Early morning update on My Little Jewel
Hmm.. dah lama tak update about my little buah hati penagarang jantung kan?
Alhamdulillah, bulan ni, she's going to be 30 months old. Potty training?? She seemed to be unready to use the potty. She sits on it without any diaper, but just for play. She can tell when she's going to poop, but she doesn't say when she feels like a pee coming. my BIL said that we should just go cold turkey (somewhat). just let her roam around the house without her diaper on. Once she peed without the diaper, she'll get the hang of it. Hmmm... i dunno. What do you experienced mummy think? on my part, aku pun rasa aku yang tak ready... lols... potty training will be another sign that my baby is growing up... Sigh!~
About 2 weeks ago, she had a bout of fever, cold and coughing. We were extremely worried, but alhamdulillah, she's all better now. We've stopped giving her cod liver oil for a while when she got the flu, since she looked like she's gone muak of that thingy, but, after the bout of fever, we're giving it back to her, to increase her immunity to ward off diseases, insyaAllah. The fever also caused her to drop a kilo, but looking at her current appetite, i think she's making up for it now.
Currently, she's practicing for her concert, due in october. Hehe.. Tak sabar nak tengok!!
In terms of sociability... sangat lah friendly nya!! Sometimes dia tak layan, but sometimes, bila tiba friendly tu, mulut macam bertih goreng, pot-pet-pot-pet. Hehehe. Haritu, konon-konon nak warning daddy supaya jangan smack her bum bum. Dia cakap kat daddy, "If you smack my bum bum, i'm going to switch on your computer.." Hehehe... lawak.. tapi kontrol.. sebab it's not right for her to do that kan..
Ada sekali tu, daddydia jentik dia.. sikit je, atas diaper. Masa tukat rumah MIL, dia pun apa lagi.. main wayang baaaiiikkk punya. Menangis macam kena rotan. So dia nangis2 datang kat aku, aku pun hug dia sampai dia reda. Lepas tu, daddy panggil dia, offered her a hug. Dia cakap kat daddy, "Daddy, you don't jentik me anymore ok.." dengan muka sedih. Hehehe.. Kesian nengoknya.
Melaram pun dah pandai. Pilih baju tu biasa la kan. Pastu boleh pilih kasut mana nak pakai pulak... And then, amek handbag aku, claim tu handbag dia. Bila aku kata that's mine, dia boleh berdiplomatik pulak.. dia kata "we use it together, ok?" Hai.. sabar je lah.
Whatever it is, we are so very proud of her.
Sarah, i want you to know that we are very, very proud of you. Even though sometimes i might get angry at you, it's not because of you, it's because of the things that you may have done, that was improper. We love you so much in every way there is, and my little baby girl, you'll always, alwasy be mommy's little baby, no matter how old you are. :)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Pot Luck Ramadhan
Alhamdulillah, masih diberi peluang untuk bertemu lagi bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak tahun ini, insyaAllah.
Sempena menyamput ketibaan Ramadhan, bahagian kami (yang akan dipecah-pecahkan tidak lama lagi khabarnya) buat makan-makan sikit. Masing-masing bawa potluck sorang sikit. Ada yang bawak dalca, sambal tempoyak, gulai udang dengan nenas, uish.. bila dah keluarkan semua potluck tu, dari hujung sini, sampai hujung sinun... heheh. Penuh meja.
My menu? Aku bawa spaghetti bolognese, sebabnya aku rasa itu je yang sempat nak dibuat. Pulak tu, puan ada bagi aku sepokok oregano untuk ditanam, jadi aku amek kesempatan dah ada fresh oregano tu untuk buat bolognese sauce dan dimakan bersama spaghetti. Pagi-pagi konon nak bangun setengah jam lebih awal dari biasa untuk masak (pukul 5 pagi).. Alih-alih, bangun macam biasa gak. Heheh. Terpaksa minta excuse dari bos untuk masuk lewat sikit. Nasib baik bos i sporting. :)
Lagi satu menu, aku bawak banana pie. Resepi yang baru first time aku cuba, diambil dari majalah women's weekly. Senang dan nampak sedap, aku gamble je buat dan bawak ke opis.
