Suatu malam, di dalam kereta biru, menuju ke sebuah restoran untuk makan malam. MIL and FIL di tempat duduk hadapan, whilst hubby, sarah and myself were seated at the back. Anak yang seorang itu sedang membuas tak duduk diam di dalam kereta.
MIL : Siapa anak ulat tu???
DD : Sarah..
DH : Sarah anak ulat
DD : Anak mummy la...
DH : Mummy ulat
DD : No. Daddy ulat.
Hehehe... padan muka.. nak kenakan aku konon.... :p
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Thinking Of...
Ahh.. finally. Pagi tadi jumpa dengan KSU ministry baru. Dialu-alukan datang ke kementerian tersebut. :) InsyaAllah, akan siap urusan pindah randah by end May. So far, body ikut dengan perjawatan.. tapi, KSu tu dah notify that be prepared to get transfered to state.. sebab that ministry ada 72 kalau tak silap state offices. Uhuhuhuhuuu.. don't likeeee....
Anyways, semalam jumpa dengan Nurul sefamily. Akhirnya, dapat jugek jumpa dengan Sya n Yas. Huhu.. sorry, aunty tak smepat bagi apa2. Ummi korang call mengejut. Tak sempat aunty beli apa2 nak kirim kat you all. Hopefully, Nurul ada masa buleh datang umahh... :) Buleh cerita panjang sikit. Owh.. mesti mention.. Nurul kurus siuttt.... Macam zaman2 buat MSc dulu tu. Jeles i. Tapi aku ala2 malas nak dayet sekarang ni.. sigh!~ Setakat jeles je la...
Harini pulak, sesambil berkerja, tertengok gambar family kengkawan kat facebook. Isk.. lepas tu, terfikir.. Seronok jugak kalau buat reunion kan? Hehehe.. Siapa berminat nak jadi committee?? Ingat tak, dulu dulu masa belajar kita berangan nanti bila masing-masing dah kahwin, dah ada anak, datangberkumpul balik, lain pulak ceritanya. Masa tu dah tiba.. cuma masa berkumpul je belum menjelma. :) InsyaAllah, satu hari nanti...
Sigh!~ Tiba-tiba teringat scones yang aku buat isnin lepas. Yumm.. sedap nih kalau makan scone dengan cream and strawberry jam. Btw, it was my first time making scones and hubby liked it! I, of course like it as well... Teringat masa honeymoon, layan scones, heavenly tiramisu dan sebagainya... Nak cari archive la pasal cerita honeymoon... Eh.. tak boleh.. keje banyak.. Uhuhukkk..
Til next time...
Ahh.. finally. Pagi tadi jumpa dengan KSU ministry baru. Dialu-alukan datang ke kementerian tersebut. :) InsyaAllah, akan siap urusan pindah randah by end May. So far, body ikut dengan perjawatan.. tapi, KSu tu dah notify that be prepared to get transfered to state.. sebab that ministry ada 72 kalau tak silap state offices. Uhuhuhuhuuu.. don't likeeee....
Anyways, semalam jumpa dengan Nurul sefamily. Akhirnya, dapat jugek jumpa dengan Sya n Yas. Huhu.. sorry, aunty tak smepat bagi apa2. Ummi korang call mengejut. Tak sempat aunty beli apa2 nak kirim kat you all. Hopefully, Nurul ada masa buleh datang umahh... :) Buleh cerita panjang sikit. Owh.. mesti mention.. Nurul kurus siuttt.... Macam zaman2 buat MSc dulu tu. Jeles i. Tapi aku ala2 malas nak dayet sekarang ni.. sigh!~ Setakat jeles je la...
Harini pulak, sesambil berkerja, tertengok gambar family kengkawan kat facebook. Isk.. lepas tu, terfikir.. Seronok jugak kalau buat reunion kan? Hehehe.. Siapa berminat nak jadi committee?? Ingat tak, dulu dulu masa belajar kita berangan nanti bila masing-masing dah kahwin, dah ada anak, datangberkumpul balik, lain pulak ceritanya. Masa tu dah tiba.. cuma masa berkumpul je belum menjelma. :) InsyaAllah, satu hari nanti...
