Hehe.. Sebelum kita main teka-teki... Just wanna share something.. last night, for the first time, sarah slept in her bed the whole night!! Selalu half the night dia terjaga, nangis and i'll take her to our bed. Malam tadi dia tak terjaga langsung. Penat sangat kot, since during the day she only had one nap. Hehe.. Hope she'll do that again tonight. ;) Make room for mommy and daddy, and also more room for her to toss and turn as much as she likes, without kicking mommy or daddy while doing that. :D
Ok.. Back to the post title. I found this nostalgic pic while browsing through one of my cuz's fb page. Heheheehaehhaheheh... Gambar ni depan rumah nenek in sepang. Rumah lama, yang tak renovate lagi. Sekarang dah tak macam ni dah. Arwah unyang (my great-grandma) pun ada lagi.
Teka tekinya... Which one is me???

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