Working on Weekends
I've been working on the weekend, thanks to my stupid boss and my lousy selfish minister. It had just been a weekend for me, but some of my colleagues had been at it for at least 2 weeks. Some had been at it every weekend since june. Why??? For the sake of the minister's political mileage. Duh??.. Yeah well... tell me about it. :p
I know that there are more people out there who has to work on weekends. If that's what you choose to do, heck by all means, do it. As for myself, it is not something tat i want to do or within my actual job scope. Plus, i have a spouse who doesn't work in the normal office hours and stays in the country all the time. I haven't seen him for two weeks before he came back on wednesday, and til now, i still haven't even spend quality time with him. For those who wants to say.. "Eleh.. other people are at it too." Well, as i said earlier, if it's what they choose, so be it. I didn't choose to be working on weekends which have implications on the lives of my loved ones, so i don't care if anyone else are doing it and not complaining. :p ***WArghghr***
Oh.. btw, my immediate boss had asked me to write a memo on his behalf asking for transfer of division. I think i'll make one for me as well.
On a lighter note, our little garden is almost ready! :) By raya, all the plants would have settled in their new home and insyaAllah, the garden will look even better. The garden is my little project.. and by that i didn't mean that i'm the one doing all the digging and planting.. it means that i'm the one paying for it. :D Yep, i'd have to say i've never charged so much on my credit card before... but, given that everything is done for me and all i have to do is watch them do it and enjoy our little garden when it's all done, it's well worth it. :)
Monday, July 28, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Quick Update
Hehehe..ini perkara yang musti update serta merta.
Tadi ada one of our vendors datang.. Akak la dia ni. Dia tegur i.. masa tu kat dlm bilik bos. Dia kata kannnn.... "You nampak kurus la sekarang." Bos i yg lelaki itu pun kata. " A'ah la.. i pun nampak ko ni dah kurus la sekarang."
Waahhh...sangat suke!! Chaiyuk!
Hehehe..ini perkara yang musti update serta merta.
Tadi ada one of our vendors datang.. Akak la dia ni. Dia tegur i.. masa tu kat dlm bilik bos. Dia kata kannnn.... "You nampak kurus la sekarang." Bos i yg lelaki itu pun kata. " A'ah la.. i pun nampak ko ni dah kurus la sekarang."
Waahhh...sangat suke!! Chaiyuk!
Monday, and the stresses of work begins...
If i was a day of the week, i wouldn't want to be Monday. Kesian Monday. i think most people just hates monday. Me included. Well.. If i didn't have to go to work on Monday, then probably i won't hate Monday.. so the underlying problem, is not with any particular day, it's actually the workplace.
God i hate working here, like seriously. It's sad to see a place where an abundance of good things can be done towards the deserving community, but nothing really beneficial had been carried out simply because of management... the LACK of it.
My head division is barely in the office, making any decision making process sluggish. When he eventually comes into the office, he's so consumed in his own world and disregard whatever feedback that we give him as he wants things to be done his way, despite the fact that his understanding regarding the matter is zilch. When we (the employees) try to argue professionally on something, he will start to raise his voice. So it's just pointless to have an argument with him because it will just make you lose your hair arguing for something that he's put a block on wayy before you even try. The thing is, he would then want you to do other things, which is not really what you're supposed to be doing but he'd ask you to do it anyway because he thinks that will win hearts of the top management. Sigh!~ I really think that your efforts are a little bit too late boss, as all the top management knows what you're capable of (nothing serious and tangible).
My immediate superior is smart, but sometimes he's a little too smart, also in his quest to get points with the top management and the ones that has to go through all the dirty work is, well, you've guessed it, us. He too has had it with our head division. I don't really mind working with my immediate superior but it gets to me when he do things like assigning out-of-office-tasks on the eleventh hour. I hate it when he does that. Well maybe it's too much to ask, but heck, i also happen to have a commitment towards my family, especially my precious 17 months old little girl. When i get out-of-office assignments, i'd have to plan on my littlegirl, who can pick her up if i run late and things like that. I also hate it when he organizes and invites the political lead to go on trade missions abroad and asks me to do the ground work. I don't mind that much in doing the ground work (although after organizing a few missions you really get tired of it because of all the nitty gritty details that you have to go through, the same processes again and again, starting from step uno), but having to actually go with the mission abroad, which takes at least 6 days, now that really kills me. Why? Well.. unlike some people who doesn't mind leaving their kids behind for the skae of their job, i have my priorities set at home rather than at my office.