Sigh!~ Tiba-tiba teringat scones yang aku buat isnin lepas. Yumm.. sedap nih kalau makan scone dengan cream and strawberry jam. Btw, it was my first time making scones and hubby liked it! I, of course like it as well... Teringat masa honeymoon, layan scones, heavenly tiramisu dan sebagainya... Nak cari archive la pasal cerita honeymoon... Eh.. tak boleh.. keje banyak.. Uhuhukkk..
Til next time...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Di Sekitar Hari Sukan Pertama
Yesterday was sarah's first sports day! DD had been really eager for the event. Had trouble going to sleep the night before. She woke up early, and we arrived at the venue early. We sent her to the respective tent and we sat at the parents' tents. We could see from across the field that she couldn't wait to do her event that she was squirming and crying in her teacher's arms. Heheh. We popped at the tent to check on her once in a while and she said "Sarah nak run!!"
When it was her turn, she did it in style.... Hehe.. tengok je lah gaya dia. Dengan sunglasses, hat. Everybody was cheering for her. Dia buat selamba je and did her thing in style... Heheh.. So proud of her.
Here are some pics.

Yesterday was sarah's first sports day! DD had been really eager for the event. Had trouble going to sleep the night before. She woke up early, and we arrived at the venue early. We sent her to the respective tent and we sat at the parents' tents. We could see from across the field that she couldn't wait to do her event that she was squirming and crying in her teacher's arms. Heheh. We popped at the tent to check on her once in a while and she said "Sarah nak run!!"
When it was her turn, she did it in style.... Hehe.. tengok je lah gaya dia. Dengan sunglasses, hat. Everybody was cheering for her. Dia buat selamba je and did her thing in style... Heheh.. So proud of her.
Here are some pics.

Monday, April 20, 2009
Sports Day
Had been trying to concentrate of completing the checking of some documents. Failed miserably. Heheh.
Sarah's gonna be participating in her first sports day event this weekend! And she'll be the only toddler participating too! The principal decided to let her join in, despite her age. She's going to carry a water-filled balloon from start,into a bucket at the end of the line.. or something like that la. I'll find out this weekend. Sure hope she'll willingly participate on that day though. Takut nanti dia tengok orang ramai-ramai, tak nak buat pulak.
But then again, you'll never know, you know? Last Saturday, at Dan's cousin's wedding, she had the time of her life, dancing with the singers and the band. Tak kisahkan orang ramai yang menengok dia menari. That's my "pandai goyang" daughter. :D Macam mummy juga ye.
Nanti bila dah trasfer the video from my phone, insyaAllah, akan diupload videonya di sini. :)
Had been trying to concentrate of completing the checking of some documents. Failed miserably. Heheh.
Sarah's gonna be participating in her first sports day event this weekend! And she'll be the only toddler participating too! The principal decided to let her join in, despite her age. She's going to carry a water-filled balloon from start,into a bucket at the end of the line.. or something like that la. I'll find out this weekend. Sure hope she'll willingly participate on that day though. Takut nanti dia tengok orang ramai-ramai, tak nak buat pulak.
But then again, you'll never know, you know? Last Saturday, at Dan's cousin's wedding, she had the time of her life, dancing with the singers and the band. Tak kisahkan orang ramai yang menengok dia menari. That's my "pandai goyang" daughter. :D Macam mummy juga ye.
Nanti bila dah trasfer the video from my phone, insyaAllah, akan diupload videonya di sini. :)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Marahkan nyamuk, kelambu kena bakar
Aku cukup benci kalau kena marah atas benda yang bukan salah aku. Aku baru dapat sms marah2 dari bos besar. Ayat pertama - saya tak tau nak marah siapa. Lepas tu mengomel la pasal benda-benda yang dia nak marah tu. Benda yang dia marah adalah tentang satu surat yang urgent yang dia tak nampak sebab masa surat tu sampai, PA dia sedang berkursus, dan orang yang gantikan PA tu tak sepatutnya menggantikan tempat PA sebab tak layak. Jadi, surat urgent tu tak sampai pada dia.
Masalahnya, marahlah orang yang bertanggungjawab jaga admin. Apesal pulak nak libatkan kitorang yang tak tau apa-apa dan tak ada kena mengena ni? Orang yang jaga admin tu pulak nanti, bila kitorang bagi tau, dia mesti cakap, " I tak tau pun.." or something along that line. So now, my boss wants me and my immediate superior to come into the office tomorrow and take action towards that urgent letter.