Verdict? For both, budak2 kat opis kata sedap you.. Chewahh... kembang semangkuk i kejap. Nasib baik i pakai PB.. takla kembang sangat. Hehehe... Lady boss siap cakap "You ni pandai masak la." Ewahh... Huhuh.. Melonjak-lonjak rasa di hati. Iyela,orang tak pandai masak tiba-tiba kena puji pandai masak pulak. Kih kih kih... kelakar pun ada.
Dia tak tau.. spaghetti bolognese tu je la yang aku reti masak dari jaman dolu-dolu. Hihihi.. Benda lain?? Hagham tak reti. :p
Alhamdulillah, lain kali buleh la nak masak-masak bawak kat opis lagi.. Itupun, kalau masih di bahagian ini. Kalau kena transfer ke bahagian lain, dengan perangai-perangai poyo kebanyakan officer kat kementerian ni.. Isk... patahlah hatiiiii.... :(
Selamat berpuasa. Jangan lupa niat puasa nanti ye.
Alhamdulillah, masih diberi peluang untuk bertemu lagi bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak tahun ini, insyaAllah.
Sempena menyamput ketibaan Ramadhan, bahagian kami (yang akan dipecah-pecahkan tidak lama lagi khabarnya) buat makan-makan sikit. Masing-masing bawa potluck sorang sikit. Ada yang bawak dalca, sambal tempoyak, gulai udang dengan nenas, uish.. bila dah keluarkan semua potluck tu, dari hujung sini, sampai hujung sinun... heheh. Penuh meja.
My menu? Aku bawa spaghetti bolognese, sebabnya aku rasa itu je yang sempat nak dibuat. Pulak tu, puan ada bagi aku sepokok oregano untuk ditanam, jadi aku amek kesempatan dah ada fresh oregano tu untuk buat bolognese sauce dan dimakan bersama spaghetti. Pagi-pagi konon nak bangun setengah jam lebih awal dari biasa untuk masak (pukul 5 pagi).. Alih-alih, bangun macam biasa gak. Heheh. Terpaksa minta excuse dari bos untuk masuk lewat sikit. Nasib baik bos i sporting. :)
Lagi satu menu, aku bawak banana pie. Resepi yang baru first time aku cuba, diambil dari majalah women's weekly. Senang dan nampak sedap, aku gamble je buat dan bawak ke opis.
Verdict? For both, budak2 kat opis kata sedap you.. Chewahh... kembang semangkuk i kejap. Nasib baik i pakai PB.. takla kembang sangat. Hehehe... Lady boss siap cakap "You ni pandai masak la." Ewahh... Huhuh.. Melonjak-lonjak rasa di hati. Iyela,orang tak pandai masak tiba-tiba kena puji pandai masak pulak. Kih kih kih... kelakar pun ada.
Dia tak tau.. spaghetti bolognese tu je la yang aku reti masak dari jaman dolu-dolu. Hihihi.. Benda lain?? Hagham tak reti. :p
Alhamdulillah, lain kali buleh la nak masak-masak bawak kat opis lagi.. Itupun, kalau masih di bahagian ini. Kalau kena transfer ke bahagian lain, dengan perangai-perangai poyo kebanyakan officer kat kementerian ni.. Isk... patahlah hatiiiii.... :(
Selamat berpuasa. Jangan lupa niat puasa nanti ye.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stress Management Course... so called
Jumaat lepas, aku terima emel tentang notis panggilan menyertai Kursus Pengurusan Stress. Reaksi pertama? "Aku lagi???" Sebabnya, aku baru je ikuti kursus bahasa bulan lepas. Ni dapat pulak pergi kursus lagi. Untuk tidak menyusahkan diri aku sendiri, i decided to attend the course. Lagipun, bunyinya menarik. It is something that i can benefit from.
So, selepas setelkan penempatan sarah sementara aku menjalani kursus, aku pun pergila daftar masuk pada hari isnin malam. The first session was ice breaking. Initially i thought..ler.. boring betul la nak berice-breaking hapa kejadah kan.. tapi.. first session macam ok. Dia perkenal la sikit about stress.. Things taht basically we all already know, without even having to attend the course. Tapi takpe, i gave them the benefit of doubt. Layan je la kursus ni. Habis, terus balik, tidur. :)
The next day, the ridiculousness of the program starts. Pagi, sesi biasa. Penceramah pesan untuk dress appropriately, pakai seluar and pakai kasut sukan atau selipar untuk ativiti petang. Penceramah yg pesan. Organizer (satu bhg di kementerian) tak pesan pun untuk peserta bawa benda2 macam tu. So, aku memang tak bawak la mende2 tu semua. Kalau rumah sebelah tempat kursus tu lain la cerita.. ni satu kerja la pulak nak balik amek kan. Takpe...blasah.
