Monday, August 18, 2008


Ughh.. my eyes are hurting. Heh. Just got back from blog-hopping (which inspired me to post something). Bumped into fellow PTD blog.. and she had red fonts on black b/g. So, it kinda hurt my eye a bit. But i kept reading anyway. :)

Anyways, the blog hopping started from me google-ing for contoh soalan ptk tk1 bagi skim ptd. So much for that, i landed into a few fellow ptds blogs. Obviously, i gave into the temptation of reading blogs rather than doing my so-called research. Well.. i'm dne reading blogs for now, and will definitely move on to studying shortly after completing this post.

My exam will be on 2 days next week, monday and tuesday. Mon - paper umum. Macam2 nakkena tau tu.. general order bab a - g, arahan perbendaharaan, pengurusan pejabat... uwaaaa... tak habis baca pun lagi. Baru baca 2 - 3 st slides yang dapat dari kengkawan yang dah amek exam. Tues, kompetensi khusus pulak. Since ptd ni perlu cover 8 core businesses, so lebih kurang kena tahu segala yang ada antara langit dengan bumi. Pengurusan tanah, local govn, kewangan, hrm, leadership... banyak nyaaaaa..

I plan to take 2 days leave utk sesi belajar sampai mabuk. Masa cuti tu, kena htr sarah gi skolah gak, sbb kalau tak, tak belajar le saye nampaknye. So nak fikirkan kat mana lokasi yang sesuai utk tempat pembelajaran kat pjaya ni. For the time being, i'll sign off and get back to some studying before resuming my work that never ends...........

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