And... The thing i hate most about woking here is... Drum rolll.....
the political leader. why? Because he's only doing things for the sake of his POLITICAL MILEAGE instead of actually doing his responsibility towards the good of the nation. A carnival-like program to showcase entrepreneurs' products turned into a big pasar malam just because he wants it done in like 4 places within a month. So, the organizer, instead of getting quality entrepreneurs that can actually showcase their product, just pick up any willing dick, tom and harry to join in the craze. Derailment of the actual objectives? Definitely! But who cares, as long as he gets the self promotion he wants and needs for his political mileage. And that really ticks me off, and i get sick to my guts just thinking about his fugly face.
If i was a day of the week, i wouldn't want to be Monday. Kesian Monday. i think most people just hates monday. Me included. Well.. If i didn't have to go to work on Monday, then probably i won't hate Monday.. so the underlying problem, is not with any particular day, it's actually the workplace.
God i hate working here, like seriously. It's sad to see a place where an abundance of good things can be done towards the deserving community, but nothing really beneficial had been carried out simply because of management... the LACK of it.
My head division is barely in the office, making any decision making process sluggish. When he eventually comes into the office, he's so consumed in his own world and disregard whatever feedback that we give him as he wants things to be done his way, despite the fact that his understanding regarding the matter is zilch. When we (the employees) try to argue professionally on something, he will start to raise his voice. So it's just pointless to have an argument with him because it will just make you lose your hair arguing for something that he's put a block on wayy before you even try. The thing is, he would then want you to do other things, which is not really what you're supposed to be doing but he'd ask you to do it anyway because he thinks that will win hearts of the top management. Sigh!~ I really think that your efforts are a little bit too late boss, as all the top management knows what you're capable of (nothing serious and tangible).
My immediate superior is smart, but sometimes he's a little too smart, also in his quest to get points with the top management and the ones that has to go through all the dirty work is, well, you've guessed it, us. He too has had it with our head division. I don't really mind working with my immediate superior but it gets to me when he do things like assigning out-of-office-tasks on the eleventh hour. I hate it when he does that. Well maybe it's too much to ask, but heck, i also happen to have a commitment towards my family, especially my precious 17 months old little girl. When i get out-of-office assignments, i'd have to plan on my littlegirl, who can pick her up if i run late and things like that. I also hate it when he organizes and invites the political lead to go on trade missions abroad and asks me to do the ground work. I don't mind that much in doing the ground work (although after organizing a few missions you really get tired of it because of all the nitty gritty details that you have to go through, the same processes again and again, starting from step uno), but having to actually go with the mission abroad, which takes at least 6 days, now that really kills me. Why? Well.. unlike some people who doesn't mind leaving their kids behind for the skae of their job, i have my priorities set at home rather than at my office.
And... The thing i hate most about woking here is... Drum rolll.....
the political leader. why? Because he's only doing things for the sake of his POLITICAL MILEAGE instead of actually doing his responsibility towards the good of the nation. A carnival-like program to showcase entrepreneurs' products turned into a big pasar malam just because he wants it done in like 4 places within a month. So, the organizer, instead of getting quality entrepreneurs that can actually showcase their product, just pick up any willing dick, tom and harry to join in the craze. Derailment of the actual objectives? Definitely! But who cares, as long as he gets the self promotion he wants and needs for his political mileage. And that really ticks me off, and i get sick to my guts just thinking about his fugly face.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Wahh.. lama jugek tak post. Tapi, hari isnin ni macam best je nak buat posting.. sbb monday blues. Hehe. alasan. Isk.. takde mood betul aa datang keje. Rasa dulu masa skolah, alhamdulillah, tak pernah seingat aku ada masalah takde mood nk gi skolah. Suka sungguh gi skolah. Ni masa kej.. humang aiii... berchenta nak dtg opis. Huhuhu...
