Thursday, August 06, 2009


Huh. I really, really can't stand stupidity on the road. SERIOUSLY. I can't say it enough. I can't stand stupidity and dumbness on the road. Dumb people with slow reaction time and low processing power and couldn't compute simple things in a snap should just take public transportation to wherever it is that they want to go. Saves everyone else the trouble.

There. That didn't quite start my day right.

Luckily something else happened that kinda made my day. I'll reserve the details just for me though. Hehe. Biarlah aku dengan kebunga-bungaan ku. :)

Yesterday, the school sent us a notice, saying that there was a case of H1N1 detected on a student. However, the officers from the Health Office had come to check the premises and allowed the school's daily operation. I sure hope everything is ok. If mu hubby's home, i have a choice to not send sarah to school. But now that hubby's away, i don't really have a choice. Sigh!~ Semoga Allah selamatkan kita dan anak-anak kita dari wabak penyakit dan bala bencana. Amin!~

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