Why must i (and my immediate superior) clean the shit that someone else had left behind? In the name of team work?? My ass. Ask the person responsible la. Ni, orang yang patut dipertanggungjawabkan lepas, yang tak ada kena-mengena jadi kambing hitam. Konon-konon, tampar anak, sindir menantu. Seriously, sometimes it doesn't work, not everybody understands that concept. Either tak faham atau buat-buat tak faham, that's another story.
Sorry boss, i can't make it tomorrow. I've already came into the office last saturday. Tomorrow, i'll take a raincheck. I believe I don't get paid enough to always cleanup other people's mess.
Aku cukup benci kalau kena marah atas benda yang bukan salah aku. Aku baru dapat sms marah2 dari bos besar. Ayat pertama - saya tak tau nak marah siapa. Lepas tu mengomel la pasal benda-benda yang dia nak marah tu. Benda yang dia marah adalah tentang satu surat yang urgent yang dia tak nampak sebab masa surat tu sampai, PA dia sedang berkursus, dan orang yang gantikan PA tu tak sepatutnya menggantikan tempat PA sebab tak layak. Jadi, surat urgent tu tak sampai pada dia.
Masalahnya, marahlah orang yang bertanggungjawab jaga admin. Apesal pulak nak libatkan kitorang yang tak tau apa-apa dan tak ada kena mengena ni? Orang yang jaga admin tu pulak nanti, bila kitorang bagi tau, dia mesti cakap, " I tak tau pun.." or something along that line. So now, my boss wants me and my immediate superior to come into the office tomorrow and take action towards that urgent letter.
Why must i (and my immediate superior) clean the shit that someone else had left behind? In the name of team work?? My ass. Ask the person responsible la. Ni, orang yang patut dipertanggungjawabkan lepas, yang tak ada kena-mengena jadi kambing hitam. Konon-konon, tampar anak, sindir menantu. Seriously, sometimes it doesn't work, not everybody understands that concept. Either tak faham atau buat-buat tak faham, that's another story.
Sorry boss, i can't make it tomorrow. I've already came into the office last saturday. Tomorrow, i'll take a raincheck. I believe I don't get paid enough to always cleanup other people's mess.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Yep.. finally, the announcement came today, as i had anticipated earlier. And, just like what the rumors i've heard, we're moving to the ministry just across the road. Honestly, i didn't feel as relieved as i thought i would be. I mean, the ministry across the street is way better than having to move to a ministry in jln duta, right? Saves me of all the traffic jams. However, i felt frustrated, demotivated, and so on, and so forth. Why? Probably because i was still holding on to the hope that the PM would retract the dissolution of our min., after all the feedbacks that he had received. Today, my hope came crashing down. Not that i have anything against the ministry across the street. No, not at all. In fact, i respect the sec. gen. of that min. I don't know. It's just that.. I was really feeling the passion of doing what i'm doing.. and suddenly, shit happens, you know? It's just plain crap.
Luckily, i could find some sort of solace reading entries from another blogger. I find his pieces comforting somehow. Maybe it's in the way / his style of writing. Witty and charming. At least, that cheered me up a little.
Hmm.. macam ni la bila DH jauh. Sedih ke, down ke, apa ke, sendiri la tanggung. Kepada kawan2 yang lain yang juga berjauhan dari hubby masing2, bersabar and always think positive. You're one tough lady! Gurrlll power.
Apa la pulak yang aku melalut ni... Peace out.
Yep.. finally, the announcement came today, as i had anticipated earlier. And, just like what the rumors i've heard, we're moving to the ministry just across the road. Honestly, i didn't feel as relieved as i thought i would be. I mean, the ministry across the street is way better than having to move to a ministry in jln duta, right? Saves me of all the traffic jams. However, i felt frustrated, demotivated, and so on, and so forth. Why? Probably because i was still holding on to the hope that the PM would retract the dissolution of our min., after all the feedbacks that he had received. Today, my hope came crashing down. Not that i have anything against the ministry across the street. No, not at all. In fact, i respect the sec. gen. of that min. I don't know. It's just that.. I was really feeling the passion of doing what i'm doing.. and suddenly, shit happens, you know? It's just plain crap.
