Two weeks of posting absence. Kira hibernating la tu. Ye la, juadah raya yang masuk ke perut macam-macam, hibernating mode je la kerjanya. :)Idea untuk posting pun jadi tak ada. Huh.
Anyways, alhamdulillah, dah masuk minggu kedua kita beraya kan? Beraya? Hmm... aku rasa this year rayaku tidak banyak kemana-mana. Rasanya satu rumah je yang aku beraya, minus rumah mama and MIL's la. Huh.. teruknya... Tapi, yang best, this year alhamdulillah, ramai yang sudi menjenguk kami di rumah ni. :) Happy kami semua di Nine's ni. :)
First week of raya, aznor datang with hubby and faiq hensem. :) Pastu diikuti dengan my cousins sebelah arwah babah. This weekend pulak, pakcik-makcik sebelah arwah datang rumah, pastu esok, kawan-kawan dari ofis. :) Huh.. Huru-hara gak tadi. Ye lah, pakcik-pakcik ku itu, bagi notis sejam je lebih kurang. I dah plan nak keluar beli groceries. Hubby pulak kena tidur sebab nak fly malam ni. Huh.. so, hidang pizza je ler tadi. Lols. :)
Hmm.. tadi tengok Grey's anatomy. Huhu.. episod Izzie kawen dengan Karev. So sweet! :) Rindu kat hubby sendiri.. Uhuk.. Hubby had to go for two weeks detachment. Kinda difficult sebab dah terbiasa hubby ada kat rumah for the past one month. Dah la Manila tengah dilanda typhoon teruk. huh.. risau wooo. Semoga Allah selamatkan dia, mudahkan pekerjaannya, Amin!~
Dah la hubby's away. Aku pulak kena pergi PAC (assessment) hujung minggu depan. Lama-tak-lama, ada la jugak tiga hari, tiga malam aku kena berjauhan dari anak aku. Huh. Kalau bukan PAC ni penting untuk kemajuan kerjaya, silap la aku nak pergi. Kesian sarah, 3 malam parents dia tak ada nak teman tidur. Terpaksa aku tinggalkan dia dengan my MIL and FIL, berserta maid aku. Risau jugak, sebab MIL and FIL bukannya sihat sangat nak menjaga budak yang tengah lasak tu (even though they insist that they're fine). Tapi, considering that sarah will be away at school most of the time, and i expect to be home by saturday afternoon, i pray to Allah that all will be well. I do hope that sarah will be ok and at her best behavior when i'm away, both MIL and FIL will be ok and my assessment will see me through with flying colors. Amin!~
Hehe.. semalam cikgu sarah told me something that made me jumped. Dia kata, "she wanted to sing, so, we're letting her." Ermm.. no, she wasn't talking about her singing in front of her little toddler friends. She's talking about my 31-months kiddo performing solo for her concert! They're going to have this talentime cum concert thingy at the end of this month, to see the graduation of the older kids, and to see some shows that they're putting up. The ECP class(Early Childhood Program for 3 y.os) that my little girl is attending is going to perform a dance, which i've been told earlier. We're very excited about it and can't wait for the big day. Tapi, when the teacher told me that she's gonna perform solo..... Mak aiii... i was terkejut + flabbergasted + overwhelmed + amazed + excited + elated.... you name whatever feeling, i can tell you that i feel each and every one of it (the positive feelings la). When asked what song she's going to sing. Cikgu dia cakap, "you ask her yourself" sambil tersengih-sengih. Isk.. Bila aku tanya anak aku, macam-macam lagu dia cakap.. Adeyyyy... Terpaksa la wait and see hujung bulan ni. :)
Makin besar, makin panjang je akalnya. Ada je benda yang dia nak jawab. Haritu, lepas kitorang makan tengah hari, we were persuading her to finish up her cup of water. Agaknya dia dah boring with our persuasion, dia boleh cakap kat kitorang, "I'm fasting"... Aku dengan Dan terkelip-kelip... Geraaammmmm... tapi cam.. sabar je la budak kecik ni.. Heheheh... (Aznor.. ulang siaran untuk ko..hihi..)
Hmm... ok la tu kot... random thoughts on a lonely night without my hubby around. Sigh!~ Mulanya nak cari materials untuk assessment nanti. Isk.. tak prepare apa pun... Newspaper pun tak baca... Camne nanti kalau kena public speaking ni.. Uhuhuhhuuu... Lantok le... Malas teman nak mikio nye...
Nity nite amigos... Oh.. kasi gambar raya satu....

1 comment:
alahai geramnyer nengok si kicik tuh.. tgk cara dia sengeih tau da ada macam2 plan dlm kapla dia.. heheheh.. kiut tul sara.. !!..
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