Monday, and the stresses of work begins...
If i was a day of the week, i wouldn't want to be Monday. Kesian Monday. i think most people just hates monday. Me included. Well.. If i didn't have to go to work on Monday, then probably i won't hate Monday.. so the underlying problem, is not with any particular day, it's actually the workplace.
God i hate working here, like seriously. It's sad to see a place where an abundance of good things can be done towards the deserving community, but nothing really beneficial had been carried out simply because of management... the LACK of it.
My head division is barely in the office, making any decision making process sluggish. When he eventually comes into the office, he's so consumed in his own world and disregard whatever feedback that we give him as he wants things to be done his way, despite the fact that his understanding regarding the matter is zilch. When we (the employees) try to argue professionally on something, he will start to raise his voice. So it's just pointless to have an argument with him because it will just make you lose your hair arguing for something that he's put a block on wayy before you even try. The thing is, he would then want you to do other things, which is not really what you're supposed to be doing but he'd ask you to do it anyway because he thinks that will win hearts of the top management. Sigh!~ I really think that your efforts are a little bit too late boss, as all the top management knows what you're capable of (nothing serious and tangible).
My immediate superior is smart, but sometimes he's a little too smart, also in his quest to get points with the top management and the ones that has to go through all the dirty work is, well, you've guessed it, us. He too has had it with our head division. I don't really mind working with my immediate superior but it gets to me when he do things like assigning out-of-office-tasks on the eleventh hour. I hate it when he does that. Well maybe it's too much to ask, but heck, i also happen to have a commitment towards my family, especially my precious 17 months old little girl. When i get out-of-office assignments, i'd have to plan on my littlegirl, who can pick her up if i run late and things like that. I also hate it when he organizes and invites the political lead to go on trade missions abroad and asks me to do the ground work. I don't mind that much in doing the ground work (although after organizing a few missions you really get tired of it because of all the nitty gritty details that you have to go through, the same processes again and again, starting from step uno), but having to actually go with the mission abroad, which takes at least 6 days, now that really kills me. Why? Well.. unlike some people who doesn't mind leaving their kids behind for the skae of their job, i have my priorities set at home rather than at my office.
And... The thing i hate most about woking here is... Drum rolll.....
the political leader. why? Because he's only doing things for the sake of his POLITICAL MILEAGE instead of actually doing his responsibility towards the good of the nation. A carnival-like program to showcase entrepreneurs' products turned into a big pasar malam just because he wants it done in like 4 places within a month. So, the organizer, instead of getting quality entrepreneurs that can actually showcase their product, just pick up any willing dick, tom and harry to join in the craze. Derailment of the actual objectives? Definitely! But who cares, as long as he gets the self promotion he wants and needs for his political mileage. And that really ticks me off, and i get sick to my guts just thinking about his fugly face.
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