Luckily, i could find some sort of solace reading entries from another blogger. I find his pieces comforting somehow. Maybe it's in the way / his style of writing. Witty and charming. At least, that cheered me up a little.
Hmm.. macam ni la bila DH jauh. Sedih ke, down ke, apa ke, sendiri la tanggung. Kepada kawan2 yang lain yang juga berjauhan dari hubby masing2, bersabar and always think positive. You're one tough lady! Gurrlll power.
Apa la pulak yang aku melalut ni... Peace out.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tadi sebenarnya nak cerita topik lain.. tapi takde idea pula. Ni, di saat beberapa minit lagi nakbalik, timbul pulak idea nak bercerita pengalaman terbaru bersama anak perempuanku tersayang. :) (Ayat ala-ala novel gitu)
Di suatu malam, ketika mummy tengah rasa emosi yang tak tentu arah sebab pms, daddy pulak takde sebab pergi detachment 2 minggu; mummy dan sarah duduk layan tv. Cerita apa ntah, tak ingat. After a while, sarah agaknya dah mula bosan, dia mula la start benda-benda yang kreatif pada dia, tapi yang tak betul benda yang dia buat tu pada kebiasaannya. Jadi.. mummy pun tergurla sarah suapaya jangan buat macam tu. Sarah pun bukan main lagi malam tu, nak jerit-jerit pulak. Apa lagi.. mummy pun hangin laaaa..
Mummy pun angkat sarah, letak dia kat hujung kerusi, jauh sikit daripada tempat mummy duduk. mummy cakap kat sarah "If you don't want to follow what mummy said, you can sit there, away from mummy, ok? Don't come to mummy." Huh.. kejam je bunyinya kan.
Lepas tu, sikit demi sedikit, sarah datang dekat, dekat dengan mummy. Mummy buat dek je. buat2 layan tv. Sarah panjat ke riba mummy, pandang kat muka mummy.. mummy buat2 tak pandang je. Lepas dok mencuba buat comey tapi takde respon, sarah pun kata "Sowee mummy"... Lepas tu mummy dah tak marah lagi. :)
Itulah kali pertama sarah kata sorry tanpa perlu disuruh! And she knows when to say it! :)
Sekian, terima kasih.
Tadi sebenarnya nak cerita topik lain.. tapi takde idea pula. Ni, di saat beberapa minit lagi nakbalik, timbul pulak idea nak bercerita pengalaman terbaru bersama anak perempuanku tersayang. :) (Ayat ala-ala novel gitu)
Di suatu malam, ketika mummy tengah rasa emosi yang tak tentu arah sebab pms, daddy pulak takde sebab pergi detachment 2 minggu; mummy dan sarah duduk layan tv. Cerita apa ntah, tak ingat. After a while, sarah agaknya dah mula bosan, dia mula la start benda-benda yang kreatif pada dia, tapi yang tak betul benda yang dia buat tu pada kebiasaannya. Jadi.. mummy pun tergurla sarah suapaya jangan buat macam tu. Sarah pun bukan main lagi malam tu, nak jerit-jerit pulak. Apa lagi.. mummy pun hangin laaaa..
Mummy pun angkat sarah, letak dia kat hujung kerusi, jauh sikit daripada tempat mummy duduk. mummy cakap kat sarah "If you don't want to follow what mummy said, you can sit there, away from mummy, ok? Don't come to mummy." Huh.. kejam je bunyinya kan.
Lepas tu, sikit demi sedikit, sarah datang dekat, dekat dengan mummy. Mummy buat dek je. buat2 layan tv. Sarah panjat ke riba mummy, pandang kat muka mummy.. mummy buat2 tak pandang je. Lepas dok mencuba buat comey tapi takde respon, sarah pun kata "Sowee mummy"... Lepas tu mummy dah tak marah lagi. :)
Itulah kali pertama sarah kata sorry tanpa perlu disuruh! And she knows when to say it! :)
Sekian, terima kasih.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Tiada Perasaan
Ya.. itulah yang aku rasa harini. Tiada perasaan, tiada emosi. Well.. actually, i might be feeling a little irritable, thanks to the monthly emotional roller coaster called pms. :p
Apapun, pagi tadi, selesai majlis perhimpunan bulanan terakhir bagi kem. ni. Pun begitu, tanda tanya semua warga kem. mengenai arah tuju seterusnya masih belum terjawab. Khabar angin pelbagai.. ada yang kata diserap ke MITI, ada pulak yang kata diserap ke KPDN.. macam-macam. Tapi apa yang pasti, semua pun tak pasti. Heh. Talk about irony.
