Saturday, August 30, 2008

Night Fever

For some reason, it seems that my little girl usually gets her fever at night. Not sure why, but when she has fever, most of the time she'll get it around 3 - 4 am. I was up last night and the night before tending to her early morning/late night fever. She was ok during the day.

Mama said last time when i was about her age, i used to get frequent fever as well..

Anyways, if you guys ada petua on this night fever thingy, do drop a note, ya? Thanks. :)

Sigh!~ kinda stressed coz vee's not ready and still in the workshop. Amende alternator punya bearing ada problem, kereta byk sgt tak sempat siap today. Tuesday baru siap. Sigh!~

Apapun, do have a nice long holiday, Selamat Hari Merdeka and Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Last mon and tues, i sat for the PTK exams... all i can say is, let bygones be bygones. Bersedia je la kalau kena resit kan. Hehe. Dahla masa first day tu aku tersalah dewan. Dah menjawab 2 soklan dah, invigilator panggil, kata aku salah dewan, so kena la berangkut segala barang2 ke dewan lagi satu. Nasib baik dewan tu satu bangunan lain floor je. Kalau kena kat building lain?? Isk.. aku nih.. memang tau. Member yg tgh buat exam kat dewan lagi satu tu tanya "ko masuk lambat ehh?" aku pun selambe je jawab "aku salah dewan la...". Iskk...

Gambar Garden

Ni haritu azanie mintak aku upload gambar lawn. Ni ler sikit gambar dari lawn aku yang tak seberapa. :)

Gambar dari sebalik water lilies.

Pokok2 di tepi pagar depan umah - ginger, cuphea dan pencil pine.

Ni pulak pokok2 kat tepi pagar tepi rumah - yucca, antorium, ginger dan cuphea

Ni deretan bunga gantung2. Nama apa tah...

This is a nice picture (or so i think) of our water lily.

This is my garden! :)

"Mommy... bird!"

My little darling enjoying the garden.

Me: Sarah, give mommy a smile...

<-- Result.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tak jadi Cuti...

Huhu.. tak jadi cuti harini. Mula2 plannak cuti belajar today n tmrw.. Bos ckp jgnler cuti harii sbb takde org kat opis. so aku terpaksa la keje sambil2 menjadi bos. Esok aku cuti. Iskk.. takpela.. bos takde harini, aku buley study gak kat opis, sambil2 menyiapkan lagi sikit menet mesyuarat yg belum siap tu.

Last night tgk debate Lim Guan Eng vs. Koh Tsu Koon. Tapi tgk dalam 20 menet terakhir je. Hmmm.. so takleh nak komen byk sangat la. Ok la kot, dua2 pandai berkata2.. orang politik la katakan.

Anyways.. dah melalut cerita politik pulak. Isk.. Baru 51 tahun negara merdeka. Rasa macam dah kelam kabut dah ni. Susah bila politician fikir poket sendiri je, at the expense of the rakyat. Hmm.. Apepun...pengundi di permatang pauh, undi dengan bijak. Kalau rasa mana2 calon tak layak dapat undian anda..jangan undi diorang. Bukannya yang tak suka dipangkah tau. Hehehe...

Kalau fikir sangat ttg keadaan negara skang ni, stress la.. isk.. malas nak fikir.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Semalam pergi gocery shopping. Yang termasuk dalam senarai barang yg nak dibeli tu adalah diapers dan susu. Tgk susu, ok, amek, masuk dlm troli. Tengok diaper... isk.. tak percaya.. tgk lagi sekali... Mak aiii... Dah naik harga yang sangat signifikan ok. Dulu RM 33 utk Jumbo L72.. Sekarang ni dah naik RM 43. Bengong ke sekali naik sampai 10 hengget. Ingat duit tumbuh kat pokok???

I wonder who we should owe all these inflation and current economic state to. Sigh!~

Monday, August 18, 2008

Formula strike

Hmm.. it seems like i'm having a blogging "diarrhea" today. Hehe. So many things to post!! (amidst of so many things to be done.). I'll keep this short.. i hope.