Dengar on radio harini, traffic update, kat KL jam teruk. Standstill terus at a few locations. Nasib baik la den tak keje kat KL.. Kalu tak.. naye je.. baik EL je harini. Sebabnya, ada tempat jalan tutup, + polis buat roadblock.Road block tu dr smlm lagi. I was travelling to Klang yesterday, kena bagi lecture.. Bengong je. aku ni mana la reti nak bagi lecture. The whole way tu, pergi balik ada la 2 - 3 kali stop utk police road block. Masa hari sabtu pun mcm tu gak...
Oh..lupa nak citer. Hari sabtu, ikut rombongan peminangan adik i.. Iskk.. dah menjadi tunangan orang adikku itew. Macam tak percaye je. Jauhnye kitorg travel... mak aii.. Dari sepang ke felda palong. Perhhh... teringat pulak zaman2 kat besout. Wakaka... dgn adik yg minat gile kat aku masa tu. Iwan kalau tak silap nama dia. Iwan ni budak down syndrom. Baik budaknye. Minat kat aku siap suh amonq lukis gambar dia dgn aku. Wakakaa... lawak lak.Hahaha.. apa2 aje la. Anyways, hantaran aku buatkan kat fadlee, 5 dulang semuanya, termasuk dgn sirih junjung yg aku mmg no idea langsung nak buat camne. Mama kata "ko belasah je la long...".. So belasah je la i did. Kira ok la kot pada pandangan mata aku. Hahaha.. Nasib baik gak dulu masa skolah menegah tiap2 minggu wajib buat flower arrangement. Kira ada gak la pengalaman sikit2. Hahaha...
Sku tanya adik, bila dia nak langsung. Dia kata tak tau la. Isk.. budak ni. Aku sekeh jugak karang. Dia kata mungkin 2010 (though yg belah pompuan dok push next year). Tapi, aku kata kat palee, elok 2010 lagi, at least masa tu dia dah 27 thn, dah makin matang, insyaAllah, duit pun makin banyak la harapnya. Dan mungkin jugak masa tu aku tgh preknen anak kedua dan ketiga.. Hehe.. kembar... sepasang, sorang laki, sorang pompuan, macam Angelina Jolie... Hehehe... mari berangan.... :p (Kalau laki aku dgr angan2 aku ni musti dia pensan).
Haha.. oklah.. cukupla tu mengomel pagi2. Nak siapkan KP nih sikit. Dah janji nak siapkan cepat. Enjoy your day. Adios.
Wahh.. lama jugek tak post. Tapi, hari isnin ni macam best je nak buat posting.. sbb monday blues. Hehe. alasan. Isk.. takde mood betul aa datang keje. Rasa dulu masa skolah, alhamdulillah, tak pernah seingat aku ada masalah takde mood nk gi skolah. Suka sungguh gi skolah. Ni masa kej.. humang aiii... berchenta nak dtg opis. Huhuhu...
Dengar on radio harini, traffic update, kat KL jam teruk. Standstill terus at a few locations. Nasib baik la den tak keje kat KL.. Kalu tak.. naye je.. baik EL je harini. Sebabnya, ada tempat jalan tutup, + polis buat roadblock.Road block tu dr smlm lagi. I was travelling to Klang yesterday, kena bagi lecture.. Bengong je. aku ni mana la reti nak bagi lecture. The whole way tu, pergi balik ada la 2 - 3 kali stop utk police road block. Masa hari sabtu pun mcm tu gak...
Oh..lupa nak citer. Hari sabtu, ikut rombongan peminangan adik i.. Iskk.. dah menjadi tunangan orang adikku itew. Macam tak percaye je. Jauhnye kitorg travel... mak aii.. Dari sepang ke felda palong. Perhhh... teringat pulak zaman2 kat besout. Wakaka... dgn adik yg minat gile kat aku masa tu. Iwan kalau tak silap nama dia. Iwan ni budak down syndrom. Baik budaknye. Minat kat aku siap suh amonq lukis gambar dia dgn aku. Wakakaa... lawak lak.Hahaha.. apa2 aje la. Anyways, hantaran aku buatkan kat fadlee, 5 dulang semuanya, termasuk dgn sirih junjung yg aku mmg no idea langsung nak buat camne. Mama kata "ko belasah je la long...".. So belasah je la i did. Kira ok la kot pada pandangan mata aku. Hahaha.. Nasib baik gak dulu masa skolah menegah tiap2 minggu wajib buat flower arrangement. Kira ada gak la pengalaman sikit2. Hahaha...
