Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!!
My dear daughter is now nearly 15 months and still sharing the bed with us. She still nurses, once towards the morning, tapi lately she hasn't been sleeping well. Macam mimpi ke apa.. Wonder what she's dreaming about...
Anyways.. isk.. rasa mcm tak reti pulak nak bercerita harini. Both my hubby and i are into attachment parenting. We embrace the "family bed" concept and let sarah share the bed with us. But now that she's nearly 15 months, we're beginning to feel that she has "outgrown" the family bed and need to be graduated into her own bed. We've taken down one of the fences of her cot and replaced it with a railing, to transform it into a big girls' bed, hoping that she'll sleep in there (the cot-bed is still in our room). We maintain her bed time rituals, but so far she still wants to be nursed to sleep. When put into her cot, she'll wake up 2-3 times a night, as compared to when she sleeps in our bed, she only nurses once towards dawn.
Persoalannya.. anak2 kawan2 macam mana ek? Diorang tido sendiri ke ditidokan ke, mcm mana? Rasa macam blur sbb hujah modern parenting ni suruh guna cry-it-out method, biar budak2 soothe themselves, but according to studies, this method tak berapa bagus sbb bagi kesan psychology in the long run. Lagipun, me and hubby mmg jenis tak sampai hati nak dgr sarah nangis lama2. Kesian. My bro in law dulu with almaz, they practiced the cry it out method. Kalau tgk mmg bagusla, their daughter is independant, pergi masuk bilik sendiri and sleep, but phsychologically, we dont know. Hubby pun tak suka cara cry it out ni sbb dia kata this kind of sleep training applies to the general both parents at home family. In our case, most of the time only one parent is around. So, sarah mungkin ada higher rate of insecurity. Tak boleh nak compare dgn budak lain yang parents kerja office hours and always at home. Wallahualam. Maybe i should get the no-cry-method-sleep books and give it a go.
Lagi satu perkara... compared to her 2 similar aged second cousins, sarah macam lambat sikit bercakap. So far, word yang betul sebutan and maknanya eat la. Yang lain tu , macam takde sangat. Kadang2 keluar jugak bunyinya, kadang2 dia guna bahasa dia. Orang kata budak yg tumbuh gigi dulu ckp lambat. Ye ke? Sarah gigi agak banyak jugak la sekarang.. nak dekat 9 kot, termasuk 2 molars dia yg dah tumbuh. Hmm.. apa pendapat kengkawan? Walaupun tadek sbb sebenarnya nak risau ttg apa2 since sarah sihat and active macam biasa.. tapi agak concern la. Nak buat camne.. mak kan....
Kalau kengkawan ada feedback ttg 2 perkara ni, sila la komen ye. It will be very much appreciated. :)
1 comment:
salams een. don't worry about sarah lambat cakap. the ability for one child to speak cepat or lambat is not an indicator of their intelligence. Some kids ckp as early as 18 months and some is as late as 5 yrs. Don't be surprised. I've met a genius kid when I teach her and she was 6 yrs old and can do math of 10 yrs old. Her mother told me, she was very slow because she starts speaking properly takde pelat when she was 4 yrs. Just encourage her to sembang2 with you and she will soon mature. Don't force her to do something that she is not ready yet okay. But as a parent, mmg we always concern why she is slower in this, why is another child is faster...bla bla. One thing I learn when I raised my daughter, is always encourage them to boost their confidence. If your daughter is not so good in something, she must be good in another thing. Nobody good in everything right! Mmg kkdg kite inferior but don't let our inferiority force our child in a bad position..wokey :)
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