Monday, March 10, 2008

One big boo-boo

The 2008 election is certainly a major historical event. For the first time ever, the National Front coalition failed to maintain 2/3 majority in parliament. Apart form that, the opposition also made a big win on five states! Shocking, but true.

That's one big boo-boo alright. Too bad it's not the kind of boo-boo that a kiss can make better.

Why the big lost for Barisan? Well.. i'm no political analyst. But from the view of this tiny-voiced rakyat, i think that BN has taken things for granted, and thinks that things will always go smoothly, and it there will always be that heavenly creamy icing on top of the cake. Well... like or not, things won't go that way unless you WORK for it. It won't go that way just because you choose to listen only to the nice things that you want to listen or see the comforting things you want to see.. What you have to remember is that you're elected by the rakyat. If you fail them, they'll definitely go against you. Just because you tell them that things are fine, doesn't mean that they'll take your word for it. Nowadays, rakyat has so many means to get information, so don't treat the rakyat like they're too dumb to just listen and obey.

Quoting Tun, (excerpts from The Star) :

"He said the fact that Indians, Chinese and Malays voted for the Opposition showed that it was not about racial politics but that on the whole, the people sent the same signal.

Malays and Umno members voted for the Opposition because they were affected by the high inflation, and despite the high economic growth figures announced by the Government and the launch of development corridors, the people did not feel the benefits, he said."

And quoting Ku Li (also, exceprts taken from The Star):

“The honesty with which we interpret this result, and the decisiveness with which we act on it, will determine whether we still have a future with the people.

“We must face it without further denial, self-deception or media spin"

Its time to wake up and re-evaluate.

** Wow... Samy lost... Wouldn't it be more honorable to step down when he had the opportunity to, rather that lost his seat? I hope that sesiapa yg berkenaan will learn and take appropraite actions **

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