Sku tanya adik, bila dia nak langsung. Dia kata tak tau la. Isk.. budak ni. Aku sekeh jugak karang. Dia kata mungkin 2010 (though yg belah pompuan dok push next year). Tapi, aku kata kat palee, elok 2010 lagi, at least masa tu dia dah 27 thn, dah makin matang, insyaAllah, duit pun makin banyak la harapnya. Dan mungkin jugak masa tu aku tgh preknen anak kedua dan ketiga.. Hehe.. kembar... sepasang, sorang laki, sorang pompuan, macam Angelina Jolie... Hehehe... mari berangan.... :p (Kalau laki aku dgr angan2 aku ni musti dia pensan).
Haha.. oklah.. cukupla tu mengomel pagi2. Nak siapkan KP nih sikit. Dah janji nak siapkan cepat. Enjoy your day. Adios.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Berkesempatan lawat blog kengkawan jap. Skang t/hari i dah tak pergi tgk sarah kat nursery sbb nowadays, 1 pm tu nap time. Kalau pergipun, tak dpt nyusukan dia sbb dia tido from 11 sampai kol 2 lebih baru bangun. Tapi lately ni dia macam merengek je. Apesal tah. Duduk kat car seat merengek, hantar sekolah merengek, kat umah merengek.. Kenape la agaknya. Isk.. sian dia. mummy tak paham. Nak kata sbb dia nk dpt adik.. hmm.. sangat tak mungkin. Nak tumbuh gigi lagi kot? Ke sbb nak bercakap? Tak tau ler. Wait n see. As long as dia sihat wal 'afiat, ok la, insyaAllah.
Last tues mak n bapak dtg umah. Diorg baru blk from Doha t/hari tu, ptg terus dtg umah. Sbbnya rindu sangat kat si kecik tu. Datang bawak satu beg baju ngan satu beg plastik besar. Dalam beg plastik besar tu penuh barang2 untuk sarah aunty faris dia kirim from Doha. Baju, kasut.. isk.. memang patut aku takyah beli baju dah kat dia.. Hehe. Mak pun bawak blk buah tgn kat kitorg. Dia kata barang kat Doha murah. Abg n bapak if possible nak mintak Dan try get a job at Qatar Airlines, memandangkan TR sekarang ni mcm dah tak lama je nampaknye. But Dan said, moving to Qatar is a last case scenario, sbb walaupun di offer USD9000, cost of living kat sana pun bukan rendah. Very high. Accomodation je dah makan nak dekat 1/3 - 1/2 gaji. Tu tak kira healthcare, sekolah, kereta... Kira punya kira, lebih sikit je dari gaji kat sini. Whatever his decision, i'll fully support. Berapa ramai dah M'sian dok kat sana, keje 4-5 thn, balik la.. Bukannya lama pun. Hehe.. cakap mcm best je.
Malam ni Dan's going to HKG. Esok pagi blk. Next week dia kena detachment kat Beijing. August pulak, last detachment in Manila. Rasa cam nak ikut jek gi Manila. ada sorangbos tu dia penah duduk sana for 6 yrs. Dia dok provoke shopping kat mana best bla..bla.. Hehe.. shopping aje ingatnya. Tapi, Dan kat sana schedule very tight. Sian kat dia pulak. Tgkla camne.. kalau ada rezeki buleh aa..
Ah.. dah la.. tetiba rasa macam nak sangat mengepost hari ni. Nak sambung kije pulak. Nak prepare utk meeting esok. Ada kunjungan balas dr Jakarta. siap bawak Tim. Menteri diorang tu... Isk.. Rasa macam relax sangat je pulak. Betui ke aku ni.. Isk...