Petang, lepas dia bagi taklimat sikit, every group diberi envelope tentang tugasan yang perlu dibuat. It involved doing unnecesssary things, taking unnecessary risks, buat benda bodoh like walking about 4km in the hot sun looking for stupid things, yag akhirnya, bila dapat, tak diterangkan pulak rasional aktiviti2 tersebut dijalankan. WTF kan? Yang ahli2 kumpulan ni pulak, mostly sokongan. they are used to taking orders and following. Takde justification, takde rationale, buat je. So, takkan la aku nak abandon group aku kan. Terpaksa la ikut jugak walaupun berbuih mulut aku cakap yg we're just wasting our time. End up, mmg sah la waste of time. Bangang.
Malam, benda yg sama. We had to walk around the hotel cari benda dari klu yang diberikan. Ada la dalam 20 benda ada kot. Klu2 nya adalah gambar yg diambil dari kedai2 persekitaran.So, we had to walk round and round to look for it.Yang sokongan ni, kita faham, dia terima arahan dan buat. No strategising whatsoever. Yg aku geram, when i told the group that we have to strategize supaya optimumkan effort kita.. eh tak.. dia nak cepat2 jalan sebab? group lain dah jalan. Lagi pun ada anggota group lain tu orang situ. Duhh.. benda tu kat sepang. Aku pun orang situ jugak. :p Bengang la aku. Terus aku cakap je.. habis kalau group lain masuk lombong kita pun masuk lombong la?
Habis aktiviti dlm 10.30 malam..Again, no ratinalizing. Takpe.. still bg benefit of doubt, maybe esok (last day) akan diterangkan rasional di sebalik kedua-dua aktiviti tersebut dijalankan.
Tiba hari yg ditunggu2.. pagi, dia lanjutkan penerangan serba sedikit abt stress management. Again, benda yg kita dah tau. Dia jugak ckp, sesi rationalizing akan diadakan pukul 11 pagi, sebelum sesi penyampaian sijil pukul 12. Fine, aku tunggu. Kita buat aktiviti dan presentation yang ntahapa2, juga tanpa penerangan apa rasional aktiviti tersebut dibuat. Tiba2, lepas presentation kumpulan, dia kata ok.. your boss punn dah ada di sini... and he got on with his thanks and last word. Aku pun apa lagi... we went through hell yesterday and you can't even tell us why we had to do it?? Sebelum sempat dia habiskan his last sords, aku angkat tgn, nk tanya. Bila diberi peluang, aku pun tanya la, "So what's the moral behind what we did yesterday?" Jawapan dia amat mengecewakan aku. Dia kata, oh, nak tunjukkan the kind of stress yang you (us) boleh alami when asked to do several things yang you tak boleh say no to. I was like. Fark it man... i don't need to be told how to get stressed. I think kami ramai2 yang dtg kursus ni dah ada stress tiap2 hari di office, tak perlu buat aktiviti bangang macam semalam pun kami dah ada stress. What we need to know is how to manage it. Bodoh. Sayangnya, aku tak dapat lanjutkan perdebatan tu sbb masa dah tamat and i'd rather go back dari menghadap muka so called prof madya tu.
Did i mention what we had to do? Kitorang kena pergi disuruh dapatkan maklumat di balaik polis, tapi since diorang tak selaraskan dengan pihak balai, maklumat yg dikehendaki tak boleh diberi atas alasan sulit. Pastu kena pergi gas station tanya how much is petrol need to be sold to cover daily operations. Benda yg you can calculate, tapi, tu la, being with teh other group members yang just do it.. pergi jugak .. 2 - 4 km ye.. jalan. And i didn't bring my sports shoe. I walked with 2.5inch heels. I went back kaki ayam coz y feet couldn't take it anymore. And did i mention that we had to cross a 4-lane highway to get from the IPD to the gas station. Masa tu banyak pulak kenderaan berat. All that unnecessary risk for what? Dahla tak diterangkan apa rasionalnya, i had to ask for it pulak tu. And the 5 hour ordeal diterangkan dalam masa less than 5 minutes. Tak marah? Bongok. Course paling bongok aku pernah pergi.