Anyway, back on the subject. My DD has been on some kind of a milk strike recently. it started when we introduced her to a toddler formula of the same brand infant formula that she was using. We tried the original flavour, vanilla, but she just refused them both and wanted to stick to her infant formula. Until about two days ago... Last two days, she refused milk entirely, and only wanted to be breastfed.

I was quite concerned coz i think that my milk supply has lessen (or it could be just me), despite the fact that your body produces more milk as your kiddo nurses more. It's probably just in my head, kan? Anyways, i feel kinda guilty coz last night i was forcing her to drink her formula and denied her of nursing, unless she drinks some formula. (Masa tu around 3am. DD still wakes for night nursing). So after some episode of crying and whining and "No, no, no...s" she went back to sleep, without nursing nor drinking her formula. And today, i feel a heavy sense of guilt for what had happened. Sigh!~ Kesian dia. To think that she won't be nursing for long now anyway... I shouldn't have denied her of nursing... :( Mommy's so sorry.

Hmm.. takpela.. learn from mistakes. The beauty about toddlers is that they don't hold grudges against you. (But that doesn't mean you can treat them wrong, ok?) They're always willing to forgive and forget, which enables you of second chances. :)

Ughh.. my eyes are hurting. Heh. Just got back from blog-hopping (which inspired me to post something). Bumped into fellow PTD blog.. and she had red fonts on black b/g. So, it kinda hurt my eye a bit. But i kept reading anyway. :)

Anyways, the blog hopping started from me google-ing for contoh soalan ptk tk1 bagi skim ptd. So much for that, i landed into a few fellow ptds blogs. Obviously, i gave into the temptation of reading blogs rather than doing my so-called research. Well.. i'm dne reading blogs for now, and will definitely move on to studying shortly after completing this post.

My exam will be on 2 days next week, monday and tuesday. Mon - paper umum. Macam2 nakkena tau tu.. general order bab a - g, arahan perbendaharaan, pengurusan pejabat... uwaaaa... tak habis baca pun lagi. Baru baca 2 - 3 st slides yang dapat dari kengkawan yang dah amek exam. Tues, kompetensi khusus pulak. Since ptd ni perlu cover 8 core businesses, so lebih kurang kena tahu segala yang ada antara langit dengan bumi. Pengurusan tanah, local govn, kewangan, hrm, leadership... banyak nyaaaaa..

I plan to take 2 days leave utk sesi belajar sampai mabuk. Masa cuti tu, kena htr sarah gi skolah gak, sbb kalau tak, tak belajar le saye nampaknye. So nak fikirkan kat mana lokasi yang sesuai utk tempat pembelajaran kat pjaya ni. For the time being, i'll sign off and get back to some studying before resuming my work that never ends...........

Friday, August 15, 2008

Lega tak Lega?

Alhamdulillah, akhirnya habis gak meeting yg dah dua tiga kali tangguh ni. Hehe. Siap kena sound dgn chairman.. Lain kali buat meeting ni kerap2 sikit. Hahaha.. Iyola.. lepas raya ni kite miting lagi ye.. So, sementara nak menyiapkan minit ni, rasa cam takde mood pulak. Rasa macam nak buat posting, tapi cam takde mende pun nak dipostingkan. Hehe.

Last week, lepas kejadian yg telah aku ceritakan (pasal bos aku yg tahape2).. aku datang gak keje hari Khamis, walaupun masa hari rabu tu berapi2 aku cakap aku nak EL je. Kalau ikutkan aku, mmg nak EL.. tapi sbb hubby kata pegila keje.. lagipun, otak aku kata, gi keje, try balik mintak cuti utk Jumaat ngan Senin, so akupegi la jugak. Pepagi aku ngadap bos suruh dia luluskan cuti aku Jumaat n Isnin. Aku kata kat dia, Isnin tu nnt aku terus pegi PD utk pgm kat sana.. kata di mulut je. Di hati dan otak dah plan menda lain. Aku kata macam mana pun aku kena cuti gak Jumaat n Isnin sbb akak aku nak kawen. Dia boleh plak nak melawak dgn aku, nak dtg umah tgk akak kawen. Lempang kang mangkuk nih.. Iskk.. Anyways, aku dapat la cuti Jumaat dgn Isnin tu. :)

Hari Jumaat, bawak sarah pegi paed utk cucuk pneumococcal, final dose. Orang dah pandai. Letak je atas katil pemeriksaan tu, dia meraung. Lama pulak kitorg bersidai kat dlm blk Dr tu kali ni. Sebabnya, dia sibuk dapatkan info ttg GPS from hubby. Heh. Apo2la..

