby balik from beijing detachment. Lamaaaaanye lagi rasanya. Eventhough we see him through skype,mana sama kan... Tapi at least ada la nampak gak muka dia.. huhu.. sian sarah.. tgk daddy kat skype lompat2 mintak daddy dia dukung...

Hari isnin, masa drive balik from office, tgh stuck in traffic la masa tu, tetiba terperasan ada mcm asap2 keluar dari bonnet.. Panik jap.. Check temperature ok je, tak naik pun dari normal..Gagah la bawak gak sampai umah, nasib baik gak umah dah tak jauh dah masa tuh. Bila sampai, tunggu enjin sejuk jap, check air radiator..memula mmg nak buat pagi tu, tapi dgn pegang sarah sebalh tgn, takleh lak nak bukak bonnet. Masukkan air dlm radiator tank tu.. smpi 3 botol 1.5L tu tak gak penuh2..tgk air mengalir kat bawah kete.. Huhu.. terpaksala call bapak... Esok htr workshop, tokey kata radiator crack. Huhu..salah aku ke?? Bersalah sungguh rasanya.. Kena tukar whole set radiator tu, takleh tampal je. Isk... Selalu camni tau.. masa Dan takdela menda2 nih nak jadik.. Huhu.. dugaan sungguh. :(

Monday, January 14, 2008

New Look

Hehe.. akhirnya berjaya tukar the look of my blog.. Masuk office je buleh pulak.. :p Hampeh je.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Worry or blue??

Two more days to go before i start working. Went to sarah's daycare last wednesday coz i happened to be in pjaya. Hmmm.. kinda worried.. urghh.. i dunno. Initially when i sent sarah there, i was quite happy with the place, the caregivers. But when i was there last wed, i saw that the number of kids/babies are increasing, the number of caregivers are still the same if not decreasing, i heard from sarah's friend's mommy abt their age-groups' caretaker being a little "malas".. to what extent i'm not so sure... Sigh!~ i dunno.. i'm probably having this difficult moment of letting go of my babygirl after spending an enjoyable 2 months with her at home, so all this anxieties of leaving her with anybody at all strucks me.

ISkk.. susahla.. nak tukar nursery susah, nak letak at the same nursery pun susah. I dunno... i think i'd better talk to the head of nursery and address my concerns.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Come in 2008

Errr..what's the date today?? Is it too late to welcome the new year? Hehe.. *lost in time* Penangan tak bekerja nih.

Anyways.. i'll be going back to work next monday. Sigh!~ Monday lepas pun bos dah sibuk sms, bila blk kerja.. Kosser betul. Tapi..elok gak dah start kerja balik since Dan is away for a couple of weeks. Takdela terasa sangat kalau kat ofc nak banding ngan kalau duduk kat umah je. Dah la discovery home n health channel dah kena subscribe... bosan betul.. :p

Apapun, we greeted the new year with a lovely and exciting holiday in Avillion, PD. I think sarah had the time of her life! She enjoyed 'swimming' in the pool.. Hehe..masuk kiddies' pool masa 1st time je. Lepas tu terus join mummy n daddy kat open pool. She was very sociable and friendly, probably because she misses her daycare friends. And she enjoyed herself at the petting zoo tremendously. Kesian kat rabbits kat situ. Sarah geram, nak pegang but i was holding her hands, dok bertatih keliling petting zoo kejar bunnies, so dia geram tak dpt pegang dgn tgn, she tried withher feet.. Dahla kena sepak bunnies tu.. Ada pulak tu yang kena tarik telinga.. Isk.. sian diorang. So sorry bunnies.. my daughter didn't mean any harm... Hehe..

First birthday planning

It's quite stressful rupanya nak plan for a 1st bday party... Banyak sgt orang yang perlu dipertimbangkan, byk thoughts yg perlu diambilkira... Sigh!~ Whatever it is, what must be the core of the planning will be the birthday gilrs' happiness and enjoyment.. not mine, not her daddy's nor any of her grannies. I have to stick with that no matter what.