My marks for borang maklumbalas ranged from 1(lemah) to 2(tidak memuaskan), plus a lengthy comment. Hope they revise the course.
Jumaat lepas, aku terima emel tentang notis panggilan menyertai Kursus Pengurusan Stress. Reaksi pertama? "Aku lagi???" Sebabnya, aku baru je ikuti kursus bahasa bulan lepas. Ni dapat pulak pergi kursus lagi. Untuk tidak menyusahkan diri aku sendiri, i decided to attend the course. Lagipun, bunyinya menarik. It is something that i can benefit from.
So, selepas setelkan penempatan sarah sementara aku menjalani kursus, aku pun pergila daftar masuk pada hari isnin malam. The first session was ice breaking. Initially i thought..ler.. boring betul la nak berice-breaking hapa kejadah kan.. tapi.. first session macam ok. Dia perkenal la sikit about stress.. Things taht basically we all already know, without even having to attend the course. Tapi takpe, i gave them the benefit of doubt. Layan je la kursus ni. Habis, terus balik, tidur. :)
The next day, the ridiculousness of the program starts. Pagi, sesi biasa. Penceramah pesan untuk dress appropriately, pakai seluar and pakai kasut sukan atau selipar untuk ativiti petang. Penceramah yg pesan. Organizer (satu bhg di kementerian) tak pesan pun untuk peserta bawa benda2 macam tu. So, aku memang tak bawak la mende2 tu semua. Kalau rumah sebelah tempat kursus tu lain la cerita.. ni satu kerja la pulak nak balik amek kan. Takpe...blasah.
Petang, lepas dia bagi taklimat sikit, every group diberi envelope tentang tugasan yang perlu dibuat. It involved doing unnecesssary things, taking unnecessary risks, buat benda bodoh like walking about 4km in the hot sun looking for stupid things, yag akhirnya, bila dapat, tak diterangkan pulak rasional aktiviti2 tersebut dijalankan. WTF kan? Yang ahli2 kumpulan ni pulak, mostly sokongan. they are used to taking orders and following. Takde justification, takde rationale, buat je. So, takkan la aku nak abandon group aku kan. Terpaksa la ikut jugak walaupun berbuih mulut aku cakap yg we're just wasting our time. End up, mmg sah la waste of time. Bangang.
Malam, benda yg sama. We had to walk around the hotel cari benda dari klu yang diberikan. Ada la dalam 20 benda ada kot. Klu2 nya adalah gambar yg diambil dari kedai2 persekitaran.So, we had to walk round and round to look for it.Yang sokongan ni, kita faham, dia terima arahan dan buat. No strategising whatsoever. Yg aku geram, when i told the group that we have to strategize supaya optimumkan effort kita.. eh tak.. dia nak cepat2 jalan sebab? group lain dah jalan. Lagi pun ada anggota group lain tu orang situ. Duhh.. benda tu kat sepang. Aku pun orang situ jugak. :p Bengang la aku. Terus aku cakap je.. habis kalau group lain masuk lombong kita pun masuk lombong la?
Habis aktiviti dlm 10.30 malam..Again, no ratinalizing. Takpe.. still bg benefit of doubt, maybe esok (last day) akan diterangkan rasional di sebalik kedua-dua aktiviti tersebut dijalankan.
Tiba hari yg ditunggu2.. pagi, dia lanjutkan penerangan serba sedikit abt stress management. Again, benda yg kita dah tau. Dia jugak ckp, sesi rationalizing akan diadakan pukul 11 pagi, sebelum sesi penyampaian sijil pukul 12. Fine, aku tunggu. Kita buat aktiviti dan presentation yang ntahapa2, juga tanpa penerangan apa rasional aktiviti tersebut dibuat. Tiba2, lepas presentation kumpulan, dia kata ok.. your boss punn dah ada di sini... and he got on with his thanks and last word. Aku pun apa lagi... we went through hell yesterday and you can't even tell us why we had to do it?? Sebelum sempat dia habiskan his last sords, aku angkat tgn, nk tanya. Bila diberi peluang, aku pun tanya la, "So what's the moral behind what we did yesterday?" Jawapan dia amat mengecewakan aku. Dia kata, oh, nak tunjukkan the kind of stress yang you (us) boleh alami when asked to do several things yang you tak boleh say no to. I was like. Fark it man... i don't need to be told how to get stressed. I think kami ramai2 yang dtg kursus ni dah ada stress tiap2 hari di office, tak perlu buat aktiviti bangang macam semalam pun kami dah ada stress. What we need to know is how to manage it. Bodoh. Sayangnya, aku tak dapat lanjutkan perdebatan tu sbb masa dah tamat and i'd rather go back dari menghadap muka so called prof madya tu.