Berkesempatan lawat blog kengkawan jap. Skang t/hari i dah tak pergi tgk sarah kat nursery sbb nowadays, 1 pm tu nap time. Kalau pergipun, tak dpt nyusukan dia sbb dia tido from 11 sampai kol 2 lebih baru bangun. Tapi lately ni dia macam merengek je. Apesal tah. Duduk kat car seat merengek, hantar sekolah merengek, kat umah merengek.. Kenape la agaknya. Isk.. sian dia. mummy tak paham. Nak kata sbb dia nk dpt adik.. hmm.. sangat tak mungkin. Nak tumbuh gigi lagi kot? Ke sbb nak bercakap? Tak tau ler. Wait n see. As long as dia sihat wal 'afiat, ok la, insyaAllah.
Last tues mak n bapak dtg umah. Diorg baru blk from Doha t/hari tu, ptg terus dtg umah. Sbbnya rindu sangat kat si kecik tu. Datang bawak satu beg baju ngan satu beg plastik besar. Dalam beg plastik besar tu penuh barang2 untuk sarah aunty faris dia kirim from Doha. Baju, kasut.. isk.. memang patut aku takyah beli baju dah kat dia.. Hehe. Mak pun bawak blk buah tgn kat kitorg. Dia kata barang kat Doha murah. Abg n bapak if possible nak mintak Dan try get a job at Qatar Airlines, memandangkan TR sekarang ni mcm dah tak lama je nampaknye. But Dan said, moving to Qatar is a last case scenario, sbb walaupun di offer USD9000, cost of living kat sana pun bukan rendah. Very high. Accomodation je dah makan nak dekat 1/3 - 1/2 gaji. Tu tak kira healthcare, sekolah, kereta... Kira punya kira, lebih sikit je dari gaji kat sini. Whatever his decision, i'll fully support. Berapa ramai dah M'sian dok kat sana, keje 4-5 thn, balik la.. Bukannya lama pun. Hehe.. cakap mcm best je.
Malam ni Dan's going to HKG. Esok pagi blk. Next week dia kena detachment kat Beijing. August pulak, last detachment in Manila. Rasa cam nak ikut jek gi Manila. ada sorangbos tu dia penah duduk sana for 6 yrs. Dia dok provoke shopping kat mana best bla..bla.. Hehe.. shopping aje ingatnya. Tapi, Dan kat sana schedule very tight. Sian kat dia pulak. Tgkla camne.. kalau ada rezeki buleh aa..
Ah.. dah la.. tetiba rasa macam nak sangat mengepost hari ni. Nak sambung kije pulak. Nak prepare utk meeting esok. Ada kunjungan balas dr Jakarta. siap bawak Tim. Menteri diorang tu... Isk.. Rasa macam relax sangat je pulak. Betui ke aku ni.. Isk...
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Lalalala... Hari-hari Kerja.....
Hmm.. Macam mana ek. It's either terlalu demotivated utk kerja rasa malas gila nak pergi kerja or rasa best sgt kat rumah rasa malas nak pergi kerja. Heh. a litte bit of both. Bosan kerja dgn majikan yg cakap tak serupa bikin. Note the word MAJIKAN bukan setakat bos. Heh. Apa la nak jadi negara nih.
Whatever it is.. kerja put aside, i'm quite excited with our home improvements. Sejak ada maid, terurus la sikit rumah tu. Takdela serabai gilak. Yesterday, landscape consultant pulak datang, tgk compound, nak designkan landscape yg sesuai utk compound and what we wanted. Takdela beriya sangat pun landscape nye. Takat tanam rumput karpet dgn pokok2 je. Takde la sampai bergazebo, water feature dsb.. Tak mampu ler. Lagipun, compound kecik je. Takmola sesak sangat. Kitorang suka compound yg nampak tenang, kurang sikit stress bila memandang. Lapang so tht sarah boleh lari2 tak pakai kasut kat situ. :) And most importantly, easy to maintain. Sekali-sekala, buleh panggil org nursery tu datang utk maintenance work, termasukla potong rumput, baja dan semua yg terlibat.
