Friday, July 10, 2009

Fever Bug

Rabu lepas aku EL, sebab selasa aku macam demam kura, lepas pergi klinik, dr bagi mc untuk hari selasa tersebut (walaupun aku dah separuh hari kerja and bos aku dah bagi excuse untuk aku balik awal). Malam tu aku makin teruk sikit, telan ubat demam n selsema, pagi tak mampu bangun. Texted my boss, cakap EL, since anak aku temperature naikbalik malam tu.

Wednesday, lepas dah rasa ok sikit, kemas pulak barang-barang untuk balik dari rumah mama. Sent our things home and headed straight to pantai to see her paed. By the timejumpa paed tu, dia dah tak demam or anything la, but we went anyway, just to be sure that all is fine.

Sarah was her merry and cheery self. Selagi ada orang yang duduk sebelah kitorang kat waiting lounge tu dia tegur dan ajak borak. When it was our turn to see the paed, paed kata, not too worry la, since sarah is active. Kalau dengue ke, chikugunya or swine flu, her temperature will be very high that she won't have that much anergy. She'll be weak and lethargic. All the time the paed was explaining to me, sarah sat down playing with a xylophone.

Then the dr asked me about her constipation, the last time we went to see him, paed tu ada bagi ubat la to ease constipation. I told him it worked, but i had problems giving it to her since she doesn't like the taste. Tiba-tiba, ada suara kecik mencelah, "I don't like it Dr. Azam!" Ternganga paed tu. Paed cakap.. wah.. wah.. wahh!!... Huhuhh.... pandai komplen dah mek nih...

Semalam, she was getting better. Fever dah tak ada. Tapi i think she has a sore throat, so dia tak ada appetite makan, and since tak ada appetite, dia macam laid back sikit. Cikgu kat sekolah cakap dia sensitif lebih semalam. Isk.. sedih aku tengok dia tak aktif macam biasa. Ye la, kesian kan kalau tengok budak-budak yang dah biasa melasak, tiba-tiba macam tak bersemangat je.

Sigh!~ I hope today she'll get even better. Her daddy's back from Manila today. On-board scanning ok tadi kata nya. Tapi, for sarah's sake, he's going to self quarantine kat rumah MIL for a couple of days, just to be on the safe side.

Harap-harap semua selamat. Amin!~

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