Did i mention what we had to do? Kitorang kena pergi disuruh dapatkan maklumat di balaik polis, tapi since diorang tak selaraskan dengan pihak balai, maklumat yg dikehendaki tak boleh diberi atas alasan sulit. Pastu kena pergi gas station tanya how much is petrol need to be sold to cover daily operations. Benda yg you can calculate, tapi, tu la, being with teh other group members yang just do it.. pergi jugak .. 2 - 4 km ye.. jalan. And i didn't bring my sports shoe. I walked with 2.5inch heels. I went back kaki ayam coz y feet couldn't take it anymore. And did i mention that we had to cross a 4-lane highway to get from the IPD to the gas station. Masa tu banyak pulak kenderaan berat. All that unnecessary risk for what? Dahla tak diterangkan apa rasionalnya, i had to ask for it pulak tu. And the 5 hour ordeal diterangkan dalam masa less than 5 minutes. Tak marah? Bongok. Course paling bongok aku pernah pergi.
My marks for borang maklumbalas ranged from 1(lemah) to 2(tidak memuaskan), plus a lengthy comment. Hope they revise the course.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I don't know why, but today (rather, lately) i've been feeling quite nostalgic. Mengimbau kenangan lalu.. hehehe..
Korang ingat lagi tak gambar ni? Tadi aku search google for that favourite tutor of ours masa kita first year dulu. Guess what.. it's been 10 years now since we were in first year. Like wow.. sepuluh tahun dah. Tak dapat cari any maklumat about tutor sorang ni. Isk... i do hope i can contact him. Saja nak ambil tahu perkembangan dia.. anak dah berapa, masih suka tengok dan nyanyilagu hindustan lagi ke.. Hehehe..
Seronok kan masa belajar dulu? No worries... the only worries masa tu pun, tutorial siapa yang nak dibuat contoh (read:tiru), kuiz dr awan... hahaha..., *stimulate* vs. simulate dr os.. Lagi satu lecturer siapa yg suka bawak rantingpanjang dlm kelas tu.. heheh... isk.. aku suka subjek tu.. Tapi mmg killer subjek kan.. terbunuh la aku. Hahaha..
Apa-apa daa.. Janji harini aku rasa ok. Sarah pun dah tak demam, suami pun dah nak balik.. So, i'm pretty happy.
Enjoy the very nostalgic photo. :)
I don't know why, but today (rather, lately) i've been feeling quite nostalgic. Mengimbau kenangan lalu.. hehehe..
Korang ingat lagi tak gambar ni? Tadi aku search google for that favourite tutor of ours masa kita first year dulu. Guess what.. it's been 10 years now since we were in first year. Like wow.. sepuluh tahun dah. Tak dapat cari any maklumat about tutor sorang ni. Isk... i do hope i can contact him. Saja nak ambil tahu perkembangan dia.. anak dah berapa, masih suka tengok dan nyanyilagu hindustan lagi ke.. Hehehe..
Seronok kan masa belajar dulu? No worries... the only worries masa tu pun, tutorial siapa yang nak dibuat contoh (read:tiru), kuiz dr awan... hahaha..., *stimulate* vs. simulate dr os.. Lagi satu lecturer siapa yg suka bawak rantingpanjang dlm kelas tu.. heheh... isk.. aku suka subjek tu.. Tapi mmg killer subjek kan.. terbunuh la aku. Hahaha..
Apa-apa daa.. Janji harini aku rasa ok. Sarah pun dah tak demam, suami pun dah nak balik.. So, i'm pretty happy.
Enjoy the very nostalgic photo. :)

Friday, August 07, 2009
Reserve Your Comments. I'm Not Your Friend
Aku menyampah bila orang buat komen yang aku rasa personal when that person is not even my friend.