Hari Sabtu, aku plak gi jumpa dokter... Jumpa my gynae. Tapi masa tu Dr. Nora takde, so jumpa dr lain, pompuan gak la, Dr. Masitah. Aku ckp la abt spotting yg kerap sejak pakai IUCD. Dia ckp biasa, sbb body tgh adjustment period. Maybe dia ada reaction towards copper. Biasanya apa2 effect will clear after 6 mths, so dia kata dtg blk utk checkup yg 6 mths tu la nanti. Kalau still spotting, maknanya body takleh tolerate dgn copper.. so maybe kena tukar pakai mirena la.. Tapi mirena ni jauh lebih mahal.. Tahan 5 thn. So, wait n see la. Dia kata, period kira masa betul2 darah keluar consistent je. Bila habis, pastu mula spotting, tu takde apa, boleh solat n puasa. Ok la dah dapat penerangan camtu. Takde la masalah aku nak puasa nanti asyik was2 je. :) Oh.. masa jumpa dr ni jugakla aku minta MC. Aku ckp kat dia aku stress, aku dah keje 3 minggu straight tanpa weekends dan aku patutnya berada kat kemaman haritu, tapi last minit cancel. So dr kata, ok, yang tu dia boleh tolong.. and bagi aku MC 3 hari, from Monday, sampaila Wednesday. So aku pun tak pergila pgm di PD.. and the fact is, the program still went on smoothly, despite the fact that i didn't attend it. Duh!~

So sekarang ni agak lega sikit. Bos bengong tu pun outstation seminggu, senang hatiku ini. :) Bernafas le sikit. Tapi lega tak lama pun. Nak start prep on misi luar negara pulak.. huhu.

Oh.. btw, Alhamdulillah, K.Long dah selamat bernikah, dgn seorang muallaf. Dia nikah Jumaat lepas, 08.08.08 kat masjid wilayah. Reception hari sabtu malam kat dewan perdana felda. Hmm.. syok la masa reception tu. Ada open floor utk poco-poco!! Wah.. release sikit kerinduan terhadap poco2. Tapi tak best sgt sbb tak ramai member. Lagipun poco2 basic.. bosah la sikit. Nak buat poco2 advance, dah lupa.. Hampeh la... Iskk...

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Can't Stand The Idiotic Wimp

My boss is such an idiotic wimp. Everytime i have to see him in the morning i'll end up irritated. So much taht i wish i could puke on his bald head.

Usually, when i get called up to see him, i could almost feel my blood boil, more so lately. I've just had enough of him. Seriously. Today he asked why i wanted to take leave for next week since there will be this mediation thingy in PD. I told him, our unit is not involved and myname wasn't included in the damn thing. I need a break since i've been working 3 weeks straight without my weekends. I need to spend time with my family too.

The bastard had the cheek to say this "You ada anak je.. i ada cucu".. I was annoyed but all i could utter was " Ala.. bukan cucu you spend time with you sangat". which i think was bad enough but not just hit it through. I should have said "How could you compare yourself to me when you couldn't breastfeed your kids, let alone your cucu yourself? I'm still breastfeeding my daughter." Should have. Too bad my head wasn't going fast enough. That bloody bastard.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Feelings that shouldn't be..

Sigh!~ Can't make up my mind if this is a good or terrible feeling, whatever it is that i'm feeling right now. Bottom line is, this feeling shouldn't be present. Not now, not last time, not EVER. Well.. probably la. who know's what the future beholds but, the fact is, it shouldn't be present now. God help me.

