Tuesday, January 22, 2008

One month to go...

Sarah's 11 months old today!! Wow.. rasa macam baru je lagi memberanakkan dia (hehe.. ada ke word memberanakkan?) Anyways, i was looking through my archive. Around the same date last year, i was banned from driving to work and had a cab pick me up to and from the office cpz i was like heavily pregnant. Wow.. sayang hubby kat i ek. :) Sayang hubby gak! Around this time also, i was getting more and more anxious... nurul dah beranak, kalau tak silap mona pun.. and there i was, waiting for my turn.. hehe.. Alhamdulillah, hari ni, dah 11 bulan sarah aiesha bersama kami.. and we're very proud and thankful for the very precious gift that Allah had bestowed upon us.

Next month, genap sarah aiesha setahun!! Mommy pun pening plan for a really wonderful bday party for her very special day. We've begun to sing her the bday song since last month to get her accustomed to the song. Hehe.. overly-excited mommy.. well.. mak mana la tak excited kan. So, our initial plan nak host the party kat nursery je cancel.. now we're gonna have 3 parties. Heheh.. kat nursery, kat sepang and kat desa pandan... there'll only one 1st bday kan.. so what the heck la.. lagipun, our house is not ready to host a bday party for all the guests from my side and dan's so, terpaksalah buat separately. Lagipun sarah is comfortable with all the 3 places.. Lega rasanya when hubby proposed this idea.

However.. i'm also in charge of this preparation for the min's participation in an expo in New Delhi on the exact same date!! Told my boss tht i dont want to go on this trip... he said ok.. but you'll never really know until the memo dah lulus. Please God, let it NOT be ME who has to go.. it's my baby's first bday!

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