Just because you're my colleague doesn't automatically make you my friend. Therefore, please reserve whatever comments that you may find interesting to yourself. I can't be bothered with them. I think more often than not, i can't understand a word you're saying and the things that you say are lame and pathetic.
I guess old farts doesn't change. Heh.
Tu diaa.. mula posting dengan kata-kata nista tu. Chewah. Bukan apa. Aku rasa menyampah kat officemate sorang ni. We were at the pantry having lunch. Kebetulan pulak harini ramai orangyang aku tak berapa kenal kat situ, mostly guys. We ladies were sitting at the end of the table, her included. We just ate and borak-borak la sikit, over lunch. Tiba-tiba dia nak buat komen abaout my appearance konon, compare masa aku belumkawen. Fark it woman. I just got to know you about 3 months back and here you are yapping at me about something that's personal to me like you've known me for years? Sorry.. i'm not your kind yang menjaja segala cerita dalam kain kelambu semua to sesiapa sahaja yang sudi mendengar. Dari mula2 dia masuk pun memang aku stay away sikit dari dia, sebab memang aku rasa tak comfortable dengan her over-friendliness. I guess i was right and i should keep my distance.
Huh. Bosan betul ada manusia macam ni. Sibuk jaga tepi kain orang. Kain sendiri koyak rabak tak nampak. Jenis yang nampak koyak di kain sendiri pulak, bukan nak tutup, malah nak selak pulak lagi. Macam-macam.
Wokey.. cukup sesi luah perasaan. Nasib baik ada lagi sikit saki-baki kebunga-bungaan. Kurangla sikit itu amarah. :)
Aku menyampah bila orang buat komen yang aku rasa personal when that person is not even my friend.
Just because you're my colleague doesn't automatically make you my friend. Therefore, please reserve whatever comments that you may find interesting to yourself. I can't be bothered with them. I think more often than not, i can't understand a word you're saying and the things that you say are lame and pathetic.
I guess old farts doesn't change. Heh.
Tu diaa.. mula posting dengan kata-kata nista tu. Chewah. Bukan apa. Aku rasa menyampah kat officemate sorang ni. We were at the pantry having lunch. Kebetulan pulak harini ramai orangyang aku tak berapa kenal kat situ, mostly guys. We ladies were sitting at the end of the table, her included. We just ate and borak-borak la sikit, over lunch. Tiba-tiba dia nak buat komen abaout my appearance konon, compare masa aku belumkawen. Fark it woman. I just got to know you about 3 months back and here you are yapping at me about something that's personal to me like you've known me for years? Sorry.. i'm not your kind yang menjaja segala cerita dalam kain kelambu semua to sesiapa sahaja yang sudi mendengar. Dari mula2 dia masuk pun memang aku stay away sikit dari dia, sebab memang aku rasa tak comfortable dengan her over-friendliness. I guess i was right and i should keep my distance.
Huh. Bosan betul ada manusia macam ni. Sibuk jaga tepi kain orang. Kain sendiri koyak rabak tak nampak. Jenis yang nampak koyak di kain sendiri pulak, bukan nak tutup, malah nak selak pulak lagi. Macam-macam.
Wokey.. cukup sesi luah perasaan. Nasib baik ada lagi sikit saki-baki kebunga-bungaan. Kurangla sikit itu amarah. :)
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Huh. I really, really can't stand stupidity on the road. SERIOUSLY. I can't say it enough. I can't stand stupidity and dumbness on the road. Dumb people with slow reaction time and low processing power and couldn't compute simple things in a snap should just take public transportation to wherever it is that they want to go. Saves everyone else the trouble.
There. That didn't quite start my day right.
Luckily something else happened that kinda made my day. I'll reserve the details just for me though. Hehe. Biarlah aku dengan kebunga-bungaan ku. :)
Yesterday, the school sent us a notice, saying that there was a case of H1N1 detected on a student. However, the officers from the Health Office had come to check the premises and allowed the school's daily operation. I sure hope everything is ok. If mu hubby's home, i have a choice to not send sarah to school. But now that hubby's away, i don't really have a choice. Sigh!~ Semoga Allah selamatkan kita dan anak-anak kita dari wabak penyakit dan bala bencana. Amin!~
Huh. I really, really can't stand stupidity on the road. SERIOUSLY. I can't say it enough. I can't stand stupidity and dumbness on the road. Dumb people with slow reaction time and low processing power and couldn't compute simple things in a snap should just take public transportation to wherever it is that they want to go. Saves everyone else the trouble.