Jadi, apa nak buat? Nak keluar surat, tak boleh, guna dana, tak boleh, minta kelulusan, tak boleh... Apa yang boleh? Pergi alamanda untukbuat grocery shopping. What else can we do in these times of uncertainty? The ministry has ceased to exist. What can we do, other than wait for further notifications, clarifications, orders?
Apa-apa pun, saya yang menurut perintah....
Pertemuan Faiq & Sarah serta mak2 mereka
Alhamdulillah, sabtu lepas, pn. aznor sekeluarga sudi datang menjenguk saya kat rumah. :) Terima kasih banyak2 ye. Lepas rindu kat aznor, dan dapat jumpa en. ahmad faiq yang hensem itu. Nanti la, aku uploadkan gambar2 sarah n faiq. Suka betul sarah kat faiq. Berapa kali la faiq kena cium. Risau gak aku, sarah tengah melasak.. takut le terhantuk ke, diapa-apakan ke si comey faiq itu.
Apapun. alhamdulillah, semua berjalan lancar kot, ke? Tu kena tanya aznor sekeluarga la. kalau ada terkurang apa2, aku mintak mahap ye azeno. Jangan le serik datang umah aku lagi.. :)
*Sebenarnya lost my train of thoughts.. sbb lepas sorang, sorang datang mengadu nasib*
Ya.. itulah yang aku rasa harini. Tiada perasaan, tiada emosi. Well.. actually, i might be feeling a little irritable, thanks to the monthly emotional roller coaster called pms. :p
Apapun, pagi tadi, selesai majlis perhimpunan bulanan terakhir bagi kem. ni. Pun begitu, tanda tanya semua warga kem. mengenai arah tuju seterusnya masih belum terjawab. Khabar angin pelbagai.. ada yang kata diserap ke MITI, ada pulak yang kata diserap ke KPDN.. macam-macam. Tapi apa yang pasti, semua pun tak pasti. Heh. Talk about irony.
Jadi, apa nak buat? Nak keluar surat, tak boleh, guna dana, tak boleh, minta kelulusan, tak boleh... Apa yang boleh? Pergi alamanda untukbuat grocery shopping. What else can we do in these times of uncertainty? The ministry has ceased to exist. What can we do, other than wait for further notifications, clarifications, orders?
Apa-apa pun, saya yang menurut perintah....
Pertemuan Faiq & Sarah serta mak2 mereka
Alhamdulillah, sabtu lepas, pn. aznor sekeluarga sudi datang menjenguk saya kat rumah. :) Terima kasih banyak2 ye. Lepas rindu kat aznor, dan dapat jumpa en. ahmad faiq yang hensem itu. Nanti la, aku uploadkan gambar2 sarah n faiq. Suka betul sarah kat faiq. Berapa kali la faiq kena cium. Risau gak aku, sarah tengah melasak.. takut le terhantuk ke, diapa-apakan ke si comey faiq itu.
Apapun. alhamdulillah, semua berjalan lancar kot, ke? Tu kena tanya aznor sekeluarga la. kalau ada terkurang apa2, aku mintak mahap ye azeno. Jangan le serik datang umah aku lagi.. :)
*Sebenarnya lost my train of thoughts.. sbb lepas sorang, sorang datang mengadu nasib*
Friday, April 10, 2009
Initially, i didnt feel like putting any words on the recent cabinet lineup, which obviously have a great impact on me, one of the golongan marhaen. In the good old days, i can't give a crap of what's happening in the nation's political scene. Ministers and deputy ministers can change portfolios all they want. Not like it had any impact on me or the things that i do.. well.. as i said, that was during the good old days, being a student, where all you have to think about is study (well, and puppy/monkey love once in a while), and enjoy yourself doing it. Now... not anymore.