However, this unwelcomed feeling make me feel good about me. I know it wasn't supposed to be there in the first place, but it just makes me feel really good, presently that is.

Sigh!~ I took into tracing back my steps, back into the time when i was still studying, with help from my blog, of course. Just cracks me to bits. :D Silly things you do and think of when you're younger and less mature. Awkwardly, silly things can still do pretty much the same to me now. :p Maybe i haven't grown up as much as i thought i had. Hmm.. maybe..

I need a break. I've been working too much. :(

Monday, August 04, 2008

Lupa, Melupai, Dilupakan...

Pinjam tajuk cikD... Aku masuk ofis lmbt hari ni. Saja. Hari ke 15 kerja non stop, no weekends. Weekend ni pun kalau tak kena pergi gerak usahawan melaka. Pergi mampus la. Aku takkan pergi. K. Long kawen weekend ni. Won't miss it for the world. Dah berthn2 kitorg tunggu utk K.Long kawen nih.

Anyways.. back to the topic. Bila aku baca blog cikD, baru aku sedar yg lupa ni anugerah. Yela kan, cuba kalau Tuhan tu tak bagi kita lupakan mende2 yg menyakitkan kita.. sakitkan hati, sakitkan fizikal.. musti ramai yg sakit otak.. and mesti ramai jugak yang serik nak beranak. Tapi Allah tu Maha Kaya, dia bagi kita lupakan kesakitan masa lalu, so that we can get on enjoying the sweeter things in life.

Pun begitu, kadang2 ada sweet memories yang kadang2 rasa mcm berbelah bahagi, nak lupakan ke nak ingat. Hehe. Nak lupakan, sayang, nak ingat, sakit. Sigh!~ Entahlah.. only time will tell kan. As at where you are now, you'll just have to endure la whatever life is giving you. Sapa suruh buat rumah tepi pantai kalau dah tau takut dilambung ombak. Hehe.. monolog aku dengan diriku. Sigh!~ Takpela... apa yg aku tgh hadapi ni, momentary, disebabkan keadaan. Dulu pun pernah gak jadi sekali, tapi alhamdulillah, semua ok.. ada la yg sikit tak ok, tapi mostly ok.. This time, aku kena lebih hati2 so tht SEMUA ok... aku taknak langsung ada sikit yg tak ok...ok?

Takpe.. biar aku je yang paham...

Last weekend

Weekend kedua berkerja, sampai maid aku pun tanya "Kenapa puan asyikkerja je, takde cuti?" Hehe. Tak dapek Den nak menjawab eh.

Apapun, last weekend was Franchise International Malaysia 2008, dirasmikan oleh YAB TPM. His promptness is admirable. Kita hantar jemputan perasmian at 3.30, cukup 3.30 dia masuk dlm dewan perasmian, bukan baru nak bertolak dari rumah, unlike you-know-who... Rasanya, everything ok la kot. Yesterday, on the final day, ada special keynote address by the former PM. I managed to get a few pics with him and wife. We also celbrated his advanced wedding anniversary. Sangat suka dapat spend some time with the two Tuns. Nearly everyone who came on sunday said that they were there because of Tun. If it was you-know-who, jangan harap la depa nak datang. Hahahahaa.... How true.

Apapun, lega FIM dah habis. Sekarang, boleh saya mula mengemas meja, sebelum ribut kelam kabut seterusnya datang menjelma.....

Friday, August 01, 2008

Yucca Flower

We've planted 4 yucca plants in our garden. One of the yucca plants grew a flower bud after 2 days of planting on our compound. Today the flower bloomed. The contractor and all his indon workers said that yucca flower is not a common sight. Everybody were looking at it with awe. The contractor siap mintak nombor kat hubby coz dia kata "musti ong punya". Hehe.. Wallahualam. Sukati korang la. Aku pun in the beginning tak tau pulak yg pokok yucca ni buleh berbunga. Seronok gak. :) Yang kurang seronok, sekarang ni agak panas banget. Ada rumput yg dah kuning2, walaupun dah siram 3 kali sehari. Sedey...