There. That didn't quite start my day right.
Luckily something else happened that kinda made my day. I'll reserve the details just for me though. Hehe. Biarlah aku dengan kebunga-bungaan ku. :)
Yesterday, the school sent us a notice, saying that there was a case of H1N1 detected on a student. However, the officers from the Health Office had come to check the premises and allowed the school's daily operation. I sure hope everything is ok. If mu hubby's home, i have a choice to not send sarah to school. But now that hubby's away, i don't really have a choice. Sigh!~ Semoga Allah selamatkan kita dan anak-anak kita dari wabak penyakit dan bala bencana. Amin!~
Monday, August 03, 2009
Trip To The Zoo

As i've mentioned in my previous post, here's some piccas from our recent zoo trip. It wasn't as bad as imagined it would be. The two girls were manageable, as they both were at their best behavior. Sarah was a little clingy towards me, but it was still ok. A little tiring, but it's ok.
First we walked around the zoo to see the animals. Had a chance to watch the animal show at the amphitheatre. The girls had fun, so did we. :) Then we walked some more, and stopped at the restaurant to rest and have some snacks. Unfortunately the, the place was pretty horrible and smelt like pee and roaches, so we made our way out and lepak at the ice cream cafe instead. The ice cream were soooo overpriced! Imagine, the simple wall's ice cream that you can get for 5 bucks for a 1.5L container, they sold it for 3 bucks per scoop there. You have to pay an extra 80cents for the chocolate sauce. Ridiculous ain't it? Sigh. What to do...
The zoo didn't feel as big as it did when i was little. We enjoyed walking around. They now have a children's corner, where they put in barn animals and they allow visitors to pat and touch the animals. If you happen to go there ladies, i would advice you not to pat the pony too much. I did, and the pony kinda followed us around. The only problem is that it's "member" was getting engorged!! Heh. We fled the scene a.s.a.p. Tapi macam kesian kat pony tu. Hehe. gerbang takde mate. So, when you go there, do be careful so as not to overstimulate the poor pony, ok?
Before we left, we took a tram to go round the zoo. Ada pulak production house yang buat shooting masa tu. While we're waiting for the tram to move, ada la mamat actor ni datang, tanyang muka. Kitorang buat dek je. Tapi adalah family lain yang macam excited tengok dia meluangkan masa borak2. We just couldn't give a hoot, you know?
Balik, pergi singgah KFC for a real fried chicken fast food. Yummy.
Sampai rumah, anak aku ajak nak pergi lagi. Uhuh... nanti la dulu ye sayang girl. Nexxxxttttt time.

As i've mentioned in my previous post, here's some piccas from our recent zoo trip. It wasn't as bad as imagined it would be. The two girls were manageable, as they both were at their best behavior. Sarah was a little clingy towards me, but it was still ok. A little tiring, but it's ok.
First we walked around the zoo to see the animals. Had a chance to watch the animal show at the amphitheatre. The girls had fun, so did we. :) Then we walked some more, and stopped at the restaurant to rest and have some snacks. Unfortunately the, the place was pretty horrible and smelt like pee and roaches, so we made our way out and lepak at the ice cream cafe instead. The ice cream were soooo overpriced! Imagine, the simple wall's ice cream that you can get for 5 bucks for a 1.5L container, they sold it for 3 bucks per scoop there. You have to pay an extra 80cents for the chocolate sauce. Ridiculous ain't it? Sigh. What to do...
The zoo didn't feel as big as it did when i was little. We enjoyed walking around. They now have a children's corner, where they put in barn animals and they allow visitors to pat and touch the animals. If you happen to go there ladies, i would advice you not to pat the pony too much. I did, and the pony kinda followed us around. The only problem is that it's "member" was getting engorged!! Heh. We fled the scene a.s.a.p. Tapi macam kesian kat pony tu. Hehe. gerbang takde mate. So, when you go there, do be careful so as not to overstimulate the poor pony, ok?
Before we left, we took a tram to go round the zoo. Ada pulak production house yang buat shooting masa tu. While we're waiting for the tram to move, ada la mamat actor ni datang, tanyang muka. Kitorang buat dek je. Tapi adalah family lain yang macam excited tengok dia meluangkan masa borak2. We just couldn't give a hoot, you know?