This saturday, our landscape drawing will be ready!! Yeay! So kena pergi nursery, tgk drawing tu, if semua ok, pilih bunga n pokok, they will start work and it will take around 1 week for them to get our little garden ready. Banyak kerja tu, since mmg tanah kat rumah tu kena gembur dulu, tukar tanah elok sikit, buat sistem saliran bawah tanah utk jaga rumput etc... Alhamdulillah, lepas ni tinggal nak carik sofa set utk living room, InsyaAllah, by raya ni bolehla terima tetamu. Sebelum ni, tetamu cuma mama n pali ngan mak lang, mak n bapak, ngn abg sahak sbb dia tolong Dan pasang furniture. Yang lain2 termasuk kawan2, tak pernah jemput lagik... Malu! Rumah tak siap. Hehehe. Raya nanti okla, insyaAllah. Buleh la jemput kengkawa datang. Lagi pun haritu try masak sebungkus mihun goreng, (tersilap bajet punya pasal.. nak masak utk 3 org je, guna mihun sampai sebungkus. Heh.) agak sukses jugakla kot. Mihun tu tak keras and hubby kata sodap. Buleh la nak jamu tetamu mihun goreng. Wakakaka...
Hmm.. cukupla dolu posting kali nih. Meraban je. Nak pi siapkan report gi jakarta yg tak siap2 tu. Bosan la. Too demotivated kerja kat sini. Harap2, bila dapat promotion nanti, dapatla tukar angin sket. Sigh!~
Hmm.. Macam mana ek. It's either terlalu demotivated utk kerja rasa malas gila nak pergi kerja or rasa best sgt kat rumah rasa malas nak pergi kerja. Heh. a litte bit of both. Bosan kerja dgn majikan yg cakap tak serupa bikin. Note the word MAJIKAN bukan setakat bos. Heh. Apa la nak jadi negara nih.
Whatever it is.. kerja put aside, i'm quite excited with our home improvements. Sejak ada maid, terurus la sikit rumah tu. Takdela serabai gilak. Yesterday, landscape consultant pulak datang, tgk compound, nak designkan landscape yg sesuai utk compound and what we wanted. Takdela beriya sangat pun landscape nye. Takat tanam rumput karpet dgn pokok2 je. Takde la sampai bergazebo, water feature dsb.. Tak mampu ler. Lagipun, compound kecik je. Takmola sesak sangat. Kitorang suka compound yg nampak tenang, kurang sikit stress bila memandang. Lapang so tht sarah boleh lari2 tak pakai kasut kat situ. :) And most importantly, easy to maintain. Sekali-sekala, buleh panggil org nursery tu datang utk maintenance work, termasukla potong rumput, baja dan semua yg terlibat.
This saturday, our landscape drawing will be ready!! Yeay! So kena pergi nursery, tgk drawing tu, if semua ok, pilih bunga n pokok, they will start work and it will take around 1 week for them to get our little garden ready. Banyak kerja tu, since mmg tanah kat rumah tu kena gembur dulu, tukar tanah elok sikit, buat sistem saliran bawah tanah utk jaga rumput etc... Alhamdulillah, lepas ni tinggal nak carik sofa set utk living room, InsyaAllah, by raya ni bolehla terima tetamu. Sebelum ni, tetamu cuma mama n pali ngan mak lang, mak n bapak, ngn abg sahak sbb dia tolong Dan pasang furniture. Yang lain2 termasuk kawan2, tak pernah jemput lagik... Malu! Rumah tak siap. Hehehe. Raya nanti okla, insyaAllah. Buleh la jemput kengkawa datang. Lagi pun haritu try masak sebungkus mihun goreng, (tersilap bajet punya pasal.. nak masak utk 3 org je, guna mihun sampai sebungkus. Heh.) agak sukses jugakla kot. Mihun tu tak keras and hubby kata sodap. Buleh la nak jamu tetamu mihun goreng. Wakakaka...
Hmm.. cukupla dolu posting kali nih. Meraban je. Nak pi siapkan report gi jakarta yg tak siap2 tu. Bosan la. Too demotivated kerja kat sini. Harap2, bila dapat promotion nanti, dapatla tukar angin sket. Sigh!~
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