Honestly, upon hearing that out now ex minister got transfered to another ministry, i was very thankful and happy. VERY happy indeed. Then, when the PM said thank you, i was confused, because this ministry wasn't mentioned. We were all confused. It took us by surprise. Then came in a text message, from the ex-minister's senior officer. It said "Salam perpisahan... yadda.. yadda.." And i replied "Thank you for your guidance. Is our ministry dissolved?" And in came a short reply "Yup."
Is this ministry so irrelevant that it got scrapped? Or is it irrelevant to the so-called One Malaysia that it got dissolved...?
Too many mind boggling things which can't be posted here, for apparent reasons. Shit or no shit, you've gotta live on. I certainly hope for the best, not just for myself, but for my agama, bangsa dan negara.
Initially, i didnt feel like putting any words on the recent cabinet lineup, which obviously have a great impact on me, one of the golongan marhaen. In the good old days, i can't give a crap of what's happening in the nation's political scene. Ministers and deputy ministers can change portfolios all they want. Not like it had any impact on me or the things that i do.. well.. as i said, that was during the good old days, being a student, where all you have to think about is study (well, and puppy/monkey love once in a while), and enjoy yourself doing it. Now... not anymore.
Honestly, upon hearing that out now ex minister got transfered to another ministry, i was very thankful and happy. VERY happy indeed. Then, when the PM said thank you, i was confused, because this ministry wasn't mentioned. We were all confused. It took us by surprise. Then came in a text message, from the ex-minister's senior officer. It said "Salam perpisahan... yadda.. yadda.." And i replied "Thank you for your guidance. Is our ministry dissolved?" And in came a short reply "Yup."
Is this ministry so irrelevant that it got scrapped? Or is it irrelevant to the so-called One Malaysia that it got dissolved...?
Too many mind boggling things which can't be posted here, for apparent reasons. Shit or no shit, you've gotta live on. I certainly hope for the best, not just for myself, but for my agama, bangsa dan negara.
Monday, April 06, 2009
.. DH off For Detachment ..
Saturday evening, after a slice of the delightful, still warm choc cake, DH rushed to put on his work boots and get to work. He's about 10 minutes late. Always happens when he's about to leave for detachments. Goes to show how much he dreads it.
Before he steps out of the house, he gave his daughter n wife some hugs and kisses.
DH: Sarah, take care of mummy ok, Mummy will take care of you.
DD: Ok. Bye bye daddy. Love you.
That night, at the dinner table.
DD: (Looking at daddy's empty chair, then looking at me) We wait for daddy, ya?
ME: Daddy's working sayang. He won't be home for two weeks.
DD became silent for a while. Then she said.
DD: Kesian daddy work, kan?
Honestly, i dunno if i was to cry or laugh or anything else. It was so unexpected of that little girl!
Saturday evening, after a slice of the delightful, still warm choc cake, DH rushed to put on his work boots and get to work. He's about 10 minutes late. Always happens when he's about to leave for detachments. Goes to show how much he dreads it.
Before he steps out of the house, he gave his daughter n wife some hugs and kisses.
DH: Sarah, take care of mummy ok, Mummy will take care of you.
DD: Ok. Bye bye daddy. Love you.
That night, at the dinner table.
DD: (Looking at daddy's empty chair, then looking at me) We wait for daddy, ya?
ME: Daddy's working sayang. He won't be home for two weeks.
DD became silent for a while. Then she said.
DD: Kesian daddy work, kan?
Honestly, i dunno if i was to cry or laugh or anything else. It was so unexpected of that little girl!
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Hubby's away for a two week detachment. Took friday off to spend time with him, and man, did we have a great time together. If i could just reminisce each and every moment..... hell it was super!!
And, to hit it off, i baked him a cake today. A delectable, yummy, scrumptious, sinfully irresistable, chocolate loaded cake. I had to bake it in a jiffy though, since we had things to take care of earlier. ;) Anyways, the cake baked well, and it was lip smackingly, out-of-the-world yummylicious. Damn i've no word to describe it. All hail Nigella Lawson for that sinfully decadent, quadruple chocolate cake recipe! I can't stop at just one slice, demmit! So much for low cal dieting. Sigh!~
The cake was so easy-peasy to make, and it was done from food processor to oven to table in a mere hour. I packed some for DH to have in HK. I did warn him not to eat it in the aircraft since it'll get really messy. Urgh.. reminds me of Carl's Jr.