Balik, pergi singgah KFC for a real fried chicken fast food. Yummy.
Sampai rumah, anak aku ajak nak pergi lagi. Uhuh... nanti la dulu ye sayang girl. Nexxxxttttt time.
Hectic Weekend
Alhamdulillah, weekend lepas dah pun berlalu. Hectic, but still managebale, and most importantly, enjoyable. :) Oh, the week before had been fun too. We managed to go to the zoo with the two girls. Nanti la cerita, berserta gambar. Harni cerita tentang benda2 tanpa gambar.
Our event at PWTC went well. Although ada hiccups here and there, tidaklah sampai menjejaskan keseleruhan majlis tersebut. Walaupun tahun rasanya event ni tak se gah tahun-tahun sebelumnya, but it made quite a good impact. The result surpasses the expectation. Kira okla kan.
We had the official dinner on friday. Heh. Gila. Official dinner oleh YBTM. HOD tak ramai, ada sorang dua je. Ada delegates from Indonesia. Kitroang ajak mereka poco-poco. Guess who went on stage... no, not one round... THREE. :D Hari ni tunggu-tunggu jugak, kalau kalau ada yang kena surat tunjuk sebab. Heheh. Tapi, tak salah rasanya menghayati kebudayaan negara jiran. ;)
Saturday, tahlil and BBQ di rumah nenek. Lawaknya, pakcik yang bawa tahlil tu terlupa nak bertahlil. Jadila dia baca yasin berjemaah. :) Takpelah. BBQ was super. Sarah had smashing time with her cousins. Aku je tak larat nak layan dia. Tidur pun lambat malam tu. Try bagi dia makan ketam. Dia sangat suka. Nasib baik tak ada naik rashes. Risau juga sebab lately ni, dia macam kena eczema. Yang kitorang notice the triggers were chicken, prawns and eggs. Pelik bila makan ketam ok pulak. Nanti nak try bagi semula ayam/telur/udang. Ada reaction ke tak.
Mama cakap, the first thing that my cousins did when they arrived was selongkar album2 lama. Siap la lepas ni mesti dalam fb keluar la muka zaman dinosour tu. Huhu. Bersedia je la. Demmit.
Hmm.. dah tak reti nak bercerita. Kenapa ye...?
Alhamdulillah, weekend lepas dah pun berlalu. Hectic, but still managebale, and most importantly, enjoyable. :) Oh, the week before had been fun too. We managed to go to the zoo with the two girls. Nanti la cerita, berserta gambar. Harni cerita tentang benda2 tanpa gambar.
Our event at PWTC went well. Although ada hiccups here and there, tidaklah sampai menjejaskan keseleruhan majlis tersebut. Walaupun tahun rasanya event ni tak se gah tahun-tahun sebelumnya, but it made quite a good impact. The result surpasses the expectation. Kira okla kan.
We had the official dinner on friday. Heh. Gila. Official dinner oleh YBTM. HOD tak ramai, ada sorang dua je. Ada delegates from Indonesia. Kitroang ajak mereka poco-poco. Guess who went on stage... no, not one round... THREE. :D Hari ni tunggu-tunggu jugak, kalau kalau ada yang kena surat tunjuk sebab. Heheh. Tapi, tak salah rasanya menghayati kebudayaan negara jiran. ;)
Saturday, tahlil and BBQ di rumah nenek. Lawaknya, pakcik yang bawa tahlil tu terlupa nak bertahlil. Jadila dia baca yasin berjemaah. :) Takpelah. BBQ was super. Sarah had smashing time with her cousins. Aku je tak larat nak layan dia. Tidur pun lambat malam tu. Try bagi dia makan ketam. Dia sangat suka. Nasib baik tak ada naik rashes. Risau juga sebab lately ni, dia macam kena eczema. Yang kitorang notice the triggers were chicken, prawns and eggs. Pelik bila makan ketam ok pulak. Nanti nak try bagi semula ayam/telur/udang. Ada reaction ke tak.
Mama cakap, the first thing that my cousins did when they arrived was selongkar album2 lama. Siap la lepas ni mesti dalam fb keluar la muka zaman dinosour tu. Huhu. Bersedia je la. Demmit.
Hmm.. dah tak reti nak bercerita. Kenapa ye...?
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