Here's some pics of the sinful cake. See how moist the cake is at the bottom? That's not undercooked batter mind you. That's molten chocolate... If you'd like to try n bake it, try looking for the recipe at Not Quite Nigella, link provided at my link tab. If you're on a diet, forget it coz it'll haunt you to finish the last crumbs out of it. You've been warned!

Hubby's away for a two week detachment. Took friday off to spend time with him, and man, did we have a great time together. If i could just reminisce each and every moment..... hell it was super!!
And, to hit it off, i baked him a cake today. A delectable, yummy, scrumptious, sinfully irresistable, chocolate loaded cake. I had to bake it in a jiffy though, since we had things to take care of earlier. ;) Anyways, the cake baked well, and it was lip smackingly, out-of-the-world yummylicious. Damn i've no word to describe it. All hail Nigella Lawson for that sinfully decadent, quadruple chocolate cake recipe! I can't stop at just one slice, demmit! So much for low cal dieting. Sigh!~
The cake was so easy-peasy to make, and it was done from food processor to oven to table in a mere hour. I packed some for DH to have in HK. I did warn him not to eat it in the aircraft since it'll get really messy. Urgh.. reminds me of Carl's Jr.
Here's some pics of the sinful cake. See how moist the cake is at the bottom? That's not undercooked batter mind you. That's molten chocolate... If you'd like to try n bake it, try looking for the recipe at Not Quite Nigella, link provided at my link tab. If you're on a diet, forget it coz it'll haunt you to finish the last crumbs out of it. You've been warned!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Seriously... aku tak paham mende alah facebook ni. Gawd, that just added years to my age doesn't it? How can i be so FB-blind nihhh??
But seriously, i just don't get it. What's with all the invites and requests and all other mumbo jumbos? Can't you view other people profiles unless you've added them as a friend? URghhh.. so not helping...
Better get back to my budgeting. Pening jugak menatang nih. Nate sungguh.
Seriously... aku tak paham mende alah facebook ni. Gawd, that just added years to my age doesn't it? How can i be so FB-blind nihhh??
But seriously, i just don't get it. What's with all the invites and requests and all other mumbo jumbos? Can't you view other people profiles unless you've added them as a friend? URghhh.. so not helping...
Better get back to my budgeting. Pening jugak menatang nih. Nate sungguh.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Hehe.. Sebelum kita main teka-teki... Just wanna share something.. last night, for the first time, sarah slept in her bed the whole night!! Selalu half the night dia terjaga, nangis and i'll take her to our bed. Malam tadi dia tak terjaga langsung. Penat sangat kot, since during the day she only had one nap. Hehe.. Hope she'll do that again tonight. ;) Make room for mommy and daddy, and also more room for her to toss and turn as much as she likes, without kicking mommy or daddy while doing that. :D
Ok.. Back to the post title. I found this nostalgic pic while browsing through one of my cuz's fb page. Heheheehaehhaheheh... Gambar ni depan rumah nenek in sepang. Rumah lama, yang tak renovate lagi. Sekarang dah tak macam ni dah. Arwah unyang (my great-grandma) pun ada lagi.
Teka tekinya... Which one is me???
Hehe.. Sebelum kita main teka-teki... Just wanna share something.. last night, for the first time, sarah slept in her bed the whole night!! Selalu half the night dia terjaga, nangis and i'll take her to our bed. Malam tadi dia tak terjaga langsung. Penat sangat kot, since during the day she only had one nap. Hehe.. Hope she'll do that again tonight. ;) Make room for mommy and daddy, and also more room for her to toss and turn as much as she likes, without kicking mommy or daddy while doing that. :D
Ok.. Back to the post title. I found this nostalgic pic while browsing through one of my cuz's fb page. Heheheehaehhaheheh... Gambar ni depan rumah nenek in sepang. Rumah lama, yang tak renovate lagi. Sekarang dah tak macam ni dah. Arwah unyang (my great-grandma) pun ada lagi.
Teka tekinya... Which one is me???

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